937 resultados para Environmental settings in Cochin Harbor Area


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O potencial conflito entre o paradigma de conservação da natureza e o desenvolvimento de atividades de turismo em áreas protegidas exige uma gestão rigorosa. Em alguns casos, o controlo da visitação é uma estratégia para a preservação dos recursos naturais assim como outras ferramentas de gestão tais como a capacidade de carga turística e/ou zonamento, com a definição de áreas de acesso restrito a visitas. A fim de promover a harmonização entre essas duas forças opostas (preservação vs. visitação) algumas áreas protegidas têm mudado o turismo de natureza para o ecoturismo. Isto implica que as atividades turísticas deverão ser focadas numa viagem responsável a áreas naturais, e, ao mesmo tempo, na promoção da conservação do meio ambiente, na interpretação e na educação. No nosso estudo analisamos o potencial do Ecoturismo na Reserva Natural das Berlengas, uma área protegida em Portugal. Foram analisados o perfil, as motivações e o comportamento ambiental dos turistas que visitam as Berlengas. Um questionário bilingue foi elaborado e os dados foram recolhidos a partir de 304 turistas que visitaram as Berlengas, durante os meses de julho e agosto de 2014, o s quais concordaram em colaborar neste estudo. A análise dos nossos resultados permitiu-nos inferir que, de facto, o turista visita a ilha da Berlenga devido ao ambiente natural e à vida selvagem, a visita também está relacionada com as atividades de natureza, tais como, visitar as cavernas de barco, observação da vida selvagem, caminhadas e praia. No entanto, pelo facto dos turistas estarem motivados a visitarem a ilha para se envolverem na natureza não significa que eles tenham consciência pró-ambiental. Encontramos 53,2%/ medio-ecológicos e apenas 37,9% dos turistas pró-ecológico; 8,9% são mesmo anti-ecológicos. Os nossos resultados sugerem que a natureza e a vida selvagem são motivações que não parecem ser suficientes para as pessoas apoiarem verdadeiramente a conservação da natureza e desenvolver comportamentos pró-ambientais. Mas, também verificámos que os turistas com um maior nível de instrução têm uma maior consciência ecológica. Assim, os turistas com maior nível de instrução tendem a ter menos impacto sobre o destino turístico. De acordo com nossos resultados, são apresentadas várias recomendações para a implementação do ecoturismo nas Berlengas.


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The study was developed as a teacher-research project during initial teacher education – Masters Degree of Early Childhood and Primary Education, in Portugal. It analysed the interactions between children of 3 to 6 years old, during the use of the computer as a free choice activity, confronting situations between peers of the same age and situations between peers of different ages. The focus of the analysis was the collaborative interactions. This was a qualitative study. Children could choose the computer, amongst other interest areas, and work for around an hour in pairs. In the computer, children used mainly educational games. During four weeks, the interactions between the pairs were audio recorded. Field notes and informal interviews to the children were also used to collect data. Eleven children were involved in the study with ages ranging from 3 to 6 years old. Baseline data on children’s basic computer proficiency was collected using the Individualized Computer Proficiency Checklist (ICPC) by Hyun. The recorded interactions were analysed using the types of talk offered by Scrimshaw and Perkins and Wegerif and Scrimshaw: cumulative talk, exploratory talk, disputational talk, and tutorial talk. This framework was already used in a study in an early childhood education context in Portugal by Amante. The results reveal differences in computer use and characterize the observed interactions. Seven different pairs of children's interactions were analysed. More than a third of the interactions were cumulative talk, followed by exploratory talk, tutorial talk and disputational talk. Comparing same and mixed age pairs, we observed that cumulative talk is the more present interaction, but in same age pairs this is followed by exploratory talk whereas in the mixed age pairs it is tutorial talk that has the second largest percentage. The pairs formed by the children were very asymmetrical in terms of age and computer proficiency. This lead to the more tutorial interactions, where one children showed the other or directed him/her on how to play. The results show that collaboration is present during the use of a computer area in early childhood education. The free choice of the children means the adults can only suggest pairing suited to specific interactions between the children. Another way to support children in more exploratory talk interactions could be by discussing the way the older children can help the younger ones beyond directing or correcting their work.


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Purpose Radiation therapy (RT) is often recommended in the treatment of pelvic cancers. Following RT, a high prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunctions (urinary incontinence, dyspareunia, and fecal incontinence) is reported. However, changes in pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) after RT remain unclear. The purpose of this review was to systematically document the effects of RT on the PFM structure and function in patients with cancer in the pelvic area. Methods An electronic literature search using Pubmed Central, CINAHL, Embase, and SCOPUS was performed from date of inception up to June 2014. The following keywords were used: radiotherapy, muscle tissue, and pelvic floor. Two reviewers selected the studies in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement (PRISMA). Out of the 369 articles screened, 13 met all eligibility criteria. The methodological quality was assessed using the QualSyst scoring system, and standardized mean differences were calculated. Results Thirteen studies fulfilled all inclusion criteria, from which four were of good methodological quality. One presented strong evidence that RT affects PFM structure in men treated for prostate cancer. Four presented high-level evidence that RT affects PFM function in patients treated for rectal cancer. Meta-analysis was not possible due to heterogeneity and lack of descriptive statistics. Conclusion There is some evidence that RT has detrimental impacts on both PFMs’ structure and function. Implications for cancer survivors A better understanding of muscle damage and dysfunction following RT treatment will improve pelvic floor rehabilitation and, potentially, prevention of its detrimental impacts.


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This thesis examines firms' real decisions using a large panel of unquoted euro area firms over the period 2003-2011. To this end, this thesis is composed of five chapters in which three are the main empirical chapters. They assess the dimensions of firm behaviour across different specifications. Each of these chapters provide a detailed discussion on the contribution, theoretical and empirical background as well as the panel data techniques which are implemented. Chapter 1 describes the introduction and outline of the thesis. Chapter 2 presents an empirical analysis on the link between financial pressure and firms' employment level. In this set-up, it is explored the strength of financial pressure during the financial crisis. It is also tested whether this effect has a different impact for financially constrained and unconstrained firms in the periphery and non-periphery regions. The results of this chapter denote that financial pressure exerts a negative impact on firms' employment decisions and that this effect is stronger during the crisis for financially constrained firms in the periphery. Chapter 3 analyses the cash policies of private and public firms. Controlling for firm size and other standard variables in the literature of cash holdings, empirical findings suggest that private firms hold higher cash reserves than their public counterparts indicating a greater precautionary demand for cash by the former. The relative difference between these two type of firms decreases (increases) the higher (lower) is the the level of financial pressure. The findings are robust to various model specifications and over different sub-samples. Overall, this chapter shows the relevance of firms' size. Taken together, the findings of Chapter 3 are in line with the early literature on cash holdings and contradict the recent studies, which find that the precautionary motive to hold cash is less pronounced for private firms than for public ones. Chapter 4 undertakes an investigation on the relation between firms' stocks of inventories and trade credit (i.e. extended and taken) whilst controlling for the firms' size, the characteristics of the goods transacted, the recent financial crisis and the development of the banking system. The main findings provide evidence of a trade-off between trade credit extended and firms' stock of inventories. In other words, firms' prefer to extend credit in the form of stocks to their financially constrained customers to avoid holdings costly inventories and to increase their sales levels. The provision of trade credit by the firms also depends on the characteristics of the goods transacted. This impact is stronger during the crisis. Larger and liquid banking systems reduce the trade-off between the volume of stocks of inventories and the amount sold on credit. Trade credit taken is not affected by firms' stock of inventories. Chapter 5 presents the conclusions of the thesis. It provides the main contributions, implications and future research of each empirical chapter.


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The region of Ribeirão Preto City located in São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil, is an important sugarcane, soybean and corn producing area. This region is also an important recharge area (Espraiado) for groundwater of the Guarany aquifer, a water supply source for the city and region. It has an intercontinental extension that comprises areas of eight Brazilian states, as well as significant portions of other South American countries like Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, with a total area of approximately 1,200,000 Km2. Due to the high permeability of some soils present in this region, the high mobility of the herbicides and fertilizers applied, and being a recharge area, it is important to investigate the potential transport of applied fertilizers to underlying aquifer. The cultivation sugar cane in this area demands the frequent use of nitrogen as fertilizer. This research was conducted to characterize the potential contamination of groundwater with nitrogen in the recharge area of groundwater. Seven groundwater sample points were selected in the Espraiado stream watershed, during the years of 2005 and 2006. Samples were collected during the months of March, July, and December of each year. Three replications were collected at each site. Groundwater was also collected during the same months from county groundwater wells located throughout the city. The following six wells were studied: Central, Palmares, Portinari, Recreio Internacional, São Sebastião, and São José. Nitrate water samples were analyzed by Cadmium Reduction Method. No significant amount of nitrate was found in the recharge, agricultural, area. However, nitrate levels were detected at concentrations higher than the Maximum Concentration Level (MCL) of 10mg/L in downtown, urban, well located away from agricultural sites with no history of fertilizer or nitrogen application.


