974 resultados para Forensic Medicine.
Introduccin: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la causa de muerte ms frecuente en el mundo desarrollado, la mayora de stas se relacionan con alteraciones de las arterias coronarias, sin embargo un subgrupo de pacientes presentan como causa de isquemia cardiaca alteraciones estructurales. Material y mtodos: Estudio Descriptivo. Se utiliz la base de datos recolectada en un servicio de hemodinamia de Bogot durante dos aos. Se aplicaron criterios de inclusin y exclusin y se determinaron cuatro grupos etreos, a todos los pacientes se les practic cateterismo cardiaco diagnstico. Las variables analizadas fueron: diagnstico de referencia, antecedentes y resultados del cateterismo incluyendo presencia de anomalas estructurales como las valvulopatias, el origen anmalo de las coronarias y los puentes miocrdicos. Para el anlisis descriptivo se utiliz reporte de prevalencias y para el anlisis de asociaciones se utilizaron tablas de contingencia y el estadstico de prueba Chi cuadrado, no se realiz anlisis multivariado debido a que no se encontraron asociaciones estadsticamente significativas. Resultados: La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 62 aos (DS= 10,5), la representacin del gnero masculino fue del 61,7%, la prevalencia de angina estable fue del 61,6%, los 3 antecedentes ms prevalentes fueron: hipertensin arterial (41,4%), la hiperlipidemia (19,1%) y la Diabetes Mellitus (17,7%). La prevalencia de las alteraciones estructurales en la poblacin de estudio de manera general fue del 12,9%, y su distribucin por tipo fue: 1,4% para puentes miocrdicos, 0,7% para origen anmalo de las arterias coronarias y 10,8% de enfermedad valvular. Conclusiones: Se encontr una asociacin entre los antecedentes mdicos y la presencia de valvulopatias cardiacas. Se evidenci que el gnero no tiene relacin con la presencia de alteraciones cardacas a pesar de la mayor participacin de hombres en la poblacin de estudio. Las limitantes de este estudio se relacionaron con el tamao de muestra, debido a la baja prevalencia de las anomalas estructurales medidas.
Since 2003 the School of Medicine at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogot, Colombia, offers to the students a program named Peer Tutors. The programs objectives are: to generate a social interaction mechanism that favors knowledge construction side by side with advanced peers; to promote the development of ethical, moral and coexistence oriented values through an academic experience, and to generate a space to explore specific academic interests and teachers potential. This article presents the theoretic frame that supports the importance of social interaction in knowledge construction, as well as some indicators that allow a first appraisal of the program. Several achievements that account for the synergic value of an experience that not only fulfills the function of initiating a process of teaching formation and academic support, but that also builds a proactive attitude before learning, are highlighted.
Jos Celestino Mutis showed different interest areas of study and worked in multiple knowledge fields: mathematics, mineralogy, astronomy, zoology and botanic, the one in which is best known. However, he was a medical doctor, whit profound an up to date knowledge. He studied at Sevilla University, and in the Royal College of Cadiz. He arrived to the Nuevo Reino de Granada as personal medical doctor of the the viceroy Pedro Messa de la Cerda and during 47 years, period of time he lived there, he always exercised his profession. We showed a special interest in the study of cinchona and the only work he published was El Arcano de la quina. He advised in public health many viceroys and he contributed in different fields but particularly in the prevention of smallpox by inoculation. He played a decisive role in the reopening of the medical school of the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Seora del Rosario. Some of his achievements justifies the appellative Father of the Medicine in Colombia.
El uso de instrumentos y directrices en la poltica pblica para la modelacin de los resultados de la actividad cientfica y tecnolgica ha sido frecuente en el Estado colombiano. Este trabajo bajo la teora de la regulacin de Black, examina el Modelo de Medicin de Grupos de Investigacin y de calificacin de Revistas Cientficas Publindex- de Colciencias, como instrumentos de intervencin del Estado, fundados en el uso de indicadores bibliomtricos y cienciomtricos. Para ello, se da respuesta a interrogantes referidos a la auto-organizacin de la ciencia; su relacin con el Modelo de Grupos de Investigacin, la influencia que dicho modelo tiene sobre la libertad de investigacin; las implicaciones que tiene el otorgar categora o status a los Grupos por actos estatales y la conveniencia de que el Estado tenga un sistema de incentivos para el examen de informacin cientfica y tcnica originada en indicadores cientficos, entre otros. Se busca en sntesis, aportar elementos que permitan, desde una perspectiva sistmica e interdisciplinaria explicar algunas de las razones por las cuales los elementos involucrados en la estructuracin de la normativa de ciencia y tecnologa, pueden inducir a afectaciones negativas y positivas en el quehacer cientfico y tecnolgico.
Loudess discomfort levels (LDLs) were gathered from three Washington University School of Medicine sites, for a total of 325 subjects (total ears=454). These levels were compared to mean LDLs reported by Pascoe (1988). The results revealed that the mean LDL measured at WUSM (ie., the IHAFF procedure) is significantly different that the LDL reported by Pascoe (1988).
University students suffer from variable sleep patterns including insomnia;[1] furthermore, the highest incidence of herbal use appears to be among college graduates.[2] Our objective was to test the perception of safety and value of herbal against conventional medicine for the treatment of insomnia in a non-pharmacy student population. We used an experimental design and bespoke vignettes that relayed the same effectiveness information to test our hypothesis that students would give higher ratings of safety and value to herbal product compared to conventional medicine. We tested another hypothesis that the addition of side-effect information would lower peoples perception of the safety and value of the herbal product to a greater extent than it would with the conventional medicine.
Orlistat is an effective weight-loss medicine, which will soon be available for purchase in pharmacies. We used a factorial experiment and found that informing people about the availability for purchase of this medicinal product previously only available on prescription resulted in higher ratings of perceived value and effectiveness compared to a natural health supplement even though we used the same statement about effectiveness. This positive perception of orlistat was not impaired by the provision of side-effect information. Orlistat will soon be available in pharmacies. Health professionals must act to prevent its misuse by those not overweight.