The most visible researchers in Knowledge Organization and Representation were identified, from the perspective of Brazilian researchers, based on cocitations from the papers presented in the last five meetings of the Encontros Nacionais de Pesquisa of the Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós- Graduação em Ciência da Informação (ENANCIBs) from 2003 to 2008. First, the total number of references was identified, a total of 134 articles. Second, a citation analysis was conducted, being considered the most cited authors those who received 12 citations or more, which resulted in 31 most cited authors. Third, the Pajek software was used for the construction of the co-citation network and, thereafter, some indicators were calculated with the Ucinet software, which describe the structure and cohesion of the generated network, and, particularly, its density, and its degree of centrality, betweenness and proximity. The high cohesion of the network and the compliance between the most co-cited authors and the calculated indicators were verified.
The indexing policy establishes the guiding principles and criteria for the indexer when determining the subjects of the documents. This article shows how to capture the indexers’ tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge using the group verbal protocol methodology to produce an indexing manual. Continuing professional education results to be a key factor in obtaining good results when formalizing the indexing policy of a library and keeping it up to date.
[ES] El trabajo presenta un modelo de optimización dinámica aplicado a la gestión de un sistema de cultivo de la dorada en la región mediterránea española y canaria. El modelo incluye una función de crecimiento ajustada a partir de datos reales de cultivo de la especie. Las variables económicas incorporan las peculiaridades de ambas regiones, siendo el coste del transporte el factor diferenciador más relevante. Se obtienen recomendaciones de tasas de racionamiento a lo largo del periodo de engorde, que se encuentran siempre por debajo del nivel de saturación. Las tallas de mercado óptimas resultan mayores en la región canaria, debido a sus ventajas medioambientales, destacándose en esta decisión de producto la existencia de un factor de competitividad diferenciada.
Programa de Doctorado: Economía y Dirección de Empresas
El programa CICLON se emplea para gestionar el combustible de un PWR. En esta ponencia se estudia y se complementa con nuevos cálculos relativos a la recarga de elementos combustibles frescos.