995 resultados para HIV exposure


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Noise affects people in very different aspects and in almost every aspect of our daily life. The most prominent impact of noise exposure is hearing loss. However, it can also impair people at their work settings due to other effects rather than hearing loss. Older works tend to be more susceptible to noise exposure effects at work, firstly because most of them already have some ‘natural’ hearing loss, as a results of the ageing process, and secondly because they also tend to be more susceptible at an psychological level. The current study is an attempt to describe the potential problem and to make a survey to identify the available active noise cancelation systems, as well as to specific the main requirements of this type of systems to be applied in such contexts. Several aspects of characteristics of the ANC systems were identified and are presented in this study. From the obtained results it was possible to have a clearer idea about the potential of this technology, and to confirm that this type of solution can be extremely important as a component of an active ageing program, as the preservation of hearing will also impact on the social life of the exposed workers.


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Doctoral Thesis for PhD degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering


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The role of vitamin C on physiological responses of matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) submitted to air exposure was analyzed. Nine hundred fish (70.15 g) were distributed in fifteen 500 l boxes (60 fish.box-1) and fed five rations (treatments): Control (no vitamin C); T100 (100 mg); T200 (200 mg); T400 (400 mg) and T800 (800 mg of vitamin C kg.ration-1). Each ration was offered to fish of three boxes during 60 days before the stress challenge that consisted of exposing fish to air for two minutes. Samplings were carried out for 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes after the air exposure. Blood was collected for glucose, cortisol, total protein, sodium, chloride, hematocrit, hemoglobin determination, and white and red cell count. Liver was removed for hepatosomatic index (HSI) calculation and glycogen determination. Vitamin C did not affect the levels of cortisol, chloride, total protein, hemoglobin, leukocytes, hepatic glycogen or HSI in air exposed fish. Blood glucose levels elevation observed 60 minutes after the challenge did not depend on the levels of vitamin C, nor did the drop in serum sodium levels verified 60 minutes after stressor. In general, hematocrit did not change by effect of vitamin C but it was lower at 15 and 30 minutes after the challenge. The number of erythrocytes decreased in fish after 5 minute sampling in all treatments, especially at 30 and 60 minutes. The air exposure evoked alterations in stress indicators of matrinxã, and the vitamin C did not alter the responses.


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Existing data supports Portugal as the Western Europe country with highest HIV-1 subtype diversity. However, detailed phylogenetic studies of Portuguese HIV-1 epidemics are still scarce. Thus, our main goal was to analyze the phylodynamics of a local HIV-1 infection in the Portuguese region of Minho. Molecular epidemiological analysis was applied to data from 289 HIV-1 infected individuals followed in the reference Hospital of the province of Minho, Portugal, in which isolated viruses had been sequenced between 2000 and 2012. Viruses of the G (29.1%) and B (27.0%) subtypes were the most frequent, followed by recombinant forms (17.6%), C (14.5%), F1 (7.3%) and A1 (4.2%) subtypes. Multinomial logistic regression revealed that the odds of being infected with A1 and F1 subtype increased over the years when compared with B, G, C or recombinant viruses. As expected, polyphyletic patterns suggesting multiple and old introductions of subtypes B and G were found. However, transmission clusters of non-B and -G viruses among native individuals were also found with the dates of the most recent common ancestor estimated to the early 2000s. Our study supports that the HIV-1 subtype diversity in the Portuguese region of Minho is high and has been increasing in a manner that is apparently driven by factors other than immigration and international travel. Infections with A1 and F1 viruses in the region of Minho are becoming established and were mainly found in sexually transmitted clusters, reinforcing the need for more efficacious control measures targeting this infection route.


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Tuberculosis (TB) and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) constitute the main burden of infectious disease in resource-limited countries. In the individual host, the two pathogens, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and HIV, potentiate one another, accelerating the deterioration of immunological functions. In high-burden settings, HIV coinfection is the most important risk factor for developing active TB, which increases the susceptibility to primary infection or reinfection and also the risk of TB reactivation for patients with latent TB. M. tuberculosis infection also has a negative impact on the immune response to HIV, accelerating the progression from HIV infection to AIDS. The clinical management of HIV-associated TB includes the integration of effective anti-TB treatment, use of concurrent antiretroviral therapy (ART), prevention of HIV-related comorbidities, management of drug cytotoxicity, and prevention/treatment of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS).


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OBJETIVO: Este trabalho apresenta resultados acerca das propriedades psicométricas da "Escala de atitudes frente ao HIV/AIDS". Os dados, provenientes de uma amostra de 549 alunos entre universitários, ensinos médio e ensino fundamental. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram tratados pelo método dos componentes principais da análise fatorial. A análise final, postulado um eigenvalue mínimo de 2, resultou cinco fatores. Foram eliminados itens que apresentaram carga fatorial menor que 0,30. Neste estudo, o menor alfa observado foi de 0,79. Portanto, é provável que todos os 47 itens do instrumento final elaborado meçam o mesmo construto: atitude frente ao HIV/AIDS. RESULTADOS: Escores inferiores a 96 foram considerados "fraco grau de conhecimento sobre HIV/AIDS"; entre 96 e 192 "moderado grau de conhecimento" e acima de 192 "alto grau de conhecimento sobre HIV/AIDS". Foram estabelecidos os fatores: 1, 2 e 3, sendo "fator geral de percepção da informação técnico-científica"; "fator de percepção da informação técnico-científica versus sexualidade e preconceito"; "fator de percepção da informação técnico-científica no uso de drogas", respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: O alfa de Cronbach encontrado para a escala como um todo foi de 0,859, sugerindo fortemente a existência da fidedignidade do instrumento que se mostrou útil para avaliar o grau de conhecimento acerca do HIV/AIDS e o risco decorrente do desconhecimento, entre estudantes.


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Objective: The objective of this article was to investigate the biopsychosocial factors that influence adherence to treatment and the quality of life of individuals who have been successfully following the HIV/AIDS treatment. Methods: It is a cross-sectional study carried out with 120 HIV positive participants in the south of Brazil. Among the variables studied, of note are: perceived stress, social support, symptoms of anxiety and depression and quality of life. Results: The results show that a moderate to high adherence to the treatment paired with a strong sense of social support indicate a higher quality of life. Conclusion: The combination of social support and antiretroviral treatment have an impact on physical conditions, improving immune response and quality of life.


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Aims: Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder among people infected with HIV. This study aims to characterize the Hospital of Joaquim Urbano population of HIV-infected patients’ profile regarding depressive symptoms and whether they correlate with the analytical parameters most frequently evaluated in the context of infection by this virus – HIV viral load, CD4+ count and CD4+ percentage. Methods: We conducted an observational descriptive and analytical study. The participants’ level of depressive symptoms was assessed with the Beck Depression Inventory. The medical and psychiatric history and the analytical values of viral load, CD4+ count and CD4+ percentage were obtained by consulting the participants’ clinical processes. Results: A prevalence of 65.5% in HIV-infected patients’ depressive symptoms was found, with a considerable high percentage of subjects presenting with severe symptoms (32.7%). No associations between the depressive symptoms’ levels and CD4+ count, CD4+ percentage or viral load were found. However, depressive symptoms were associated with substance abuse and education level. Conclusions: The high prevalence of depressive symptoms found in this study reinforces the importance of monitoring this type of symptoms in HIV-infected subjects. The fact that there have been no associations between depressive symptoms and the analytical parameters evaluated is in line with previous studies.


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OBJETIVE: To evaluate by Doppler echocardiography (DE) early abnormalities of ventricular function in HIV-positive patients, as well as other cardiac abnormalities that can be detected by this method, with special emphasis on mitral valve flow. METHODS: 84 HIV- positive patients, 59 with CD4 cell count >500/mm³ (Group A) and 25 with CD4 cell count <500/mm³ (Group B), were analyzed. CD4 cells were counted and matched with structural data and systolic and diastolic function of the left ventricle (LV), as analyzed by DE. The results were compared with those obtained in 47 healthy individuals (Group C). RESULTS: 8% of patients in Group B had mild pericardial effusion; 31.5% showed decreased systolic function of the LV, and 12% had moderate mitral regurgitation. A wave velocity from the mitral inflow was different among the 3 groups, being higher in Group B, where the deceleration time of the E wave of the mitral inflow and the E/A ratio were significantly lower with a normal value of the isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT). CONCLUSION: HIV-positive patients with a CD4 cell count >500/mm³ had no abnormalities by DE. Patients with a more advanced infection (those with a CD4 cell count <500/mm³), had a significantly abnormal LV systolic function and a higher incidence of pericardial effusion and mitral regurgitation. Mitral valve inflow by Doppler did not indicate diastolic dysfunction.


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OBJECTIVE: Detect of cardiac alterations in children with AIDS and compare their evolution with the administration of only one anti-retroviral and the recent cases who received drugs in combination. METHODS: We prospectively studied 47 children in 3 groups: group 1, 20 cases treated only with zidovudine; group 2, 10 patients treated initially with zidovudine and later with a combination of drugs and in group 3, 17 patients, who receiced two or three since the beginning. In all patients it was done chest X-ray, EKG and echocardiography every 6 months and after death complete pathological study. RESULTS: Among the 45 patients cases 26 (57%) were index cases. Malnutrition, diarrhea tachycardia, signs of congestive heart failure, pericardial effusion, abnormal ventricular repolarization and arrhythmias were more frequent in group 1. Echocardiographic abnormalities were present in 10 (50%) children of group 1. They were less frequent in the others two groups. In regard to the outcome in group 1, two patients had worsening of sings of cardiomyopaty and 4 died. Cardiac dysfunction in all cases of group 2 and 3 improved with the medication. CONCLUSION:- The children who received combination and their cardiac alterations had more favorable outcome than those who received only one drug.


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Hasta el momento no existen datos epidemiológico – moleculares publicados acerca de la coinfección HCV/HIV y su impacto en la región central de Argentina. Este proyecto tiene como objetivos estudiar la prevalencia de infección activa y la distribución de genotipos de HCV en individuos infectados con HIV y evaluar su impacto en la terapia antiretroviral (HAART). Y por otra parte, implementar un método no invasivo, simple y de mayor adhesión, basado en análisis bioquímicos, para predecir grados de fibrosis y cirrosis en individuos infectados con HCV. Dicho método podrá ser transferido a otros laboratorios públicos y privados en un futuro cercano. Se estudiarán (bajo consentimiento informado) muestras de suero de individuos coinfectados HIV/HCV y monoinfectados con HCV. Se realizará el screening de anticuerpos contra HCV (anti-HCV), la confirmación de la infección (RNA HCV) y el diagnóstico suplementario (genotipificación, carga viral y biopsia). Además, se realizarán análisis bioquímicos y se completarán fichas clínico-epidemiológicos. Este proyecto intenta aportar información de la situación de HCV a los programas sanitarios para reforzar el sistema de vigilancia, mejorar el diagnóstico clínico e impulsar a programas de control, prevención y tratamiento para atenuar la diseminación de HCV en nuestro medio.


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El Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (ADHD) es un síndrome conductual de origen orgánico, que se manifiesta principalmente en niños. Está caracterizado por distracción moderada a severa, períodos de atención breve, hiperactividad, inestabilidad emocional e impulsividad. Los tratamientos se basan "paradójicamente" en psicoestimulantes. Las sustancias mas empleadas son metilfenidato y anfetamina. La sintomatología indica un mal funcionamiento en los circuitos dopaminérgicos que sería el resultado de factores genéticos como ambientales, ya que es común encontrar ADHD en niños expuestos prenatalmente al alcohol. Los modelos animales son importantes para estudiar patologías de etiología desconocida, en este sentido, estudios de nuestro laboratorio indican que ratones deficientes en p35 son hiperactivos y responden paradojalmente a psicoestimulantes. Cdk5/p35 participa en el desarrollo neuronal, liberación de vesículas, señales dopaminérgicas, etc. Además resultados preliminares indican que la experiencia prenatal con una dosis etílica moderada durante la gestación tardía, es suficiente para incrementar los patrones de actividad locomotora, semejantes a los descriptos en los modelos animales de ADHD. De acuerdo a estas consideraciones hipotetizamos que la exposición etílica prenatal a dosis moderadas y durante un periodo acotado de la gestación tardía, resulta en un patrón conductual similar al descripto en modelos de ADHD. Asimismo, drogas psicoestimulantes pueden revertir dichos efectos. Por otra parte, proponemos que estas alteraciones son consecuencia de los efectos ocasionados por el insulto etílico sobre el equilibrio en el funcionamiento del sistema de neurotransmisión dopaminérgio mesolímbico/cortical. Teniendo en cuenta que la etiología del ADHD aun no se conoce, el desarrollo de modelos animales, que recapitulen características clínicas de este trastorno, constituye una herramienta muy poderosa para el estudio de los mecanismos celulares y moleculares que subyacen a este síndrome, por lo tanto, en este proyecto nos proponemos obtener evidencias acerca de las alteraciones originadas a partir de efectos deletéreos de la exposición etílica prenatal, que recapitulan el desarrollo de fenotipos conductuales y bioquímicos descriptos en modelos para ADHD. Específicamente nos proponemos determinar, por medio de experimentos conductuales, si la exposición a distintas dosis moderadas de alcohol durante un periodo acotado de la gestación tardía, son suficientes para generar alteraciones conductuales características de ADHD y establecer si metilfenidato y anfetamina, son capaces de revertirlas. Evaluar, mediante métodos bioquímicos, si este modelo involucra cambios en algunos de los componentes claves de la neurotransmisión dopaminérgica, tales como niveles de dopamina y sus metabolitos, niveles de expresión de tirosina-hidroxilasa, de receptores y transportador de dopamina, del complejo cdk5/p35, entre otros. Esperamos recapitular características análogas a las observadas en sujetos diagnosticados con ADHD y que el tratamiento con psicoestimulantes re-establezca los niveles de conducta normales. Mediante ensayos bioquímicos, esperamos encontrar mayores niveles de dopamina en tejido estriatal, acompañados con un aumento en los niveles de sus metabolitos y mediante western blot y ensayos de actividad esperamos encontrar mayor nivel de expresión en D1, menor de DAT y alteraciones en la normal actividad y expresión de cdk5/p35, que podrían explicar los resultados comportamentales esperados. Dada la alta prevalencia de ADHD y que estos jóvenes pacientes son medicados con psicoestimulantes, junto con la poca información sobre las respuestas neuroadaptativas del cerebro inmaduro, es importante investigar los mecanismos que subyacen las alteraciones neurofisiológicas de este trastorno. Estos abordajes experimentales resultan centrales para el desarrollo de terapias mas eficientes para el tratamiento de este síndrome.


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El Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana tipo 1 (VIH-1) afecta principalmente a la respuesta inmune específica causando una pérdida progresiva de los linfocitos T CD4+. Sin embargo, este virus también afecta a células del sistema inmune innato, tales como los Polimorfonucleares Neutrófilos (PMN). Existen evidencias de alteraciones funcionales de los PMN durante la progresión de la infección por VIH y una de las explicaciones de estos defectos, la atribuye a una muerte celular programada o apoptosis constitutiva incrementada. El compromiso de la apoptosis de los PMN en la infección por VIH no está totalmente dilucidado, por ello, los objetivos de este proyecto son investigar el efecto de la infección por VIH sobre la apoptosis de PMN, analizar la expresión de moléculas y receptores de patrones de reconocimiento en estas células y evaluar el impacto de la terapia antirretroviral sobre la apoptosis y expresión de moléculas y receptores en PMN. Se incluirán individuos en distintos estadios clínicos e inmunológicos de la infección con o sin tratamiento antirretroviral y se determinarán parámetros hematológicos, inmunológicos y virológicos a fin de correlacionar el nivel de apoptosis y expresión de moléculas y receptores con el nivel de linfocitos T CD4+ y carga viral. La importancia de los PMN en el control de la infección por el VIH es actualmente un área de mucho interés, ya pueden ejercer un efecto anti-VIH directo, y al mismo tiempo, ser blancos de la infección viral. Los mecanismos que conducen a la muerte acelerada de los PMN no han sido totalmente dilucidados, por ello, su estudio permitirá entender las bases bioquímicas de los cambios morfológicos y determinar los mecanismos que definen su iniciación y regulación. En el presente proyecto, el estudio de la apoptosis de PMN de pacientes con infección VIH/SIDA posibilitará caracterizar la sobrevida de éstas células y su relación con el estado inmunológico, virológico y la terapia antirretroviral. Además, el estudio de los receptores reconocedores de patrones moleculares asociados a patógenos permitirá aclarar algunos aspectos de la activación de la respuesta inmune innata y su conexión con la inmunidad adaptativa. Comprender aspectos claves de la cascada de la apoptosis de PMN y de la expresión de receptores reconocedores de patrones moleculares en la infección VIH/SIDA podría en un futuro aportar posibles blancos terapéuticos para restaurar la función de estas células durante esta infección.


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FUNDAMENTO: Considerando o alto número de pacientes infectados por HIV em uso de antirretrovirais, evoluindo com alteração da função endotelial e aterotrombose, levando ao alto custo médico social, é importante identificar mecanismos fisiopatológicos envolvidos com a função endotelial em portadores de HIV, para que, precocemente, possamos intervir e evitar a progressão da doença. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a função endotelial pela vasodilatação endotélio dependente e independente em pacientes HIV positivo e em grupo controle. MÉTODOS: O estudo avaliou 27 pacientes HIV positivo e 16 do grupo controle. A avaliação da função endotelial foi realizada por meio da vasodilatação da artéria braquial endotélio dependente (hiperemia reativa) e independente (nitroglicerina SL). RESULTADOS: Pacientes HIV positivo em uso de inibidor de protease (IP) apresentaram vasodilatação endotélio independente significativamente menor que os subgrupos HIV negativo (p = 0,020) e HIV positivo sem uso de IP (p = 0,034). A variação do diâmetro da artéria braquial durante hiperemia reativa não apresentou significância estatística em qualquer subgrupo. A análise de regressão linear múltipla mostrou que apenas o IP estava associado ao delta relativo da reatividade braquial pelo vasodilatador, nos pacientes HIV positivo, aos 60 e 90 segundos. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes HIV positivo em uso de IP apresentam disfunção endotélio independente quando comparados a pacientes HIV positivo que não fazem uso de IP e a um grupo controle.