920 resultados para Estuarine cyanobacteria
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Two foraminiferal associations comprising only arenaceous species define two distinct environments in a 340 m-long mangrove transect at Cardoso Island, Trapande Bay (Cananeia-Iguape estuarine system, SP, Brazil). The "lower muddy flat" (LMF), from the outer mangrove fringe inwards towards land (100 m), is positioned in the lower plain between 0.04 and 0.23 m above the mean sea level (msl), and remains subaerially exposed between 48.5 and 65.6% of the time. This environment is characterized by higher foraminiferal diversity and evenness (McIntosh's D = 0.54 [plus or minus] 0.21 and Pielou's E = 0.68 [plus or minus] 0.25, respectively) and is dominated by Arenoparrella mexicana and Trochammina inflata, and to a lesser extent by Ammotium directum and Textularia earlandi. The mangrove plant of this segment is a Rhizophoretum with average height of 8.4 [plus or minus] 1.2 m. The sediment is characterized by higher concentration of organic matter (93.5 [plus or minus] 32.3 g dm-3) and metals (e.g. V = 53.4 [plus or minus] 21.8 ppm and Zn = 46.4 [plus or minus] 21.3 ppm). The "upper sandy flat" (USF), 240 m wide along the transect, is positioned in the upper plain between 0.28 and 0.89 m above the msl, and remains subaerially exposed between 69.7 and 98.5% of the time. This environment is characterized by a lower diversity and evenness (D = 0.33 [plus or minus] 0.17 and E = 0.49 [plus or minus] 0.20, respectively). The association is dominated by species T. inflata and Miliammina fusca. The Rhizophoretum exhibits a lower average height of 3.6 [plus or minus] 0.6 m. The sediment is poorer in organic matter (39.3 [plus or minus] 15.0 g dm-3) and metals (e.g. V = 13.0 [plus or minus] 6.8 ppm and Zn = 6.9 [plus or minus] 3.7 ppm). Whereas "elongate" tests (uniserial, biserial and planospiral followed by a uniserial portion) are restricted to the LMF, "spiraled" species dominate the USF. Subaerial exposure time seems to exert a primary influence on species distribution, in addition to salinity and sediment type. Species may be adapted to different exposure times, a factor dependent on their position on the intertidal zone and the tidal regime, which should be taken into account in relative sea level reconstructions based on intertidal foraminifera. These patterns have important implications for studies investigating the ecology and paleoecology of foraminifera and subtle fluctuations in relative sea level during the Quaternary.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Larvae of an estuarine grapsid crab Chasmagnathus granulata Dana 1851, from temperate and subtropical regions of South America, were reared in seawater (32 ‰) at five different constant temperatures (12, 15, 18, 21, 24 °C). Complete larval development from hatching (Zoea I) to metamorphosis (Crab I) occurred in a range from 15 to 24 °C. Highest survival (60% to the first juvenile stage) was observed at 18°C, while all larvae reared at 12°C died before metamorphosis. The duration of development (D) decreased with increasing temperature (T). This relationship is described for all larval stages as a power function (linear regressions after logarithmic transformation of both D and T). The temperature-dependence of the instantaneous developmental rate (D-1) is compared among larval stages and temperatures using the Q10 coefficient (van't Hoff's equation). Through all four zoeal stages, this index tends to increase during development and to decrease with increasing T (comparing ranges 12-18, 15-21, 18-24 °C). In the Megalopa, low Q10 values were found in the range from 15 to 24 °C. In another series of experiments, larvae were reared at constant 18°C and their dry weight (W) and respiratory response to changes in T were measured in all successive stages during the intermoult period (stage C) of the moulting cycle. Both individual and weight-specific respiration (R, QO2) increased exponentially with increasing T. At each temperature, R increased significantly during growth and development through successive larval stages. No significantly different QO2 values were found in the first three zoeal stages, while a significant decrease with increasing W occurred in the Zoea IV and Megalopa. As in the temperature-dependence of D, the respiratory response to changes in temperature (Q10) depends on both the temperature range and the developmental stage, however, with different patterns. In the zoeal stages, the respiratory Q10 was minimum (1.7-2.2) at low temperatures (12-18 °C), but maximum (2.2-3.0) at 18-24 °C. The Megalopa, in contrast, showed a stronger metabolic response in the lower than in the upper temperature range (Q10 = 2.8 and 1.7, respectively). We interpret this pattern as an adaptation to a sequence of temperature conditions that should typically be encountered by C. granulata larvae during their ontogenetic migrations: hatching in and subsequent export from shallow estuarine lagoons, zoeal development in coastal marine waters, which are on average cooler, return in the Megalopa stage to warm lagoons. We thus propose that high metabolic sensitivity to changes in temperature may serve as a signal stimulating larval migration, so that the zoeae should tend to leave warm estuaries and lagoons, whereas the Megalopa should avoid remaining in the cooler marine waters and initiate its migration towards shallow coastal lagoons.
Four different intertidal estuarine sediments had distinct yeast communities. One-hundred-ninety-three yeast isolates were classified in 47 species, with 34 of these in the genus Candida. Candida tropicalis was the only ascomycetous species isolated from all four sites. Other opportunistic pathogens including Candida glabrata, Candida guilliermondii, Candida parapsilosis and Candida krusei were present, especially at the more polluted sites. Pichia species were also frequent isolates with Pichia membranaefaciens, and its anamorph, Candida valida, and other phenotypically similar low assimilation profile species the most frequent. Kluyveromyces aestuarii was prevalent at the only site with well established mangrove vegetation, but not present at the other sites. The sediment yeast communities were distinct from each other, but more similar to each other than to the yeast communities of other ecosystems in the same geographic region.
The objective of this work is to analyze the effects of salinity and wastewater on the zooplankton community of the Itanhaém river estuary, São Paulo state. Samples of zooplankton as well as physical and chemical variables of water were collected in four sites, located between the coastal line and the superior part of the estuary, including a secondary channel where wastewater is thrown without previous treatment. The samples were collected in low and high tide in winter and summer. Results showed that the estuary presents a temporal and spatial variation of physical and chemical characteristics, especially salinity, in function of the tide and seasonal variation of rain. The high values of salinity occurred in winter and high tide. Zooplankton community was adapted to the dynamic of salinity, and marine and estuarine species occurred in the low part of the estuary in winter. Although the Itanhaém river estuary has the same temporal and spatial dynamic of other estuaries, the values of salinity are low when compared with others located in the southern coast of São Paulo. Consequently, mainly oligohaline and fresh water species constitute the zooplankton community. These characteristics are due to the great drainage area of the Itanhaém river basin. The waste water modified physical and chemical characteristics of water that now presents higher concentrations of nutrients, higher values of suspended matter and lower concentrations of oxygen. It was observed a positive relation between the density of nauplii of copepods and organic pollution in this estuary.
A comparative analysis of the photosynthetic responses to temperature (10-30°C) was carried out under short-term laboratory conditions by chlorophyll fluorescence and oxygen (O2) evolution. Ten lotic macroalgal species from southeastern Brazil (20°11-20°48′S, 49°18-49°41′W) were tested, including Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Rhodophyta and Xanthophyta. Temperature had significant effects on electron transport rate (ETR) only for three species (Terpsinoe musica, Bacillariophyta; Cladophora glomerata, Chlorophyta; and C. coeruleus, Rhodophyta), with highest values at 25-30°C, whereas the remaining species had no significant responses. It also had similar effects on non-photochemical quenching and ETR. Differences in net photosynthesis/dark respiration ratios at distinct temperatures were found, with an increasing trend of respiration with higher temperatures. This implies in a decreasing balance between net primary production and temperature, representing more critical conditions toward higher temperatures for most species. In contrast, high net photosynthesis and photosynthesis/dark respiration ratios at high and wide ranges of temperature were found in three species of green algae, suggesting that these algae can be important primary producers in lotic ecosystems, particularly in tropical regions. Optimal photosynthetic rates were observed under similar environmental temperatures for five species (two rhodophytes, two chlorophytes and one diatom) considering both techniques, suggesting acclimation to their respective ambient temperatures. C. coeruleus was the only species with peaks of ETR and O 2 evolution under similar field-measured temperatures. All species kept values of ETR and net photosynthesis close to the optimum under a broad range of temperatures. Increased non-photochemical quenching, as a measure of thermal dissipation of excess energy, toward higher temperatures was observed in some species, as well as positive correlation of non-photochemical quenching with ETR, and were interpreted as two mechanisms of adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus to temperature changes. Different optimal temperatures were found for individual species by each technique, generally under lower temperatures by O2 evolution, indicating dependence on distinct factors: increases in temperature generally induced higher ETR due to increased enzymatic activity, whereas increments of enzymatic activity were compensated by increased respiration and photorespiration leading to decreases in net photosynthesis.
