979 resultados para Energy intensity
In 10 moderately obese women, 24-h energy expenditure (24EE) was measured in a respiration chamber under four conditions: 1) before weight loss (body weight = 77.9 kg), 2) during weight loss (63.9 kg), 3) after realimentation (62.5 kg), and 4) 6-15 mo after the study diet with ad libitum diet (67.7 kg). The 14 +/- 8 kg (mean +/- SD) weight loss produced a decrease in 24EE of 1498 +/- 1138 kJ/d (P < 0.001), ie, a decrease of weight of 107 kJ.kg body wt-1.d-1. The subsequent 24EE (conditions 3 and 4) remained lower than the value before weight loss. A significant correlation was found between changes before and after weight regain in basal respiratory quotient (RQ) and the spontaneous rate of body-weight gain after cessation of the period of low energy intake (r = 0.89, P < 0.01); this suggests that the value of the postabsorptive RQ may be a predictor of relapse of weight gain. After discontinuation of the low energy diet, an elevated postabsorptive RQ shows that the endogenous lipid oxidation is low, a condition favoring weight gain.
Background: Excessive exposure to solar Ultra-Violet (UV) light is the main cause of most skin cancers in humans. Factors such as the increase of solar irradiation at ground level (anthropic pollution), the rise in standard of living (vacation in sunny areas), and (mostly) the development of outdoor activities have contributed to increase exposure. Thus, unsurprisingly, incidence of skin cancers has increased over the last decades more than that of any other cancer. Melanoma is the most lethal cutaneous cancer, while cutaneous carcinomas are the most common cancer type worldwide. UV exposure depends on environmental as well as individual factors related to activity. The influence of individual factors on exposure among building workers was investigated in a previous study. Posture and orientation were found to account for at least 38% of the total variance of relative individual exposure. A high variance of short-term exposure was observed between different body locations, indicating the occurrence of intense, subacute exposures. It was also found that effective short-term exposure ranged between 0 and 200% of ambient irradiation, suggesting that ambient irradiation is a poor predictor of effective exposure. Various dosimetric techniques enable to assess individual effective exposure, but dosimetric measurements remain tedious and tend to be situation-specific. As a matter of facts, individual factors (exposure time, body posture and orientation in the sun) often limit the extrapolation of exposure results to similar activities conducted in other conditions. Objective: The research presented in this paper aims at developing and validating a predictive tool of effective individual exposure to solar UV. Methods: Existing computer graphic techniques (3D rendering) were adapted to reflect solar exposure conditions and calculate short-term anatomical doses. A numerical model, represented as a 3D triangular mesh, is used to represent the exposed body. The amount of solar energy received by each "triangle is calculated, taking into account irradiation intensity, incidence angle and possible shadowing from other body parts. The model take into account the three components of the solar irradiation (direct, diffuse and albedo) as well as the orientation and posture of the body. Field measurements were carried out using a forensic mannequin at the Payerne MeteoSwiss station. Short-term dosimetric measurements were performed in 7 anatomical locations for 5 body postures. Field results were compared to the model prediction obtained from the numerical model. Results: The best match between prediction and measurements was obtained for upper body parts such as shoulders (Ratio Modelled/Measured; Mean = 1.21, SD = 0.34) and neck (Mean = 0.81, SD = 0.32). Small curved body parts such as forehead (Mean = 6.48, SD = 9.61) exhibited a lower matching. The prediction is less accurate for complex postures such as kneeling (Mean = 4.13, SD = 8.38) compared to standing up (Mean = 0.85, SD = 0.48). The values obtained from the dosimeters and the ones computed from the model are globally consistent. Conclusion: Although further development and validation are required, these results suggest that effective exposure could be predicted for a given activity (work or leisure) in various ambient irradiation conditions. Using a generic modelling approach is of high interest in terms of implementation costs as well as predictive and retrospective capabilities.
In European countries and North America, people spend 80 to 90% of time inside buildings and thus breathe indoor air. In Switzerland, special attention has been devoted to the 16 stations of the national network of observation of atmospheric pollutants (NABEL). The results indicate a reduction in outdoor pollution over the last ten years. With such a decrease in pollution over these ten years the question becomes: how can we explain an increase of diseases? Indoor pollution can be the cause. Indoor contaminants that may create indoor air quality (IAQ) problems come from a variety of sources. These can include inadequate ventilation, temperature and humidity dysfunction, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The health effects from these contaminants are varied and can range from discomfort, irritation and respiratory diseases to cancer. Among such contaminants, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) could be considered the most important in terms of both health effects and engineering controls of ventilation. To perform indoor pollution monitoring, several selected ETS tracers can be used including carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), respirable particles (RSP), condensate, nicotine, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), nitrosamines, etc. In this paper, some examples are presented of IAQ problems that have occurred following the renewal of buildings and energy saving concerns. Using industrial hygiene sampling techniques and focussing on selected priority pollutants used as tracers, various problems have been identified and solutions proposed. [Author]
OBJECTIVE: To assess total free-living energy expenditure (EE) in Gambian farmers with two independent methods, and to determine the most realistic free-living EE and physical activity in order to establish energy requirements for rural populations in developing countries. DESIGN: In this cross-sectional study two methods were applied at the same time. SETTING: Three rural villages and Dunn Nutrition Centre Keneba, MRC, The Gambia. SUBJECTS: Eight healthy, male subjects were recruited from three rural Gambian villages in the sub-Sahelian area (age: 25 +/- 4y; weight: 61.2 +/- 10.1 kg; height: 169.5 +/- 6.5 cm, body mass index: 21.2 +/- 2.5 kg/m2). INTERVENTION: We assessed free-living EE with two inconspicuous and independent methods: the first one used doubly labeled water (DLW) (2H2 18O) over a period of 12 days, whereas the second one was based on continuous heart rate (HR) measurements on two to three days using individual regression lines (HR vs EE) established by indirect calorimetry in a respiration chamber. Isotopic dilution of deuterium (2H2O) was also used to assess total body water and hence fat-free mass (FFM). RESULTS: EE assessed by DLW was found to be 3880 +/- 994 kcal/day (16.2 +/- 4.2 MJ/day). Expressed per unit body weight the EE averaged 64.2 +/- 9.3 kcal/kg/d (269 +/- 38 kJ/kg/d). These results were consistent with the EE results assessed by HR: 3847 +/- 605 kcal/d (16.1 +/- 2.5 MJ/d) or 63.4 +/- 8.2 kcal/kg/d (265 +/- 34kJ/kg/d). Physical activity index, expressed as a multiple of basal metabolic rate (BMR), averaged 2.40 +/- 0.41 (DLW) or 2.40 +/- 0.28 (HR). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest an extremely high level of physical activity in Gambian men during intense agricultural work (wet season). This contrasts with the relative food shortage, previously reported during the harvesting period. We conclude that the assessment of EE during the agricultural season in non-industrialized countries needs further investigations in order to obtain information on the energy requirement of these populations. For this purpose the use of the DLW and HR methods have been shown to be useful and complementary.
We measured body composition and energy expenditure during walking and running on a treadmill in 40 prepubertal children: 23 obese children (9.3 +/- 1.1 years of age; 46 +/- 10 kg (mean +/- SD)) and 17 nonobese matched control children (9.2 +/- 0.6 years of age; 30 +/- 5 kg). Energy expenditure was assessed by indirect calorimetry with a standard open-circuit method. At the same speed of exercise, the energy expenditure was significantly (p < 0.01) greater in obese than in control children, in both boys and girls. Expressed per kilogram of body weight or per kilogram of fat-free mass, the energy expenditure was comparable in the two groups. Obese children had a significantly (p < 0.01) larger pulmonary ventilatory response to exercise than did control children. Heart rate was comparable in boys and girls combined but significantly higher (p < 0.05) in obese subjects, if boys and girls were analyzed separately. These data indicate that walking and running are energetically more expensive for obese children than for children of normal body weight. The knowledge of these energy costs could be useful in devising a physical activity program to be used in the treatment of obese children.
The subject of this project is about “Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence ” (EDXRF).This technique can be used for a tremendous variety of elemental analysis applications.It provides one of the simplest, most accurate and most economic analytical methods for thedetermination of the chemical composition of many types of materials.The purposes of this project are:- To give some basic information about Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence.- To perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of different samples (water-dissolutions,powders, oils,..) in order to define the sensitivity and detection limits of the equipment.- To make a comprehensive and easy-to-use manual of the ‘ARL QUANT’X EnergyDispersive X-Ray Fluorescence’ apparatus
Astrocytes play a critical role in the regulation of brain metabolic responses to activity. One detailed mechanism proposed to describe the role of astrocytes in some of these responses has come to be known as the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle hypothesis (ANLSH). Although controversial, the original concept of a coupling mechanism between neuronal activity and glucose utilization that involves an activation of aerobic glycolysis in astrocytes and lactate consumption by neurons provides a heuristically valid framework for experimental studies. In this context, it is necessary to provide a survey of recent developments and data pertaining to this model. Thus, here, we review very recent experimental evidence as well as theoretical arguments strongly supporting the original model and in some cases extending it. Aspects revisited include the existence of glutamate-induced glycolysis in astrocytes in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo, lactate as a preferential oxidative substrate for neurons, and the notion of net lactate transfer between astrocytes and neurons in vivo. Inclusion of a role for glycogen in the ANLSH is discussed in the light of a possible extension of the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle (ANLS) concept rather than as a competing hypothesis. New perspectives offered by the application of this concept include a better understanding of the basis of signals used in functional brain imaging, a role for neuron-glia metabolic interactions in glucose sensing and diabetes, as well as novel strategies to develop therapies against neurodegenerative diseases based upon improving astrocyte-neuron coupled energetics.
Twenty-four hour energy expenditure (24 EE), resting metabolic rate (RMR), spontaneous physical activity and body composition were determined in 7 obese patients (5 females, 2 males, 174 +/- 9% IBW, 38 +/- 2% fat mass) on 2 different occasions: before weight reduction, and after 10 to 16 weeks on a hypocaloric diet as outpatients, the recommended energy intake varying from 3500 to 4700 kJ/day depending on the subject. Mean body weight loss was 12.6 +/- 1.9 kg, ie 13% of initial body weight, 72% being fat. Twenty-four hour energy expenditure (24 EE) was measured in a respiration chamber with all the subjects receiving 10418 kJ/d before weight reduction and an average of 3360 +/- 205 kJ/d while on the diet. When expressed in absolute values, both 24 EE and RMR decreased during the hypocaloric diet from 9819 +/- 442 to 8229 +/- 444 and from 7262 +/- 583 to 6591 +/- 547 kJ/d respectively. On the basis of fat-free-mass (FFM), 24 EE decreased from 168 +/- 6 to 148 +/- 5 kJ/kg FFM/d whereas RMR was unchanged (approximately 120 kJ/kg FFM/d). Approximately one half of the 24 EE reduction (1590 kJ/d) was accounted for by a decrease in RMR, the latter being mainly accounted for by a reduction in FFM. Most of the remaining decline in 24 EE can be explained by a decreased thermic effect of food, and by the reduced cost of physical activity mainly due to a lower body weight. Therefore, there seems little reason to evoke additional mechanisms to explain the decline in energy expenditure during dieting.
