970 resultados para Exercise movement techniques
Injection drug use before and after liver transplantation: a retrospective multicenter analysis on incidence and outcome. Clin Transplant 2009 DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-0012.2009.01121.x. Background and aims: Injecting drug use (IDU) before and after liver transplantation (LT) is poorly described. The aim of this study was to quantify relapse and survival in this population and to describe the causes of mortality after LT. Methods: Past injection drug users were identified from the LT listing protocols from four centers in Switzerland and France. Data on survival and relapse were collected and used for uni- and multivariate analysis. Results: Between 1988 and 2006, we identified 59 patients with a past history of IDU. The mean age at transplantation was 42.4 yr and the majority of patients were men (84.7%). The indication for LT was for the vast majority viral cirrhosis accounting for 91.5% of cases, while alcoholic cirrhosis was 5.1%. There were 16.9% of patients who had a substitution therapy before and 6.8% who continued after LT. Two patients (3.4%) relapsed into IDU after LT and died at 18 and 41 months. The mean follow-up was 51 months. Overall survival was 84%, 66%, and 61% at 1, 5, and 10 yr after transplantation. Conclusions: Documented IDU was rare in liver transplanted patients. Past IDU was not associated with poorer survival after LT, and relapse after LT occurred in 3.4%.
This is the summary report of the Speak out for Change engagement exercise carried out by the Neurological Conditions Network. This engagement undertook to ask people's experiences of living with a neurological condition and caring for someone with a neurological condition. Across the wide range of conditions represented,� the 142 patient experiences gathered to date, have consistently revealed issues around information, choice and control, independence and the emotional impact of neurological conditions.
This Project Initiation Document outlines the purpose and plan of Phase One of the Review of AHP Support for Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs in Special Schools and Mainstream Education.
This Project Initiation Document outlines the purpose and plan of Phase Two of the Review of AHP Support for Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs in Special Schools and Mainstream Education.
Numerous trials have reported that some haematological and biochemical parameters could be put together and be used to detect and fight recombinant erythropoietin doping. Unfortunately, none of the studies mentioned the necessity of taking pre-analytical precautions to avoid possible suspicious results coming from major plasma volume changes caused notably by dehydration. Therefore we studied the behaviour of the most common secondary blood markers before and after a strenuous physical activity to find out how reliable these parameters were. The soluble transferrin receptor and the haemoglobin concentrations as well as the haematocrit level increased significantly after effort, whereas the plasma EPO concentration and the reticulocyte count remained constant. On the other hand, if the values were corrected for haemoconcentration, the soluble transferrin receptor concentration remained stable.
A group of European experts was commissioned to establish guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) from evidence published up until March 2014, regarding pain, movement disorders, stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, consciousness disorders, tinnitus, depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, craving/addiction, and conversion. Despite unavoidable inhomogeneities, there is a sufficient body of evidence to accept with level A (definite efficacy) the analgesic effect of high-frequency (HF) rTMS of the primary motor cortex (M1) contralateral to the pain and the antidepressant effect of HF-rTMS of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). A Level B recommendation (probable efficacy) is proposed for the antidepressant effect of low-frequency (LF) rTMS of the right DLPFC, HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and LF-rTMS of contralesional M1 in chronic motor stroke. The effects of rTMS in a number of indications reach level C (possible efficacy), including LF-rTMS of the left temporoparietal cortex in tinnitus and auditory hallucinations. It remains to determine how to optimize rTMS protocols and techniques to give them relevance in routine clinical practice. In addition, professionals carrying out rTMS protocols should undergo rigorous training to ensure the quality of the technical realization, guarantee the proper care of patients, and maximize the chances of success. Under these conditions, the therapeutic use of rTMS should be able to develop in the coming years.
Many studies have provided evidence that prey adjust their behaviour to adaptively balance the fitness effects of reproduction and predation risk. Nocturnal terrestrial animals should deal with a range of environmental conditions during the reproductive season at the breeding sites, including a variable amount of natural ambient light. High degrees of illumination are expected to minimize those behaviours that might increase the animal detection by predators. Therefore, under habitat variable brightness conditions and in different ecosystems, the above mentioned behaviours are expected to depend on the variation in predation risk. Although moon effects on amphibian biology have been recognized, the direction of this influence is rather controversial with evidences of both increased and depressed activity under full moon. We tested in four nocturnal amphibian species (Hyla intermedia, Rana dalmatina, Rana italica, Salamandrina perspicillata) the effects of different (i) light conditions and (ii) habitats (open land vs. dense forest) on the reproductive phenology. Our results showed that the effects of the lunar cycle on the study species are associated with the change in luminosity, and there is no evidence of an endogenous rhythm controlled by biological clocks. The habitat type conditioned the amphibian reproductive strategy in relation to moon phases. Open habitat breeders (e. g., ponds with no canopy cover) strongly avoided conditions with high brightness, whereas forest habitat breeders were apparently unaffected by the different moon phases. Indeed, for all the studied species no effects of the moon phase itself on the considered metrics were found. Rather, the considered amphibian species seem to be conditioned mainly by moonlight irrespective of the moon phase. The two anurans spawning in open habitat apparently adjust their oviposition timing by balancing the fitness effects of the risk to be detected by predators and the reproduction.
Acute exercise increases energy expenditure (EE) during exercise and post-exercise recovery [excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)] and therefore may be recommended as part of the multidisciplinary management of obesity. Moreover, chronic exercise (training) effectively promotes an increase in insulin sensitivity, which seems to be associated with increased fat oxidation rates (FORs). The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate 1) FORs and extra-muscular factors (hormones and plasma metabolites) that regulate fat metabolism during acute and chronic exercise; and 2) EPOC during acute post-exercise recovery in obese and severely obese men (class II and III). In the first study, we showed that obese and severely obese men present a lower exercise intensity (Fatmax) eliciting maximal fat oxidation and a lower reliance on fat oxidation at high, but not at low and moderate, exercise intensities compared to lean men. This was most likely related to an impaired muscular capacity to oxidize non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) rather than decreased plasma NEFA availability or a change in the hormonal milieu during exercise. In the second study, we developed an accurate maximal incremental test to correctly and simultaneously evaluate aerobic fitness and fat oxidation kinetics during exercise in this population. This test may be used for the prescription of an appropriate exercise training intensity. In the third study, we demonstrated that only 2 wk of exercise training [continuous training at Fatmax and adapted high-intensity interval training (HIIT)], matched with respect to mechanical work, may be effective to improve aerobic fitness, FORs during exercise and insulin sensitivity, which suggest that FORs might be rapidly improved and that adapted HIIT is feasible in this population. The increased FORs concomitant with the lack of changes in lipolysis during exercise suggest an improvement in the mismatching between NEFA availability and oxidation, highlighting the importance of muscular (oxidative capacity) rather than extra-muscular (hormones and plasma metabolites) factors in the regulation of fat metabolism after a training program. In the fourth study, we observed a positive correlation between EE during exercise and EPOC, suggesting that a chronic increase in the volume or intensity of exercise may increase EE during exercise and during recovery. This may have an impact in weight management in obesity. In conclusion, these findings might have practical implications for exercise training prescriptions in order to improve the therapeutic approaches in obesity and severe obesity. -- L'exercice aigu augmente la dépense énergétique (DE) pendant l'exercice et la récupération post-exercice [excès de consommation d'oxygène post-exercise (EPOC)] et peut être utilisé dans la gestion multidisciplinaire de l'obésité. Quant à l'exercice chronique (entraînement), il est efficace pour augmenter la sensibilité à l'insuline, ce qui semble être associé à une amélioration du débit d'oxydation lipidique (DOL). Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier 1) le DOL et les facteurs extra-musculaires (hormones et métabolites plasmatiques) qui régulent le métabolisme lipidique pendant l'exercice aigu et chronique et 2) l'EPOC lors de la récupération aiguë post-exercice chez des hommes obèses et sévèrement obèses (classe II et III). Dans la première étude nous avons montré que les hommes obèses et sévèrement obèses présentent une plus basse intensité d'exercice (Fatmax) correspondant au débit d'oxydation lipidique maximale et un plus bas DOL à hautes, mais pas à faibles et modérées, intensités d'exercice comparé aux sujets normo-poids, ce qui est probablement lié à une incapacité musculaire à oxyder les acides gras non-estérifiés (AGNE) plutôt qu'à une diminution de leur disponibilité ou à un changement du milieu hormonal pendant l'exercice. Dans la deuxième étude nous avons développé un test maximal incrémental pour évaluer simultanément l'aptitude physique aérobie et la cinétique d'oxydation des lipides pendant l'exercice chez cette population. Dans la troisième étude nous avons montré que seulement deux semaines d'entraînement (continu à Fatmax et intermittent à haute intensité), appariés par la charge de travail, sont efficaces pour améliorer l'aptitude physique aérobie, le DOL pendant l'exercice et la sensibilité à l'insuline, ce qui suggère que le DOL peut être rapidement amélioré chez cette population. Ceci, en absence de changements de la lipolyse pendant l'exercice, suggère une amélioration de la balance entre la disponibilité et l'oxydation des AGNE, ce qui souligne l'importance des facteurs musculaires (capacité oxydative) plutôt que extra-musculaires (hormones et métabolites plasmatiques) dans la régulation du métabolisme lipidique après un entraînement. Dans la quatrième étude nous avons observé une corrélation positive entre la DE pendant l'exercice et l'EPOC, ce qui suggère qu'une augmentation chronique du volume ou de l'intensité de l'exercice pourrait augmenter la DE lors de l'exercice et lors de la récupération post-exercice. Ceci pourrait avoir un impact sur la gestion du poids chez cette population. En conclusion, ces résultats pourraient avoir des implications pratiques lors de la prescription des entraînements dans le but d'améliorer les approches thérapeutiques de l'obésité et de l'obésité sévère.
Archiver le Web sur les migrations : quelles approches techniques et scientifiques ? Rapport d'étape
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of strenuous exercise on bone metabolism and related hormones in elderly subjects. METHODS: Twenty one active elderly subjects (11 men and 10 women; mean age 73.3 years) showing a mean theoretical Vo2max of 151.4% participated. Concentrations of plasma ionised calcium (iCa), serum intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), and 1.25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3 (1.25(OH)2D3), as well as the bone biochemical markers type I collagen C-telopeptide for bone resorption and osteocalcin and bone alkaline phosphatase for bone formation, were analysed before and after a maximal incremental exercise test. RESULTS: At basal level, iPTH was positively correlated with age (r = 0.56, p < 0.01) and negatively correlated with 25(OH)D (r = -0.50; p < 0.01) and 1.25(OH)2D3 (r = -0.47; p < 0.05). Moreover, 25(OH)D and 1.25(OH)2D3 levels were negatively correlated with age (r = -0.50, p < 0.01 and r = -0.53, p < 0.01, respectively). After exercise, iCa and 25(OH)D decreased (p < 0.001 and p = 0.01, respectively) while iPTH increased (p < 0.001). The levels of 1.25(OH)2D3, bone biochemical markers, haematocrit, and haemoglobin were unchanged. The variations in iCa and 25(OH)D were not related to age and/or sex. The iPTH variation was directly related to basal iPTH levels (p < 0.01) and indirectly related to age. CONCLUSIONS: In active elderly subjects, strenuous exercise disturbed calcium homeostasis and bone related hormones without immediate measurable effect on bone turnover. Although an increase in iPTH could have an anabolic action on bone tissue, our findings from our short term study did not allow us to conclude that such action occurred.