910 resultados para Hooker, Richard, 1553 or 4-1600.


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Con el objetivo de determinar la frecuencia de infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas (IRABs) causadas por el virus sincitial respiratorio (VSR), en niños menores de dos años, hospitalizados en el servicio de pediatría del hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo, realizado en 163 niños/as menores de 2 años de edad, con infección respiratoria aguda baja. Se estudió al universo, es decir al total de la población seleccionada durante el período de 6 meses. Se evaluó la presencia del VSR en secreción nasal mediante la utilización de inmunoensayo de flujo lateral a través de un formato tipo test pack (Clearview RSV), que tiene una sensibilidad del 70 al 95%. Se incluyó en sangre: hemograma y proteína C reactiva y a todos los niños se solicitó una radiografía de tórax. Se estudió la relación entre infección por virus sincitial respiratorio y factores de riesgo: prematuridad, displasia broncopulmonar, ventilación mecánica, cardiopatía y síndrome de Down. Resultados: la frecuencia de positividad para el virus sincitial respiratorio en la población estudiada fue del 22.7%. El grupo de edad con mayor número de casos fue el de 1-3 meses con el 59.5%. Los hombres fueron el grupo con mayor porcentaje de resultado positivos 80%. Hubo asociación estadística significativa con los factores de riesgo: ventilación mecánica OR 6.40 (IC: 1.45 – 28.2) y displasia broncopulmonar OR 4.97 (IC: 1.06 – 23.3). Conclusiones: la frecuencia de virus sincitial respiratorio encontrada en nuestra investigación es menor a la reportada en la literatura revisada y está asociada a displasia broncopulmonar y ventilación mecánica


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We used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate whether an acute bout of resistance exercise with blood flow restriction (BFR) stimulated changes in corticomotor excitability (motor evoked potential, MEP) and short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), and compared the responses to two traditional resistance exercise methods. Ten males completed four unilateral elbow flexion exercise trials in a balanced, randomized crossover design: (1) heavy-load (HL: 80% one-repetition maximum [1-RM]); (2) light-load (LL; 20% 1-RM) and two other light-load trials with BFR applied; (3) continuously at 80% resting systolic blood pressure (BFR-C); or (4) intermittently at 130% resting systolic blood pressure (BFR-I). MEP amplitude and SICI were measured using TMS at baseline, and at four time-points over a 60 min post-exercise period. MEP amplitude increased rapidly (within 5 min post-exercise) for BFR-C and remained elevated for 60 min post-exercise compared with all other trials. MEP amplitudes increased for up to 20 and 40 min for LL and BFR-I, respectively. These findings provide evidence that BFR resistance exercise can modulate corticomotor excitability, possibly due to altered sensory feedback via group III and IV afferents. This response may be an acute indication of neuromuscular adaptations that underpin changes in muscle strength following a BFR resistance training programme.


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There is a paucity of evidence-based support for the allocation of rest interval duration between incremental loads in the assessment of the load-power profile. We examined the effect of rest interval duration on muscular power production in the load-power profile and sought to determine if greater rest is required with increasing load (i.e., variable rest interval). Ten physically trained men completed 4 experimental conditions in a crossover balanced design. Participants performed jump squats across incremental loads (0-60 kg) on 4 occasions, with an allocated recovery interval of 1, 2, 3, or 4 minutes. The mean log-transformed power output at each load was used for comparison between conditions (rest intervals). Unloaded jump squats (0 kg) maximized power output at each condition. The maximal mechanical power output was 66.6 ± 6.5 W·kg (1 minute), 66.2 ± 5.2 W·kg (2 minutes), 67.1 ± 5.9 W·kg (3 minutes), and 66.2 ± 6.5 W·kg (4 minutes). Trivial or unclear differences in power output were observed between rest intervals at each incremental load. As expected, power declined per 10 kg increment in load, the magnitude of decrease was 13.9-14.5% (confidence limits [CL]: ±1.3-2.0%) and 13.4-14.6% (CL: ±2.4-3.9%) for relative peak and mean power, respectively, yet differences in power output between conditions were likely insubstantial. The prescription of rest intervals between loads that are longer than 1 minute have a likely negligible effect on muscular power production in the jump squat incremental load-power profile. Practitioners should select either a 1- to 4-minute rest interval to best accommodate the logistical constraints of their monitoring sessions.


