998 resultados para Engenharia de software - Métodos experimentais
In modern industry we see a growing need for answers cheaper, accurate and quick to deliver solutions and products to be able to remain competitive. In this way the inclusion of open source software and Rapid Prototyping tools have proven very important to obtain the expected results. This work, through information gathering, analysis software and their applicability, search tools commercially available rapid prototyping will demonstrate the importance of these tools and will also present possible configurations for a space for rapid prototyping within the university, as a proposal to implement a rapid prototyping laboratory at the Faculdade de Engenharia de Guaratinguetá
Análise estrutural de treliças espaciais no software Excel utilizando o médodo dos elementos finitos
The following paper means to develop a program to make structural analysis of space trusses. The program to be implemented was based on the concepts of the finite element method and used the programing resources of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for the Excel Software®. Being Excel® a software of easy access, low cost, capacity to make matrix calculations and with advanced resources of VBA programing, it is possible to develop an economic solution, efficient and precise for structural analysis of space trusses. Firstly is presented a finite elemento method and the space truss. Then is developed a few important algorithms to be used during the development of the program and also the use of a few resources of VBA. And to validate the quality, efficiency and precision of the results, these are compared with the established commercial software Ansys
In Brazil, The power generation has always depended on the rivers, in other words, there are moments that the power generation can vary, which can cause variations in energy supply and even blackout according to the level of water in the reservoirs of the hydroelectric plants. For this reason, many options has been studied, like our example, which is about a combined cycle power plant in Canas. The use of combined cycle is interesting from the point o view of energy, because its efficiency is between 50 and 60%, and from the point of view of environment, because it can burn natural gas, which is cleaner than coal, it reduces the emission of gases that influence on the greenhouse effect. This work aims to perform a technical analysis of a case study of a power plant proposed to be built in Canas by the AES/AES Tietê Group. For the analysis will be used the commercial software GateCycle 6.0.0 from GE, this software has the power of simulating power generation cycles (nuclear, combined, etc.). The energy department of UNESP has the license, which makes possible the academic use of this tool. Two combined cycles were simulated, one using one pressure level HRSG, and another one closer to the real power plant, which is a combined cycle with a three pressure level HRSG. The results were close to expected, for the combined cycle with one pressure HRSG the power was 513,9 MW and a efficiency of 53,27%, in the case with the three pressure level HRSG the power was 517,1 MW and a efficiency of 53,5%. We conclude that the software requires that the user must have the knowledge about the subjects involved in the use of GateCycle in problems resolutions
The present work aims to prepare a study of selectivity and coordination in an isolated electrical system with the aid of computer software PTW (Power Tools for Windows). Based on appropriate protection standards, on equipment data and the survey of the curves of “time versus current” (Time Current Curve – TCC), may be defined protection settings to leave the system selective, coordinated and properly protected. Definitions of adjustments are made taking into account the data of, so called, thermal curves of the equipment, which take into account the rated current and the supportability of short-circuit current of the equipment and cables involved in the installation in question. For that we use the tools provided by the PTW in which an industrial electrical circuit is simulated, presenting and discussing the results. With that validates the software PTW, taking it as a great tool helper implementation the coordination and selectivity study
A virtual studio system can use technologies as augmented reality and digital matting to decrease production costs at the same time it provides the same resources of a conventional studio. With this, it’s possible for the current studios, with low cost and using conventional devices, to create productions with greater image quality and effects. Some difficulties are recurrent in virtual studio applications that use augmented reality and digital matting. The virtual objects registration in augmented reality techniques suffer from problems caused by optical distortions in the camera, errors in the marker tracking system, lack of calibration on the equipments or on the environment (lighting, for example), or even by delays in the virtual objects display. On the other hand, the digital matting’s main problem is the real-time execution to preview the scene, which must have optimized processing speed at the same time while maintain the best image quality possible. Taking the given context into consideration, this work aims to give continuity to a virtual studio system called ARStudio, by enhancing digital matting, virtual objects registration and introducing a segmentation based on depth map, yet adding better control over functionalities previously implemented
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Ciência Odontólogica - FOA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
The finite element method is of great importance for the development and analysis of a new product being designed or already on the market, and that requires some specific request or special application. The tower crane, being an essential equipment for modern construction to increase productivity and safety on construction sites, is required for many types of special applications day after day, in many kinds of work. Paying attention to this growing need for handling special projects for the tower crane, faced with the importance and necessity of development and improvement of knowledge in more accurate and practical calculation methods such as the finite element method , for greater agility and precision in the response to a new project. The tower crane is defined by the maximum load moment that it can act with a certain amount of load. The tower crane which will be analyzed in this work , for example, is a tower crane with a resulting capacity of 85 Metric Tons which are considered basic dimensions data of a fisical tower crane of a crane company Liebherr in Guaratinguetá . Thus, the project analysis will begin with the threedimensional representation of the crane lines with AutoCAD software , conversion of this model to the format accepted ANSYS Workbench and completion of 3D modeling of structural components in Design module ANSYS software. After structural modeling is completed, the simulation is performed in static simulation of ANSYS Workbench software mode. The standards will be adopted to DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) and EN 14439 (Europäische Normung 14439) and some NR 's related to specific security class of tower cranes, which will be referred throughout the work
Due to new technologies in civil engineering and the competition of the market, the demand for computer programs for the elaboration of structural projects of reinforced concrete is raising in a quick and efficient manner. This paper presents a study based on Eberick, a structural calculation software, and this software was applied to a low cost residence project. By performing structural calculation manually, it is possible to compare and analyze the criteria that Eberick uses for the design and detailing of structural elements like columns, beams and slabs. As the software functionality becomes clear, the engineer will use it careful and safely, exploring all of its resources and advantages
This work addresses the erosion caused by rain, describing their steps and factors that most influence the intensity and volume of transported material. The work presents the Universal Soil Loss Equation that quantifies the erosion, with the influence of different factors that affect it. The following notes the occurrence of this process in cutting slopes. They suffer with removal of the vegetation and surface soil layer, making them even more susceptible to this process. In this way it's necessary a protection model for the slopes. Some protection methods are presents with their main features, advantages and disadvantages, implementation process, especially to survey the approximate cost of each method and their application restrictions
Pós-graduação em Física - FEG
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Métodos de identificação e redução de modelos para atenuação de vibrações em estruturas inteligentes
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS