988 resultados para FLAVYLIUM DYE


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An oxygen indicator is described, comprising nanoparticles of titania dispersed in hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) polymer film containing a sacrificial electron donor, glycerol, and the redox indicator, indigo-tetrasulfonate (ITS). The indicator is blue-coloured in the absence of UV light, however upon exposure to UV light it not only loses its colour but also luminesces, unless and until it is exposed to oxygen, whereupon its original colour is restored. The initial photobleaching spectral ( absorbance and luminescence) response characteristics in air and in vacuum are described and discussed in terms of a simple reaction scheme involving UV activation of the titania photocatalyst particles, which are used to reduce the redox dye, ITS, to its leuco form, whilst simultaneously oxidising the glycerol to glyceraldehye. The response characteristics of the activated, that is, UV photobleached, form of the indicator to oxygen are also reported and the possible uses of such an indicator to measure ambient O-2 levels are discussed. Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Mills et al.


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This article reports the behaviour of three photocatalyst indicator inks, based on the redox dyes: methylene blue (NIB), resorufin (Rf) and 2,6-dichloroindophenol (DCIP), and assess their performance in comparison to the pioneering resazurin (Rz)-based ink for the rapid assessment of the activity of very thin, photocatalyst films, such as Activ (TM) self-cleaning glass. From a commercial 'demonstrator of photocatalysis' perspective, all three redox dyes appear more attractive compared to Rz since all generate colourless products in the ink formulation when photoreduced on Activ (TM) under anaerobic conditions, whereas, the reduced product from Rz, the redox dye resorufin, Rf. is pink in colour. However, the ink based on Rf is far too slow to effect the rapid measurement of photocatalytic activity even in the absence of oxygen, and in the presence of oxygen the latter inhibits the overall kinetics of photoreduction by re-oxidising the reduced product, dihydroresorufin, HRf, back to Rf. Similarly, despite the attractive rapid rate of photobleaching for NIB under anaerobic conditions, compared to the other redox dyes, the reduced product of the MB-based ink. leuco-MB, is so oxygen-sensitive that the ink cannot be photoreduced under aerobic conditions, thus rendering the ink unsuitable for use in the field. The DCIP-based ink is slightly less easy to photoreduce under both anaerobic and ambient atmospheric conditions compared to the Rz-based ink. However. in addition to its more attractive colour change, the DCIP-based ink is unaffected by the ambient level of oxygen present (%O-2) and the relative humidity (%RH), whereas, for the Rz-based ink, both parameters effect the photoreduction kinetics. By incorporating the DCIP ink into a felt-tipped pen, the ink is suitable for use in the laboratory and field to perform not only a qualitative test, but also to allow a semi-quantitative analysis of photocatalytic activity by eye. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A solvent-based, irreversible oxygen indicator ink is described, comprising semiconductor photocatalyst nanoparticles, a solvent-soluble redox dye, mild reducing agent and polymer. Based on such an ink, a film - made of titanium dioxide, a blue, solvent-soluble, coloured ion-paired methylene blue dye, glycerol and the polymer zein - loses its colour rapidly (


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Quantitative measurement of the activity of photoactive films is an area of importance. The establishment of tests for standardisation of performance is important for efficient research but also a major milestone in achieving technology acceptance. In this paper, we compare three different techniques across a range of film samples from various sources. Furthermore, we demonstrate the potential of the dye-based approach as a quick and simple test. A series of photoactive film samples are compared for measured activity against each test. The test is shown to be capable of reproducible and quantitative activity results. The test has potential for use


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The preparation and characterisation are described of a robust, reversible, hydrogen peroxide optical sensor, based on the fluorescent quenching of the dye ion-pair [Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)(Ph4B-)(2)], by O-2 produced by the catalytic breakdown of H2O2, utilizing the inorganic catalyst RuO2 center dot xH(2)O. The main feature of this system is the one-pot formulation of a coating ink that, when dried, forms an active single-layer fluorescence-based H2O2 sensor, demonstrably capable of detecting H2O2 over the range of 0.01 to 1 M, with a relative standard deviation of ca. 4% and a calculated lower limit of detection of 0.1 mM. These sensors are sterilisable, using dry-heat, and stable when stored over 40 days, without exhibiting any loss in sensitivity or response characteristics.


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Robust, active, anatase titania films, 250 nm thick, are deposited onto glass at low temperatures, i.e., 2.0 for the photocatalytic mineralization of stearic acid. These films are typically 6.9 times more active than a sample of commercial self-cleaning glass, comprising a 15 nm layer of fitania deposited by CVD, mainly because they are much thicker and, therefore, absorb more of the incident UV light. The most active of the films tested comprised particles of P25, but lacked any significant physical robustness. Similar results, but much more quickly obtained, were generated using a photocatalyst- sensitive ink, based on the redox dye, resazurin, Rz. All fitania films tested, including those produced by magnetrom sputtering exhibited photo-induced superhydrophilicity. The possible future application of PAR-DG-MS for producing very active photocatalytic films on substrates not renowned for their high temperature stabilities, such as plastics, is noted. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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An ink, comprising the redox dye resazurin (Rz) and the sacrificial electron donor glycerol, is shown to be capable of the rapid assessment of the photocatalytic activities of self-cleaning films. In the key initial stage of photocatalysis the ink changes from blue to pink. Prolonged irradiation bleaches the ink and eventually mineralizes it. The kinetics of the initial photoinduced color change is studied as a function of UV irradiance, [glycerol], [Rz], and temperature. The results reveal an apparent approximate quantum yield of 3.5 x 10(-3) and an initial rate, r(i), which increases with [glycerol] and decreases with [Rz]. It is proposed that the reduction of Rz, dispersed throughout the thick (ca. 590 nm) indicator film, may take place either via the diffusion of the dye molecules in the ink film to the surface of the underlying semiconductor layer and their subsequent reaction with photogenerated electrons and/or via the diffusion of alpha-hydroxyalkyl radicals, produced by the oxidation of the glycerol by photogenerated holes, or hydroxy radicals, away from the surface of the semiconductor into the ink film and their subsequent reaction with the dye molecules therein. The decrease in r(i) with [Rz] appears to be due to dimer formation, with the latter impeding the reduction process. The activation energy for the initial color-change process is low, ca. 9.1 +/- 0.1 kJ mol(-1) and not unlike many other photocatalytic processes. The initial rate of dye reduction appears to be directly related to the rate of destruction of stearic acid. The ink can be applied by spin-coating, stamping, or writing, using a felt-tip pen. The efficacy of such an ink for assessing the photocatalytic activity of any photocatalytic film, including those employed on commercial self-cleaning glasses, tiles, and paving stones, is discussed briefly.


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A generic ink formulation is described, comprising semiconductor photocatalyst particles, a brightly-coloured redox dye, a mild reducing agent, a polymer and a solvent, that creates an irreversible, reusable, UV-light-activated, colorimetric indicator or intelligence ink for oxygen.


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Novel Ag on TiO2 films are generated by semiconductor photocatalysis and characterized by ultraviolet-visible (UV/Vis) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM), as well as assessed for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity. The nature and thickness of the photodeposited Ag, and thus the degree of SERS activity, is controlled by the time of exposure of the TiO2 film to UV light. All such films exhibit the optical characteristics (λmax ≅ 390 nm) of small (<20 nm) Ag particles, although this feature becomes less prominent as the film becomes thicker. The films comprise quite large (>40 nm) Ag islands that grow and merge with increasing levels of Ag photodeposition. Tested with a benzotriazole dye probe, the films are SERS active, exhibiting activity similar to that of 6-nm-thick vapordeposited films. The Ag/TiO2 films exhibit a lower residual standard deviation (∼25%) compared with Ag vapor-deposited films (∼45%), which is, however, still unacceptable for quantitative work. The sample-to-sample variance could be reduced significantly (<7%) by spinning the film during the SERS measurement. The Ag/TiO2 films are mechanically robust and resistant to removal and damage by scratching, unlike the Ag vapor-deposited films. The Ag/TiO2 films also exhibit no obvious loss of SERS activity when stored in the dark under otherwise ambient conditions. The possible extension of this simple, effective method of producing Ag films for SERS, to metals other than Ag and to semiconductors other than TiO2, is briefly discussed. 


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The evolution of the optical sensor for CO2 over the past two decades is outlined and illustrated through examples of luminescent-based sensors. The basic principles and design of the early 'wet covered' type sensor, in which a pH sensitive dye in an aqueous buffer is covered by a gas permeable, ion impermeable, membrane, are outlined. The gradual move from the 'wet covered' types of CO2 optical sensor to 'solid-water droplet' type sensors and then onto 'solid' sensors is charted. The basic design and principles of operation of the modern 'solid' optical sensor for P-CO2 is covered in some detail. Other sensing strategies outside the simple use of pH-sensitive dyes are also considered, most notably those based on luminescence lifetime measurements.


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A general method of preparation of thin-film sensors for O-2, incorporating the dye ion-pair tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) rutheninm(II) ditetraphenylborate, in a variety of different thin film polymer/plasticizer matrices is described, The sensitivity of the sensor depends upon the nature of the polymer matrix and plasticizer, A detailed study of one of these systems utilising the polymer poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA, is reported. The sensitivity of this O-2 sensor depends markedly upon the plasticizer concentration and is largely independent of temperature (24,5-52.5 degrees C) and age (up to 30 d), When exposed to an alternating atmosphere of O-2 and N-2, a typical oxygen film sensor in PMMA exhibits a 0-90% response and recovery time of 0.4 and 4.5 s, respectively.


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The preparation and characterization of three different plastic thin-film colorimetric sensors for gaseous ammonia is described. In the film sensors, the neutral form of a pH-sensitive dye (Bromophenol Blue, Bromocresol Green or Chlorophenol Red) was encapsulated in a plastic medium, either poly(vinyl butyral) or ethylcellulose plasticized with tributyl phosphate. Each of these film optodes gave a reproducible and reversible response towards gaseous ammonia. The sensitivity of the film sensors towards ammonia was found to be strongly dependent upon the pK(a) of the encapsulated dye. Thus, the film with Chlorophenol Red (pK(a) = 6.25), proved to be very insensitive (operating range: 0.29%


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Plasticized and unplasticized polymer colorimetric film sensors for gaseous CO2, containing the dye m-cresol purple, are tested as sensors for dissolved CO2. The plasticized polymer m-cresol purple film sensor develops a measurable degree of opacity when exposed to aqueous solution, especially in neutral, compared with alkaline, solution. However, it is shown that a presoaked, fogged plasticized polymer m-cresol purple film does function as a quantitative sensor for dissolved CO2 over the range 0-4% CO2. An unplasticized polymer m-cresol purple film remains largely dear upon exposure to aqueous solution and also functions as a quantitative sensor for dissolved CO2 over the range 0-4% CO2. However, in both types of films the dye interacts with electrolytes present in solution; invariably the dye appears to be converted from its initial deprotonated form (blue) to its protonated form (yellow) and the rate of this process appears to increase with increasing ionic strength, anionic charge and decreasing pH. The 90% response and recovery times for an unplasticized film are determined as 19 s(CO2:0-->5%) and 21 s (CO2:5-->3.6%), respectively.


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The results of a kinetic study of the bleaching of the photostable dye rhodamine 6G by dissolved oxygen, photosensitized by TiO2, are reported. The observed variations in the initial rate of dye photobleaching as a function of the O2 percentage, temperature, incident light intensity and concentrations of rhodamine 6G and sacrificial electron donor are described and the results are rationalized using a proposed photochemical reaction scheme. The photosensitized bleaching of rhodamine 6G dye by TiO2 has a formal quantum yield of 2.65 X 10(-3), but the rate of complete photomineralization is about twofold slower. The overall activation energy for the semiconductor-sensitized dye photobleaching process is 15.0 +/- 1.5 kJ mol-1.


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The basic theory behind conventional colourimetric and fluorimetric optical sensors for CO2 is examined and special attention is given to the effect on sensor response of the key parameters of initial base concentration and dye acid dissociation constant, K(D). Experimental results obtained in aqueous solution using a variety of different dyes and initial base concentrations are consistent with the predictions made by the theoretical model. A series of model-generated pK(D) versus %CO2 curves for different initial base concentrations allow those interested in constructing an optical CO2 sensor to readily identify the optimum dye/initial base combination for their sensor; the response of the sensor can be subsequently fine-tuned through a minor variation in the initial base concentration. The model and all its predictions appear also to apply to the new generation of plastic film CO2 sensors which have just been developed.