977 resultados para Eucalyptus leaves


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Eucalyptus camaldulensis has great importance in Brazil because of their phenotypic plasticity for different environmental conditions, as soils, altitudes and rainfall. This study is an investigation of a base population of E. camaldulensis from Australia through a progeny test implanted in Selvíria, MS. The trial was established in a randomized block design, with 25 families and 60 replications of single tree plots. Genetic parameters for anatomic traits and volume shrinkage were estimated, as well as their correlations with wood basic density. No significant differences among progenies were observed for the traits studied. The additive genetic variation coefficient at individual and among progeny levels ranged from low (0.26%) to high (16.98%). The narrow sense heritability at individual and family means levels also ranged from low (0.01) to high (0.87). This indicates that some traits are under strong genetic control and can be improved by selection. In the present situation, in order to attain the highest genetic gains, the sequential selection among and within progeny would be recommended.


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INTRODUCTION: Microsporum canis is the most common cause of canine and feline dermatophytosis and thus has an important zoonotic role. OBJECTIVES: the aim of this study was to determine the antifungal action of medicinal plant extracts and of eucalyptus oil against pathogenic fungus Microsporum canis. METHODS: the extracts were prepared by mixing 300 g of previously washed leaves with 450 mL of distilled water. Then the material was triturated, filtered, sterilized and conserved at 10 + 2 oC. Fifteen milliliters of sterilized medium Sabouraud dextrose (Difco) at a temperature of 55 + 1 oC was added in Petri dishes containing the extracts in one, two, three, four and five mm concentrations. The fungus was inoculated once the medium was solidified. The inoculated dishes were maintained in B.O.D. incubator at 36 ± 0,5 oC until the fungus developed in the controls. RESULTS: the extracts from Punica granatum, Mangifera indica and Eucalyptus spp reduced the growth of fungus, but the extracts from Cymgopogom nardus, Tagetes minuta, Ruta graviolens, Cyperus rotundus, Annona moricata and Calendula spp leaves and flowers boosted the growth of fungus. The other extracts and the eucalyptus oil neither show any fungicidal action nor encourage mycelium growth. CONCLUSIONS: the use of most tested extracts and eucalyptus oil is not suitable for the treatment of Microsporum canis dermatophytosis due to lack of inhibitory effects. The extracts from Cymgopogom nardus, Tagetes minuta, Ruta graviolens, Cyperus rotundus, Annona moricata and from of Calendula spp leaves and flowers help the development of the fungus making clear that phytotherapy should be properly used, otherwise it can worsen the problem. However; extracts from Mangifera indica, Punica granatum and Eucalyptus spp. can be used as fungistatic.


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This study aimed to evaluate the guinea grass effect (Panicum maximum) on the initial growth of different Eucalyptus × urograndis clones. Two assays were established with eucalyptus clones and guinea grass seedlings. The plants were grown in plots with cement borders filled with soil. Each plot received a eucalyptus seedling. The first assay had a completely randomized experimental design, with three replications, and treatments in a 5x2 factorial scheme (five eucalyptus clones and the absence or presence of two guinea grass plants at 10 cm distance from eucalyptus seedling). The second assay was similar to the first, however with three eucalyptus clones. The experimental design was completely randomized, with five replications, and a 3x2 factorial scheme (three eucalyptus clones and the absence or presence of two guinea grass plants). The presence of eucalyptus clones did not affect guinea grass development. The eucalyptus clones that coexisted with guinea grass plants did not show differences in their development, making the clones equal when under competition. The most susceptible characteristics of eucalyptus clones to guinea grass were foliar area, shoot and stem dry matter. Clone 3 showed the most sensitivity to guinea grass, and clone 1 was the most tolerant, but all clones studied suffered a negative interference from guinea grass.


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The objective of this research is to assess the influences of basal canker on wood properties for the kraft pulp production. The material consisted of seeded E. grandis trees classified into 4 levels of basal canker severity (0, 1, 2 and 3) and installed in three soil types classified by texture (AQ1 and AQ2 - 10 to 15% clay, and LEm2 - 26 to 35 clay). The sampling consisted of randomly selecting five trees for each for each canker severity level and soil type, totaling 60 trees (4 canker levels x 3 soil types x 5 trees). These trees were fallen and cut into sections at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the commercial height for the collection of disk and logs of wood. The results showed that the soil texture influences in the Eucalyptus canker severity and this fact should be considered when assessing the wood properties and their final destination. The texture of the soil and the severe levels of basal canker influence the wood properties, and therefore the kraft pulping.


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The metabolic effects caused by hydric deficiency (HD) on Eucalyptus grandis clones were assessed by an experiment where plants were cultivated in four blocks. The first was the control block, normally irrigated, whereas the other three blocks were submitted to cycles of hydric deficiency. Analysis of photosynthetic efficiency, enzymatic activity of antioxidant response system, level of pigments and L-proline concentration were performed to evaluate the HD effects. Results showed that HD altered some parameters related to photosynthetic activity, pigments accumulation, proline and enzymatic activity. Clone 433 of E. grandis presented higher response ability to HD.


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Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake is outstanding for valuable wood production potential, adaptation plasticity for different environmental conditions, and for tolerance to canker. However, genetic improvement of this specie in Brazil depends on the existence of genetic variability in the introduced populations. The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic variation and gains in quantitative traits in a population established in 1992 in Selvíria - MS. The progeny trial was established in a partially balanced, 8 x 8 lattice design, with 64 families, collected at Anhembi Experimental Station (IPEF/ESALQ/USP). Each plot was made up of eight trees planted in a 3 × 3 m spacing. Significant among families genetic variations were observed in diameter at breast height (DBH), bark type, stem form, and survival. Estimates of average family heritability were high for all traits, ranging from 0.50 to 0.85. The simulated selection by using multi-effect index showed that under a varying number of plants per family. This method is the most indicated to maximize genetic gains (7.24%) and the effective population size (69.3). These results are a useful support for the transformation of this test into a seedling seed orchard and to become a source of vegetative material to build a clonal seed orchard.


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Studies on new adhesives and resins for bonding wood and wood products are being carried out with the intention to improve their properties, taking into account a lower environmental impact. To this end, new formulations of polyvinyl acetate (PVA) adhesives have been developed, because they have no polluting harmful to health chemicals in their composition, in contrast to formaldehyde-based resins; which in turn are the most commonly used for wood panels production these days. This study tested three different formulations of PVA adhesives, with different pressing times and temperatures for the production of Eucalyptus sp. plywood, obtaining satisfactory results with respect to shear strength at the bondline, which was higher for the PVA adhesives compared to the urea-formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde panels found in the literature.


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Tithonia diversifolia, also known as Mexican arnica, has been used in traditional medicine to treat inflammatory refractory with absence of citotoxicity. The possible health risks associated with the consumption of ingestion of the infusion (tea) plant makes it is necessary to identify the potential pharmacological activity or toxicity to prove certain plants that are acclimated in Brazil. Considering the limited number of pharmacological studies regarding the Tithonia diversifolia, the aim of this study was evaluate the effects of this infusion in platelet aggregation. Venous blood was collected with informed consent from healthy volunteers who denied taking any medication in the previous 14 days. Whole blood was transferred into polypropylene tubes containing one-tenth of final volume of acid citrate dextrose (ACD-C; citric acid 3%, trisodium citrate 4%, glucose 2%; 1:9 v/v) and centrifuged at 200g for 15 min. Platelet rich plasma was added of wash buffer solution (NaCl 140mM, KCl 5mM, sodium citrate 12mM, glucose 10mM and saccharose 12mM; pH 6; 5:7 v/v) and centrifuged at 800g for 12 min at 20°C. Platelet pellet was gently resuspended in Krebs-Ringer solution and counts were performed on a Neubauer chamber. Aggregation assay was carried out with 400 μL of platelet suspension (1.2x10 8 platelets/mL) in a cuvette at 37°C with constant stirring. Platelet suspension was incubated for 3 min with aqueous extract infusion (0.6-20μg/mL) prior to addition of thrombin (100 mU/mL). Percentage of platelet aggregation was recorded with an aggregometer (Chrono-log Lumi-Aggregometer model 560-Ca, USA). Our results show an inhibition of thrombin induced platelet aggregation in the presence of 0.6-20 ug/mL Tithonia diversifolia infusion leaves. The Tithonia diversifolia infusion leaves inhibits thrombin induced washed platelet aggregation.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the behavior of morphological Eucalyptus platyphylla when subjected to five levels of soil salinity. The research project was conducted in a greenhouse at the experimental area of the Department of Agricultural Engineering of the FCA / UNESP, Botucatu-SP, utilizing plastic pots filled with soil containing NaCl concentrations, in sufficient quantities to raise the level of electrical conductivity. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks in factorial scheme 5 x 4, 5 electrical conductivities (1.41, 2.50, 4.50, 6.45 and 8.33 dS m-1) and four repetitions. The results showed that soil salinity did not significantly affect the following parameters: height, green mass and dry matter of shoot, and root and leaf area of the plants.


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The study aimed to assess the moisture and density of the soil, the amount of water stored in the profile, and the average soil's porosity with Eucalyptus grandis reforestation, compared to bare soil. The study areas are located in the Paulista region, in São Paulo, Brazil. The samples were collected in layers of 0, 20, 40, 60, 100 and 300 cm, in the months of April, June, August and October 2008. The results show that the density is lower and the porosity is higher in Eucalyptus forest soil compared to bare soil, due to the higher content of organic matter in forest leaf litter. Furthermore, the forest soil has a lower amount of water stored in profile than the bare soil without vegetation.


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More than 80% of the 29600 km of the Brazilian railroad mesh employs wooden sleepers. The problem of hard availability of native wood for this purpose leads to the alternative use of reforestation species to produce sleepers. Considering the great difficulty to, in field condition, evaluate characteristics that are of major importance to define its suitability to sleeper production the Research Group on Forest Products from FCA/UNESP - Brazil had developed equipment for field evaluation of hardness in wood - Portable Hardness Tester. This paper reports the functional validation tests, performed with different species of Eucalyptus. Results revealed the equipment great functionality, easy-to-use characteristics and applicability to Eucalyptus wood. Moderate to strong relationships between laboratory and validated values of hardness were found. The best validation model was obtained using the data provided by the experimental dispositive 3 (R2=0.74 and SSE= 7.71 kJ/m2) while the experimental dispositive 1 gave the worse validation (R2=0.55 and SSE= 13.46 kJ/m2).


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The objective of this study was evaluate the effect of the log steaming on the chemical properties and decay resistance of Eucalyptus grandis wood. Logs with diameter between 20 and 22 cm were studied. Half of logs were kept in its on original condition, and the other half was steamed at 90°C for 13 hours. The holocellulosc, Klason lignin, total extractives content and the weight loss caused by the decay fungus Pycnoporus sanguineous were characterized. The results showed that the log steaming of E. grandis wood cause: (l)a significantly decreased in holocellulose content; (2) an increase of 4.8% and 4.4% in total extractives and lignin content, respectively; and (3) a decrease in its durability against the decay fungus P. sanguineus in order of 13.03%. Copyright © (2012) by WCTE 2012 Committee.


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The climates of the central and southern regions of São Paulo state in Brazil favor pathogens such as Puccinia psidii Winter, which causes a common and severe disease in Eucalyptus plantations under 2 years old. We studied genetic parameters including genotype by environment interaction (G × E) of resistance to P. psidii rust in Eucalyptus grandis at nine sites in São Paulo State. Open-pollinated progeny from ten 'provenances' were established in a randomized complete block design; at individual sites there were from 134 to 160 progenies, from four to eight blocks, and five to six trees per plot. Significant provenance and progeny(provenance) differences were detected, as was G × E involving progeny(provenance). However, the G × E involved little if any rank changes, indicating that selection can be done efficiently at a single site, if the disease level is sufficient. The estimated coefficient of genetic variation among the progeny within provenances CVg was high and variable among the sites (ranging from 11 % to 36. 7 %), demonstrating different expression of genetic variability among the sites. The estimated heritability at the individual-tree level h2 and within a plot hw 2 ranged from low to intermediate (ranging from 0. 04 to 0. 46) and was high at the progeny-mean level hf 2 (ranging from 0. 30 to 0. 86). Our study shows good prospects of controlling this disease by selection among and within progenies in a single site. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Tick control has been accomplished through the use of synthetic acaricides, which has created resistant individuals, as well as contaminating the environment and nontarget organisms. Substances of plant origin, such as oils and extracts of eucalyptus and neem leaves, have been researched as an alternative to replace the synthetic acaricides. Ricinoleic acid esters from castor oil have recently been shown as a promising alternative in eliminating bacterial contamination during ethanol fermentation, by acting as an effective biocide. The same positive results have been observed when these esters are added to the food given to tick-infested rabbits. This study tested the effect of these substance on the reproductive system of Rhipicephalus sanguineus females, added to rabbit food, more specifically on oogenesis. For this, four groups were established: four control groups (CG1, CG2, CG3, and CG4) and four treatment groups (TG1, TG2, TG3, and TG4) with one rabbit in each (New Zealand White), used as hosts. After full 4 days feeding (semi-engorgement), the females were collected and had their ovaries extracted. In this study, it was observed that R. sanguineus females exposed to esters had their ovaries modified, which was demonstrated through transmission electron microscopy techniques. The addition of ricinoleic esters to the diet of tick-infested rabbits revealed how toxic such substances are for the cytoplasmic organelles of oocytes and pedicel cells. These compounds can change the morphophysiology of germ and somatic cells, consequently influencing their viability and, therefore, confirming that the ricinoleic acid esters from castor oil are a promising substance in the control of R. sanguineus. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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The aim of this work was to generate mathematical models capable of identifying photosynthetic pigments and soluble proteins from the leaves of Jatropha curcas using the relationship between classical readings performed by spectrophotometry and the chlorophyll meter, ClorofiLOG ® 1030. The work was conducted at Embrapa Cotton, in the city of Campina Grande, state of Paraíba, Brazil. For indirect analysis, portable equipment was used to read leaf discs at different stages of development. The chlorophyll in these discs was then determined using a classical method, while the Bradford method was used to determine soluble proteins. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and regression analyses, in which the readings obtained using the portable chlorophyll meter were the dependent variables and the photosynthetic pigments and soluble protein determined by the classical method the independents variables. The results indicated that with the exception of chlorophyll b and soluble protein, the mathematical models obtained with the portable chlorophyll ClorofiLOG ® 1030 can be used to estimate the concentration of photosynthetic pigments with high precision, thus saving time and the chemical reagents required for conventional procedures.