943 resultados para Exercícios físicos para idosos
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a percepção do idoso quanto ao cuidado humanizado na atenção básica de saúde, com enfoque sobre os aspectos do atendimento ambulatorial que interferem na qualidade do atendimento. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo do tipo transversal, abrangendo todas as unidades básicas de saúde de um município do interior do Estado de São Paulo, por meio de entrevistas dirigidas aos idosos que frequentavam essas unidades. O instrumento utilizado foi desenvolvido pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), que, em busca de maior objetividade para a avaliação da qualidade do cuidado à saúde, propôs o conceito de responsividade, para referir-se aos elementos não diretamente ligados ao estado de saúde, e sim aos envolvidos no atendimento acolhedor e resolutivo com responsabilidade e vínculo. Dessa forma, os domínios de responsividade avaliados foram: pronta atenção, dignidade, comunicação, autonomia, escolha dos profissionais, confidencialidade e estrutura física e conforto. Os resultados foram analisados através do software Epi Info 3.5.2. Verificou-se que alguns domínios da atenção em saúde, altamente valorizados pelos idosos, tiveram desempenho bem inferior, como: Autonomia, em que apenas 54,4% tiveram liberdade para tomar decisões sobre sua saúde ou tratamento; e Comunicação, em que 67,6% não obtiveram informações sobre outros tipos de tratamentos ou exames e 79,2% não tiveram oportunidade para esclarecimentos quanto às dúvidas sobre o tratamento. Sugere-se, portanto, mudanças nos serviços de atenção básica à saúde prestados, principalmente quando se trata de idosos, uma população especial que necessita receber uma assistência diferenciada.
A cinética do consumo de oxigênio (VO2) e a resposta do lactato sanguíneo durante o exercício de carga constante em diferentes intensidades permitem caracterizar os domínios moderado, pesado e severo do exercício. Em exercício de intensidade constante, o perfil da resposta do VO2, analisada por ajustes exponenciais, apresenta as fases cardiodinâmica, fundamental e lenta. A ocorrência do componente lento (CL) tem sido associada a fatores como recrutamento de fibras do tipo II e acúmulo de metabólitos, como lactato, íons H+, fosfato inorgânico e ADP. O CL expressa uma redução da eficiência muscular e tem sido associado à menor tolerância de exercícios aeróbios de intensidade alta. O presente estudo teve por objetivo detalhar a fundamentação teórica sobre sua ocorrência, a influência na tolerância ao exercício, bem como prover os diferentes procedimentos adotados em sua quantificação.
In Brazil, common bean is in one of the most representative economic crops, not only because of its growing area but also because of the economic value of its production. In the crop year 2006/07, in Selvíria (MS), we analyzed the common bean yield as a function of some physical attributes of a Typic Acrustox in minimum tillage and center pivot irrigation system. The aim of this work was to evaluate among the soil physical attributes, under minimum tillage, those that better explain the variability of bean yield using the Pearson and spatial correlations,. A geostatistical grid was installed to collect data from soil and plants, with 117 sampling points in an area of 2025 m² and homogeneous slope of 0.055 m m-1. The results showed a low yield of bean, which occurred probably due to a lower density of plants that the system provided. Thus, for the minimum tillage system, the bean yield could be explained as a function of total porosity and bulk density.
Relação entre depressão e desequilíbrio postural em idosos que sofreram acidente vascular encefálico
INTRODUCTION: The incidence of stroke it increases with the aging and each successive decade above 55 years leads to a doubling of stroke incidence. Among the current complications of stroke are the unbalance postural and depression. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate and correlate the postural balance and depression in elderly with and without stroke. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We evaluated 38 subjects (19 with stroke and 19 without). The balance was evaluated by Berg Balance Scale and the depression by Yesavage Depression Scale. RESULTS: Elderly with stroke presented depression when compared with elderly without the disease (p < 0.0001). The risk of falling in elderly with stroke was 102 times higher than in elderly without stroke. There was a correlation between depression and balance (r = -0.55; p = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Elderly patients with sequels of stroke have unbalance and greater depression, when compared with elderly of same age without the disease.