BACKGROUND: Ergonomic unstable shoes, which are widely available to the general population, could increase daily non-exercise activity thermogenesis as the result of increased muscular involvement. We compared the energy expenditure of obese patients during standing and walking with conventional flat-bottomed shoes versus unstable shoes. METHODS: Twenty-nine obese patients were asked to stand quietly and to walk at their preferred walking speed while wearing unstable or conventional shoes. The main outcome measures were metabolic rate of standing and gross and net energy cost of walking, as assessed with indirect calorimetry. RESULTS: Metabolic rate of standing was higher while wearing unstable shoes compared with conventional shoes (1.11 ± 0.20 W/kg(-1) vs 1.06 ± 0.23 W/kg(-1), P=.0098). Gross and net energy cost of walking were higher while wearing unstable shoes compared with conventional shoes (gross: 4.20 ± 0.42 J/kg(-1)/m(-1)vs 4.01 ± 0.39 J/kg(-1)/m(-1), P=.0035; net: 3.37 ± 0.41 J/kg(-1)/m(-1) vs 3.21 ± 0.37 J/kg(-1)/m(-1); P=.032). CONCLUSION: In obese patients, it is possible to increase energy expenditure of standing and walking by means of ergonomic unstable footwear. Long-term use of unstable shoes may eventually prevent a positive energy balance.
Severe head injury induces major hormonal, humoral and metabolic changes, characterized by increases in stress hormone secretion, lymphokines production, associated with high lipid and protein catabolism as well as changes in energy expenditure (EE). Numerous factors influence EE in head-injured patients, particularly anthropometric data, body temperature, nutritional support, level of consciousness, muscular tone and activity. Resting EE is usually increased following brain trauma; however, normal or decreased metabolic rates can be observed in curarized patients on mechanical ventilation or in patients receiving high doses of barbiturates.
The combined 24-h energy expenditure (24-h EE) of mother and child was measured with a respiratory chamber (indirect calorimeter) in a group of 16 lactating Gambian women and was compared with that of a control group of 16 nonpregnant, nonlactating (NPNL) Gambian women. Breast-milk production (738 +/- 47 g/d: mean +/- SE) was adequate to allow a normal rate of growth of their 2-mo-old babies (28.0 +/- 2.4 g/d). The combined 24-h EE (mother and child) was higher (8381 +/- 180 kJ/d. P less than 0.001) than that of NPNL women (6092 +/- 121 kJ/d). Two-thirds of this differences could be attributed to the child's EE and one-third to a greater spontaneous physical activity of lactating women. The energy retained by the child for growth in conjunction with the calorimetric measurements allowed the calculation of the extra energy requirements for lactation, which were found to be 2100 kJ/d. These results confirm the values of the current dietary recommendations for lactation, based on the energy cost of milk production.
BACKGROUND: Protein energy malnutrition is commonly associated with immune dysfunctions and is a major factor in susceptibility to infectious diseases. METHODS: In this study, we evaluated the impact of protein energy malnutrition on the capacity of monocytes and macrophages to upregulate arginase, an enzyme associated with immunosuppression and increased pathogen replication. RESULTS: Our results show that monocytes and macrophages are significantly increased in the bone marrow and blood of mice fed on a protein low diet. No alteration in the capacity of bone marrow derived macrophages isolated from malnourished mice to phagocytose particles, to produce the microbicidal molecule nitric oxide and to kill intracellular Leishmania parasites was detected. However, macrophages and monocytes from malnourished mice express significantly more arginase both in vitro and in vivo. Using an experimental model of visceral leishmaniasis, we show that following protein energy malnutrition, the increased parasite burden measured in the spleen of these mice coincided with increased arginase activity and that macrophages provide a more permissive environment for parasite growth. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these results identify a novel mechanism in protein energy malnutrition that might contributes to increased susceptibility to infectious diseases by upregulating arginase activity in myeloid cells.
An analytic method to evaluate nuclear contributions to electrical properties of polyatomic molecules is presented. Such contributions control changes induced by an electric field on equilibrium geometry (nuclear relaxation contribution) and vibrational motion (vibrational contribution) of a molecular system. Expressions to compute the nuclear contributions have been derived from a power series expansion of the potential energy. These contributions to the electrical properties are given in terms of energy derivatives with respect to normal coordinates, electric field intensity or both. Only one calculation of such derivatives at the field-free equilibrium geometry is required. To show the useful efficiency of the analytical evaluation of electrical properties (the so-called AEEP method), results for calculations on water and pyridine at the SCF/TZ2P and the MP2/TZ2P levels of theory are reported. The results obtained are compared with previous theoretical calculations and with experimental values