998 resultados para FIR laser lines


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Time resolved optical emission spectroscopy is employed to study the expansion dynamics of C2 species in a graphite plasma produced during the Nd : YAG ablation. At low laser fluences a single peak distribution with low kinetic energy is observed. At higher fluences a twin peak distribution is found. It has been noted that these double peak time of flight distribution splits into a triple peak structure at distances >_ 17mm from the target surface. The reason for the occurrence of multiple peak is due to different formation mechanisms of C2 species


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Time and space resolved spectroscopic studies of the molecular band emission from C2 are performed in the plasma produced by irradiating a graphite target with 1:06 m radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. High-resolution spectra are recorded from points located at distances up to 15 mm from the target in the presence of ambient helium gas pressure. Depending on the laser irradiance, time of observation and position of the sampled volume of the plasma the features of the emission spectrum are found to change drastically. The vibrational temperature and population distribution in the different vibrational levels of C2 molecules have been evaluated as a function of distance for different time delays and laser irradiance. It is also found that the vibrational temperature of C2 molecules decreases with increasing helium pressure.


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Time and space resolved studies of emission from CN molecules have been carried out in the plasma produced from graphite target by 1.06 urn pulses from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Depending on the laser pulse energy, time of observation and position of the sampled volume of the plasma, the features of the emission spectrum are found to change drastically. The vibrational temperature and population distribution in the different vibrational levels have been studied as functions of distance, time, laser energy and ambient gas pressure. Evidence for nonlinear effects of the plasma medium such as self focusing which exhibits threshold-like behaviour are also obtained. Temperature and electron density of the plasma have been evaluated using the relative line intensities of successive ionization stages of carbon atom. These electron density measurements are verified by using Stark broadening method.


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Plasma generated by fundamental radiation from a Nd:YAG laser focused onto a graphite target is studied spectroscopically. Measured line profiles of several ionic species were used to infer electron temperature and density at several sections located in front of the target surface. Line intensities of successive ionization states of carbon were used for electron temperature calculations. Stark broadened profiles of singly ionized species have been utilized for electron density measurements. Electron density as well as electron temperature were studied as functions of laser irradiance and time elapsed after the incidence of laser pulse. The validity of the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium is discussed in light of the results obtained.


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The laser produced plasma from the multi-component target YBa2CU3O7 was analyzed using Michelson interferometry and time resolved emission spectroscopy. The interaction of 10 ns pulses of 1.06 mum radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at laser power densities ranging from 0.55 GW cm-2 to 1.5 GW cm-2 has been studied. Time resolved spectral measurements of the plasma evolution show distinct features at different points in its temporal history. For a time duration of less than 55 ns after the laser pulse (for a typical laser power density of 0.8 GW cm-2, the emission spectrum is dominated by black-body radiation. During cooling after 55 ns the spectral emission consists mainly of neutral and ionic species. Line averaged electron densities were deduced from interferometric line intensity measurements at various laser power densities. Plasma electron densities are of the order of 1017 cm-3 and the plasma temperature at the core region is about 1 eV. The measurement of plasma emission line intensities of various ions inside the plasma gave evidence of multiphoton ionization of the elements constituting the target at low laser power densities. At higher laser power densities the ionization mechanism is collision dominated. For elements such as nitrogen present outside the target, ionization is due to collisions only.


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The emission features of laser ablated graphite plume generated in a helium ambient atmosphere have been investigated with time and space resolved plasma diagnostic technique. Time resolved optical emission spectroscopy is employed to reveal the velocity distribution of different species ejected during ablation. At lower values of laser fluences only a slowly propagating component of C2 is seen. At high fluences emission from C2 shows a twin peak distribution in time. The formation of an emission peak with diminished time delay giving an energetic peak at higher laser fluences is attributed to many body recombination. It is also observed that these double peaks get modified into triple peak time of flight distribution at distances greater than 16 mm from the target. The occurrence of multiple peaks in the C2 emission is mainly due to the delays caused from the different formation mechanism of C2 species. The velocity distribution of the faster peak exhibits an oscillating character with distance from the target surface.


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We report time resolved study of C2 emission from laser produced carbon plasma in presence of ambient helium gas. The 1.06µm: radiation from a Nd:YAG laser was focused onto a graphite target where it·produced a transient plasma. We observed double peak structure in the time profile of C2 species. The twin peaks were observed only after a threshold laser fluence. It is proposed that the faster velocity component in the temporal profiles originates mainly due to recombination processes. The laser fluence and ambient gas dependence of the double peak intensity distribution is also reported.


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Laser induced plasma emission spectra from highT c superconducting samples of YBa2Cu3O7 and GdBa2Cu3O7 obtained with 1.06µm radiation from a Q switched Nd:YAG laser beam has been analysed. The results clearly show the presence of diatomic oxides in addition to ionized species of the constituent metals in the plasma thus produced.


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Absorption spectra of formaldehyde molecule in the gas phase have been recorded using photoacoustic (PA) technique with pulsed dye laser at various power levels. The spectral profiles at higher power levels are found to be different from that obtained at lower laser powers. Two photon absorption (TPA) is found to be responsible for the photoacoustic signal at higher laser power while the absorption at lower laser power level is attributed to one photon absorption (OPA) process. Probable assignments for the different transitions are given in this paper.


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Multimode laser emission is observed in a polymer optical fiber doped with a mixture of Rhodamine 6G (Rh 6G) and Rhodamine B (Rh B) dyes. Tuning of laser emission is achieved by using the mixture of dyes due to the energy transfer occurring from donor molecule (Rh 6G) to acceptor molecule (Rh B). The dye doped poly(methyl methacrylate)-based polymer optical fiber is pumped axially at one end of the fiber using a 532 nm pulsed laser beam from a Nd:YAG laser and the fluorescence emission is collected from the other end. At low pump energy levels, fluorescence emission is observed. When the energy is increased beyond a threshold value, laser emission occurs with a multimode structure. The optical feedback for the gain medium is provided by the cylindrical surface of the optical fiber, which acts as a cavity. This fact is confirmed by the mode spacing dependence on the diameter of the fiber.


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In this paper we report the use of a laser induced phoroacoustic technique for the detection of multiple phase transitions in heptyl-oxy-cyanobiphenyl (70CB) and octyl-oxy-cyanobiphenyl (80CB) liquid crystals. The observed photoacoustic signal amplitude profile carries clear signatures of two tirst order transitions in 70CB and two tirst order and a second order transitions in 80CB. Analysis of the experimental data using Rosencwaig-Gersho theory shows that the sudden decrease in the photoacoustic (PA) signal amplitude during phase transitions is due to a sharp increase in the heat capacity of the samples near the transition temperatures.


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The acoustic signals generated in solids due to interaction with pulsed laser beam is used to determine the ablation threshold of bulk polymer samples of teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene) and nylon under the irradiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 1.06µm wavelength. A suitably designed piezoelectric transducer is employed for the detection of photoacoustic (PA) signals generated in this process. It has been observed that an abrupt increase in the amplitude of the PA signal occurs at the ablation threshold. Also there exist distinct values for the threshold corresponding to different mechanisms operative in producing damages like surface morphology, bond breaking and melting processes at different laser energy densities.


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The main objective of the present study is to understand different mechanisms involved in the production and evolution of plasma by the pulsed laser ablation and radio frequency magnetron sputtering. These two methods are of particular interest, as these are well accomplished methods used for surface coatings, nanostructure fabrications and other thin film devices fabrications. Material science researchers all over the world are involved in the development of devices based on transparent conducting oxide (TCO) thin films. Our laboratory has been involved in the development of TCO devices like thin film diodes using zinc oxide (ZnO) and zinc magnesium oxide (ZnMgO), thin film transistors (TFT's) using zinc indium oxide and zinc indium tin oxide, and some electroluminescent (EL) devices by pulsed laser ablation and RF magnetron sputtering.In contrast to the extensive literature relating to pure ZnO and other thin films produced by various deposition techniques, there appears to have been relatively little effort directed towards the characterization of plasmas from which such films are produced. The knowledge of plasma dynamics corresponding to the variations in the input parameters of ablation and sputtering, with the kind of laser/magnetron used for the generation of plasma, is limited. To improve the quality of the deposited films for desired application, a sound understanding of the plume dynamics, physical and chemical properties of the species in the plume is required. Generally, there is a correlation between the plume dynamics and the structural properties of the films deposited. Thus the study of the characteristics of the plume contributes to a better understanding and control of the deposition process itself. The hydrodynamic expansion of the plume, the composition, and SIze distribution of clusters depend not only on initial conditions of plasma production but also on the ambient gas composition and pressure. The growth and deposition of the films are detennined by the thermodynamic parameters of the target material and initial conditions such as electron temperature and density of the plasma.For optimizing the deposition parameters of various films (stoichiometric or otherwise), in-situ or ex-situ monitoring of plasma plume dynamics become necessary for the purpose of repeatability and reliability. With this in mind, the plume dynamics and compositions of laser ablated and RF magnetron sputtered zinc oxide plasmas have been investigated. The plasmas studied were produced at conditions employed typically for the deposition of ZnO films by both methods. Apart from this two component ZnO plasma, a multi-component material (lead zirconium titanate) was ablated and plasma was characterized.


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Dynamics of Nd:YAG laser with intracavity KTP crystal operating in two parallel polarized modes is investigated analytically and numerically. System equilibrium points were found out and the stability of each of them was checked using Routh–Hurwitz criteria and also by calculating the eigen values of the Jacobian. It is found that the system possesses three equilibrium points for (Ij, Gj), where j = 1, 2. One of these equilibrium points undergoes Hopf bifurcation in output dynamics as the control parameter is increased. The other two remain unstable throughout the entire region of the parameter space. Our numerical analysis of the Hopf bifurcation phenomena is found to be in good agreement with the analytical results. Nature of energy transfer between the two modes is also studied numerically.


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We show numerically that direct delayed optoelectronic feedback can suppress hysteresis and bistability in a directly modulated semiconductor laser. The simulation of a laser with feedback is performed for a considerable range of feedback strengths and delays and the corresponding values for the areas of the hysteresis loops are calculated. It is shown that the hysteresis loop completely vanishes for certain combinations of these parameters. The regimes for the disappearance of bistability are classified globally. Different dynamical states of the laser are characterized using bifurcation diagrams and time series plots.