INTRODUÇÃO:Com o aumento da população idosa, fica evidente a importância de compreender e explorar o processo de envelhecimento humano, o qual acarreta transformações morfológicas e funcionais.OBJETIVOS:Avaliar e comparar as inclinações anteroposterior e lateral do centro de gravidade por faixas etárias.MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal e exploratório. Fizeram parte da pesquisa 135 sujeitos, separados em faixas etárias: Grupo 1: 20-29 anos (n=26), Grupo 2: 30-39 anos (n=26), Grupo 3: 40-49 (n=25), Grupo 4: 50-59 anos (n=30) e Grupo 5: >60 anos (n=28). Esses sujeitos foram selecionados de acordo com o escore do Miniexame de Estado Mental e pela capacidade de permanecer em pé por, pelo menos, 90 segundos. As posturas foram avaliadas por meio do software de avaliação postural (SAPO). As comparações entre os valores de inclinações dados pelo SAPO foram feitas pelo teste de Mann-Whitney (comparação par-a-par), sendo aceito um valor de p<0,05 como significante.RESULTADOS:Na comparação da média da assimetria frontal entre as faixas etárias, observa-se maior lateralização com o avançar da idade, com valores significativos nos grupos 50-59 e >60 anos. Na comparação da média da assimetria sagital entre as faixas etárias, valores são significativos no grupo dos >60 anos.CONCLUSÕES:Após avaliar e comparar as assimetrias sagitais e frontais, pode-se apontar que na medida em que a idade avança, há tendência ao aumento de suas projeções anteriores e laterais comparadas ao centro de gravidade.
PURPOSE: Describe hearing aid use by the elderly population in the city of São Paulo and identify associated factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative study integrated with the SABE (health, well-being and aging) project developed in 2006. A total of 1.115 individuals aged 65 or over were interviewed. Sample selection occurred in two stages, with replacement and probabilities proportional to the population to complement those aged 75 or over. Structured questionnaires and validated instruments were used. The data were weighted, the Rao-Scott test was used for univariate analysis and backward stepwise logistic regression was used for multivariate analysis, performed on Stata 10® software. RESULTS: Three hundred and seventy-seven subjects (30.4%) were classified as hearing impaired and 10.1% of these reported using hearing aids. To acquire the devices, 78.8% used their own resources and 16.9% acquired them through the Brazilian public health system (SUS). Among non-users of hearing aids, 16.6% reported prior indication; however, 8.6% were unable to adapt to the device and 8.0% could not afford to acquire one. Hearing aid use was associated with lower prevalence of probable dementia. CONCLUSION: The low number of hearing aid users indicates the difficulties elderly people face in acquiring them and/or that the health services face in effectively helping them to adapt. These findings may influence the quality of life of elderly with hearing impairment, given the association with probable dementia revealed by this study.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyze the correlation between the levels of functional dependence of elderly living in the community, the burden related to care and the perception of quality of life in familiar caregivers. METHODS: This is an observational, descriptive and analytical study, using non probabilistic sampling selected by convenience in the period from December 2008 to May 2009, in the urban area of Curitiba and Colombo, state of Paraná, Brazil. Interviews were applied to caregivers, using demographic inquiry, functional evaluation of the aged, burden interview (Zarit-Burden-Interview) and quality of life instrument (WHOQOL-Bref). Spearman, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis coefficients were used to analyze the correlations between instruments and socio-demographic variables. Bivariate analyses identified which variables correlate with burden, and the most significant were included in a multiple linear regression. RESULTS: Forty-five caregivers were interviewed, mostly women (91.11%) with high educational level attending dependent elderly (66.77%). Moderate/severe burden was perceived in 75.55% of the sample. We found correlation between dependence, more severe burden in caregivers (r=-0.281, p=0.013) and worse perception of quality of life. The multiple linear regression identified strong association between burden related to care and psychological domain from WHOQOL-bref and time as caregiver (R²=0.58, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: In a sample of familiar caregivers, we identified correlations between lower burden related to care and better quality of life perceptions, as well as higher disability and less satisfactory quality of life perceptions.
The use of geostatistical techniques allows detection of the existence of dependence and the spatial distribution of soil properties, thus constituting an important tool in the analysis and detailed description of the behavior of soil physical properties. The aim of the present study was to use geostatistics in assessment of physical properties in a Latossolo (Oxisol) dystrophic under native forest and pasture in the Amazon region of Manicore. Grids with of 70 x 70 m were established in native forest and pasture, and points were marked in these grids spaced at every 10 m, for a total of 64 points. These points were then georeferenced and in each one, soil samples (128) were collected at the depths of 0.00-0.20 and 0.40-0.60 m for a survey of their physical properties. These grids are parallel at a distance of 100 m from one another. The following determinations were made: texture, bulk density and particle density, macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity and aggregate stability in water. After tabulating the data, descriptive statistical analysis and geostatistical analysis were performed. The pasture had a slight variation in its physical properties in relation to native forest, with a high coefficient of variation and weak spatial dependence. The scaled semivariograms were able to satisfactorily reproduce the spatial behavior of the properties in the same pattern as the individual semivariograms, and the use of the parameter range of the semivariogram was efficient for determining the optimal sampling density for the environments under study. The geostatistical results indicate that the removal of native forest for establishing pasture altered the natural variability of the physical properties.
O objetivo foi descrever a mortalidade entre idosos em Araraquara (SP), no período de 2006 a 2011. Estudo epidemiológico descritivo, tendo como fontes de dados o Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade e a Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados. Foi calculada razão entre coeficientes de mortalidade por ponto (R) e por intervalo de 95% de confiança (IC95%). Observou-se mais de 60% dos idosos com nível baixo de escolaridade, sendo que 76% faleceram em hospitais. Entre 2006 e 2008, as diferenças foram estatisticamente significantes entre homens e mulheres, predominando as doenças circulatórias com R = 1,41 (IC95%:1,24-1,58), respiratórias com R = 1,49 (IC95%:1,22-1,76) e neoplasias com R = 1,79 (IC95%: 1,40-2,18). Entre 2009 e 2011, obteve-se, para as causas circulatórias R = 1,18 (IC95%:1,03-1,33), sendo significativas as diferenças para as respiratórias com R = 1,33 (IC95%:1,11-1,55) e câncer sendo R = 1,94 (IC95%:1,53-2,35). O diabetes mellitus e as causas externas apareceram, respectivamente, como quarta e quinta causas de mortes mais frequentes na população idosa. O padrão de mortalidade encontrado ressalta a importância de ações voltadas à redução das principais causas de morte, como o incremento da cobertura da vacina contra a influenza e o controle da hipertensão arterial e do diabetes mellitus.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Better knowledge of the anthropogenic soils can help create future scenarios for the Amazon region through information that supports the sustainable planning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil physical anthropogenic and not anthropogenic in the region of Manipur, AM. In the study area we selected two, one with no anthropogenic soils (native forest) and another with anthropogenic soils (black earth archaeological). In each area, we established a grid measuring 70 x 70 m and the soils were sampled at the points of intersection of the grid with regular spacing of 10 by 10 feet, making a total of 64 sampling points in each landscape. Soil samples were collected at a depth from 0.0 to 0.10 I did the analyzes physical (texture, bulk density, macroporosity, microporososidade, porosity and aggregate stability). Then, the data were subjected to descriptive statistics and geostatistics. It was found that the anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soils showed different behaviors in relation ace their spatial structures. The spatial variability that prevailed in anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soil was moderate and weak indicating that these soils are strongly linked to changes in the soil by extrinsic factors. The soil was observed anthropogenic best results for total porosity, microporosity and bulk density, showing superior characteristics compared for agronomic soil not anthropogenic. And the range of values found in the above two areas were used in the mesh, showing greater spatial continuity in these environments.
The tillage comprises on average 25% of the cost of deploying a reed, so this cost reduction measures are desirable since they do not compromise the quality of the operation and longevity of sugarcane. The objective was to evaluate the effect of different tillage systems in Acrustox, correlating soil physical properties and characteristics of sugarcane agroindustrial plant cane and ratoon cane. We used five types of soil tillage, over experimental design in blocks with five replications. The particle size was measured every 0.1 m to 0.4 m depth, through deformed soil samples collected at the end of the first growth cycle of the culture. For other soil physical properties: bulk density, total porosity and water content, assessments were performed at the end of each cycle, collecting soil samples in layers of 0-0.20 to 0.21-0.40 m, in addition to performing the penetration resistance, using a penetrometer impact. The response of sugarcane depending on the types of tillage was determined from the evaluation of productivity per hectare of stem (TCH), sugar (TPH), the values of pol % cane (AP), sugar total recoverable (ATR) and fiber samples collected at harvest stalk of sugarcane plant and ratoon cane. In the tillage studied, there was a change of the physical attributes of the soil, causing reduced productivity in 2009/2010 crop, compared with the 2008/2009 season. In tillage system of furrowing direct lowest result was observed for TCH, especially in 2009/2010 crop, when the difference with conventional tillage was 20.53 Mg ha(-1).
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT