942 resultados para GENOMIC ABERRATIONS


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This article examines a series of controversies within the life sciences over data sharing. Part 1 focuses upon the agricultural biotechnology firm Syngenta publishing data on the rice genome in the journal Science, and considers proposals to reform scientific publishing and funding to encourage data sharing. Part 2 examines the relationship between intellectual property rights and scientific publishing, in particular copyright protection of databases, and evaluates the declaration of the Human Genome Organisation that genomic databases should be global public goods. Part 3 looks at varying opinions on the information function of patent law, and then considers the proposals of Patrinos and Drell to provide incentives for private corporations to release data into the public domain.


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This article considers the origins and the development of the defence of experimental use in patent law - the ’freedom to tinker'. It explores the impact of such an exemption upon a number of important industries - such as agriculture, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical drugs. This article takes a comparative approach in its analysis of patent law and experimental use. It highlights the competing norms, and lack of harmonization between a number of jurisdictions - including the United States, the European Union, and Australia. Section 2 provides a critique of the development of the common law defence of experimental use in the United States. It considers a series of precedents - including Roche Products Inc v Bolar Pharmaceuticals, Madey v Duke University, Integra Lifesciences I Ltd v Merck KgaA, and Applera v MJ Research. Section 3 explores the operation of patent law and experimental use in European jurisdictions. It looks at a number of significant precedents in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, Italy, and Germany. Section 4 considers the policy debate in a number of forums over the defence of experimental use in Australia. It examines the controversy over Genetic Technologies Limited asking research organisations to obtain a licence in respect of its patents associated with non-coding DNA and genomic mapping. It also considers the inquiries of the Australian Law Reform Commission and the Advisory Council on Intellectual Property, as well as the impact of the TRIPS Agreement and the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement. The conclusion contends that there is a need for a broad-based defence of experimental use for all the member states of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.


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This article considers the recent international controversy over the patents held by a Melbourne firm, Genetic Technologies Limited (GTG), in respect of non-coding DNA and genomic mapping. It explores the ramifications of the GTG dispute in terms of licensing, litigation, and policy reform, and—as a result of this dispute—the perceived conflict between law and science. GTG has embarked upon an ambitious licensing program with twenty seven commercial licensees and five research licensees. Most significantly, GTG has obtained an exclusive licence from Myriad Genetics to use and exploit its medical diagnostics in Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia-Pacific region. In the US, GTG brought a legal action for patent infringement against the Applera Corporation and its subsidiaries. In response, Applera counterclaimed that the patents of GTG were invalid because they failed to comply with the requirements of US patent law, such as novelty, inventive step, and written specifications. In New Zealand, the Auckland District Health Board brought legal action in the High Court, seeking a declaration that the patents of GTG were invalid, and that, in any case, the Board has not infringed them. The New Zealand Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economic Development have reported to Cabinet on the issues relating to the patenting of genetic material. Similarly, the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has also engaged in an inquiry into gene patents and human health; and the Advisory Council on Intellectual Property (ACIP) has considered whether there should be a new defence in respect of experimental use and research.


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We undertook deep sequencing of gill transcriptomes from two freshwater crayfish, Cherax cainii and Cherax destructor, in order to generate genomic resources for future genomics research. Over 83 and 100 million high quality (quality score (Q) ≥ 30) paired-end Illumina reads (150 bp) were assembled into 147,101 and 136,622 contigs in C. cainii and C. destructor, respectively. A total of 24,630 and 23,623 contigs received significant BLASTx hits and allowed the identification of multiple gill expressed candidate genes associated with pH and salinity balance. These functionally annotated transcripts will provide a resource to facilitate comparative genomic research in the genus Cherax, and in particular allow insights into respiratory and osmoregulatory physiology of this group of animals.


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We characterized nine new microsatellite markers isolated from (GT) n and (CT) n microsatellite- enriched genomic libraries of the sea squirt ( Halocynthia roretzi ). All markers were polymorphic in 92 individuals from a single natural population with 2–21 (mean 9.22) alleles per locus. The observed and expected heterozy-gosity of these markers were 0.086–0.886 and 0.102–0.870, respectively.One marker (Hr2004) significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. These new microsat-ellite markers should be useful for assessing the genetic diversity and population structure in H. roretzi.


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A candidate gene approach using type I single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers can provide an effective method for detecting genes and gene regions that underlie phenotypic variation in adaptively significant traits. In the absence of available genomic data resources, transcriptomes were recently generated in Macrobrachium rosenbergii to identify candidate genes and markers potentially associated with growth. The characterisation of 47 candidate loci by ABI re-sequencing of four cultured and eight wild samples revealed 342 putative SNPs. Among these, 28 SNPs were selected in 23 growth-related candidate genes to genotype in 200 animals selected for improved growth performance in an experimental GFP culture line in Vietnam. The associations between SNP markers and individual growth performance were then examined. For additive and dominant effects, a total of three exonic SNPs in glycogen phosphorylase (additive), heat shock protein 90 (additive and dominant) and peroxidasin (additive), and a total of six intronic SNPs in ankyrin repeats-like protein (additive and dominant), rolling pebbles (dominant), transforming growth factor-β induced precursor (dominant), and UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase 2 (dominant) genes showed significant associations with the estimated breeding values in the experimental animals (P =0.001−0.031). Individually, they explained 2.6−4.8 % of the genetic variance (R2=0.026−0.048). This is the first large set of SNP markers reported for M. rosenbergii and will be useful for confirmation of associations in other samples or culture lines as well as having applications in marker-assisted selection in future breeding programs.


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Microsatellite markers are important for gene mapping and for marker-assisted selection. Sixty-five polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed with an enriched partial genomic library from olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus an important commercial fish species in Korea. The variability of these markers was tested in 30 individuals collected from the East Sea (Korea). The number of alleles for each locus ranged from 2 to 33 (mean, 17.1). Observed and expected heterozygosity as well as polymorphism information content varied from 0.313 to 1.000 (mean, 0.788), from 0.323 to 0.977 (mean, 0.820), and from 0.277 to 0.960 (mean, 0.787), respectively. Nine loci showed significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium after sequential Bonferroni correction. Analysis with MICROCHECKER suggested the presence of null alleles at five of these loci with estimated null allele frequencies of 0.126-0.285. These new microsatellite markers from genomic libraries will be useful for constructing a P. olivaceus linkage map.


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Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are widely acknowledged as the marker of choice for many genetic and genomic applications because they show co-dominant inheritance, are highly abundant across genomes and are suitable for high-throughput genotyping. Here we evaluated the applicability of SNP markers developed from Crassostrea gigas and C. virginica expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in closely related Crassostrea and Ostrea species. A total of 213 putative interspecific level SNPs were identified from re-sequencing data in six amplicons, yielding on average of one interspecific level SNP per seven bp. High polymorphism levels were observed and the high success rate of transferability show that genic EST-derived SNP markers provide an efficient method for rapid marker development and SNP discovery in closely related oyster species. The six EST-SNP markers identified here will provide useful molecular tools for addressing questions in molecular ecology and evolution studies including for stock analysis (pedigree monitoring) in related oyster taxa.


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Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is an important immunoregulatory cytokine produced by various types of cells. Researchers describe here the isolation and characterization of olive flounder IL-10 (ofIL-10) cDNA and genomic organization. The ofIL-10 gene encodes a 187 amino acid protein and is composed of a five exon/four intron structure, similar to other known IL-10 genes. The ofIL-10 promoter sequence analysis shows a high level of homology in putative binding sites for transcription factors which are sufficient for transcriptional regulation ofIL-10. Important structural residues are maintained in the ofIL-10 protein including the four cysteines responsible for the two intra-chain disulfide bridges reported for human IL-10 and two extra cysteine residues that exist only in fish species. The phylogenetic analysis clustered ofIL-10 with other fish IL-10s and apart from mammalian IL-10 molecules. Quantitative real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) analysis demonstrated ubiquitous ofIL-10 gene expression in the 13 tissues examined. Additionally, the induction of ofIL-10 gene expression was observed in the kidney tissue from olive flounder infected with bacteria (Edawardsiella tarda) or virus (Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus; VHSV). These data indicate that IL-10 is an important immune regulator that is conserved strictly genomic organization and function during the evolution of vertebrate immunity.


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Big data analysis in healthcare sector is still in its early stages when comparing with that of other business sectors due to numerous reasons. Accommodating the volume, velocity and variety of healthcare data Identifying platforms that examine data from multiple sources, such as clinical records, genomic data, financial systems, and administrative systems Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a key information resource for big data analysis and is also composed of varied co-created values. Successful integration and crossing of different subfields of healthcare data such as biomedical informatics and health informatics could lead to huge improvement for the end users of the health care system, i.e. the patients.


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The concept of big data has already outperformed traditional data management efforts in almost all industries. Other instances it has succeeded in obtaining promising results that provide value from large-scale integration and analysis of heterogeneous data sources for example Genomic and proteomic information. Big data analytics have become increasingly important in describing the data sets and analytical techniques in software applications that are so large and complex due to its significant advantages including better business decisions, cost reduction and delivery of new product and services [1]. In a similar context, the health community has experienced not only more complex and large data content, but also information systems that contain a large number of data sources with interrelated and interconnected data attributes. That have resulted in challenging, and highly dynamic environments leading to creation of big data with its enumerate complexities, for instant sharing of information with the expected security requirements of stakeholders. When comparing big data analysis with other sectors, the health sector is still in its early stages. Key challenges include accommodating the volume, velocity and variety of healthcare data with the current deluge of exponential growth. Given the complexity of big data, it is understood that while data storage and accessibility are technically manageable, the implementation of Information Accountability measures to healthcare big data might be a practical solution in support of information security, privacy and traceability measures. Transparency is one important measure that can demonstrate integrity which is a vital factor in the healthcare service. Clarity about performance expectations is considered to be another Information Accountability measure which is necessary to avoid data ambiguity and controversy about interpretation and finally, liability [2]. According to current studies [3] Electronic Health Records (EHR) are key information resources for big data analysis and is also composed of varied co-created values [3]. Common healthcare information originates from and is used by different actors and groups that facilitate understanding of the relationship for other data sources. Consequently, healthcare services often serve as an integrated service bundle. Although a critical requirement in healthcare services and analytics, it is difficult to find a comprehensive set of guidelines to adopt EHR to fulfil the big data analysis requirements. Therefore as a remedy, this research work focus on a systematic approach containing comprehensive guidelines with the accurate data that must be provided to apply and evaluate big data analysis until the necessary decision making requirements are fulfilled to improve quality of healthcare services. Hence, we believe that this approach would subsequently improve quality of life.


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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a common inflammatory arthritic condition. Overt inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) occurs in about 10% of AS patients, and in addition 70% of AS cases may have subclinical terminal ileitis. Spondyloarthritis is also common in IBD patients. We therefore tested Crohn's disease susceptibility genes for association with AS, aiming to identify pleiotropic genetic associations with both diseases. Genotyping was carried out using Sequenom and Applied Biosystems TaqMan and OpenArray technologies on 53 markers selected from 30 Crohn's disease associated genomic regions. We tested genotypes in a population of unrelated individual cases (n = 2,773) and controls (n = 2,215) of white European ancestry for association with AS. Statistical analysis was carried out using a Cochran-Armitage test for trend in PLINK. Strong association was detected at chr1q32 near KIF21B (rs11584383, P = 1.66 x 10-10, odds ratio (OR) = 0.74, 95% CI:0.68-0.82). Association with disease was also detected for 2 variants within STAT3 (rs6503695, P = 4.6×10-4. OR = 0.86 (95% CI:0.79-0.93); rs744166, P = 2.6×10-5, OR = 0.84 (95% CI:0.77-0.91)). Association was confirmed for IL23R (rs11465804, P = 1.2×10-5, OR = 0.65 (95% CI:0.54-0.79)), and further associations were detected for IL12B (rs10045431, P = 5.261025, OR = 0.83 (95% CI:0.76-0.91)), CDKAL1 (rs6908425, P = 1.1×10-4, OR = 0.82 (95% CI:0.74-0.91)), LRRK2/MUC19 (rs11175593, P = 9.9×10-5, OR = 1.92 (95% CI: 1.38-2.67)), and chr13q14 (rs3764147, P = 5.9×10-4, OR = 1.19 (95% CI: 1.08-1.31)). Excluding cases with clinical IBD did not significantly affect these findings. This study identifies chr1q32 and STAT3 as ankylosing spondylitis susceptibility loci. It also further confirms association for IL23R and detects suggestive association with another 4 loci. STAT3 is a key signaling molecule within the Th17 lymphocyte differentiation pathway and further enhances the case for a major role of this T-lymphocyte subset in ankylosing spondylitis. Finally these findings suggest common aetiopathogenic pathways for AS and Crohn's disease and further highlight the involvement of common risk variants across multiple diseases.


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The past five years have seen many scientific and biological discoveries made through the experimental design of genome-wide association studies (GWASs). These studies were aimed at detecting variants at genomic loci that are associated with complex traits in the population and, in particular, at detecting associations between common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and common diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune diseases, and psychiatric disorders. We start by giving a number of quotes from scientists and journalists about perceived problems with GWASs. We will then briefly give the history of GWASs and focus on the discoveries made through this experimental design, what those discoveries tell us and do not tell us about the genetics and biology of complex traits, and what immediate utility has come out of these studies. Rather than giving an exhaustive review of all reported findings for all diseases and other complex traits, we focus on the results for auto-immune diseases and metabolic diseases. We return to the perceived failure or disappointment about GWASs in the concluding section. © 2012 The American Society of Human Genetics.


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Background: The genome-wide association study era has made great progress in identifying susceptibility genes and genetic loci for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in populations of White European ancestry. However, few studies have tried to dissect disease aetiopathogenesis in other ethnic populations. Objective: To investigate these associations in the Han Chinese population. Methods: Haplotypes from the HapMap database Chinese population were used to select tag-single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (r2 =0.8) across 19 distinct RA genomic regions. A two phase case-control association study was performed, with 169 SNPs genotyped in phase I (n=571 cases, n=880 controls), and 64 SNPs achieving p<0.2 in the first phase being genotyped in phase II (n=464 cases, n=822 controls). Association statistics were calculated using permutation tests both unadjusted and adjusted for the number of markers studied. Results: Robust association was detected for MMEL1 and CTLA4 , and modest association was identified for another six loci: PADI4 , STAT4 , PRDM1 , CDK6 , TRAF1-C5 and KIF5A-PIP4K2C. All three markers genotyped in MMEL1 demonstrated association, with peak signal for rs3890745 (p=2.6×10 -5unadjusted, p=0.003 adjusted, OR=0.79). For CTLA4 , significance was detected for three of five variants showing association, with peak association for marker rs12992492 (p=4.3×10-5 unadjusted, p=0.0021 adjusted, OR=0.77). Lack of association of common variants in PTPN22 with RA in Han Chinese was confirmed. Conclusion: This study identifies MMEL1 and CTLA4 as RA susceptibility genes, provides suggestive evidence of association for a further six loci in the Han Chinese population and confirms lack of PTPN22 association in Asian populations. It also confirms the value of multiethnic population studies to help dissect disease aetiopathogenesis.


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Objective. To identify genomic regions linked with determinants of age at symptom onset, disease activity, and functional impairment in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Methods. A whole genome linkage scan was performed in 188 affected sibling pair families with 454 affected individuals. Traits assessed were age at symptom onset, disease activity assessed by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI), and functional impairment assessed by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI). Parametric and nonparametric quantitative linkage analysis was performed using parameters defined in a previous segregation study. Results. Heritabilities of the traits studied in this data set were as follows: BASDAI 0.49 (P = 0.0001, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.23-0.75), BASFI 0.76 (P = 10-7, 95% CI 0.49-1.0), and age at symptom onset 0.33 (P = 0.005, 95% CI 0.04-0.62). No linkage was observed between the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and any of the traits studied (logarithm of odds [LOD] score <1.0). "Significant" linkage (LOD score 4.0) was observed between a region on chromosome 18p and the BASDAI. Age at symptom onset showed "suggestive" linkage to chromosome 11p (LOD score 3.3). Maximum linkage with the BASFI was seen at chromosome 2q (LOD score 2.9). Conclusion. In contrast to the genetic determinants of susceptibility to AS, clinical manifestations of the disease measured by the BASDAI, BASFI, and age at symptom onset are largely determined by a small number of genes not encoded within the MHC.