920 resultados para Fiber curl
We have proposed and demonstrated a multiwavelength fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR). The mechanism for stable room-temperature multiwavelength operation contributes to the ability of the intensity-dependent loss in NPR to effectively alleviate mode competition. In addition, through tuning the birefringence fiber filter, the lasing wavelength can be accurately tuned in the free spectrum range of the in-line periodic filter.
A novel all-fiber bipolar delay line filter is realized in a single-line cascaded high birefringence fiber structure. Optically coherent operation is achieved with suppression of interference noise. Complementary filter outputs give simultaneous lowpass and highpass responses.
A 1.2(height)×125(depth)×500(length) micro-slot was engraved along a fiber Bragg grating by chemically assisted femtosecond laser processing. By filling epoxy and UV-curing, waveguide with plastic-core and silica-cladding was created, presenting high thermal responding coefficient of 211pm/°C.
This chapter deals with gratings recorded in polymeric optical fibers (POFs); predominantly those based on poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). We summarize the different mechanical and optical properties of POFs which are relevant to the application of POF Bragg gratings and discuss the existing literature on the subject of the UV photosensitivity of PMMA. The current state of the art in POF grating inscription is presented and we survey some of the emerging applications for these devices. © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.
All-optical data processing is expected to play a major role in future optical communications. Nonlinear effects in optical fibers have attractive applications in optical signal processing. In this paper, we review our recent advances in developing all-optical processing techniques at high speed based on optical fiber nonlinearities.
We propose a simple method for passive nonlinear optical pulse shaping that utilizes pulse prechirping and nonlinear propagation in a normally dispersive nonlinear fiber to generate various temporal waveforms of practical interest from conventional laser pulses.
There is a growing interest for esophageal measurements which can provide important and reliable data when diagnosing the motor function of the sphincters and the esophageal body. Biocompatibility, sensing resolution and the comfort of the patient are key parameters for manometric sensing systems. A new sensing approach which could fulfill all these needs is presented in this paper consisting of an embedded polymer fiber sensor, based on multiplexed fiber Bragg gratings. A response to a radial pressure almost 6 times that of a comparable silica fiber based sensor is obtained.
Based on the rate equations describing the operation of the Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN fiber lasers with different pump configurations, theoretical calculations that relate to the population characteristics and optimization of CW operation of high power Er3+, Pr3+ :ZBLAN double-clad fiber lasers are presented. Using the measured ET (energy-transfer), ETU (energy-transfer-upconversion) and CR (cross-relaxation) parameters relevant to Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN, a good agreement between the theoretical results from the model and recently reported experimental measurements is obtained. The effects on the slope efficiency of a number of laser parameters including fiber length, reflectance of the output mirror and pumping configuration are quantitatively analyzed and used for the design and optimization of high power Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN fiber lasers.
We report high-capacity (> 1 Tb/s) amplification by a fiber optical parametric amplifier in different roles displaying compatibility and versatility in future WDM networks with phase-shift keying modulation format.
We present a novel distributed sensor that utilizes the temperature and strain dependence of the frequency at which the Brillouin loss is maximized in the interaction between a cw laser and a pulsed laser. With a 22-km sensing length, a strain resolution of 20 µ? and a temperature resolution of 2°C have been achieved with a spatial resolution of 5 m.
This paper introduces a revolutionary way to interrogate optical fiber sensors based on fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) and to integrate the necessary driving optoelectronic components with the sensor elements. Low-cost optoelectronic chips are used to interrogate the optical fibers, creating a portable dynamic sensing system as an alternative for the traditionally bulky and expensive fiber sensor interrogation units. The possibility to embed these laser and detector chips is demonstrated resulting in an ultra thin flexible optoelectronic package of only 40 µm, provided with an integrated planar fiber pigtail. The result is a fully embedded flexible sensing system with a thickness of only 1 mm, based on a single Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL), fiber sensor and photodetector chip. Temperature, strain and electrodynamic shaking tests have been performed on our system, not limited to static read-out measurements but dynamically reconstructing full spectral information datasets.
Two in-fiber Bragg grating (FBG) temperature sensor systems for medical applications are demonstrated: (1) an FBG flow-directed thermodilution catheter based on interferometric detection of wavelength shift that is used for cardiac monitoring; and (2) an FBG sensor system with a tunable Fabry-Perot filter for in vivo temperature profiling in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) machines. Preliminary results show that the FBG sensor is in good agreement with electrical sensors that are widely used in practice. A field test shows that the FBG sensor system is suitable for in situ temperature profiling in NMR machines for medical applications.
A femtosecond laser was used to modify a part of the cladding of a standard LPG bend sensor. The device produced wavelength shifts depending upon the direction of bend, thus making a shape sensor. © 2005 Optical Society of America.
Optical fiber materials exhibit a nonlinear response to strong electric fields, such as those of optical signals confined within the small fiber core. Fiber nonlinearity is an essential component in the design of the next generation of advanced optical communication systems, but its use is often avoided by engineers because of its intractability. The application of nonlinear technologies in fiber optics offers new opportunities for the design of photonic systems and devices. In this chapter, we make an overview of recent progress in mathematical theory and practical applications of temporal dissipative solitons and self-similar nonlinear structures in optical fiber systems. The design of all-optical high-speed signal processing devices, based on nonlinear dissipative structures, is discussed.