998 resultados para Graves family.
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
This paper examines a dataset that derives from an observational tracking, in order to analyze where and how middle-class working families spend time at home. We use an ethnographic approach to study the everyday lives of Italian dual-income middle-class families, with the aim to analyze quantitatively the use of home spaces and the types of activities of family members on weekday afternoons and evenings. The different analyses (multiple correspondence analysis, agglomerative hierarchical cluster, discriminant analysis) show how particular spaces and activities in these spaces are dominated by certain family members. We suggest a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies as useful tools to explore in detail the everyday lives of families, and to understand how family members use the domestic spaces. In particular, we consider relevant the use of quantitative analyses to examine ethnographic data, especially in connection with the methodological reflexivity among researchers
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
• Promotes access to regular preventive health care services for children through contracts with 22 agencies covering all of Iowa’s 99 counties • Fosters age appropriate growth and development by promoting early identification of children’s health concerns and referral for diagnosis and treatment • Assists families to establish medical and dental homes for their children • Targets low income families – children on Medicaid and those who are uninsured and under insured • Strives to meet family needs and remove barriers to accessing health care by linking families to community-based, culturally appropriate services
The objective of this study was to determine the minimum number of plants per plot that must be sampled in experiments with sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) full-sib families in order to provide an effective estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters of yield-related traits. The data were collected in a randomized complete block design with 18 sugarcane full-sib families and 6 replicates, with 20 plants per plot. The sample size was determined using resampling techniques with replacement, followed by an estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters. Sample-size estimates varied according to the evaluated parameter and trait. The resampling method permits an efficient comparison of the sample-size effects on the estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters. A sample of 16 plants per plot, or 96 individuals per family, was sufficient to obtain good estimates for all traits considered of all the characters evaluated. However, for Brix, if sample separation by trait were possible, ten plants per plot would give an efficient estimate for most of the characters evaluated.
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
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A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
The Xenopus laevis 68-kd and 74-kd albumin amino acid sequences are examined with respect to their relationship to the other known members of the albumin/alpha-fetoprotein/vitamin D-binding protein gene family. Each of the three members of this family presents a unique pattern of conserved regions indicating a differential selective pressure related to specific functional characteristics. Furthermore, an evolutionary tree of these genes was deduced from the divergence times calculated from direct nucleotide sequence comparisons of individual gene pairs. These calculations indicate that the vitamin D-binding protein/albumin separation occurred 560-600 million years (Myr) ago and the albumin/alpha-fetoprotein divergence 280 Myr ago. This observation leads to the hypothesis according to which the albumin/alpha-fetoprotein gene duplication occurred shortly after the amphibian/reptile separation. Consequently, and unlike mammals, amphibians and fishes should lack an alpha-fetoprotein in their serum at larval stages, which is consistent with a recent analysis of serum proteins in Xenopus laevis larvae. This hypothesis now will have to be tested further in additional lower vertebrates.
La excavación de las necrópolis de incineración de Santa Madrona (Riba-roja d’Ebre) y Sebes (Flix) aportan nuevos datos sobre el estudio del mundo funerario en esta zona. Ambas presentan una fase de utilización durante la Primera Edad del Hierro (siglos vii-vi a.C.), caracterizada por un predominio de estructuras tumulares, junto a las que se documentan otras variantes (urnas funerarias sin túmulo, deposiciones de huesos sin urna, ofrendas funerarias, estructuras empedradas sin urna, etc.). En ambas necrópolis, los estudios antropológicos muestran que todos los grupos de edad estaban representados. Los materiales cerámicos y ajuares presentan gran similitud entre las diferentes sepulturas, lo que sugiere una cierta igualdad en el tratamiento de los difuntos. La existencia, en ambos casos, de dos áreas diferenciadas, podría indicar una separación en función de grupos familiares.