889 resultados para Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923
In studying sexual attraction in gammarids of the group pulex, it has seemed necessary to dissociate the processes of moulting and ovogenesis in order to recognize their respective effects on this phenomenon. For this purpose a synthetic hormone, ecdysterone, was utilized. In the first instance the author followed the action of the hormone on isolated females in vitellogenesis. It was proved that the behaviour of Gammarus pulex and Gammarus fossarum vis-a-vis the ecdysterone used proves to be very close to that of isopods that was observed in Orchestia gammarellus in earlier research. Although they were in vitellogenesis, the females saw their intermoult cycle shortened.
The amphipod Gammarus lacustris, a regular representative of lacustrine communities, often plays a significant role in the transformation of matter and energy. The object of the present work was to clarify the quantitative side of the feeding of the amphipod under different conditions of habitation. Experimental works on determination of the rate of consumption of food and its dependence on body-weight were carried out in the summer periods 1975-1978 on three water-bodies of the Krasnoyarsk region, of different conditions of habitation for the amphipods.
Espetxearen iruditegia erabat maskulinoa den garai hauetan, emakumeak erdigunean jartzen dituen analisi feminista da ondorengoa. Espetxearen egunerokoan hain garrantzitsuak, baina aldi berean hain ikusezinak diren harreman afektibo sexualak aztertzea da helburu nagusia, emakume preso edo haien bikotekideak preso dituzten emakumeen testigantzak jasoz. Euskal preso politikoen kolektiboaren baitan egindako ikerketa honetan, jende gaztearen maitasun ereduez eta hauek espetxean duten eragin eta egoerez aritu gara.