990 resultados para Historical present


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The Alhama de Murcia fault is a 85 km long oblique-slip fault, and is related to historical and instrumental seismic activity. A paleoseismic analysis of the Lorca-Totana sector of the fault containing MSK I=VIII historical earthquakes was made in order to identify and quantify its seismic potential. We present 1) the results of the neotectonic, structural and geomorphological analyses and, 2) the results of trenching. In the study area, the Alhama de Murcia fault forms a depressed corridor between two strands, the northwestern fault with morphological and structural features of a reverse component of slip, bounding the La Tercia range to the South, and the southeastern fault strand with evidence of sinistral oblique strike-slip movement. The offset along this latter fault trapped the sediments in transit from the La Tercia range towards the Guadalentín depression. The most recent of these sediments are arranged in three generations of alluvial fans and terraces. The first two trenches were dug in the most recent sediments across the southeastern fault strand. The results indicate a coseismic reverse fault deformation that involved the sedimentary sequence up to the intermediate alluvial fan and the Holocene terrace deposits. The sedimentary evolution observed in the trenches suggests an event of temporary damming of the Colmenar creek drainage to the South due to uplifting of the hanging wall during coseismic activation of the fault. Trench, structural and sedimentological features provide evidence of at least three coseismic events, which occurred after 125,000 yr. The minimum vertical slip rate along the fault is 0.06 mm/yr and the average recurrence period should not exceed 40,000 yr in accordance with the results obtained by fan topographic profiling. Further absolute dating is ongoing to constrain these estimates.


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Text inèdit de Gaziel, prologat pel professor Manuel Llanas, que constitueix una monografia sobre la situació de la premsa diària espanyola. Es tracta d’una anàlisi històrica sobre el període comprès entre 1875 i 1942, amb una visió prospectiva final. L’autor divideix la periodització en tres fases: i) el passat (1874-1936); ii) el present, referit a la situació en la immediata postguerra; iii) el futur, on s’apunta una concepció normativa del periodisme. En cadascuna d’aquestes fases, la premsa és estudiada des de la dimensió política, professional, industrial i econòmica.


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El Projecte intenta presentar totes les tasques realitzades durant l’estada de pràctiques a l’empresa on es pretenia musealitzar el Molí de Pals, canviant el seu ús industrial per a un nou ús social i turístic. Es pretén donar valor a aquest element patrimonial com un referent en la identitat dels palencs i aconseguir oferir un servei de qualitat al visitant adaptant-se a les necessitats de cada col•lectiu. Es tracten alguns temes com el cultiu de l’arròs i la seva evolució a Pals, els museus industrials i tipus d’equipaments visitables


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This article offers an overview on the historical facts and the recent state of art of Chemistry of Natural Products which, in the course of 25 years of SBQ, have led to the present development of this area in Brazil. In addition, this article deals with the last trends on Natural Products in Brazil and also in developed countries.


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The aim of this master’s thesis was to document the present state and to create a development plan for Moventas Wind’s cost accounting. The current cost accounting system was evaluated and most fundamental problems were chosen as areas of focus in development work. The development plan includes both short- and long-term development proposals for problems identified. This report presents two alternative models for product costing. Benchmarking of cost accounting practices and modern cost accounting theories were used in development of cost accounting. It was found that the current cost accounting system functions quite well and the adjustments in unit cost rate calculation have only a minor influence on costs of goods sold. An OEE-based standard cycle concept was also developed and it was found that the implementation of this new system is worthwhile in the long-term.


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In the present paper, a historical view from spontaneous generation of life to Oparin-Haldane hypothesis was discussed. It was also showed what is the main concern of the field of prebiotic chemistry. Several aspects of prebiotic chemistry such as synthesis of biomolecules and biopolymers, primitive metabolism and genetic code, and the importance of the adsorption for the origin of life were discussed.


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This paper presents empirical research comparing the accounting difficulties that arise from the use of two valuation methods for biological assets, fair value (FV) and historical cost (HC) accounting, in the agricultural sector. It also compares how reliable each valuation method is in the decision-making process of agents within the sector. By conducting an experiment with students, farmers, and accountants operating in the agricultural sector, we find that they have more difficulties, make larger miscalculations and make poorer judgements with HC accounting than with FV accounting. In-depth interviews uncover flawed accounting practices in the agricultural sector in Spain in order to meet HC accounting requirements. Given the complexities of cost calculation for biological assets and the predominance of small family business units in advanced Western countries, the study concludes that accounting can be more easily applied in the agricultural sector under FV than HC accounting, and that HC conveys a less accurate grasp of the real situation of a farm.


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The Brazilian effort on R&D of products from the national biodiversity dates back to the 70's. The Central de Medicamentos - CEME - was tailored to add scientific and technological competence to the production of pharmaceutical drugs derived from the Brazilian biodiversity by means of the Research Programme on Medicinal Plants - PPPM. Although previous to the Convention on Biological Diversity - CBD - and to the current debate and the ever-growing interest on phytomedicines, CEME has historical importance in the present governmental efforts on fostering the R&D on phytomedicines. This article makes a historical redemption of the PPPM, the actions and the results in the course of its existence.


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The classical interpretations of Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot on some physical principles involved in the operation of heat engines were fundamental to the development and formulation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Moreover, an accurate historical survey clearly reveals that Carnot was, by that time, also well aware about some new concepts, which were further worked out by other scientists to lead to what was, some time later, known as the mechanical equivalent of heat and the conservation of energy. Benoit Paul Émile Clapeyron recognized these original concepts in the first of Carnot´s monographs, published in 1824, but no explicit citation is found in any post-Carnot classical texts dealing with the First Law of Thermodynamics, including those by Julius Robert Mayer, James Prescott Joule and Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz. The main objective of the present work is to point out some historical evidences of the pioneering contribution of Carnot to the modern concept of the First Law of Thermodynamics.


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The purpose of this paper is the development of simple strategies to teach basic concepts of atomic spectrometry. Metals present in samples found in the daily lives of students are determined by flame atomic emission spectrometry (FAES). FAES is an accurate, precise, and inexpensive analytical method often used for determining sodium, potassium, lithium, and calcium. Historical aspects and their contextualization for students are also presented and experiments with samples that do not require pre-treatment are described.


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The Pyrenean mountain range is a slowly deforming belt with continuous and moderate seismic activity. To quantify its deformation field, we present the velocity field estimated from a GPS survey of the Pyrenees spanning 18 yr. The PotSis and ResPyr networks, including a total of 85 GPS sites, were installed and first measured in 1992 and 1995 1997, respectively, and remeasured in 2008 and 2010. We obtain a deformation field with velocities less than 1 mm yr−1 across the range. The estimated velocities for individual stations do not differ significantly from zero with 95 per cent confidence. Even so, we estimate a maximum extensional horizontal strain rate of 2.0 ± 1.7 nanostrain per year in a N S direction in the western part of the range. We do not interpret the vertical displacements due to their large uncertainties. In order to compare the horizontal strain rates with the seismic activity, we analyse a set of 194 focal mechanisms using three methods: (i) the 'r' factor relating their P and T axes, (ii) the stress tensors obtained by fault slip inversion and (iii) the strain-rate tensors. Stress and strain-rate tensors are estimated for: (i) the whole data set, (ii) the eastern and western parts of the range separately, and (iii) eight zones, which are defined based on the seismicity and the tectonic patterns of the Pyrenees. Each of these analyses reveals a lateral variation of the deformation style from compression and extension in the east to extension and strike-slip in the west of the range. Although the horizontal components of the strain-rate tensors estimated from the seismic data are slightly smaller in magnitude than those computed from the GPS velocity field, they are consistent within the 2σ uncertainties. Furthermore, the orientations of their principal axes agree with the mapped active faults.


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En aquest treball es pretén donar a conèixer l’església de Sant Pere de Ponts, una construcció que fou edificada a finals del segle XI esdevenint, així, una arquitectura que pertany al primer romànic català i es caracteritza per ser el patrimoni més important de la vila de Ponts i la seva població. L’estètica de l’església ha variat molt en el transcurs del temps a causa de les destrosses produïdes per les guerres carlines i els danys ocasionats per la mateixa naturalesa durant el període en que la construcció estigué inactiva. Tot i això, l’any 1973 sorgí l’anomenada Associació d’Amics de Sant Pere de Ponts, la qual va vetllar pels treballs de restauració de l’església per tal d’aconseguir retornar l’aspecte medieval original de la qual gaudia en els seus inicis.


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Emerging human rights are destined to modify, improve and transform a number of already traditional concepts so as to achieve greater guarantees and protection for the rights of individuals and collectivities. One of the big changes that will be brought about by the concept and conception of emerging human rights is that, following on from the processes of positivization, generalization, internationalization and specification, they represent the beginning of the fifth historical process in the consolidation of human rights, namely the process of interaction. A number of breakthroughs have already been achieved, such as the recognition of emerging biocultural rights in the recently adopted Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and shared benefits.


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Comparison of national budgets for R&D is often made but it should consider the relative productivity and their factors. In Brazil, inefficiency factors as well as their causes have been diagnosed since the late 60's and solutions have been proposed within various governmental organisms, from CNPq to the strategy think tanks. Problems that hinder R&D and innovation in Brazil are reviewed from a historical perspective together with the proposed solutions providing a detailed analysis of the difficulties that have to be overcome to achieve a more effective innovation environment, adequate for the present times, challenges and opportunities.