973 resultados para Halogenated Natural-products
The impact of mycotoxins on human and animal health is well recognized. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is by far the most prevalent and the most potent natural carcinogen and is usually the major aflatoxin produced by toxigenic fungal strains. Data available, points to an increasing frequency of poultry feed contamination by aflatoxins. Since aflatoxin residues may accumulate in body tissues, this represents a high risk to human health. Samples from commercial poultry birds have already presented detectable levels of aflatoxin in liver. A descriptive study was developed in order to assess fungal contamination by species from Aspergillus flavus complex in seven Portuguese poultry units. Air fungal contamination was studied by conventional and molecular methods. Air, litter and surfaces samples were collected. To apply molecular methods, air samples of 300L were collected using the Coriolis μ air sampler (Bertin Technologies), at 300 L/min airflow rate. For conventional methodologies, all the collected samples were incubated at 27ºC for five to seven days. Through conventional methods, Aspergillus flavus was the third fungal species (7%) most frequently found in 27 indoor air samples analysed and the most commonly isolated species (75%) in air samples containing only the Aspergillus genus...
In recent years there has been a growing interest in developing news solutions for more ecologic and efficient construction, including natural, renewable and local materials, thus contributing in the search for more efficient, economic and environmentally friendly construction. Several authors have assessed the possibility of using various agricultural sub products or wastes, as part of the effort of the scientific community to find alternative and more ecologic construction materials. Corn cob is an agricultural waste from a very important worldwide crop. Natural glues are made from natural materials, non-mineral, that can be used as such or after some modifications to achieve the behaviour and performance required. Two examples of these natural glues are casein and wheat flour-based glues that were used in the present study. Boards with different compositions were manufactured, having as variables the type of glue, the dimension of the corn cob particles and the features of the pressing process. The tests boards were characterized with physical and mechanical tests, such as thermal conductivity (λ) with a ISOMET 2104 and 60 mm diameter contact probe, density (ρ) based on EN 1602:2013, surface hardness (SH) with a PCE Shore A durometer, surface resistance (SR) with a PROCEQ PT pendular sclerometer, bending behaviour (σ) based on EN 12089:2013, compression behaviour (σ10) based on EN 826:2013 and resilience (R) based on EN 1094-1:2008, with a Zwick Rowell bending equipment with 2 kN and 50 kN load cells (Fig. 1), dynamic modulus of elasticity (Ed) with a Zeus Resonance Meter equipment (Fig. 5) based on NP EN 14146:2006 and water vapour permeability (δ) based on EN 12086:2013. The various boards produced were characterized according to the tests and the ones with the best results were C8_c8 (casein glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, cold pressing for 8 hours), C8_c4 (casein glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, cold pressing for 4 hours), F8_h0.5 (wheat flour glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, hot pressing for 0,5 hours), FEV8_h0.5 (wheat flour, egg white and vinegar glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, hot pressing for 0,5 hours) and FEVH68_c4 (wheat flour, egg white, vinegar and 6 g of sodium hydroxide glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, cold pressing for 4 hours). Taking into account the various boards produced and respective test results the type of glue and the pressure and pressing time are very important factors which strongly influence the final product. The results obtained confirmed the initial hypotheses that these boards have potential as a thermal and, eventually, acoustic insulation material, to use as coating or intermediate layer on walls, floors or false ceilings. This type of board has a high mechanical resistance when compared with traditional insulating materials.The integrity of these boards seems to be maintained even in higher humidity environments. However, due to biological susceptibility and sensitivity to water, they would be more adequate for application in dry interior conditions.
Countries are currently faced with problems derived from changes in lifespan and an increase in lifestyle-related diseases. Neurodegenerative disorders such Parkinson’s (PD) and Alzheimer’s (AD) diseases are an increasing problem in aged societies. Data from World Alzheimer Report 2011 indicate that 36 million people worldwide are living with dementia. Oxidative stress has been associated with the development of AD and PD. Therefore there is interest to search for effective compounds or therapies to combat the oxidative damage in these diseases. Current evidence strongly supports a contribution of phenolic compounds present in fruits and vegetables to the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases such AD and PD. The industrial processing of a wide variety of fruits results in the accumulation of by-products without commercial value. Opuntia ficus-indica (cactus pear) is consumed fresh and processed like in juice. Prunnus avium (sweet cherry) is consumed fresh but the organoleptics characteristics of the fruits leads to the smaller and ragged fruits have no commercial value. Fruit extracts of both species has described to be rich in phenolic compounds and to have high antioxidant activities due to its composition. The aim of this work was assessing the efficacy of O. ficus-indica and P. avium by-products extracts obtained with conventional solvent extraction and pressurized liquid extraction in a neurodegeneration cell model. All extracts have protected neuroblastoma cells from H2O2-induced death at low, non-toxic levels, which approach to physiologically-relevant serum concentration. However, cherry extract has a slighter neuroprotective activity. The protective effect of Opuntia extracts are not conducted by a direct antioxidant activity since there are not decreases in intracellular ROS levels in cell treated with extracts and challenged with H2O2, while cherry extract neuroprotection seems to be due to a direct scavenging activity. Extracts from different biological matrixes seems to protect neuronal cells trough different cellular mechanisms.
Clayish earth-based mortars are been recognized, all over the world, as eco-efficient products for plastering. Apart from being a product with low embodied energy when compared to other types of plasters, their application on the interior surface of walls may give a strong contribution for the health and comfort of inhabitants. As part of an ongoing research regarding earth-based plasters this work assesses the influence of the addition of two types of natural fibres – oat straw and typha fiber-wool – on the characteristics of plastering mortars made with a clayish earth. Mechanical and physical characteristics were tested, showing that addition of these fibers contribute to decrease linear drying shrinkage and thermal conductivity, as well as promoting the adhesion strength of plaster to the substrate. The improvement of mechanical resistance reveal to be dependent on the type of fiber added while the hygroscopic capacity of the plaster is maintained regardless of the fiber additions.
Nature has developed strategies to present us with a wide variety of colours, from the green of leaves to the bright colours seen in flowers. Anthocyanins are between these natural pigments that are responsible for the great diversity of colours seen in flowers and fruits. Anthocyanins have been used to sensitize titanium dioxide (TiO2) in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs). DSSCs have become one of the most popular research topic in photovoltaic cells due to their low production costs when compared to other alternatives. DSSCs are inspired in what happens in nature during photosynthesis. A primary charge separation is achieved by means of a photoexcited dye capable of performing the electron injection into the conduction band of a wide band-gap semiconductor, usually TiO2. With this work we aimed to synthesize a novel mesoporous TiO2 structure as the semiconductor in order to increase the dye loading. We used natural occurring dyes such as anthocyanins and their synthetic flavylium relatives, as an alternative to the widely used metal complexes of Ru(II) which are expensive and are environmentally unsafe. This offers not only the chance to use safer dyes for DSSCs, but also to take profit of waste biological products, such as wine and olive oil production residues that are heavily loaded with anthocyanin dyes. We also performed a photodegradation study using TiO2 as the catalyst to degrade dye contaminants, such as those from the wine production waste, by photo-irradiation of the system in the visible region of the light spectrum. We were able to succeed in the synthesis of mesoporous TiO2 both powder and thin film, with a high capacity to load a large amount of dye. We proved the concept of photodegradation using TiO2 as catalyst. And finally, we show that wine production waste is a possible dye source to DSSCs application.
The use of wastes and industrial by-products as building materials is an important issue in order to decrease costs with waste management and the embodied energy of building products. In this study scrap tire rubber was used as additional aggregate of mortars based on natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5 and natural sand. Different particle size fractions and proportions of scrap tire rubber were used: a mix obtained directly from industry and separated fine, medium and coarse fractions; 0 %, 18 %, 36 % and 54 % of the weight of binder, corresponding to 2.5 %, 5 % and 7.5 % of the weight of sand. As mortars based on NHL specifications became stricter with the current version of EN 459–1:2015, the influence of the rubber’s additions on the mortars’ fresh state, mechanical and physical performance is presented in this work: flow table consistency, water retention, dynamic elasticity modulus, flexural and compressive strength, open porosity and bulk density, capillary absorption, drying and thermal conductivity are studied. The use of the rubber mix coming from the waste tire industry seems advantageous and may open possibilities for use as raw material by the mortars industry.
The growing concerns regarding the environmental impact generated by the use of inorganic materials in different fields of application increased the interest towards products based on materials with low environmental impact. In recent years, researchers have turned their attention towards the development of materials obtained from renewable sources, easily recoverable or biodegradable at the end of use. In the field of civil structures, a few attempts have been done to replace the most common composites (e.g. carbon and glass fibers) by materials less harmful to the environment, as natural fibers. This work presents a comprehensive experimental research on the mechanical performance of natural fibers for the strengthening of masonry constructions. Flax, hemp, jute, sisal and coir fibers have been investigated both from physical and mechanical points of view. The fibers with better performance were tested together with three different matrices (two of organic nature) in order to produce composites. These experimental results represent a useful database for understanding the potentialities of natural fibers as strengthening systems.
Las didácticas específicas de las ciencias naturales revelan diferentes problemáticas en su enseñanza y aprendizaje en los diferentes niveles del sistema educativo. En particular, en las clases de ciencias la interacción discursiva docente alumnos adquiere relevancia, ya que el proceso de comunicación del conocimiento es uno de los pilares didácticos, junto a la trasposición del mismo. Especificamente, en este proyecto nos abocamos a aquellas intervenciones de docentes y alumnos que se relacionan con la construcción del conocimiento biológico y químico. El proyecto se enmarca en una actual linea de trabajo que indaga sobre las dificultades en los abordajes del conocimiento científico en las aulas, las características del discurso entre docentes y alumnos, las habilidades y dificultades en la comprensión de los enunciados de problemas y las características de los textos que se utilizan en las clases. Se focaliza este estudio en casos que intentan dar respuesta a tres temáticas, agrupadas en un conjunto de situaciones de investigación relacionadas con la interacción discursiva docente-alumno, retomando el rol del docente al hablar, guiar o diseñar las situaciones de referencia para el aprendizaje de los alumnos. Los casos son: 1- En cuanto a las concepciones sobre diversidad biológica en estudiantes de escuela secundaria y en textos académicos, atendemos a cómo la escuela presenta los contenidos ecológicos como un conjunto de dogmas y conceptos estáticos. Además suelen simplificarse conceptualmente y presentarse poco actualizados. Es por ello que se planea estudiar las concepciones y actitudes de los alumnos de secundaria sobre la biodiversidad, cómo estas dificultan su comprensión y los textos usados en relación a la promoción de la transposición didáctica. 2- En relación a cómo se elabora el patrón temático del tema célula en clases de Biología, se analizarán las diferentes estrategias de significados y de desarrollo temático, que se emplean en la comunicación aulica. Se intentará establecer si hay cambios en el desarrollo temático a medida que se avanza en la escolaridad. Esto es porque se puede apreciar que muchos de los problemas de aprendizaje del alumnado se deben a un desconocimiento tanto del patrón temático como del patrón estructural de la ciencia, siendo preciso evocar los patrones temáticos que se quieren utilizar, para construir un conocimiento compartido. 3-Finalmente, en los enunciados de problemas de Química, se analizarán las dificultades de comprensión lectora de alumnos de Ingeniería. Los docentes frecuentemente atribuyen los problemas a deficiencias en la instrucción recibida, sin considerarse los conocimientos previos del alumno, los obstáculos conceptuales originados en el tema, las deficiencias en la habilidad lectora, el tipo textual predominante en la consigna, el formato en el que se escribió la consigna y los factores personales, etc., siendo que la comprensión del enunciado de una consigna de trabajo condiciona fuertemente la posibilidad de su resolución. Los tres casos utilizarán metodologías cualitaritas que incluyan análisis de contenido en discursos orales y escritos. Los datos se registrarán desde observación no participante, registro etnográfico y con grabaciones de audio. Se espera contribuir al conocimiento, realizando aportes a la formación docente en tanto las estrategias discursivas que se emplean en el aula, en forma oral y en la escrita, conocer concepciones que dificultan o favoren la construcción del conocimiento científico, entre otras. Los productos de estos estudios estarán integrados por nuevos desarrollos para la formación docente, publicaciones científicas de impacto nacional e internacional, presentaciones a congresos, materiales didácticos y divulgativos, dictado de seminarios y/o cursos, redacción de informes a las escuelas intervinientes.. The specific Natural Sciences didactics show different problems in teaching and learning along the school system. In particular, the discourse used to communicate knowledge in Science lessons becomes important. With this project we will focus on the teachers and students actions regarding the construction of biological and chemical knowledge. This project attempts to answer these issues and brings together a range of research situations related to teacher-student interaction, through discourse, taking up the role of the teacher to speak, to plan and to guide student learning. We will study the ideas and attitudes of high school students about biodiversity that make difficult its understanding and the textbooks used in relation to promotion of the didactic transposition. In addition, regarding how the thematic pattern in biology classes is costructed, it will be analyzed the different meaning and thematic development strategies that are used in communication. We will attempt to establish whether there are any changes in the thematic development throughout high school education. Finally, we will analyze the reading comprehension problems in engineering students. Teachers frequently attribute these issues to deficiencies in prior education, without considering the students background, the conceptual obstacles arising in the field, the format in which the prompt is written, personal factors, etc., keeping in mind that the outcome of an activity is strictly dependant con the prompt understanding. We expect to make contributions to the teacher education in both the discourse strategies used in the classroom, orally and in writing, to learn about the conceptions that hinder or favor the knowledge construction, among others. The products of this study will be national and international impact scientific publications, conference presentations, popular science publications, seminars courses and reports to the schools involeved.
L’Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida (ACV) és una eina emprada per gestionar els impactes ambientals i els recursos usats al llarg del cicle de vida d’un bé o servei. Existeixen reptes de futur en el desenvolupament de l’ACV, tals com la introducció de noves categories d’impacte ambiental, que permetin una anàlisi més específica dels impactes sobre determinats elements del medi, com ara el paisatge. En el present estudi s’analitza la dimensió natural del paisatge per tal de proposar la creació d’un índex de paisatge. Així doncs, s’han revisat les noves propostes de categories d’impacte en ACV que inclouen directament o indirecta el paisatge i s’ha analitzat una mostra de 33 estudis d’indicadors de paisatge. Aquesta cerca deriva en l’elecció de 6 indicadors: els usos del sòl, la diversitat paisatgística, la fragmentació, la connectivitat, la riquesa d’espècies i la densitat de carreteres. En la determinació dels seus respectius mètodes de càlcul s’ha detectat la importància de l’ús dels SIG, l’elecció d’una base de dades d’usos del sòl comuna (CORINE) i les interrelacions que existeixen entre indicadors. La proposta de l’índex hauria de poder ésser un punt de partida per a futurs estudis en aquest àmbit i derivar en una nova categoria d’impacte de paisatge, donat que caldrà estudiar alguns elements, com la interrelació entre indicadors.
Ni(II)-Fe(II)-Fe(III) layered double hydroxides (LDH) or Ni-containing sulfate green rust (GR2) samples were prepared from Ni(II), Fe(II) and Fe(III) sulfate salts and analyzed with X ray diffraction. Nickel is readily incorporated in the GR2 structure and forms a solid solution between GR2 and a Ni(II)-Fe(III) LDH. There is a correlation between the unit cell a-value and the fraction of Ni(II) incorporated into the Ni(II)-GR2 structure. Since there is strong evidence that the divalent/trivalent cation ratio in GR2 is fixed at 2, it is possible in principle to determine the extent of divalent cation substitution for Fe(II) in GR2 from the unit cell a-value. Oxidation forms a mixture of minerals but the LDH structure is retained if at least 20 % of the divalent cations in the initial solution are Ni(II). It appears that Ni(II) is incorporated in a stable LDH structure. This may be important for two reasons, first for understanding the formation of LDHs, which are anion exchangers, in the natural environment. Secondly, this is important for understanding the fate of transition metals in the environment, particularly in the presence of reduced Fe compounds.
Estrone is a powerful growth-inducing hormone that is present in milk, mainly in the form of fatty acid esters, at concentrations that promote growth in experimental animals. We present here a method useful for the measurement of this natural hormone in foods and applied it to several common dairy products. Samples were frozen, finely powdered, and lyophilized then extracted with trichloromethane/methanol; the dry extract was saponified with potassium hydroxide. The free estrone evolved was extracted with ethyl acetate and was used for the estimation of total estrone content through radioimmunoassay. Application of the method to dairy products showed high relative levels of total estrone (essentially acyl-estrone) in milk, in the range of 1 ¿M, which were halved in skimmed milk. Free estrone levels were much lower, in the nanomolar range. A large proportion of estrone esters was present in all other dairy products, fairly correlated with their fat content. The amount of estrone carried by milk is well within the range, where its intake may exert a physiological response in the sucklings for which it is provided. These growth-inducing and energy expenditure-lowering effects may affect humans ingesting significant amounts of dairy products.
The objective of this work was to screen plants with insecticide activity, in order to isolate, identify and assess the bioactivity of insecticide compounds present in these plants, against Coleoptera pests of stored products: Oryzaephilus surinamensis L. (Silvanidae), Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Bostrichidae) and Sitophilus zeamais Mots. (Curculionidae). The plant species used were: basil (Ocimum selloi Benth.), rue (Ruta graveolens L.), lion's ear (Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br.), jimson weed (Datura stramonium L.), baleeira herb (Cordia verbenacea L.), mint (Mentha piperita L.), wild balsam apple (Mormodica charantia L.), and billy goat weed or mentrasto (Ageratum conyzoides L.). The insecticide activity of hexane and ethanol extracts from those plants on R. dominica was evaluated. Among them, only hexane extract of A. conyzoides showed insecticide activity; the hexane extract of this species was successively fractionated by silica gel column chromatography, for isolation and purification of the active compounds. Compounds 5,6,7,8,3',4',5'-heptamethoxyflavone; 5,6,7,8,3'-pentamethoxy-4',5'-methilenedioxyflavone and coumarin were identified. However, only coumarin showed insecticide activity against three insect pests (LD50 from 2.72 to 39.71 mg g-1 a.i.). The increasing order of insects susceptibility to coumarin was R. dominica, S. zeamais and O. surinamensis.
Introduction: Many people desire to lose weight. This favors the marketing of "miracle" products with overemphasized slimming capacities. To our knowledge, no study regarding the claimed performances of slimming products has ever been conducted in Switzerland. Objectives: To assess weight loss claims of slimming products available in Switzerland by analyzing their corresponding advertisements. Methods: Between May 2008 and February 2013, 31 advertisements for 13 different slimming products from a single producer were collected. Weight loss claims and text of the advertisement were analyzed. Results: Weight loss claims ranged between 7 and 31 kg, with an estimated daily weight loss ranging between 300 g and 1 kg. 84% of the advertisements targeted women (by including the photograph of a woman), 61% showed a picture of a person before and after using the product, and 51% claimed that the product had improved marital relationships. The terms "natural", "miracle/extraordinary" and "scientific" were present in 92%, 77%, and 31% of the products, respectively. Free gifts were provided to buyers for 69% of the products. Cost was very similar for all 13 products (range: 49 to 59 CHF, with 8 products costing the same amount) and no correlation was found between cost of the product and weight loss claims. No differences were found for weight loss claims according to presence or absence of a picture or of the terms ".natural", ".miracle/extraordinary" and ".scientific" Finally, the yearly costs for advertising such products (French-speaking Switzerland) ranged between 56,000 and 126,000 CHF, suggesting that the gains obtained were higher than this value. Conclusion: In Switzerland, advertisements for slimming products use positive and reassuring terms to attract consumers, which are lured by unreachable, false promises of rapid and easy weight loss. Taking into account the costs of advertising, the gains obtained appear to be significant. Legislation on advertising of such products is urgently needed.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has requested the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Hazardous Waste Site Health Assessment Program to evaluate environmental data collected at former farm equipment manufacturing facility located in Charles City, Iowa. The site, most recently operated by Allied Products Corporation, is a 70-acre site located at 13th Street and E Street in Charles City, Iowa (Figure 1). The site is undergoing a Targeted Brownfields Assessment conducted by the Contaminated Sites Section of the IDNR. This health consultation addresses potential health risks to people from future exposure to the soil within the property boundary, and any health impacts resulting from contaminated groundwater beneath the site property. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this document’s conclusions and recommendations.
De tout temps, hommes et femmes ont cherché par tous les moyens à développer, préserver ou recouvrer leurs propres capacités sexuelles mais également à stimuler le désir du partenaire. L?utilisation d?aphrodisiaques naturels a été l?un des recours les plus répandus. De nos jours, la commercialisation de nouvelles "love drugs" de synthèse, e.g. Viagra®, Cialis®, Levitra®, a remis au goût du jour les aphrodisiaques classiques et à relancer la recherche sur des molécules nouvelles. La pratique croissante de l?automédication, le matraquage publicitaire sur les aphrodisiaques naturels, la prolifération sur le marché de compléments alimentaires non contrôlés et l?absence de véritable législation accroissent les risques qui pèsent sur la santé publique. Dans le but d?évaluer les risques potentiels sur le consommateur de produits aphrodisiaques commercialisés, le développement et la validation d?une méthode rapide d?analyse qualitative et quantitative de la yohimbine dans ces préparations du marché sont exposés dans la première partie de ce travail. La yohimbine est un antagoniste ?2-adrénocepteur du système nerveux central et périphérique, elle est employée depuis plus d?un siècle dans le traitement des dysfonctionnements érectiles. Cette méthode analytique utilise la chromatographie liquide couplée à l?ultraviolet et à la spectrométrie de masse (LC-UV-MS) et au total, vingt préparations aphrodisiaques ont été étudiées. La dose journalière de yohimbine mesurée s?est révélée très variable selon les produits puisqu?elle varie de 1.32 à 23.16 mg. La seconde partie de ce travail concerne l?étude phytochimique et pharmacologique d?Erythroxylum vacciniifolium Mart. (Erythroxylaceae), une plante, appelée localement catuaba, utilisée dans la médecine traditionnelle brésilienne comme tonique et aphrodisiaque. Dans un premier temps, l?extrait alcaloïdique a été analysé par chromatographie liquide haute performance (HPLC) couplée soit à un détecteur UV à barrette d?iode (LC-UV-DAD), soit à un spectromètre de masse (LC-MS), ou soit à un spectromètre de résonance magnétique nucléaire (LC-RMN). L?interprétation de ces données spectrales enregistrées en ligne a permis d?obtenir des informations structurales et d?identifier partiellement près de 24 alcaloïdes appartenant à la classe des tropanes et potentiellement originaux. Par des méthodes classiques de chromatographie liquide sur l?extrait alcaloïdique de la plante, dix sept tropanes nouveaux ont ensuite été isolés dont les catuabines et leurs dérivés, et les vaccinines. Tous ces composés sont des tropane-diols ou triols estérifiés par au moins un groupe acide 1-méthyl-1H-pyrrole-2-carboxylique. Un de ces composés a été identifié comme un tropane N-oxyde. Toutes les structures ont été déterminées par spectrométrie de masse haute résolution et spectroscopie RMN multi-dimensionnelle. Parmi les nombreux tests biologiques réalisés sur ces tropanes, seuls les tests de cytotoxicité se sont révélés faiblement positifs pour certains de ces composés.<br/><br/>Throughout the ages, men and women have incessantly pursued every means to increase, preserve or recapture their sexual capacity, or to stimulate the sexual desire of selected individuals. One of the most recurrent methods has been the use of natural aphrodisiacs. Nowadays, the commercialization of new synthetic "love drugs", e.g. Viagra®, Cialis® and Levitra®, has fascinated the public interest and has led to a reassessment of classical aphrodisiacs and to the search for new ones. The practice of self-medication by an increasing number of patients, the incessant aggressive advertising of these herbal aphrodisiacs, the invasion of the medicinal market with uncontrolled dietary supplements and the absence of real directives amplifies the potential health hazards to the community. In order to evaluate the possible risks of commercialized aphrodisiac products on consumer health, the development and validation of a rapid qualitative and quantitative method for the analysis of yohimbine in these products, is reported in the first part of the present work. Yohimbine, a pharmacologically well-characterized ?2-adrenoceptor antagonist with activity in the central and peripheral nervous system, has been used for over a century in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The analytical method is based on liquid chromatography coupled with ultraviolet and mass spectrometry (LC-UV-MS) and in total, 20 commercially-available aphrodisiac preparations were analyzed. The amount of yohimbine measured and expressed as the maximal dose per day suggested on product labels ranged from 1.32 to 23.16 mg. The second part of this work involved the phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of Erythroxylum vacciniifolium Mart. (Erythroxylaceae), a plant used in Brazilian traditional medicine as an aphrodisiac and tonic, and locally known as catuaba. With the aim of obtaining preliminary structure information on-line, the alkaloid extract was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to diode array UV detection (LC-UVDAD), to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and to nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (LCNMR). Interpretation of on-line spectroscopic data led to structure elucidation and partial identification of 24 potentially original alkaloids bearing the same tropane skeleton. Seventeen new tropane alkaloids were then isolated from the alkaloid extract of the plant, including catuabines D to I, their derivatives and vaccinines A and B. All compounds were elucidated as tropane-diol or -triol alkaloids esterified by at least one 1-methyl-1H-pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid. One of the isolated compounds was identified as a tropane alkaloid N-oxide. Their structures were determined by high resolution mass spectrometry and multi-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Among the numerous bioassays undertaken, only the cytotoxicity tests exhibited a weak positive activity of certain compounds.