999 resultados para Environmetal aspects


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The thesis addresses the issue of a limited success of knowledge management systems in spite of substantial investments in their development and implementation. Through the research, core reasons for this situation were identified and an innovative user-centered solution that focuses knowledge management on supporting professional activities is presented.


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The age and growth, reproduction and diet of several skate species in south-east Australia were studied. From studying these life history characteristics it was determined that skates have a relatively low productivity and may therefore be at risk of local extinction if increasingly exploited without appropriate management.


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The adaptive cluster sampling (ACS) procedure is difficult to apply if some of the networks appearing in the sample are large. To deal with such large networks, a two-stage adaptive cluster sampling (TACS) procedure and an adjusted two-stage adaptive cluster sampling (ATACS) procedure are discussed.


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This study investigated the nest site selection characteristics and diet of the Wedge-tailed Eagle, Aquila audax, in southern Victoria. It was found that sites where local topography afforded some protection from adverse weather and where the nest tree was live were most commonly selected. Rabbits were found to the major prey item of this eagle.


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A practical teaching difficulty arising in a conducive environment provided opportunity to turn the particular problem into a case study with generic implications. Little research has been conducted on the use or effectiveness of simulation games for teaching entrepreneurship. In the context of established literature critiquing the effectiveness of simulation games as teaching devices in managerial contexts and at a point where problems in using a simulation game as part of entrepreneurship course became evident, the authors designed and executed a single-case research project to generate initial theoretical propositions about the pedagogical effectiveness of simulation games for teaching various concepts and aspects of entrepreneurship. The case analysed the perceived learning environment created when the Sky-High simulation was played by 41 MBA students taking an elective entrepreneurship course at INSEAD. The research design embodied the established methodological principles specified by Yin (1989), for effective case research. Theory building was based upon the grounded-theorizing procedures articulated by Glaser and Strauss (1967). Analysis and synthesis produced a grounded theory, in the form of a normative argument, containing four attribute categories and associated properties required of a simulation game to make it an efficacious teaching device in entrepreneurship contexts. The establishment of this grounded theory has made it both desirable and feasible to contemplate creation of an ISO quality standard for educational simulation games.


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Reactions of CeCl3·7H2O and Ce(NO3)3·6H2O with Naacac or NH4acac in aqueous solution at 21 and 45 °C yielded the trihydrate [Ce(acac)3(H2O)2]·H2O and the dihydrate [Ce(acac)3(H2O)2], respectively, whereas similar treatment of (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6] gave the trihydrate at both temperatures. Desiccation of the hydrates over silica gel left the dihydrate unchanged, whereas the trihydrate underwent decomposition rather than dehydration. Aerial oxidation of [Ce(acac)3(H2O)2] in CH2Cl2 and toluene yielded α-[Ce(acac)4] and β-[Ce(acac)4], respectively, the structure of the former being re-determined with improved precision. Careful treatment of aqueous (NH4)4[Ce(SO4)4] and Hacac (initially pH 1–2) with aqueous ammonia to pH 5 precipitated hydrated [Ce(acac)4], from which [Ce(acac)4]·10H2O was isolated as unstable, light-sensitive single crystals, and the structure was determined. The complex is a laminar clathrate containing layers of Ce(acac)4 molecules sandwiched between extensive hydrogen-bonded layers of water molecules which do not interact with the metal. Electrochemical experiments confirmed the unstable nature of hydrated CeIII(acac)3, while the reduction of [Ce(acac)4] yielded well-defined cyclic voltammograms in acetonitrile and acetone, corresponding to a quasi-reversible process. For the [CeIV(acac)4]/[CeIII(acac)4]redox couple, a calculated reversible potential of 0.22±0.02 V versus SHE was obtained in acetone or acetonitrile (0.1 M Bu4NPF6) at both gold and glassy carbon electrodes. This potential is consistent with the ease of both oxidation and reduction of cerium acetylacetonate complexes as found in the synthetic studies.


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Understanding influences on children's physical activity and how these vary by activity and subgroup, such as age and sex of the child, is important for informing the development of effective and targeted interventions. Two cohort studies were conducted across socioeconomic areas of Melbourne, Australia, between 2001 and 2008 among a combined sample of more than 2,700 children aged 5-6 years and 10-12 years at baseline. Data were collected via surveys, and children wore the Actigraph accelerometer for 8 days. Five individual, 10 social, and 17 physical environmental factors were significantly associated with children's physical activity. Patterns of association varied according to the age and sex of the child and also according to the type of activity. These studies provide some insights into the various levels of influence on children's physical activity. More longitudinal and intervention research is needed to better understand the mechanisms of change in children's physical activity behaviour.


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Long-distance bird migration consists of several flight episodes interrupted by a series of resting and refuelling periods on stopover sites. We assessed the role of food availability as the determinant of staging decisions focusing on the following three aspects of food availability: intake rates, stochasticity in intake rates and onset of spring. Using stochastic dynamic modelling, we investigated their impact on staging times and expected fitness. Subsequently, we compared relations in the use of the stopover sites as predicted by the model with empirical data of the Svalbard-breeding population of Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus collected in the period 1990–2002. Our results indicate that, for the case of Pink-footed Geese, spring phenology determines a major part of the migration schedule. In contrast to our expectations, intake rates were generally only of minor importance; however, when approaching the breeding grounds their significance increased. Expected fitness at arrival on the breeding grounds showed that the geese can compensate for changes in a broad range of food availability and also cope with varying degrees of stochasticity. However, declining intake rates at the last stopover site or very late onsets of spring clearly decreased fitness. As predicted by the model, the use of stopover sites was interdependent – from empirical data we derived negative relationships between the staging durations of subsequent sites. These results lend credit to an integrated spatially explicit approach focussing on multiple stopover site characteristics when attempting to improve our understanding of bird migration.


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The relational aspects for critical infrastructure systems are not readily quantifiable as there are numerous variability’s and system dynamics that lack uniformity and are difficult to quantify. Notwithstanding this, there is a large body of existing research that is founded in the area of quantitative analysis of critical infrastructure networks, their system relationships and the resilience of these networks. However, the focus of this research is to investigate the aspect of taking a different, more generalised and holistic system perspective approach. This is to suggest that that through applying network theory and taking a ‘soft’ system-like modelling approach that this offers an alternative approach to viewing and modelling critical infrastructure system relational aspects that warrants further enquiry.


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This paper presents an overview of modeling light propagation through biological media by solving the photon transport equation. Different variants of the photon transport equation (PTE) are discussed. Several methods for modeling static distributions and the transient response are presented. A discussion on how to mix and match electromagnetic problems with the PTE is also provided.


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