989 resultados para Free Plan


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The River Tweed is, in rod-catch terms, the second most important river in Britain for Atlantic salmon, with an annual rod catch of ca.10,000 fish. This article gives an outline of the second edition of the Tweed Fisheries Management Plan, which is defined as "The co-ordination of data collection and analyses with fundamental research into relevant topics to devise management actions that will beneficially affect the future state of fish stocks". Much of the work set down for the present is concerned with setting up recording and measuring systems for fish catches and exploitation rates, and for the operation of monitoring sites for juvenile densities and adult trout and salmon spawning runs. While surveys show the present state of affairs, the collection of records and regular monitoring of sites will mean that in the future, the past will be better known through a longer series of records. Two case histories are described. The first is concerned with setting aims for managing the brown trout of the Tweed and defining the present state of the fishery. The second is an investigation into the spring salmon of the Tweed.


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The Danube is ca. 2850 km in length and is the second largest river in Europe. The Austrian part of the Danube falls 156 metres in altitude over its 351 km length and, since the early 1950s, the river has been developed into a power-generating waterway, so that the continuity of the river is now interrupted by ten impounded areas. Only two stretches of the original free-flowing river are left, the Wachau region (above river-km 2005, west of Vienna) and the region downstream from the impoundment at Vienna (river-km 1921). Most of the recent theories and concepts related to invertebrates, in the context of the ecology of running waters, are based on studies on small streams, whereas investigations of large rivers have played a minor role for a long time, mainly due to methodological difficulties. The authors' recent detailed studies on macroinvertebrates in the free-flowing section of the Danube below Vienna, provide an excellent opportunity to survey or restate scientific hypotheses on the basis of a large river. In this review the main interest focuses on the investigation of biodiversity, i.e. the number of species and their relative proportions in the whole invertebrate community, as well as major governing environmental factors. The article summarises the species composition, the important environmental variables at the river cross-section and the effect of upstream impoundment on the riverbed and its fauna.


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An exciting frontier in quantum information science is the integration of otherwise "simple'' quantum elements into complex quantum networks. The laboratory realization of even small quantum networks enables the exploration of physical systems that have not heretofore existed in the natural world. Within this context, there is active research to achieve nanoscale quantum optical circuits, for which atoms are trapped near nano-scopic dielectric structures and "wired'' together by photons propagating through the circuit elements. Single atoms and atomic ensembles endow quantum functionality for otherwise linear optical circuits and thereby enable the capability of building quantum networks component by component. Toward these goals, we have experimentally investigated three different systems, from conventional to rather exotic systems : free-space atomic ensembles, optical nano fibers, and photonics crystal waveguides. First, we demonstrate measurement-induced quadripartite entanglement among four quantum memories. Next, following the landmark realization of a nanofiber trap, we demonstrate the implementation of a state-insensitive, compensated nanofiber trap. Finally, we reach more exotic systems based on photonics crystal devices. Beyond conventional topologies of resonators and waveguides, new opportunities emerge from the powerful capabilities of dispersion and modal engineering in photonic crystal waveguides. We have implemented an integrated optical circuit with a photonics crystal waveguide capable of both trapping and interfacing atoms with guided photons, and have observed the collective effect, superradiance, mediated by the guided photons. These advances provide an important capability for engineered light-matter interactions, enabling explorations of novel quantum transport and quantum many-body phenomena.


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Mediante el análisis de la balanza comercial española desde la época posterior a la Guerra Civil hasta el Plan de Estabilización y Liberalización, se intenta explicar la evolución de la economía española. La evolución del comercio exterior fue la pieza clave para el estancamiento de la economía en su conjunto debido a las políticas autárquicas del gobierno de Franco, que poco a poco se fueron flexibilizando hasta lograr una total apertura hacia el exterior. Esta apertura vino como consecuencia del Plan de Estabilización y supuso el saneamiento de todos los sectores de la economía (agricultura, industria, hacienda pública, sector crediticio…), así como un cambio en las pautas del consumo de la sociedad española. Se crean nuevas necesidades que es preciso cubrir, y frecuentemente hay que acudir al comercio internacional para abastecerlas. Tras las medidas liberalizadoras de 1959, nace un sector que se convierte en el engranaje de la economía española: el turismo, ya que gracias a él se obtienen divisas que permiten a la economía entrar en el libre juego de mercado en el terreno internacional. El turismo, junto con las remesas de los emigrantes a sus familias, son los elementos que tiran de una economía desabastecida en muchos casos de productos básicos, y que contaba con una industria arcaica y desestructurada.


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As is known, copepods play an important role in the nutrition of fish. Therefore with a view to facilitating research on the study of the quantitative side of feeding, there have recently appeared a considerable number of papers devoted to the development of methods for determining the wet. weight of these crustaceans. For the further facilitating of research in the nutrition of fish it would be of great interest to clarify the problem, is there not some kind of rule in the growth of the crustaceans during metamorphosis, and if there is such a rule is it not possible, to determine the length of the larvae at each stage, not by measuring them, but by using the formulae derived on the basis of these rules. This article examines the growth curves of different species of freshwater Copepoda, obtained on the basis of experimental observations in cultures or by way of measurement of mass material at all stages of development in samples from water-bodies. The authors study in particular the ratio of the mean diameter of the eggs to the mean length of the egg-bearing females.


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This thesis consists of two independent chapters. The first chapter deals with universal algebra. It is shown, in von Neumann-Bernays-Gӧdel set theory, that free images of partial algebras exist in arbitrary varieties. It follows from this, as set-complete Boolean algebras form a variety, that there exist free set-complete Boolean algebras on any class of generators. This appears to contradict a well-known result of A. Hales and H. Gaifman, stating that there is no complete Boolean algebra on any infinite set of generators. However, it does not, as the algebras constructed in this chapter are allowed to be proper classes. The second chapter deals with positive elementary inductions. It is shown that, in any reasonable structure ᶆ, the inductive closure ordinal of ᶆ is admissible, by showing it is equal to an ordinal measuring the saturation of ᶆ. This is also used to show that non-recursively saturated models of the theories ACF, RCF, and DCF have inductive closure ordinals greater than ω.


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EiTBren Giza Baliabideen plan estrategiko honek, erakundearen langileen ibilbide-orriak finkatzen ditu, 2013-2016 plan estrategiko orokorra oinarritzat hartuta. Hausnarketa estrategiko honetan, etorkizunari buruzko gogoeta egiten da, eta etorkizuna giza baliabideen esfortzuarekin eraikitzen da.


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El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la realización de un plan de marketing para el Grupo Kutxabank aplicando la metodología y procedimientos necesarios para la elaboración de este documento empresarial.


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CASTELLANO: El proyecto realizado es un plan de marketing para la empresa Normandya reparaciones S.L.. El plan de marketing es la herramienta básica de gestión que debe utilizar toda empresa orientada al mercado que quiera ser competitiva. En su puesta en marcha quedarán fijadas las diferentes actuaciones que deben realizarse en el área del marketing, para alcanzar los objetivos establecidos tras haber realizado un análisis previo de la situación en la que se encuentra la empresa.


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Plan de marketin de la microcerveceria Basqueland Brewing Project


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Para cualquier empresa sea cual sea su tamaño, sector y mercado al que pertenece es recomendable que se plantee la elaboración de un plan de marketing para su propio negocio. Dada la creciente competitividad existente hoy en día en cualquier sector, el hecho de conocer qué es lo que rodea a la empresa se antoja muy importante para el futuro de ésta. Y no sólo los factores que le rodean, sino que también resulta vital conocer los internos. El hecho de que cada organización pueda conocer sus propios puntos fuertes puede resultar una tarea sencilla, pero llevar a cabo un análisis interno a través de una óptica objetiva, permitirá mejorar los puntos débiles de cualquier organización, además de saber potenciar de la mejor manera posible los rasgos o características más fuertes. El objetivo principal de este plan de marketing no es otro que lo que se acaba de resumir en la reflexión anterior, lograr que la empresa objeto de estudio llegue a ser lo más competitiva posible en su sector, gracias al planteamiento de unos objetivos, estrategias y plan de acciones previa realización del análisis externo e interno ya citado. En definitiva, este documento pretenderá aportar una visión comercial de la empresa, centrando su atención sobre todo en el mercado de actuación, competidores, clientes, marketing mix… unido a aportar valor indirectamente a otras variables estratégicas, de tal forma que contribuya al crecimiento competitivo y corporativo de la citada organización.


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Ante el reciente aumento del dinamismo y la globalización en los mercados, los análisis, estrategias y planes de acción están adquiriendo una mayor importancia para todas las empresas. En una economía cambiante, anticiparse a los cambios y estar preparados para nuevas realidades es un objetivo prioritario de las empresas. El plan de marketing es un medio más para conseguir anticiparse a las nuevas características de los mercados. Cada empresa tiene características diferentes, por lo que es necesario que el plan se adapte a la organización y no al revés. Por ejemplo, en las grandes empresas se ha mostrado como un arma comercial determinante, pero en las PYMES puede convertirse incluso en un sustitutivo de la planificación estratégica. En éste trabajo se realizará un plan de marketing en la práctica para “Abereen Klinikak”, una PYME del sector veterinario, aplicando el método analítico sintético. Se realizará un análisis previo del mercado y un diagnóstico de la situación de la empresa, se marcarán los objetivos, estrategias y acciones a seguir, y se implantará un plan de control y seguimiento de ellos. Todo ello desde una forma estructurada y sistematizada, con el fin de seguir la mejor estrategia comercial posible para la empresa. Abstract Due to the recent increase of dynamism and market globalization, analyzes, strategies and action plans are becoming increasingly important for all businesses. In a changing economy, to anticipate changes and be prepared for new realities is a priority for companies. The marketing plan is another way of being able to anticipate the new market characteristics. Each company has different characteristics, so it is necessary that the marketing plan suits the organization and not vice versa. For example, in large companies it has been shown as a key commercial weapon, but for SMEs it could even become a substitute for strategic planning. In this project a marketing plan for "Abereen Klinikak", an enterprise which belongs to the SME sector, will be implemented. The marketing plan will be put into practice using the synthetic analytical method. To do so, preliminary market analysis and an assessment of the company’s situation will be done. Furthermore, goals, strategies and action steps will be scored, and a control and monitoring plan will be implemented. The plan will be put into practice in a structured and systematic way, in order to follow the best business strategy for the company.


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El objetivo del presente documento es realizar un Plan de Marketing para una PYME. La empresa analizada es Rodamientos Eder SA que se dedica a la producción de rodamientos para otras empresas industriales. Fabrican rodamientos para muchos sectores diferentes, pero me voy a circunscribir en la línea de rodamientos para mamparas de baño.


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El principal objetivo de este trabajo es la adecuada realización de un plan de marketing para una empresa real, aplicando la metodología y los procedimientos pertinentes en la elaboración de este tipo de documentos.