991 resultados para Gordon, Linda


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This caring science study explores ‘Will’ as an ontological concept. The aim is to deepen the understanding of the essence of Will, and to highlight the manifestations of Will and how Will becomes evident in clinical caring. Will is ontological and universal. Will is connected with the essence of the human being, and manifests in the human being as will. The approach is inspired by Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. The study’s horizon of understanding consists of Eriksson’s caritative theory and the caring science-tradition. The study’s research questions are as follows: What is the essence of Will? What are its manifestations? How does Will become evident in clinical caring? The hermeneutic interpretative movement is initiated by the material, which consists of the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer’s texts, letters from experts and dictionaries. Meaning-bearing substance fragments in the material are intertwined with the original horizon of understanding through hermeneutical reading, hermeneutical interpretation and concept analysis in an oscillating interpretive movement. An abstraction occurs when the new substance is illuminated by the caring science ontology. The oscillating interpretive movement results in a reinterpreted horizon of understanding, which in turn provides the findings of the study. The reinterpreted horizon of understanding is presented in the form of a theoretical model and abductive theses. The essence of Will is represented in the theoretical model as the lifeaffirming and the loving force. Life and love are Will’s origin and destination. Will’s manifestations (its diversity) hold conditions and chance occurrences that obstruct Will. Hence the will of the human being does not necessarily appear in a way that is in tune with ontological Will. Will represents the lifeblood of ethos, and in this lifeblood love flows. Will acts by virtue of itself, and gives ethos its force. Will manifests in a way that ethos can affirm. When Will is affected by caring its force is active in the service of life and love. Being a caregiver entails acting as a world-eye, which means recognizing Will in diversity. For caregivers, being a world-eye means observing fragments of Will as it manifests in its original form in the real reality, and acting as the mirror of life. The human being who is able to perceive the fundamental values of life and to live according to these has understood the laws of life and entered upon the human calling. The human being then lives according to the fundamental order and has found a home in life.


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The present investigation looks into the attitudes toward death in Paul’s authentic letters, and puts them in relation to modern theories of psychological coping. Drawing on psychologically-oriented hermeneutic theory, and theories about psychological coping in particular, I argue that each case of psychological coping must be understood in its historical situation as strategies emanating from a specific person’s subjective appraisal (cf. Pargament, Lazarus and Folkman). Paul’s letters frequently refer to persecution and violent death. To aid in psychological coping is often integral to the purpose of the letters, which makes the perspective of psychological coping akin to their genre. In the course of a tentatively assumed chronological order of 1 Thessalonians, Galatians, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Romans, Philippians, and Philemon, Paul moves from the perception of Jesus dying for the faithful to the understanding of dying with Jesus. His coping strategies concerning death are gradually transformed from conservative and deferring coping styles, to a more self-directing coping style, to collaborative and transformative coping styles, and finally to a new sense of deferring coping style in prison. The last case of deferring coping carries the traits of generosity and flexibility even in the face of death, which is in contrast to his previous letters. Through his correspondence, we see Paul’s attitude toward death transformed from denial to reaction, to processing, to acceptance (cf. Lindemann, Kübler-Ross, Bowlby, Parkes, among others). His strategies also shift in accordance with these understandings. Denial is accompanied by diversion, threat by aggression, processing by rumination, and acceptance by joy. The study shows the hermeneutic benefits of reading Paul’s letters as the rhetorically framed expressions of a person in a particular historical situation. The letters open small windows through which we can glimpse the coping process of a person of antiquity. In adopting the method of psychological exegesis, the study shows that the variety of attitudes toward death in Paul’s letters makes sense from the perspective of psychological coping. The psychological aspect of these letters is an underexamined richness that can extend into areas of contemporary individual and group identity, and from there to public policy and ethics.


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Opettaja on yksi merkittävimmistä henkilöistä kouluikäisen lapsen ja nuoren elämässä (Gordon 2006, 387) ja koulukokemukset säilyvät muistoissamme hyvin vahvoina läpi elämän (Jantunen & Ojanen 2010, 5). Opettaja toimii ammatissaan omien kokemustensa ja näkemystensä sekä koulutuksessa omaksumiensa taitojen pohjalta. Yliopistotasoinen koulutus tuo mukanaan yhteiskunnallista arvostusta (Välijärvi 2006, 18) mutta myös suuria odotuksia ja paineita profession edustajia kohtaan (Niemi 2006, 81). Opettajien tasokkaasta koulutuksesta huolimatta maastamme löytyy paljon lapsia, jotka ovat vaarassa pudota koulujärjestelmän ulkopuolelle ja esimerkiksi tuoreimmat PISA-tulokset viittaavat koulujen eriarvoistumiseen ja koulun kyvyttömyyteen vastata nuorten todellisuutta vastaaviin ongelmiin (Kupari, Välijärvi, Andersson, Arffman, Nissinen, Puhakka & Vettenranta 2013, 70 – 71). Koulujen ja opettajien toimintaa on siis kyettävä tehostamaan ja kehittämään entistä paremmaksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on antaa puheenvuoro koululaisille ja selvittää koulukotiin sijoitettujen nuorten näkemyksiä hyvästä opettajasta ja hyvän opettajan toiminnasta. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena haastattelututkimuksena. Tutkimusjoukkona olivat koulukotiin sijoitetut nuoret ja otokseen valikoitui 21 nuorta neljästä Suomen koulukodista. Haastattelut toteutettiin teemahaastatteluina ja aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin teemoittelemalla. Yhtä lukuun ottamatta kaikki nuoret pystyivät palauttamaan mieliinsä ainakin yhden hyvän opettajan kouluhistoriastaan. Nuoret kuvasivat hyvää opettajaa mukavaksi ja positiiviseksi aikuiseksi, jonka kanssa tuli hyvin toimeen. Hyvä opettaja käytti monipuolisia opetusmenetelmiä, keskusteli paljon ja osasi selittää käsiteltäviä asioita hyvin ja selkeästi. Opettajan tuli olla aidosti innostunut opettamisesta ja opetettavista asioista sekä jaksaa kannustaa oppilaitaan. Erittäin tärkeää oli, että opettaja kunnioitti oppilaita ja hänellä oli aikaa kuunnella ja auttaa sekä kouluun että arkielämään liittyvissä asioissa. Vain aidon läsnäolon kautta opettajan ja oppilaan välille syntyi kunnioittava ja luottamuksellinen suhde, joka koettiin kaiken opetuksen ja yhteistyön perustaksi. Tutkimus osoitti, että nuoret kaipaavat aitoa läsnäoloa ja ymmärrystä, joita ilman myös itse opiskelu käy vaikeaksi tai jopa mahdottomaksi. Yhteiskunnan lyhytnäköiset säästö-tavoitteet opetustoimesta pienentävät opettajien mahdollisuutta todelliseen vuorovaikutukseen, oppilaiden aitoon kohtaamiseen ja tasokkaaseen tukeen ja opetukseen. Myös opettajankoulutusta tulee kehittää jatkuvasti todellisia tarpeita


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The objective of this study was to characterize and correlate maturity and quality of the first varieties of Brazilian seedless grapes 'BRS Clara', 'BRS Linda', 'BRS Morena', and 'Advanced Selection 8' compared with the American variety 'Crimson Seedless' in compliance with the Brazilian Normative/2002 and export standards Advanced Selection 8' is dark reddish, has large clusters, and is a very large ellipsoid berry; 'BRS Morena' is black with medium sized clusters and large berry shaped as ellipsoid to globoid; 'BRS Linda' is light green and has large sized clusters; 'Crimson' is pink and has small clusters with berries varying from medium to large sizes and ellipsoid shaped; and 'BRS Clara' is green yellowish has medium sized clusters and small berry of elongated ellipsoid shape. All varieties evaluated meet the standard for domestic market established as berry size minimum diameter 12 mm. 'BRS Clara' does not meet the export requirements of diameter. Berries of the red grapes 'BRS Morena' and 'Crimson Seedless' are firmer. The pH, titratable acidity, and soluble solids meet the official standards. Larger clusters are less acidic and present higher soluble solids/titratable acidity ratios implying that they are the sweetest type when ripe.


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AbstractThermal processing and production practices used in vegetables can cause changes in their phytochemical contents. Eggplant is characterized by its high antioxidant content. The objective of this work was to determine levels of anthocyanins, polyphenols, and flavonoids and antioxidant capacity in organically and conventionally grown eggplant prepared fresh or subjected to one of three thermal preparation methods: boiling, baking or steaming. The soluble and hydrolyzable polyphenols and flavonoids content were quantified by Folin-Ciocalteu and Aluminum chloride methods, respectively. Anthocyanins were quantified according to the pH differential method. Antioxidant capacity was determined by DPPH and ORAC methods. The results showed differences between organic and conventional eggplant for some variables although cultivation method did not have a consistent effect. Hydrolysable polyphenol content was greater, and soluble and hydrolysable antioxidant capacities were higher in organically grown eggplant, while anthocyanin content was greater in conventionally grown eggplant. Fresh eggplant produced under conventional cultivation had a much greater content of anthocyanins compared to that of other cultivation method-thermal treatment combination. In general, steamed eggplant contained higher total polyphenol and flavonoid levels as well as greater antioxidant capacity. Steamed eggplant from both conventional and organic systems also had high amounts of anthocyanins compared to other thermal treatments.


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Sosiologian tulevaisuus.


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Uma das principais causas da baixa produtividade de milho é a qualidade da semente, que afeta o estande inicial, o vigor das plantas e, conseqüentemente, a produtividade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito da germinação, um dos principais componentes da qualidade da semente e a densidade de semeadura no estabelecimento da cultura e na produtividade de milho. Quatro lotes de sementes de milho híbrido BRS 201, com germinação de 95%, 90%, 85% e 75%, foram semeados em três densidades de semeadura: 50, 60 e 70 mil sementes/ha na Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, Sete Lagoas. MG, em 1996/97 e 1997/98. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: emergência de plântulas 10 dias após a semeadura, índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE), número de espigas/ha, número de plantas/ha, produção de espigas/ha e produção de grãos/ha. A utilização de sementes com germinação inferior a 90% provocou reduções acentuadas na emergência de plântulas em campo, no número de plantas e consequentemente, na produtividade do milho BRS 201. O aumento da densidade de 50 para 70 mil sementes/ha na semeadura não compensou a redução da qualidade de semente. Para o acréscimo de 15% na germinação, foi observado, em média, um ganho de produtividade de 30%. Com base nos resultados deste trabalho, recomenda-se aos produtores de milho, a utilização de lotes de semente com germinação superior a 90% e densidade de semeadura entre 50 e 60 mil sementes/ha.


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Foram descritos e ilustrados aspectos morfoanatômicos das sementes de Balfourodendron riedelianum (Engler) Engler, visando a caracterização dos tegumentos, endosperma e embrião. As sementes são elipsóides, pretas, anátropas, endotestais com tégmem reduzido, exariladas e albuminosas. O endosperma possui reserva lipo-protéica. Embrião axial, dominante, branco, com cotilédones carnosos, eixo hipocótilo-radícula curto e plúmula reduzida.