980 resultados para Heikka, Henrikki: Decentered subjectivity and the logic of anarchy


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Psoriasis is a common T cell-mediated autoimmune inflammatory disease. We show that blocking the interaction of alpha1beta1 integrin (VLA-1) with collagen prevented accumulation of epidermal T cells and immunopathology of psoriasis. Alpha1beta1 integrin, a major collagen-binding surface receptor, was exclusively expressed by epidermal but not dermal T cells. Alpha1beta1-positive T cells showed characteristic surface markers of effector memory cells and contained high levels of interferon-gamma but not interleukin-4. Blockade of alpha1beta1 inhibited migration of T cells into the epidermis in a clinically relevant xenotransplantation model. This was paralleled by a complete inhibition of psoriasis development, comparable to that caused by tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockers. These results define a crucial role for alpha1beta1 in controlling the accumulation of epidermal type 1 polarized effector memory T cells in a common human immunopathology and provide the basis for new strategies in psoriasis treatment focusing on T cell-extracellular matrix interactions.


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Staphylococcus aureus can colonize and infect both humans and animals, but isolates from both hosts tend to belong to different lineages. Our recent finding of bovine-adapted S. aureus showing close genetic relationship to the human S. aureus clonal complex 8 (CC8) allowed us to examine the genetic basis of host adaptation in this particular CC. Using total chromosome microarrays, we compared the genetic makeup of 14 CC8 isolates obtained from cows suffering subclinical mastitis, with nine CC8 isolates from colonized or infected human patients, and nine S. aureus isolates belonging to typical bovine CCs. CC8 isolates were found to segregate in a unique group, different from the typical bovine CCs. Within this CC8 group, human and bovine isolates further segregated into three subgroups, among which two contained a mix of human and bovine isolates, and one contained only bovine isolates. This distribution into specific clusters and subclusters reflected major differences in the S. aureus content of mobile genetic elements (MGEs). Indeed, while the mixed human-bovine clusters carried commonly human-associated β-hemolysin converting prophages, the bovine-only isolates were devoid of such prophages but harbored an additional new non-mec staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCC) unique to bovine CC8 isolates. This composite cassette carried a gene coding for a new LPXTG-surface protein sharing homologies with a protein found in the environmental bacterium Geobacillus thermoglucosidans. Thus, in contrast to human CC8 isolates, the bovine-only CC8 group was associated with the combined loss of β-hemolysin converting prophages and gain of a new SCC probably acquired in the animal environment. Remaining questions are whether the new LPXTG-protein plays a role in bovine colonization or infection, and whether the new SCC could further acquire antibiotic-resistance genes and carry them back to human.


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Inbreeding load affects not only the average fecundity of philopatric individuals but also its variance. From bet-hedging theory, this should add further dispersal pressures to those stemming from the mere avoidance of inbreeding. Pressures on both sexes are identical under monogamy or promiscuity. Under polygyny, by contrast, the variance in reproductive output decreases with dispersal rate in females but increases in males, which should induce a female-biased dispersal. To test this prediction, we performed individual-based simulations. From our results, a female-biased dispersal indeed emerges as both polygyny and inbreeding load increase. We conclude that sex-biased dispersal may be selected for as a bet-hedging strategy.


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Contexte L'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique est une perturbation de la fonction thyroïdienne, définie par une thyrotropine (TSH) basse et des taux normaux de thyroxine libre (T4L) et triiodothyronine (T3). Cette dysfonction affecte de 1% à 5% des adultes de plus de 65 ans, surtout les femmes, et pourrait être associée avec les maladies cardiovasculaires, la fibrillation auriculaire et l'insuffisance cardiaque. Toutefois, les conclusions des différentes études de cohortes sont contradictoires, avec des limites méthodologiques empêchant leur comparaison de manière formelle. L'objet du travail de thèse était d'estimer le risque de mortalité de toute cause, le risque de mortalité de cause cardiovasculaire, le risque d'événements cardiovasculaires et le risque de fibrillation auriculaire associés à l'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique dans toutes les grandes études de cohorte prospectives disponibles à ce jour. Méthode et Résultats Les données individuelles de 52'674 participants provenant de 10 études de cohorte prospectives des Etats-Unis, d'Europe, du Brésil et d'Australie ont été analysées pour évaluer les risques à long-terme de l'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique. L'euthyroïdie était définie par une TSH entre 0.45 et 4.49 mUI/l et l'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique par une TSH inférieure à 0.45 mUI/l avec un taux normal de T4L, après exclusion des participants prenant des médicaments pouvant perturber la thyroïde. Sur les 52'674 participants, 2188 (4.2%) avaient une hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique. Pendant un suivi de plus de 8 ans, 8527 participants sont décédés (dont 1896 de cause cardiovasculaire), 3653 sur 22'437 ont eu un événement cardiovasculaire et 785 sur 8711 ont développé une fibrillation auriculaire. Dans des analyses ajustées pour l'âge et le sexe, l'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique était associée à une hausse de la mortalité de toute cause (hazard ratio [HR] 1.24, intervalle de confiance à 95% [IC] 1.06-1.46), de la mortalité cardiovasculaire (HR 1.29, IC 1.02-1.62), des événements cardiovasculaires (HR 1.21, IC 0.99- 1.46) ainsi qu'une hausse de l'incidence de fibrillation auriculaire (HR 1.68, IC 1.16-2.43). Les risques ne différaient pas significativement dans les analyses stratifiées selon l'âge, le sexe ou la présence de maladies cardiovasculaires préexistantes, et étaient similaires après ajustement multiple pour les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire. Le risque de mortalité cardiovasculaire et de fibrillation auriculaire était plus élevé avec une TSH très basse (< 0.10 Ul/I) comparé à une TSH modérément abaissée (0.10-0.44 mUI/l, valeurs ρ for trend < 0.03). Conclusions et perspectives L'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique est associée à un risque augmenté de mortalité de toute cause, de cause cardiovasculaire et de fibrillation auriculaire, avec un risque plus élevé quand la TSH est inférieure à 0.10 mUI/l. Ces résultats sont cohérents avec les dernières recommandations internationales conseillant de considérer un traitement de l'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique pour les adultes de plus de 65 ans ou les patients avec maladie cardiaque, en particulier si la TSH est inférieure à 0.10 mUI/l. Toutefois, des études cliniques randomisées sont encore nécessaires pour prouver l'efficacité du traitement et déterminer si l'on devrait dépister les problèmes de thyroïde dans la population générale.


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The global activator GacA, a highly conserved response regulator in Gram-negative bacteria, is required for the production of exoenzymes and secondary metabolites in Pseudomonas spp. The gacA gene of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 was isolated and its role in cell-density-dependent gene expression was characterized. Mutational inactivation of gacA resulted in delayed and reduced formation of the cell-density signal N-butyryl-L-homoserine lactone (BHL), of the cognate transcriptional activator RhIR (VsmR), and of the transcriptional activator LasR, which is known to positively regulate RhIR expression. Amplification of gacA on a multicopy plasmid caused precocious and enhanced production of BHL, RhIR and LasR. In parallel, the gacA gene dosage markedly influenced the BHL/RhIR-dependent formation of the cytotoxic compounds pyocyanin and cyanide and the exoenzyme lipase. However, the concentrations of another known cell-density signal of P. aeruginosa, N-oxododecanoyl-L-homoserine lactone, did not always match BHL concentrations. A model accounting for these observations places GacA function upstream of LasR and RhIR in the complex, cell-density-dependent signal-transduction pathway regulating several exoproducts and virulence factors of P. aeruginosa via BHL.


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Potentiation of glucose-induced insulin secretion by intestinal factors has been described for many years. Today, two major peptides with potent insulinotropic action have been recognized: gastric inhibitory peptide and truncated forms of glucagon-like peptide I, GLP-I(7-37) or the related GLP-I(7-36)amide. These hormones have specific beta-cell receptors that are coupled to production of cAMP and activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Elevation in intracellular cAMP levels is required to mediate the glucoincretin effect of these hormones: the potentiation of insulin secretion in the presence of stimulatory concentrations of glucose. In addition, circulating glucoincretins maintain basal levels of cAMP, which are necessary to keep beta-cells in a glucose-competent state. Interactions between glucoincretin signaling and glucose-induced insulin secretion may result from the phosphorylation of key elements of the glucose signaling pathway by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. These include the ATP-dependent K+ channel, the Ca++ channel, or elements of the secretory machinery itself. In NIDDM, the glucoincretin effect is reduced. However, basal or stimulated gastric inhibitory peptide and glucagon-like peptide I levels are normal or even elevated, suggesting that signals induced by these hormones on the beta-cells are probably altered. At pharmacological doses, infusion of glucagon-like peptide I but not gastric inhibitory peptide, can ameliorate postprandial insulin secretory response in NIDDM patients. Agonists of the glucagon-like peptide I receptor have been proposed as new therapeutic agents in NIDDM.


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A plant regeneration method with cell suspension cultures of banana, and the effect of biobalistic on regeneration potential are described in this report. Somatic embryos of banana were obtained from indirect embryogenesis of male inflorescence of banana cultivar Maçã (AAB group). Part of the calluses formed (40%) showed embryogenic characteristics (nonfriable, compact and yellow color). The cell suspension, originated from embryogenic calluses, contained clusters of small tightly packed cells with dense cytoplasms, relatively large nuclei and very dense nucleoli. After four months of culture, somatic embryos started to regenerate. The maximum number of regenerated plants was observed between 45 and 60 days after embryo formation.In the first experiment, 401 plants were regenerated from approximately 10 mL of packed cells. In the second experiment, 399 plants were regenerated from a cell suspension six months older than that of the first experiment. Cell transformation using particle bombardment with three different plasmid constructions, containing the uid-A gene, resulted in a strong GUS expression five days after bombardment; however, plant regeneration from bombarded cells was much lower than nonbombarded ones.


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Preterm birth may represent a traumatic situation for both parents and a stressful situation for the infant, potentially leading to difficulties in mother-infant relationships. This study aimed to investigate the impact of an early intervention on maternal posttraumatic stress symptoms, and on the quality of mother-infant interactions, in a sample of very preterm infants and their mothers. Half of the very preterm infants involved in the study (n=26) were randomly assigned to a 3-step early intervention program (at 33 and 42 weeks after conception and at 4 months' corrected age). Both groups of preterm infants (with and without intervention) were compared to a group of full-term infants. The impact of the intervention on maternal posttraumatic stress symptoms was assessed 42 weeks after conception and when the infants were 4 and 12 months of age. The impact of the intervention on the quality of mother-infant interactions was assessed when the infants were 4 months old. Results showed a lowering of mothers' posttraumatic stress symptoms between 42 weeks and 12 months in the group of preterm infants who received the intervention. Moreover, an enhancement in maternal sensitivity and infant cooperation during interactions was found at 4 months in the group with intervention. In the case of a preterm birth, an early intervention aimed at enhancing the quality of the mother-infant relationship can help to alleviate maternal post-traumatic stress symptoms and may have a positive impact on the quality of mother-infant interactions.