The Taciba and Rio Bonito (lower Triunfo Mbr) formations are divided into six depositional sequences based on cores, gamma-ray and electrical logs from shallow drillings from northern Santa Catarina State, Each sequence is formed by two systems tracts, a lower one, sandy (lowstand) and an upper one, shaly (highstand). The Taciba Formation has three sequences, S 0 to S 0 sequence S 0 has a thick turbidite sandstone at the base (Rio Segredo Member) that pinches out towards the eastern margin and even disappears in the Mafra outcrop area. Sequence S 1 varies from a thin fluvial-estuarine system to a thick turbidite sandstone of a channelized fan system; S 1 upper shaly system tract is marine in well PP-11, and it is glacially-influenced in well PP-10. Sequence S 2 is a thick sand-stone body of shallow marine origin, but restricted to one well (PP-11); its upper shaly tract is dominated by massive siltstones intercalated with thin, distal tempestites. The lower Triunfo Member (or Taciba-Triunfo transition) begins with the arrival of deltaic clastics of sequence S 3 lower tract, coarsening-up from medial- to proximal delta front sandstones. Sequence S 4 is quite similar to S 3, both showing sand-stone progradation from north to south, as opposed to the southwest-sourced transgressive diamictites. Sequence S 5 consists of fluvial deposits at well PP-12, and two transgressive cycles from wells PP-11 to PP-9, each one of them composed of fluvial-estuarine to marine systems. Well PP-10 is an exception, where the lower cycle presents deglaciation to marine deposits.
For meroplanktonic larvae that must settle in coastal areas, their successful return to the shore is determined largely by physical transport processes; however, many organisms perform vertical movements to aid successful recruitment. In this study, daytime tidal vertical migration of megalopae of the velvet swimming crab Necora puber was investigated across two different exposures in the shallow waters of Plymouth Sound. Crabs were collected using a plankton net at the surface and near the bottom during flood and ebb tides. Distribution of the pelagic postlarvae was patchy and the abundance varied spatially in tens and thousands of metres. In temporal scales, the annual pattern was dominated by low occurrence of megalopae, punctuated by episodic peaks of high abundance. Most megalopae were collected at the surface irrespective of the tidal phase. The effect of wave exposure on the vertical migration of megalopae was not clear, although there was a general higher abundance of megalopae on exposed shores. Daytime abundance in the water column appears to be regulated by the tidal cycle, as megalopae were more abundant during flood than ebb tides. Although the megalopae do not appear to make large vertical migrations, this behaviour should produce a net shoreward transport. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hermit crabs depend on mollusc shells for housing. In this study, an unusual resource is reported for a hermit crab that usually inhabits marine gastropod shells. During a field study conducted from May 2001 to April 2003 in an estuarine area in São Vicente, state of São Paulo, Brazil, 21 individuals of Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802) were found inhabiting the shells of the terrestrial gastropod Achatina fullea Bowdich, 1822. A. fúlica occurs in nearshore grass patches, where occasional contact with sea water kills them, and their shells then become available to the hermit crabs.
