957 resultados para Fixed Assets


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The main aim of this paper is to obtain fixed point theorems for Kannan and Zamfirescu operators in the presence of cyclical contractive condition. A method for approximation of the fixed points is also provided, for which both a priori and a posteriori error estimates are given. Our results generalize, unify and extend several important fixed points theorems in literature. In order to illustrate the efficiency of our generalizations five significant examples are also given.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H10, 54E15.


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Здравко Д. Славов - В тази статия се разглежда математически модел на икономика с фиксирани общи ресурси, както и краен брой агенти и блага. Обсъжда се ролята на някои предположения за отношенията на предпочитание на икономическите агенти, които влияят на характеристиките на оптимално разпределените дялове. Доказва се, че множеството на оптимално разпределените дялове е свиваемо и притежава свойството на неподвижната точка.


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AMS subject classification: 65K10, 49M07, 90C25, 90C48.


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This article demonstrates that raising fixed costs can serve as a credible mechanism for a well placed firm to exclude its rivals. We identify a number of credible avenues, such as increased regulation, vexatious litigation and increased prices for essential inputs, through which such a firm can raise fixed costs. We show that for a wide range of oligopoly models this may be a profitable strategy, even if the firm’s own fixed costs are affected as much (or even more) than its rivals and even if it is less efficient. The resulting reduction in the number of firms in the market is detrimental to consumer welfare and hence worthy of scrutiny by competition and regulatory authorities.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62E16, 65C05, 65C20.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 47H10; Secondary: 54H25.


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Biomass pyrolysis to bio-oil is one of the promising sustainable fuels. In this work, relation between biomass feedstock element characteristic and crude bio-oil production yield and lower heating value was explored. The element characteristics considered in this study include moisture, ash, fix carbon, volatile matter, C, H, N, O, S, cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin content. A semi-batch fixed bed reactor was used for biomass pyrolysis with heating rate of 30 °C/min from room temperature to 600 °C and the reactor was held at 600 °C for 1 h before cooling down. Constant nitrogen flow (1bar) was provided for anaerobic condition. Sago and Napier glass were used in the study to create different element characteristic of feedstock by altering mixing ratio. Comparison between each element characteristic to crude bio-oil yield and low heating value was conducted. The result suggested potential key element characteristic for pyrolysis and provide a platform to access the feedstock element acceptance range.


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A protein microarray hybridisation system has been implemented by employing patterned hydrophobic thin films on hydrophilic substrates as a means of confinement for aqueous samples. This approach has the ability to handle, and keep separate, small sample volumes of just a few microlitres. In addition, the system is more straightforward to use than the existing multi-well gasket solution. The paper describes the fabrication method and the system is demonstrated for a model protein microarray assay. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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This study presents a report on pyrolysis of Napier grass stem in a fixed bed reactor. The effects of nitrogen flow (20 to 60 mL/min), and reaction temperature (450 to 650 degrees C) were investigated. Increasing the nitrogen flow from 20 to 30 mL/min increased the bio-oil yield and decreased both bio-char and non-condensable gas. 30 mL/min nitrogen flow resulted in optimum bio-oil yield and was used in the subsequent experiments. Reaction temperatures between 450 and 600 degrees C increased the bio-oil yield, with maximum yield of 32.26 wt% at 600 degrees C and a decrease in the corresponding bio-char and non-condensable gas. At 650 degrees C, reductions in the bio-oil and bio-char yields were recorded while the non-condensable gas increased. Water content of the bio-oil decreased with increasing reaction temperature, while density and viscosity increased. The observed pH and higher heating values were between 2.43 to 2.97, and 25.25 to 28.88 MJ/kg, respectively. GC-MS analysis revealed that the oil was made up of highly oxygenated compounds and requires upgrading. The bio-char and non-condensable gas were characterized, and the effect of reaction temperature on the properties was evaluated. Napier grass represents a good source of renewable energy when all pyrolysis products are efficiently utilized.


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A cikk a tartós eszközök gazdasági értékcsökkenésének elméleti hátterét vizsgálja az eszközökben megtestesülő szolgálatok felemésztődése szempontjából. Ezt a felemésztődést az eszközök kimerülésén és elhasználódásán túl, a gazdasági környezetben megjelenő testet öltő és testet nem öltő technológiai fejlődés következtében fellépő avulás is befolyásolja, mely avulás hatását a cikk részletesen tárgyalja. A technológiai fejlődés következtében fellépő avulásnak igen fontos szerepe van az eszközökhöz, és azok használati módjához legjobban illeszkedő értékcsökkenési minta kirajzolásában, amely alapján meghatározott értékcsökkenés központi eleme a vállalkozások jövedelmének, valamint a vállalkozási output egységköltségének, ami az output árazásának fontos tényezője. Ezáltal az értékcsökkenés meghatározásánál figyelembe vett avulás hatással van a vállalkozás termék és tőkepiaci versenyképességére. ___________ The paper examines the theoretical background of durable asset’s economic depreciation, from the embodied services consumption point of view. This consumption is affected by the exhaustion and deterioration beyond obsolescence which is due to embodied and disembodied technological progress that appears in the economic environment. The effect of obsolescence on the economic depreciation is examined in this paper in detail. The obsolescence due to technological progress has an important role in determining the best fit depreciation pattern to the durable asset and its usage. The economic depreciation is a central component of the company’s income, as well as the unit cost of the company’s output, which is an important element of the output pricing process. Thereby the obsolescence recognised by determining economic depreciation influences the company’s competitiveness on the product and capital markets.


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A vállalati marketing pénzügyi teljesítményre, különösen részvényesi értékre gyakorolt hatásának kimutatása mind fontosabbá válik a marketingráfordítások nagyságának növekedésével, valamint annak felismerésével, hogy a részvényesek számára vevői érték nélkül nem lehet hosszú távon értéket biztosítani, azonban kedvező piaci eredményekkel sem feltétlenül valósul meg a pénzügyi teljesítmény növekedése. A szerzők tanulmányukban a marketingeszközök és -tevékenységek részvényesi értékre gyakorolt hatását vizsgálják, rámutatnak arra, hogy milyen módon befolyásolhatják a részvényeseket megillető szabad pénzáramot, a tulajdonosi megtérülést, a stratégiai tervezési időhorizontot és a végértéket. A marketing néhány lehetséges negatív hatását is kiemelik. Ezt követően felvázolják a marketingjellegű beruházások reálopciós karakterisztikáit, valamint játékelméleti összefüggéseit dinamikusan változó környezetben. ________ Proving the effect of corporate marketing on financial performance, especially on shareholder value, becomes more and more important as marketing expenditures increase. Furthermore by the recognition that for shareholders without customer value it is not possible to provide value in the long run, however, neither good market results can assure the growth of financial performance. In this paper the authors examine the effect of marketing assets and activities on shareholder value, they point out how these can influence free cash flow to equity, shareholder return, strategic planning time period and terminal value. They emphasize also some possible negative effects of marketing. The authors outline the real optional characteristics of marketing investments and their game theoretical relations in dynamic environment.


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In - Protecting Your Assets: A Well-Defined Credit Policy Is The Key – an essay by Steven V. Moll, Associate Professor, The School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University, Professor Moll observes at the outset: “Bad debts as a percentage of credit sales have climbed to record levels in the industry. The author offers suggestions on protecting assets and working with the law to better manage the business.” “Because of the nature of the hospitality industry and its traditional liberal credit policies, especially in hotels, bad debts as a percentage of credit sales have climbed to record levels,” our author says. “In 1977, hotels showing a net income maintained an average accounts receivable ratio to total sales of 3.4 percent. In 1983, the accounts receivable ratio to total sales increased to 4.1 percent in hotels showing a net income and 4.4 percent in hotels showing a net loss,” he further cites. As the professor implies, there are ways to mitigate the losses from bad credit or difficult to collect credit sales. In this article Professor Moll offers suggestions on how to do that. Moll would suggest that hotels and food & beverage operations initially tighten their credit extension policies, and on the following side, be more aggressive in their collection-of-debt pursuits. There is balance to consider here and bad credit in and of itself as a negative element is not the only reflection the profit/loss mirror would offer. “Credit managers must know what terms to offer in order to compete and afford the highest profit margin allowable,” Moll says. “They must know the risk involved with each guest account and be extremely alert to the rights and wrongs of good credit management,” he advocates. A sound profit policy can be the result of some marginal and additional credit risk on the part of the operation manager. “Reality has shown that high profits, not small credit losses, are the real indicator of good credit management,” the author reveals. “A low bad debt history may indicate that an establishment has an overly conservative credit management policy and is sacrificing potential sales and profits by turning away marginal accounts,” Moll would have you believe, and the science suggests there is no reason not to. Professor Moll does provide a fairly comprehensive list to illustrate when a manager would want to adopt a conservative credit policy. In the final analysis the design is to implement a policy which weighs an acceptable amount of credit risk against a potential profit ratio. In closing, Professor Moll does offer some collection strategies for loose credit accounts, with reference to computer and attorney participation, and brings cash and cash discounts into the discussion as well. Additionally, there is some very useful information about what debt collectors – can’t – do!


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This article reveals the median financial results for the club industry for 2011 using 24 financial ratios. The results are based on the submission of balance sheet and selected income statement numbers from 80 clubs. The ratios are reported as median results for the entire sample as well as the median results for the top and low performing clubs delineated by return on assets. The biggest differences between the two extreme groups of clubs are (1) average collection period, (2) operating cash flows to current liabilities and long-term debt, (3) fines interest earned, (4) fixed charge coverage ratio, (5) food and beverage inventory turnovers, (6) profit margin, (7) return on assets, (8) operating efficiency ratio, (9) labor cost percentage.


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There is currently no national regulation of fixed site (ex. roller coaster) amusement ride safety. The current regulatory system is highly fragmented and consists of many disparate efforts by State and local agencies, judicial intervention in the form of tort litigation and industry self regulatory compliance. The Federal government has no authority over fixed site ride safety. The authors review the state of fixed site ride regulation and the merits of both centralized and de-centralized regulation, including a proposed Federal statute conferring jurisdiction of the matter upon the Consumer Products Safety Commission. They conclude with proposals for enhancing the management of fixed site ride safety.