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Accumulating evidence show positive relationships between eating rate and body weight. Acute food intake is affected by eating rate, bite size, and palatability. The objective was to assess differences between participants who chose to use a spoon vs. fork in eating rate and food intake of four meals that differ in palatability (low vs. high salt) and in energy density (low vs. high fat). Forty-eight healthy adults (16 males, 18-54 y, BMI: 17.8-34.4 kg/m2) were recruited. Participants attended four lunch time sessions after a standardised breakfast. Meals were either (1) low-fat/low-salt, (2) low-fat/high-salt, (3) high-fat/low-salt, or (4) high-fat/high-salt. Nineteen participants (6 males) consistently used a fork and 21 (8 males) used a spoon, 8 participants were inconsistent in cutlery use and excluded from analyses. Spoon users had on average a higher BMI than fork users (p=0.006). Effects of cutlery use, BMI status (BMI<25 vs. BMI>25), salt, and fat, and their interactions were assessed in a General Linear Model. Spoon users consumed faster (fork: 53±2.8g/min; spoon: 62±2.1g/min, p=0.022) and tended to consume more (p=0.09), whereas the duration of the meals were similar (fork: 6.9±0.3min; spoon: 6:7±0.2min, p=0.55). BMI status affected both eating rate and food intake (p=0.005). There were no significant two-way or three-way interactions between salt, fat, and cutlery use on eating rate or food intake. In conclusion, participants who chose to consume with forks ate slower compared to spoon users.


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OBJECTIVE: Pricing strategies are a promising approach for promoting healthier dietary choices. However, robust evidence of the cost-effectiveness of pricing manipulations on dietary behaviour is limited. We aimed to assess the cost-effectiveness of a 20% price reduction on fruits and vegetables and a combined skills-based behaviour change and price reduction intervention. DESIGN AND METHODS: Cost-effectiveness analysis from a societal perspective was undertaken for the randomized controlled trial Supermarket Healthy Eating for Life (SHELf). Female shoppers in Melbourne, Australia were randomized to: (1) skill-building (n = 160); (2) price reductions (n = 161); (3) combined skill-building and price reduction (n = 161); or (4) control group (n = 161). The intervention was implemented for three months followed by a six month follow-up. Costs were measured in 2012 Australian dollars. Fruit and vegetable purchasing and consumption were measured in grams/week. RESULTS: At three months, compared to control participants, price reduction participants increased vegetable purchases by 233 g/week (95% CI 4 to 462, p = 0.046) and fruit purchases by 364 g/week (95% CI 95 to 633, p = 0.008). Participants in the combined group purchased 280 g/week more fruits (95% CI 27 to 533, p = 0.03) than participants in the control group. Increases were not maintained six-month post intervention. No effect was noticed in the skill-building group. Compared to the control group, the price reduction intervention cost an additional A$2.3 per increased serving of vegetables purchased per week or an additional A$3 per increased serving of fruit purchased per week. The combined intervention cost an additional A$12 per increased serving of fruit purchased per week compared to the control group. CONCLUSIONS: A 20% discount on fruits and vegetables was effective in promoting overall fruit and vegetable purchases during the period the discount was active and may be cost-effective. The price discount program gave better value for money than the combined price reduction and skill-building intervention. The SHELf trial is registered with Current Controlled Trials Registration ISRCTN39432901.


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Question:Does continuity of care improve control of clinical risk factors in people with diabetes?Study design:Cross-sectional community-based survey.Main results:85.5% of participants had continuity of care (single care site and usual provider), 9.3% had a single care site but different providers, and 5.2% had no usual source of care. Good glycaemic control was more likely with continuity of care or single care site compared with no usual source of care (continuity of care: OR 4.62, 95% CI 2.02 to 10.60; single care site: OR 6.13, 95% CI 2.08 to 18.04). There were no significant differences between groups with a usual site. There was no increased likelihood of good control of blood pressure or lipid level among groups.Authors’ conclusionsThere is evidence that good glycaemic control is more likely among people whose diabetic care is provided from one site, regardless of whether it is provided by the same practitioner.


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The Kidney Exchange Problem (KEP) is an optimisation problem that was first discussed in Rapaport (1986) but has only more recently been the subject of much work by combinatorial optimisation re-searchers. This has been in parallel with its increased prevalence in the medical community. In the basic formulation of a KEP, each instance of the problem features a directed graph D = (V,A) . Each node i ∈ V represents an incompatible pair wherein the patient needs to trade kidneys with the patient of another incompatible pair. The goal is to find an optimal set of cycles such that as many patients as possible receive a transplant. The problem is further complicated by the imposition of a cycle-size constraint, usually considered to be 3 or 4. Kidney exchange programs around the world implement different algorithms to solve the allocation problem by matching up kidneys from potential donors to patients. In some systems all transplants are considered equally desirable, whereas in others, ranking criteria such as the age of the patient or distance they will need to travel are applied, hence the multi-criteria nature of the KEP. To address the multi-criteria aspect of the KEP, in this paper we propose a two-stage approach for the kidney exchange optimisation problem. In the first stage the goal is to find the optimal number of exchanges, and in the second stage the goal is to maximise the weighted sum of the kidney matches, subject to the added constraint that the number of exchanges must remain optimal. The idea can potentially be extended to multiple-objectives, by repeating the process in multiple runs. In our preliminary numerical experiments, we first find the maximum number of kidney matches by using an existing open source exact algorithm of Anderson et al. (2015). The solution will then be used as an initial solution for the stage two optimisation problem, wherein two heuristic methods, steepest ascent and random ascent, are implemented in obtaining good quality solutions to the objective of maximizing total weight of exchanges. The neighbourhood is obtained by two-swaps. It is our intention in the future to implement a varying neighbourhood scheme within the same two heuristic framework, or within other meta-heuristic framework.


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Background We sought to address how predictors and moderators of psychotherapy for bipolar depression - identified individually in prior analyses - can inform the development of a metric for prospectively classifying treatment outcome in intensive psychotherapy (IP) versus collaborative care (CC) adjunctive to pharmacotherapy in the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program (STEP-BD) study. Methods We conducted post-hoc analyses on 135 STEP-BD participants using cluster analysis to identify subsets of participants with similar clinical profiles and investigated this combined metric as a moderator and predictor of response to IP. We used agglomerative hierarchical cluster analyses and k-means clustering to determine the content of the clinical profiles. Logistic regression and Cox proportional hazard models were used to evaluate whether the resulting clusters predicted or moderated likelihood of recovery or time until recovery. Results The cluster analysis yielded a two-cluster solution: 1) "less-recurrent/severe" and 2) "chronic/recurrent." Rates of recovery in IP were similar for less-recurrent/severe and chronic/recurrent participants. Less-recurrent/severe patients were more likely than chronic/recurrent patients to achieve recovery in CC (p=.040, OR=4.56). IP yielded a faster recovery for chronic/recurrent participants, whereas CC led to recovery sooner in the less-recurrent/severe cluster (p=.034, OR=2.62). Limitations Cluster analyses require list-wise deletion of cases with missing data so we were unable to conduct analyses on all STEP-BD participants. Conclusions A well-powered, parametric approach can distinguish patients based on illness history and provide clinicians with symptom profiles of patients that confer differential prognosis in CC vs. IP.


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BackgroundGrowth of hormone-receptor–positive breast cancer is dependent on cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDK4 and CDK6), which promote progression from the G1 phase to the S phase of the cell cycle. We assessed the efficacy of palbociclib (an inhibitor of CDK4 and CDK6) and fulvestrant in advanced breast cancer.MethodsThis phase 3 study involved 521 patients with advanced hormone-receptor–positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2–negative breast cancer that had relapsed or progressed during prior endocrine therapy. We randomly assigned patients in a 2:1 ratio to receive palbociclib and fulvestrant or placebo and fulvestrant. Premenopausal or perimenopausal women also received goserelin. The primary end point was investigator-assessed progression-free survival. Secondary end points included overall survival, objective response, rate of clinical benefit, patient-reported outcomes, and safety. A preplanned interim analysis was performed by an independent data and safety monitoring committee after 195 events of disease progression or death had occurred.ResultsThe median progression-free survival was 9.2 months (95% confidence interval [CI], 7.5 to not estimable) with palbociclib–fulvestrant and 3.8 months (95% CI, 3.5 to 5.5) with placebo–fulvestrant (hazard ratio for disease progression or death, 0.42; 95% CI, 0.32 to 0.56; P<0.001). The most common grade 3 or 4 adverse events in the palbociclib–fulvestrant group were neutropenia (62.0%, vs. 0.6% in the placebo–fulvestrant group), leukopenia (25.2% vs. 0.6%), anemia (2.6% vs. 1.7%), thrombocytopenia (2.3% vs. 0%), and fatigue (2.0% vs. 1.2%). Febrile neutropenia was reported in 0.6% of palbociclib-treated patients and 0.6% of placebo-treated patients. The rate of discontinuation due to adverse events was 2.6% with palbociclib and 1.7% with placebo.ConclusionsAmong patients with hormone-receptor–positive metastatic breast cancer who had progression of disease during prior endocrine therapy, palbociclib combined with fulvestrant resulted in longer progression-free survival than fulvestrant alone. (Funded by Pfizer; PALOMA3 ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01942135.)


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To explore the relationship between caregiver characteristics and the adequacy of domestic swimming pool fencing.A typical metropolitan area of a large Australian capital city, Brisbane.From a reanalysis of the dataset of the 1989 Brisbane Home Safety Survey of 1050 householders, associations between 10 caregiver factors, pool ownership, and quality of pool fencing, were analysed. Household characteristics relating to toddlers (children < or = 4 years), and socioeconomic measures were also included in the analyses. Pool fencing quality was measured on an ordinal scale derived from Australian Standards Association guidelines, confirmed through home visits by trained inspectors.Caregiver factors did not distinguish households with a swimming pool from those without, nor were they associated with adequacy of pool fencing among pool owners. Pool owners, with or without children, were less likely to perceive having a childproof fence as being important. Strongest correlates of adequacy of pool fencing were socioeconomic indicators of surrounding districts.These results do not support the arguments of opponents of compulsory pool fencing that caregiver factors are adequate to prevent toddler drownings and obviate the need for a pool fence. Pool owners do not appear to perceive their pool as a hazard for young children, and complacency about the adequacy of pool fencing needs to be replaced by increased caregiver health beliefs, skills, and perceptions. Article in Injury Prevention 3(4):257-61 · December 1997


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Hepatitis C infection (HCV) continues to disproportionately affect Hispanics/Latinos in the United States. Hispanic/Latino intravenous drug users (IDUs), because of their risky injection and sexual behaviors, are prone to HCV infection and rapid transmission of the virus to others via several routes. With a prevalence rate of approximately 75% among IDUs, it is imperative that transmission of HCV be prevented in this population. This study aims to examine the associations between demographic, injection and sexual risk factors to HCV infection in a group Hispanic/Latino IDUs in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Preliminary unadjusted results in this sample reveal that age (OR=4.592, p=0.004), weekly injection (OR=5.171, p=0.000), daily injection frequency (OR=3.856, p=0.000) and use of a dirty needle (OR=2.320, p= 0.006) were all significantly associated with HCV infection. Being born outside the U.S. was significantly negatively associated with HCV infection (OR=0.349, p=0.004). Additionally, having two or more sex partners in the past three months (OR=0.472, p=0.014) was negatively associated with HCV infection. After adjusting for all other variables, older age (AOR=7.470, p=0.006), weekly injection (AOR=3.238, p=0.007) and daily injection frequency (AOR=2.625, p=0.010) were all significantly associated with HCV infection. Being born outside the U.S. (AOR=0.369, p=0.019) was a significant protective factor for HCV infection, along with having two or more sex partners in the past three months (AOR=0.481, p=0.037). When analyzing the significant variables in a backward regression model, having 2 or more sex partners in the past three months was not significant at the p


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This study explored the effects on speech intelligibility of across-formant differences in fundamental frequency (ΔF0) and F0 contour. Sentence-length speech analogues were presented dichotically (left=F1+F3; right=F2), either alone or—because competition usually reveals grouping cues most clearly—accompanied in the left ear by a competitor for F2 (F2C) that listeners must reject to optimize recognition. F2C was created by inverting the F2 frequency contour. In experiment 1, all left-ear formants shared the same constant F0 and ΔF0F2 was 0 or ±4 semitones. In experiment 2, all left-ear formants shared the natural F0 contour and that for F2 was natural, constant, exaggerated, or inverted. Adding F2C lowered keyword scores, presumably because of informational masking. The results for experiment 1 were complicated by effects associated with the direction of ΔF0F2; this problem was avoided in experiment 2 because all four F0 contours had the same geometric mean frequency. When the target formants were presented alone, scores were relatively high and did not depend on the F0F2 contour. F2C impact was greater when F2 had a different F0 contour from the other formants. This effect was a direct consequence of the associated ΔF0; the F0F2 contour per se did not influence competitor impact.


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Background: High-fat diets may contribute to metabolic disease via postprandial changes in serum endotoxin and inflammation. It is unclear how dietary fat composition may alter these parameters. We hypothesized that a meal rich in n-3 (ω3) fatty acids would reduce endotoxemia and associated inflammation but a saturated or n-6 (ω6) fatty acid-rich meal would increase postprandial serum endotoxin concentrations and systemic inflammation in healthy adults. Methods: Healthy adults (n = 20; mean age 25 ± 3.2 S.D. years) were enrolled in this single-blind, randomized, cross-over study. Participants were randomized to treatment and reported to the laboratory, after an overnight fast, on four occasions separated by at least one week. Participants were blinded to treatment meal and consumed one of four isoenergetic meals that provided: 1) 20 % fat (control; olive oil) or 35 % fat provided from 2) n-3 (ω3) (DHA = 500 mg; fish oil); 3) n-6 (ω6) (7.4 g; grapeseed oil) or 4) saturated fat (16 g; coconut oil). Baseline and postprandial blood samples were collected. Primary outcome was defined as the effect of treatment meal on postprandial endotoxemia. Serum was analyzed for metabolites, inflammatory markers, and endotoxin. Data from all 20 participants were analyzed using repeated-measures ANCOVA. Results: Participant serum endotoxin concentration was increased during the postprandial period after the consumption of the saturated fat meal but decreased after the n-3 meal (p < 0.05). The n-6 meal did not effect a different outcome in participant postprandial serum endotoxin concentration from that of the control meal (p > 0.05). There was no treatment meal effect on participant postprandial serum biomarkers of inflammation. Postprandial serum triacylglycerols were significantly elevated following the n-6 meal compared to the n-3 meal. Non-esterified fatty acids were significantly increased after consumption of the saturated fat meal compared to other treatment meals. Conclusions: Meal fatty acid composition modulates postprandial serum endotoxin concentration in healthy adults. However, postprandial endotoxin was not associated with systemic inflammation in vivo. Trial registration: This study was retrospectively registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02521779 on July 28, 2015.


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Objective: To determine the risk indicators associated with root caries experience in a cohort of independently living older adults in Ireland. Methods: The data reported in the present study were obtained from a prospective longitudinal study conducted in a cohort of independently living older adults (n = 334). Each subject underwent an oral examination, performed by a single calibrated examiner, to determine the root caries index and other clinical variables. Questionnaires were used to collect data on oral hygiene habits, diet, smoking and alcohol habits and education level. A regression analysis with the outcome variable of root caries experience (no/yes) was conducted. Results: A total of 334 older dentate adults with a mean age of 69.1 years were examined. 53.3% had at least one filled or decayed root surface. The median root caries index was 3.13 (IQR 0.00, 13.92). The results from the multivariate regression analysis indicated that individuals with poor plaque control (OR 9.59, 95% CI 3.84–24.00), xerostomia (OR 18.49, 95% CI 2.00–172.80), two or more teeth with coronal decay (OR 4.50, 95% CI 2.02–10.02) and 37 or more exposed root surfaces (OR 5.48, 95% CI 2.49–12.01) were more likely to have been affected by root caries. Conclusions: The prevalence of root caries was high in this cohort. This study suggests a correlation between root caries and the variables poor plaque control, xerostomia, coronal decay (≥2 teeth affected) and exposed root surfaces (≥37). The significance of these risk indicators and the resulting prediction model should be further evaluated in a prospective study of root caries incidence. Clinical significance Identification of risk indicators for root caries in independently living older adults would facilitate dental practitioners to identify those who would benefit most from interventions aimed at prevention.


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BACKGROUND: Psychological comorbidities are associated with poor outcome and increased healthcare utilization in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, a model of care addressing the biopsychosocial dimension of disease is not routinely applied in IBD. This review describes the development of such a model and the effects of its implementation in a hospital-based cohort of patients with IBD. METHODS: Three different approaches were used: 1) collecting baseline epidemiological data on mental health comorbidities; 2) raising awareness of and targeting mental health problems; 3) examining the effects of the model implementation. RESULTS: High rates of anxiety and depressive symptoms (36% and 13%, respectively) that are maintained over time were identified in IBD patients presenting at a metropolitan teaching hospital. Patients with documented psychological comorbidities were more likely to be hospitalized than those without (odds ratio [OR] = 4.13, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.25, 13.61). Improvements in disease activity, anxiety, depression, quality of life, and coping have been noted when cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) was provided to patients. A drop in the use of opiates (P = 0.037) and hospitalization rates (from 48% to 30%) in IBD patients has been noted as a result of introduction of the changed model of care. In addition, the mean total cost of inpatient care was lower for IBD patients than controls (US$12,857.48 [US$15,236.79] vs. US$ 30,467.78 [US$ 53,760.20], P = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Our data to date suggest that an integrated model of care for patients with IBD may yield superior long-term outcomes in terms of medication use and hospitalization rates and reduce healthcare costs.