This work aimed to study the bacterial contamination in stings of the catfish Genidens genidens and Cathorops agassizii found in the São Vicente estuarine system (São Paulo State, Brazil). For bacteriological analyses, we used fish samples distributed into a group of 50 specimens (25 C. agassizii and 25 G. genidens) and a group of 14 specimens (7 C. agassizii and 7 G. genidens). Results showed contamination of 13 different bacterial species of Enterobacteriaceae, being Klebsiella pneumoniae the most frequent bacteria (26.80%) followed by Enterobacter sp and Escherichia coli (16.27%), and Serratia marcescens, Serratia sp. and Proteus mirabilis (1.16%). Gram-positive bacteria as well as fungi were not detected in the samples. According to the Gram-negative species characterized and with regard to the environmental conditions, it can also be considered that accidents with these catfish stings may develop significant acute secondary infections in humans.
The Rio da Batateira e Santana formations, the latter with Crato, Ipubi and Romualdo members (Alagoas Stage, Aptian), were studied in four cored and logged wells from the eastern portion of Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil. The investigated section is 230 m-thick, and PS-14 well is the most representative, because it is the only one which sampled the evaporites of Ipubi Member. Nine facies cycles were identified, being formed by siliciclastics (estuarine, deltaic and lacustrine), mixed lithologies (lacustrine), carbonates, black shales and marls (lacustrine), and gypsum-anhydrite (lacustrine evaporite). The ordering of facies cycles furnished six depositional sequences. They were formed by siliciclastic, regressive-transgressive R-T cycles (S1 and S4, corresponding to Rio da Batateira Formation and to Santana Formation/Romualdo Member), by siliciclastics and carbonates, R-T cycles (S2, S3.1 and S3.2, corresponding to Crato Member), and by siliciclastic-carbonate, R-T cycles followed by evaporitic cycles (S3.3, referred to Ipubi Member). The last cycles correspond to concentration-dilution, C-D cycles of marine brines, which precipitated gypsum in the restricted lacustrine basin.
This study focused the spatial and temporal distribution of the composition, abundance, and diversity of planktonic cladocerans from eutrophic, Iraí Reservoir, as well as their relationships with some biotic and abiotic variables. The tested hypothesis was that cladocerans present higher variation in a temporal than in a spatial scale. The samples were taken monthly in 6 stations, from March/02 to July/03. Twenty-four taxa were identified, distributed in 7 families, the richest families being Daphniidae (6 spp.), Chydoridae (6 spp.), and Bosminidae (5 spp.). The most frequent and abundant species were Bosmina hagmanni, Moina minuta, and Ceriodaphnia cornuta. The highest abundances were found in September/2002. Temporally, rainfall influenced organism's distribution, while spatially cladocerans were more affected by reservoir hydrodynamics and wind action. The low species richness could be a reflection of the trophic state of the reservoir, in which a dominance of Cyanobacteria was observed during that study period. Both scales showed high variation, but only the temporal scale showed significant difference to richness and abundance. Nearby the end of this study, higher stable values of species richness were recorded, which could suggest an increase in the water quality due to des-pollutions actions.
Forecast of biological consequences of climate changes depend on both long-term observations and the establishment of carbon budgets within pelagic ecosystems, including the assessment of biomasses and activities of all players in the global carbon cycle. Approximately 25% of oceanic primary happen over continental shelves, so these are important sites for studies of global carbon dynamics. The Brazilian Continental Shelf (BCS) has sparse and non-systematic in situ information on phytoplankton biomass, making products derived from ocean color remote sensing extremely valuable. This work analyzes chlorophyll concentration (Chl) estimated from four ocean color sensors (CZCS, OCTS, SeaWiFS and MODIS) over the BCS, to compare Chl and annual cycles meridionally. Also, useful complementary ocean color variables are presented. Chl gradients increased from the central region towards north and south, limited by estuarine plumes of Amazon and La Plata rivers, and clear annual Chl cycles appear in most areas. In southern and central areas, annual cycles show strong seasonal variability while interannual and long-term variability are equally important in the remaining areas. This is the first comparative evaluation of the Chl over the BCS and will aid the understanding of its long-term variability; essential initial step for discussions of climate changes.