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A very important aspect of worldwide education and, particularly for Costa Rican education, is the environmental management as an educational strategy. For this reason, this article describes the experience of the project Mejora de la Oferta Educativa en Gestión Ambiental Rural (MOE-GAR) during its first stage in 2009. The population was comprised by teachers from different areas of the rural school districts of Guapiles and Sarapiquí. As a part of this project, we worked with teachers, different government and nongovernment institutions, throughout the 2009 school year; obtaining as a result, a process of knowledge development in environmental management. Based on this, several proposals were developed in different educational institutions.


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Estimating with greater precision and accuracy the height of plants has been a challenge for the scientific community. The objective this study is to evaluate the spatial variation of tree heights at different spatial scales in areas of the city of Recife, Brazil, using LiDAR remote sensing data. The LiDAR data were processed in the QT Modeler (Quick Terrain Modeler v. 8.0.2) software from Applied Imagery. The TreeVaW software was utilized to estimate the heights and crown diameters of trees. The results obtained for tree height were consistent with field measurements.


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The Jaíba Irrigated Perimeter is a large irrigated agriculturearea, located in the region Forest Jaíba between the SãoFrancisco and Verde Grande rivers, in the Brazilian semi-arid region. In 2014, irrigators thisthe region face losses in theinterruption of new plantings in irrigated areas due to water scarcity. The objective ofthis study is combine the modelto estimate the Monteith BIO with the SAFER algorithm in the case of obtaining ET, to analyze the dynamics of naturalvegetation and irrigated crops in water scarcity period. For application of the model are necessary data frommeteorological stations and satellite images. Were used 23satellite images of MODIS withspatial resolution of 250mand temporal 16 days, of 2014 year. For analyze the results,we used central pivots irrigation mask of Minas Geraisstate, Brazil. In areas with irrigated agriculture with central pivot, the mean values of BIO over the year 2014 were88.96 kg.ha-1.d-1. The highest values occurred between April 23 and May 8, with BIO 139 kg.ha-1.d-1. For areas withnatural vegetation, the average BIO was 88.34 kg.ha-1.d-1with lower values in September. Estimates of ET varied withthe lowest values of ET observedin natural vegetation 1,91±1,22 mm.d-1and the highest values in irrigated area isobserved 3,51±0,97 mm.d-1. Results of this study can assist in monitoring of river basins, contributing to themanagement irrigated agriculture, with the trend of scarcity of water resources and increasing conflicts for the wateruse.


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Legionella is a Gram-negative bacterium that represent a public health issue, with heavy social and economic impact. Therefore, it is mandatory to provide a proper environmental surveillance and risk assessment plan to perform Legionella control in water distribution systems in hospital and community buildings. The thesis joins several methodologies in a unique workflow applied for the identification of non-pneumophila Legionella species (n-pL), starting from standard methods as culture and gene sequencing (mip and rpoB), and passing through innovative approaches as MALDI-TOF MS technique and whole genome sequencing (WGS). The results obtained, were compared to identify the Legionella isolates, and lead to four presumptive novel Legionella species identification. One of these four new isolates was characterized and recognized at taxonomy level with the name of Legionella bononiensis (the 64th Legionella species). The workflow applied in this thesis, help to increase the knowledge of Legionella environmental species, improving the description of the environment itself and the events that promote the growth of Legionella in their ecological niche. The correct identification and characterization of the isolates permit to prevent their spread in man-made environment and contain the occurrence of cases, clusters, or outbreaks. Therefore, the experimental work undertaken, could support the preventive measures during environmental and clinical surveillance, improving the study of species often underestimated or still unknown.


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Several diseases challenge bread and durum wheat productions worldwide. The importance of these cereals requires adequate protection to pathogens that can cause strong yield and grain quality losses. The main work of this thesis was related to phenotype GDP (Global Durum Panel) in the Mediterranean region (Italy, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Turkey) and Argentina across three years (2019-2021) for yellow rust resistance (infection type and severity). GWAS shows in particular, loci in chromosome 1B, 2B, 4B, 5A, 6A, 7B showed high significance across nurseries/years, with various patterns of GxE. The second chapter is about Zymoseptoria tritici, agent of STB (Septoria Tritici Blotch), a foliar pathogen that yearly causes high damages if not controlled. In recent years research in durum wheat breeding is focused on the identification of novel, underexploited resistance genes to be subsequently and conveniently moved into the pre-breeding and breeding stream. The plants were phenotyped for disease height characters, infection type at the flag leaf and infection type at the level of the canopy below the flag leaf. This experiment opens up a rich scenario of analysis and opportunities to investigate and discover new loci of resistance to STB. Third chapter is about Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a fungal disease caused by pathogens belonging to the genus Fusarium. In particular, Fusarium culmorum and Fusarium graminearum species cause severe grain yield losses and accumulation of mycotoxins in wheat that compromise food safety. Over 250 QTL/genes for FHB resistance have been identified in bread wheat, such as Fhb 1 and Fhb 5 but only a small number of FHB resistance loci have been mapped in durum wheat. The aim of this work is to find loci of partial resistance to FHB already present in durum and bread wheat germplasm and therefore easily cumulative.


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The goal of this thesis has been to find out whether ISDS and international investment law exert a chilling effect on more stringent environmental standards at the domestic level. Due to the lack of consistent empirical and statistical evidence uncovered during the analysis, this thesis largely dismisses the regulatory chill hypothesis. However, two exceptions are identified: first, there is evidence of the efforts made by domestic industrial groups and trade unions to prevent the implementation of stricter environmental standards; second, it has become apparent that unfounded beliefs, e.g. about ISDS, held by lawmakers and regulators can play an important role in chilling stricter environmental standards. For these reasons, a new and narrower definition of the regulatory chill phenomenon has been proposed, one that only encompasses those instances in which lawmakers, governments and government agencies refrain from adopting the laws and regulations that they deem the most appropriate because they believe that doing so would lead to adverse consequences at the international trade and investment level, despite a lack of consistent and robust evidence supporting their concerns. The second part of this thesis focusses on what could be done in international economic law to promote environmentally friendly FDI, while preventing the few instances in which regulatory chill may take place due to ill-founded beliefs held by lawmakers and regulators. Following an analysis that highlights the paramount role played by public participation and responsive institutions to achieve an appropriate level of environmental protection, this study ends with a proposal that recommends the adoption of a clause within IIAs that makes pre-investment environmental screening mandatory and free from ISDS oversight.


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Land subsidence in urban areas represents a widespread geological hazard and a pressing challenge for modern society. This research focuses on the subsidence process affecting the city of Bologna (Italy). Since the 1960s, Bologna has experienced ground deformation due to aquifers overexploitation that peaked during the 1970s with rates of 10 cm/year. Despite a general reduction in these rates over the subsequent decades, thanks to groundwater regulations policies, recent data underscore a substantial subsidence resurgence. To reconstruct the subsurface stratigraphic architecture of Bologna’s urban area and generate a 3D geological model, a multidisciplinary approach centred on a stratigraphic analysis relying on the lithofacies criterion was adopted. The convergence of the analyses within this framework resulted in partitioning the study area into three geological domains exhibiting unique morphological features and depositional stacking patterns. Subsequently, since long-term data are crucial for a comprehensive understanding of ongoing subsidence, a methodology was developed to generate cumulative ground displacement time series and maps by integrating ground-based and remotely-sensed measurements. While the reconstructed long-term subsidence field consistently aligns with the primary geological variations summarised in the 3D model, the generated cumulative displacement curves systematically match pluriannual trends observed in groundwater level and pumping monitoring data. Lastly, to evaluate the expression of the observed relationships from a geotechnical perspective, a series of one-dimensional subsidence calculations were conducted considering the mechanical properties of the investigated deposits and piezometric data. These analyses provided valuable insight into the overall mechanical behaviour of the existing soils, as well as the post-pumping groundwater level and pore pressure distributions, consistent with field data. The methodological approach employed enables a comprehensive analysis of land subsidence in urban areas, allowing the exploration of individual factors governing the deformation process and their interactions, even within complex stratigraphic and hydrogeological environments such as Bologna’s urban area.


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This study aims to evaluate the bioaccumulation of macronutrients and heavy metals in the golden mussel according to its collection site and seasonality in the aquaculture area of the reservoir from April/2009 to March/2010. There is no difference (p > 0.05) in the concentration of metals with respect to the point of collection. The concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd and Pb were higher (p < 0.05) in spring and summer than in fall and winter. Values of the heavy-metal pollution index (MPI) for collection point and seasonality indicate environmental contamination in the aquaculture area.


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This paper presents a methodology based on geostatistical theory for quantifying the risks associated with heavy-metal contamination in the harbor area of Santana, Amapa State, Northern Brazil. In this area there were activities related to the commercialization of manganese ore from Serra do Navio. Manganese and arsenic concentrations at unsampled sites were estimated by postprocessing results from stochastic annealing simulations; the simulations were used to test different criteria for optimization, including average, median, and quantiles. For classifying areas as contaminated or uncontaminated, estimated quantiles based on functions of asymmetric loss showed better results than did estimates based on symmetric loss, such as the average or the median. The use of specific loss functions in the decision-making process can reduce the costs of remediation and health maintenance. The highest global health costs were observed for manganese. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved