990 resultados para Elliptically Polarized


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The spectral decomposition analysis was applied to the optical absorption spectra of green and colorless beryl crystals from the Brazilian Eastern Pegmatitic province in the natural state, Submitted to heat treatment and irradiated with UV light The attributions of the lines were made taking into account highly accurate quantum mechanical calculations The deconvolution of the green beryl spectra revealed four lines, two of them around 12,000 cm(-1) (1 5eV) and two of them around 34,000 cm(-1) (4.2 eV) attributed to Fe(2+) and Fe(3+), respectively The deconvolution of the colorless beryl spectra without any treatment, after heating and for the same heat treatment followed by UV light irradiation revealed five lines The analysis of ratio relations showed that the lines at 36,400 cm(-1) (4.5 eV) and 41,400 cm(-1) (5 1 eV) belongs to a single defect attributed to a silicon dangling bond defect (=Si). Discussions and comparison with reported defects in quartz have supported the allocation of the lines at 61,000 cm(-1) (7.6 eV) and 43,800 cm(-1) (5 4 eV) to diamagnetic oxygen vacancy defect ( Si-Si ) and unrelaxed ( Si Si ) defect, respectively Finally, the line at 39.100 cm(-1) (4.8 eV), quite polarized along the c-axis, was attributed to a (Fe(2+) OH(-)) defect in the structural channels (C) 2009 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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We investigate the analog of Landau quantization, for a neutral polarized particle in the presence of homogeneous electric and magnetic external fields, in the context of non-commutative quantum mechanics. This particle, possessing electric and magnetic dipole moments, interacts with the fields via the Aharonov-Casher and He-McKellar-Wilkens effects. For this model we obtain the Landau energy spectrum and the radial eigenfunctions of the non-commutative space coordinates and non-commutative phase space coordinates. Also we show that the case of non-commutative phase space can be treated as a special case of the usual non-commutative space coordinates.


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The fabrication of controlled molecular architectures is essential for organic devices, as is the case of emission of polarized light for the information industry. In this study, we show that optimized conditions can be established to allow layer-by-layer (LbL) films of poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV)+dodecylbenzenesulfonate (DBS) to be obtained with anisotropic properties. Films with five layers and converted at 110 degrees C had a dichroic ratio delta = 2.3 and order parameter r = 34%, as indicated in optical spectroscopy and emission ellipsometry data. This anisotropy was decreased with the number of layers deposited, with delta = 1.0 for a 75-layer LbL PPV + DBS film. The analysis with atomic force microscopy showed the formation of polymer clusters in a random growth process with the normalized height distribution being represented by a Gaussian function. In spite of this randomness in film growth, the self-covariance function pointed to a correlation between clusters, especially for thick films. In summary, the LbL method may be exploited to obtain both anisotropic films with polarized emission and regular, nanostructured surfaces. (c) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 49: 206-213, 2011


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CaNb(2)O(6) single crystal fibers were grown by the laser-heated pedestal growth technique, directly from the starting reagents. Optically transparent fibers were obtained in the form of rods with elliptical cross-section, free from cracks, impurities, and secondary phases, with an average diameter of 0.4 mm and about 20 mm of length. The fibers grew within the orthorhombic Pbcn columbite structure, with the growth axis nearly parallel to the crystallographic a-direction. The parameters b and c were parallel to the shorter and larger ellipsis axes. A special setup using a microscope was developed to obtain the far-infrared reflectivity spectra of these micrometer-sized fibers, allowing the identification and assignment of 34 of the 38 polar phonons foreseen for the material. From these phonons, the intrinsic dielectric constant ( = 18.2) and quality factor ( of 185 THz) could be estimated, showing the potential of the material for applications in microwave circuitry. These results, along with previous polarized Raman data (Cryst. Growth Des. 2010, 10, 1569), allow us to present a comprehensive set of optical phonon modes and to discuss the potential use of designed CaNb(2)O(6) microcrystals in compact optical devices.


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We apply the master equation technique to calculate shot noise in a system composed of single level quantum dot attached to a normal metal lead and to a ferromagnetic lead (NM-QD-FM). It is known that this system operates as a spin-diode, giving unpolarized currents for forward bias and polarized current for reverse bias. This effect is observed when only one electron can tunnel at a time through the dot, due to the strong intradot Coulomb interaction. We find that the shot noise also presents a signature of this spin-diode effect, with a super-Poissonian shot noise for forward and a sub-Poissonian shot noise for reverse bias voltages. The shot noise thus can provide further experimental evidence of the spin-rectification in the NM-QD-FM geometry.


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Axelrod`s model for culture dissemination offers a nontrivial answer to the question of why there is cultural diversity given that people`s beliefs have a tendency to become more similar to each other`s as they interact repeatedly. The answer depends on the two control parameters of the model, namely, the number F of cultural features that characterize each agent, and the number q of traits that each feature can take on, as well as on the size A of the territory or, equivalently, on the number of interacting agents. Here, we investigate the dependence of the number C of distinct coexisting cultures on the area A in Axelrod`s model, the culture-area relationship, through extensive Monte Carlo simulations. We find a non-monotonous culture-area relation, for which the number of cultures decreases when the area grows beyond a certain size, provided that q is smaller than a threshold value q (c) = q (c) (F) and F a parts per thousand yen 3. In the limit of infinite area, this threshold value signals the onset of a discontinuous transition between a globalized regime marked by a uniform culture (C = 1), and a completely polarized regime where all C = q (F) possible cultures coexist. Otherwise, the culture-area relation exhibits the typical behavior of the species-area relation, i.e., a monotonically increasing curve the slope of which is steep at first and steadily levels off at some maximum diversity value.


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The exchange energy of an arbitrary collinear-spin many-body system in an external magnetic field is a functional of the spin-resolved charge and current densities, E(x)[n(up arrow), n(down arrow), j(up arrow), j(down arrow)]. Within the framework of density-functional theory (DFT), we show that the dependence of this functional on the four densities can be fully reconstructed from either of two extreme limits: a fully polarized system or a completely unpolarized system. Reconstruction from the limit of an unpolarized system yields a generalization of the Oliver-Perdew spin scaling relations from spin-DFT to current-DFT. Reconstruction from the limit of a fully polarized system is used to derive the high-field form of the local-spin-density approximation to current-DFT and to magnetic-field DFT.


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The main object of this paper is to discuss the Bayes estimation of the regression coefficients in the elliptically distributed simple regression model with measurement errors. The posterior distribution for the line parameters is obtained in a closed form, considering the following: the ratio of the error variances is known, informative prior distribution for the error variance, and non-informative prior distributions for the regression coefficients and for the incidental parameters. We proved that the posterior distribution of the regression coefficients has at most two real modes. Situations with a single mode are more likely than those with two modes, especially in large samples. The precision of the modal estimators is studied by deriving the Hessian matrix, which although complicated can be computed numerically. The posterior mean is estimated by using the Gibbs sampling algorithm and approximations by normal distributions. The results are applied to a real data set and connections with results in the literature are reported. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we present an extension of the generalized Birnbaum-Saunders distribution family introduced in [Diaz-Garcia, J.A., Leiva-Sanchez, V., 2005. A new family of life distributions based on the contoured elliptically distributions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 128 (2), 445-457] with a view to make it even more flexible in terms of its kurtosis coefficient. Properties involving moments and asymmetry and kurtosis indexes are studied for some special members of this family such as the slash Birnbaum-Saunders and slash-t Birnbaum-Saunders. Simulation studies for some particular cases and a real data analysis are also reported, illustrating the usefulness of the extension considered. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tibolone polymorphic forms I (monoclinic) and II (triclinic) have been prepared by recrystallization from acetone and toluene, respectively, and characterized by different techniques sensitive to changes in solid state, such as polarized light microscopy, X-ray powder diffractometry, thermal analysis (TG/DTG/DSC), and vibrational spectroscopy (FTIR and Raman microscopy). The nonisothermal decomposition kinetics of the obtained polymorphs were studied using thermogravimetry. The activation energies were calculated through the Ozawa`s method for the first step of decomposition, the triclinic form showed a lower E (a) (91 kJ mol(-1)) than the monoclinic one (95 kJ mol(-1)). Furthermore, Raman microscopy and DSC at low heating rates were used to identify and follow the thermal decomposition of the triclinic form, showing the existence of three thermal events before the first mass loss.


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In this paper we report here new considerations about the relationship between the mass and charge variations (m/z relationship) in underpotential deposition (UPD), bulk deposition and also in the H(2)Se formation reaction. Nanogravimetric experiments were able to show the adsorption of H(2)SeO(3) on the AuO surface prior to the voltammetric sweep and that, after the AuO reduction, 0.40 monolayer of H(2)SeO(3) remains adsorbed on the newly reduced Au surface, which was enough to gives rise to the UPD layer. The UPD results indicate that the maximum coverage with Se(ads) on polycrystalline gold surface corresponds to approximately 0.40 monolayer, in good agreement with charge density results. The cyclic voltammetry experiments demonstrated that the amount of bulk Se obtained during the potential scan to approximately 2 Se monolayers, which was further confirmed by electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) measurements that pointed out a mass variation corresponding of 3 monolayers of Se. In addition, the Se thin films were obtained by chronoamperometric experiments, where the Au electrode was polarized at +0.10V during different times in 1.0 M H(2)SO(4) + 1.0 mM SeO(2). The topologic aspects of the electrodeposits were observed in Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) measurements. Finally, in highly negative potential polarizations, the H(2)Se formation was analyzed by voltammetric and nanogravimetric measurements. These finding brings a new light on the selenium electrodeposition and point up to a proposed electrochemical model for molecule controlled surface engineering. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Språk både reflekterar och påverkar vår världssyn. Hur mottas då försök från gräsrotsnivå att introducera ett könsneutralt pronomen i ett språk som speglar den i samhället rådande könsdikotomin? Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån Hirdmans och Butlers respektive genusteorier undersöka vilken inställning användare på ett stort svenskt internetforum har till det könsneutrala personliga pronomenet hen. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av en internetbaserad enkät som besvarades av cirka 150 personer. För att analysera svaren till de slutna frågorna tog vi hjälp av statistikprogrammet SPSS och för att bearbeta de öppna frågorna har vi använt oss av en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar på starkt polariserade åsikter runt hen, där ungefär lika många personer är för som emot ordet. Bland dem som är emot användandet av hen uppfattar de flesta att syftet med ordet är att skapa ett könslöst samhälle, medan hen-förespråkarna ser det som ett komplement till hon och han. Vi har även kunnat se att det finns ett visst samband mellan individens attityd till hen och dennes syn på kön och genus, vilket bekräftar vår hypotes om att det finns en sådan korrelation.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to describe, explain and understand how record companies identify and develop new music and new talent. The analysis is carried out on three levels: individual, organizational and sector level. In a record company, this task formally goes to A&R (Artist and Repertoire). This dissertation takes its point of departure in how the capacity for discovering new talent can be understood in terms of knowledge, creativity and competence and how this capacity is affected in the meeting between the record company and the industry. The theoretical framework of the dissertation spans two sociological fields: the sociology of organizations and the sociology of knowledge. While it takes its organizational starting point in the Knowledge Company Approach, it employs a practice-based approach to discuss knowledge. I argue that within the Knowledge company approach there are two contrasting ways to understand knowledge; a distinction is made between knowledge- and creativity-intensive enterprises. The results show that the record industry’s polarized structure can be seen as a result of the Knowledge Company’s typical problems. The A&R’s work is described as including two phases, one intuitive and one analytical. The intuitive assessment is direct, unconscious and without reflection. This ability has been described as "intuition" and "gut feeling". The analytical phase adds analysis and reflection based on knowledge. The results from the interviews with A&R’s reveal the limit of formal and explicit knowledge not only in the choice of music but also in the marketing strategies. The overarching picture is one in which record companies move in a space characterized by tension between dichotomous forces – art and commercialism, creativity and knowledge, culture and economy, chaos and order, but where opposite poles are not mutually exclusive but complementary.


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We propose a coherent beam splitter for polarized heteronuclear molecules based on a stimulated Raman adiabatic passage scheme that uses a tripod linkage of electrotranslational molecular states. We show that for strongly polarized molecules the rotational dynamics imposes significantly larger Rabi frequencies than would otherwise be expected, but within this limitation, a full transfer of the molecules to two counterpropagating ground-state wave packets is possible.


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This dissertation is focused on theoretical and experimental studies of optical properties of materials and multilayer structures composing liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and electrochromic (EC) devices. By applying spectroscopic ellipsometry, we have determined the optical constants of thin films of electrochromic tungsten oxide (WOx) and nickel oxide (NiOy), the films’ thickness and roughness. These films, which were obtained at spattering conditions possess high transmittance that is important for achieving good visibility and high contrast in an EC device. Another application of the general spectroscopic ellipsometry relates to the study of a photo-alignment layer of a mixture of azo-dyes SD-1 and SDA-2. We have found the optical constants of this mixture before and after illuminating it by polarized UV light. The results obtained confirm the diffusion model to explain the formation of the photo-induced order in azo-dye films. We have developed new techniques for fast characterization of twisted nematic LC cells in transmissive and reflective modes. Our techniques are based on the characteristics functions that we have introduced for determination of parameters of non-uniform birefringent media. These characteristic functions are found by simple procedures and can be utilised for simultaneous determination of retardation, its wavelength dispersion, and twist angle, as well as for solving associated optimization problems. Cholesteric LCD that possesses some unique properties, such as bistability and good selective scattering, however, has a disadvantage – relatively high driving voltage (tens of volts). The way we propose to reduce the driving voltage consists of applying a stack of thin (~1µm) LC layers. We have studied the ability of a layer of a surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal coupled with several retardation plates for birefringent color generation. We have demonstrated that in order to accomplish good color characteristics and high brightness of the display, one or two retardation plates are sufficient.