1000 resultados para Estudos Mediáticos
The development of products whose purpose is to promote blockages in high permeability zones as well as to control the hydrate or scale formation also needs some tests in porous media before using the product in the field, where attempts and unavoidable operational errors costs would able to derail any projects. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the Botucatu and Berea sandstones properties, involving problems related to loss permeability. It was observed that even cores of Berea, without expansible clays in their composition had their permeability reduced, as soon as the salinity of brine reached a lower limit. As expected, the same happened with the Botucatu sandstone samples, however, in this case, the sensitivity to low salinity was more pronounced. In a second phase, the research was focused on the Botucatu Sandstone behavior front of dilute polymer solutions injection, checking the main relationships between the Rock / Fluid interactions, considering the Mobility Reduction, Resistance and Residual Resistance Factors, as well as adsorption/desorption processes of these polymers, and the polymer molecules average size and porous sandstone average size ratio. The results for both phases showed a real feasibility of using the Botucatu sandstone in laboratory tests whose objective is the displacement of fluids through porous media
Em janeiro de 2003 foram constatados sintomas típicos de ferrugem em folhas maduras de videira (Vitis vinifera), nas áreas experimentais da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Ilha Solteira, em Selvíria - MS e Ilha Solteira - SP. Este é o primeiro relato desta doença da videira no Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Considerando a intensidade da doença, a importância da cultura da videira na região e a falta de informações sobre a ferrugem, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: reconfirmar a patogenicidade de Phakopsora euvitis; estudar a influência da luz e da temperatura na germinação de urediniósporos; estudar o efeito do tipo de superfície na germinação de urediniósporos; determinar a longevidade in vivo de urediniósporos e avaliar a eficiência agronômica de fungicidas para o controle da ferrugem. Sintomas da ferrugem foram verificados somente em folhas maduras de videira. A temperatura de 25 ºC, no escuro, e a superfície inferior da folha de videira foram as melhores condições para a germinação de urediniósporos de P. euvitis. A germinação dos urediniósporos foi reduzida em 94%, em folhas de videira que foram retiradas das plantas e mantidas durante sete dias na superfície do solo. em dois experimentos realizados em campo constatou-se que os fungicidas tebuconazole, propiconazole e azoxystrobin proporcionaram as menores intensidades da doença. Tebuconazole apresentou-se como o fungicida mais eficiente no controle da ferrugem. No geral, maior intensidade da ferrugem foi observada em videira conduzida no sistema de espaldeira.
Este estudo apresenta uma síntese bibliográfica sobre as metodologias de avaliação que foram propostas por pesquisadores internacionais e nacionais e utilizadas por indexadores de instituições de ensino e/ou pesquisas atuantes em unidades de informação e/ou centros de documentação, bem como aquelas que foram analisadas pelas opiniões dos próprios usuários da informação registrada e disponibilizada em inúmeros sistemas de informações, com enfoques nas abordagens quantitativa, qualitativa e qualitativa/cognitiva, respectivamente.
A partir de trabalhos que questionam limites de linguagens artísticas, discute-se o termo dançatividade enquanto potência do corpo-artista. A escolha dos trabalhos se orientou pela percepção de tal potência como impulso para a desterritorialização dos campos específicos da dança para se re-territorializar em outro campo de fronteira pela própria experiência do corpo
Atualmente, diante das técnicas atuais, a manometria tem sido relegada a plano secundário durante a cateterização cardíaca. No entanto, ainda fornece importantes informações para identificação e avaliação das doenças cardiovasculares. Os dados coletados durante os exames possibilitam a obtenção de variáveis quantitativas e qualitativas, as quais podem ser comparadas aos padrões normais. Os sistemas manométricos são compostos por transdutor, amplificador e registrador, que, em conjunto, devem espelhar com fidelidade a morfologia e os valores das variáveis analisadas. Para atingir esse objetivo, é necessário desempenho adequado de todos os componentes. Se uma determinada informação é de extrema relevância, o operador deve gastar tempo suficiente para obtê-la de maneira inequívoca. Assim, o operador deve estar familiarizado com os sistemas manométricos e com as fontes de erro relacionadas com as técnicas de registro, cateteres, conectores e fluidos. Com os fundamentos analisados neste manuscrito, salientamos que deve ser dispensada atenção às ondas de pressão usadas nas interpretações da fisiopatologia das doenças cardiovasculares.
In February 2011, the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) has published a new Technical Rules for Handling Land Pipeline Petroleum and Natural Gas Derivatives (RTDT). Among other things, the RTDT made compulsory the use of monitoring systems and leak detection in all onshore pipelines in the country. This document provides a study on the method for detection of transient pressure. The study was conducted on a industrial duct 16" diameter and 9.8 km long. The pipeline is fully pressurized and carries a multiphase mixture of crude oil, water and natural gas. For the study, was built an infrastructure for data acquisition and validation of detection algorithms. The system was designed with SCADA architecture. Piezoresistive sensors were installed at the ends of the duct and Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) were used for sampling, storage and processing of data. The study was based on simulations of leaks through valves and search for patterns that characterize the occurrence of such phenomena
This dissertation deals with sedimentological and structural framework of the siliciclastic rock of the Serra do Martins Formation (FSM) in the Portalegre, Martins and Santana plateau, located to the south of Potiguar Basin, in the southwest and central Rio Grande do Norte state. This formation, regarded as of Oligo-Miocene age based on intrusive relations of the Miocene Macau volcanics, has a still disputable age due to the lack of appropriate bio and/or chronostratigraphic markers. The FSSM deposits crop out along 650 to 750 m high plateau, as a remanescent sedimentary cover directly overlying topographically uplifted pre-cambrian crystalline rocks. During the last decades, these deposits were interpreted according to a Tertiary paleoclimatic evolutionary model, associated to pedogenetic processes. The sedimentological characterization of the FSM was done through a detailed study of its facies, petrography and diagenetic features. The facies study was based on description of field relations, textures and structures, the piling up of the strata and their lateral variations. The FSM was deposited by an anastomosing to coarse-meandering fluvial system, including deposits of lag, cannel-fill, ouver-bank and flood plain. The petrographic composition of the sediments, coupled to their facies and paleocurrent directions, suggest a rather distal sourcearea, to the south of the present plateau. The diagenetic study identified an incipient grain mechanical compaction, pronounced dissolution of the framework, matrix and/or cement components, intense precipitation of kaolinite, silic and, eventually, iron oxides, besides mechanical infiltration of the clays. Most of these events, regarded in the literature as associated to near-surface conditions (eo or telodiagenesis), indicate the FSM sediments were never deeply buried. Topographic relations along longitudinal and transversal sections reaching the Potiguar Basin to the north identified regional dips that allow to discuss stratigraphic correlations between the FSM and the basin formations. The sedimentological features of the different units and the intrusive relations of the Macau volcanics were also considered in these correlations,which support the Oligo-Miocene age previously accepted for the FSM. Concerning the tectonic framework of the FSM, this work investigated the pre-cambrian to cretaceous heritage and the cenozoic deformation, allowing the recognition of pre-, sin and post-FSM structures. The crystalline basement, belonging to the Seridó Belt, displays NE and WNW foliation trends related to the Brasiliano-age ductile shear zones. In this terrain, brittle-ductile and brittle NE- and NW-trending structures, associated with extensional joints filled with pegmatites and quartz veins, are related to an E-W compression by the end of Brasiliano Cycle. The E-W joints and NE-trending fractures were reactivated by N-S to N-S to NW extension during late Jurassic to Cretaceous times, controlling the emplacement of the Rio Ceará-Mirim basic dyke swarm and the opening of the Potiguar rift basin
This article is a reflection on the possibilities for the linking and or connection of words in Brazilian Portuguese lyric diction with the intention of contributing this as a tool for singers, singing and diction teachers working with BP. The proposal came from a study of the norms for the Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation 1938 and 1958 rules, which addressed the issue, in conjunction with the analysis of the current norms, published in 2007.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A review of recent literature shows that most taphonomic studies of Holocene and fossil macrovertebrates are not methodologically standardized. Hence, results from distinct studies are not comparable, even among researches sharing virtually identical goals, targeting the same biological group of similar age and depositional environment. The effects of the shell size in the taphonomic analysis are still poorly understood. In order to study this issue, the taphonomic signatures (articulation, valve type, fragmentation, abrasion, corrosion, edge modification, color alteration, bioerosion and encrustation) of brachiopod shells (Bouchardia rosea (Mawe)), from Ubatuba Bay in the northern coast of São Paulo State, were investigated according to the sieve sizes. In the study area, 14 collecting stations were sampled via Van Veen grab sampler, along a bathymetric gradient, ranging from 0 to 35 m of depth. Bulk samples were sieved through 8 mm, 6 mm, and 2 mm mesh sizes, yielding a total of 5.204 shells. The results indicate that, when taphonomic signatures were independently analyzed per size classes (8 mm, 6 mm, and 2 mm), the taphonomic signatures are recorded in a complex and random way. Additionally, cluster analysis showed that the similarity among the clusters vary according to the considered sieve size. Thus, the sieve size plays an important role in the distribution of taphonomic signatures in shells of distinct sizes. These results suggest that the concentration of the taphonomic analysis on one class (e.g., the largest sieve size, 8 mm) is not always the best method. Rather, the total data (all sieves included) seems more accurate in recording the whole spectrum of taphonomic processes recorded in shells of a given assemblage.
Foram estimados os parâmetros de crescimento em comprimento e peso para Sardinella brasiliensisda costa sudeste do Brasil (22ºS-28ºS), evidenciando-se dois padrões de crescimento distintos: um, para os exemplares que ocupam as regiões estuarino-lagunares de Cananeia e Paranaguá (25º-26ºS; III) e outro, para aqueles que ocupam as regiões costeiras da plataforma. Nestas regiões foi identificado um grupo no extremo norte da região (22º- 23ºS; I) com crescimento mais intenso que o verificado para o resto da área (23º-25ºS; II e 26º- 28ºS; IV). Os resultados sugerem que a espécie não é homogênea na região, reforçando hipótese anterior.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)