Mathematics Subject Classification: 33C60, 33C20, 44A15
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 33C60, 44A20
AMS Subj. Classification: 90C27, 05C85, 90C59
We experimentally demonstrate an all-fiber single-polarization dual-wavelength Yb-doped fiber laser passively mode-locked with a 45°-tilted fiber grating for the first time. Stable dual-wavelength operation exhibits double-rectangular spectral profile centered at 1033 and 1053 nm, respectively. The 3 dB bandwidth of each rectangular optical spectrum is estimated as 10 nm. The separation of two fundamental repetition rates is 6 kHz. By employing the 45° TFG with the polarization-dependent loss of 33 dB, output pulses with 27 dB polarization extinction ratio are implemented in the experiment. The single pulse centered at 1053 nm is researched by using a filter at the output port of the laser, and the experimental results denote that the output ps pulses are highly chirped. The formation mechanism of dual-wavelength operation is investigated.
We demonstrate experimentally new families of vector solitons with the precessing states of polarization for multipulse soliton operations in a carbon nanotube mode-locked fiber laser with anomalous dispersion laser cavity. © 2013 OSA.
Here we present first investigation of polarization dynamics from a carbon nanotube mode locked erbium doped fiber laser. Both vector and polarization switching dissipative soliton have been observed. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
MSC 2010: 30C45, 30A20, 34A40
MSC 2010: 26A33, 46Fxx, 58C05 Dedicated to 80-th birthday of Prof. Rudolf Gorenflo
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 90C26, 90C20, 49J52, 47H05, 47J20.
Fuzzy data envelopment analysis (DEA) models emerge as another class of DEA models to account for imprecise inputs and outputs for decision making units (DMUs). Although several approaches for solving fuzzy DEA models have been developed, there are some drawbacks, ranging from the inability to provide satisfactory discrimination power to simplistic numerical examples that handles only triangular fuzzy numbers or symmetrical fuzzy numbers. To address these drawbacks, this paper proposes using the concept of expected value in generalized DEA (GDEA) model. This allows the unification of three models - fuzzy expected CCR, fuzzy expected BCC, and fuzzy expected FDH models - and the ability of these models to handle both symmetrical and asymmetrical fuzzy numbers. We also explored the role of fuzzy GDEA model as a ranking method and compared it to existing super-efficiency evaluation models. Our proposed model is always feasible, while infeasibility problems remain in certain cases under existing super-efficiency models. In order to illustrate the performance of the proposed method, it is first tested using two established numerical examples and compared with the results obtained from alternative methods. A third example on energy dependency among 23 European Union (EU) member countries is further used to validate and describe the efficacy of our approach under asymmetric fuzzy numbers.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A25, 41A27, 41A36.
We report on a new vector model of an erbium doped fiber laser mode locked with carbon nanotubes. This model goes beyond the limitations of the previously used models based on either coupled nonlinear Schrödinger or Ginzburg-Landau equations. It results in a new family of vector solitons with fast evolving states of polarization experimentally observed in our previous papers.
We study polarization dynamics of a harmonic mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotubes absorber. New types of vector solitons are shown for multi-pulse and harmonic mode-locked operation with locked, switching and precessing polarization states. © 2014 OSA.
We studied experimentally polarization dynamics in a carbon nanotube mode locked stretched pulse fiber laser. For the first time, polarization locked, regular and irregular polarization switching have been observed at the microsecond time scale. © 2014 OSA.
Imagining oneself in a stereotyped role may not only increase women's endorsement of stereotypes about women and science, but also stifle broader concerns about social change. In the experiment, 81 women imagined themselves on a stereotypical or a counter-stereotypical career path (vs. a control condition). Participants in the stereotypical imagery condition endorsed to a higher extent the stereotypes about women and science, and crucially, were more resistant to social change in general. Stereotype endorsement mediated the relationship between exposure to stereotypes and resistance to social change. Results imply that tackling occupational gender stereotypes is crucial not only because they exclude women from male-dominated careers, but also because of a potentially pervasive negative impact on broader egalitarian concerns.