930 resultados para Educação fisica - História


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The aim of this study is to investigate the judgments about the virtue of generosity or justice by teachers in early childhood education and compare their judgments with the children’s judgments about generosity or justice. We interviewed 26 teachers and 90 children aged 4, 5 and 6 years at this level of education. The instrument used was a moral dilemma in which the protagonist of the story would have to choose between giving a prize to the child who drew the most beautiful picture (justice) or to the child who was sad (generosity). The results indicate that justice is the virtue most valued by teachers and that it is already valued by children and may be a need for them. And generosity is valued more by children than by teachers.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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This research is a short article about urban dances in Brazil, about how did it came and became popular here, and also it will discuss about the different nomenclatures that exists nowadays: street dance, dances from street or urban dances. As a bibliographic reference, a research was made about the history of those dances in an international context, the creators and all the elements that consists the Hip hop culture: Break dance, grafitte, MC and DJ. The research methodology is characterized as a qualitative, it search for information that can be deeply studded, and the method used was history telling, which prize and brings up the man memory of the facts. The interview was also used as a tool in a previously elaborated script with open questions, so the interviewees could answer their own way and talk as much as they need about the issue. The analyze was made using the Bardin (2009) method. The interviewees are very important at the Hip Hop scenario because their lives were dedicated to the research about urban dances and the Hip Hop culture. During the interview they told how they started to dance and that their first contact with urban dances was made by watching movies that came to Brazil in the eighties. Michael Jackson has also contributed to spread this urban dances at that time with his videos. The main goal of this research is to tell the history of the urban dances, how did they got here, who brought it and how it has spread in Brazil. It justify itself during the fact that exists just a few researches in a scientific way that study this issue, thus the history importance that this contents is to the urban dances in Brazil. My conclusion of this article is that the history has many different ways, a lot of names, and that the urban dances in Brazil has began in many different places at the same time, by films influence that has promoted the styles that had came here in the eighties


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Athletics in most of its history, turned to competition, giving it little pedagogical knowledge, prevailing knowledge grounded in records, indexes and competitions. Thus, although it is considered a classic content of Physical Education, this modality is still not widespread in schools. The present study aimed to investigate possible progress in the teaching and learning of athletics in the State Schools of Bauru from the implementation of the Curriculum of the State of São Paulo for Teaching Physical Education. We attempted to checking the perspective of teachers and students, the changes in teaching and learning as well as difficulties encountered from the deployment. To that end, we conducted survey of the theoretical and practical alternatives developed by Physical Education teachers, about athletics theme, since the implementation of the Curriculum of the State of São Paulo for the Teaching of Physical Education in 2008, in seven (7) state schools in Bauru-Sao Paulo, randomly chosen, prioritizing different regions of the county. There was the purpose of investigating, through questionnaires, interviews (applied to teachers and students), what progress has been achieved with regard to the approach of collegiate athletics in the teaching/learning process, if there are difficulties, what are these and how they could be addressed in order to improve teaching and learning in school athletics. The collected data were analyzed comparatively, before and after implementation of the Curriculum of the State of São Paulo for Physical Education, gathering and specifying negative and/or positive aspects raised by teachers and students. It was concluded that the students' knowledge of the sport has increased, but the practice of sport is still far from being normal to them, doing so is necessary to include content from the earliest school years. Teachers attribute the greatest difficulties to lack of infrastructure and materials suitable for this...


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This was part of the post-doctorate study developed at the Faculty of Eucation in the University of Salamanca - Spain in 2010 with the Professor José Maria Hernández Díaz, who teaches the subject “History of Education” at the Pedagogy course provided by the institution. The objective of this reflection is to present some characteristics of that course, in order to highlight some of its peculiarities, and also indicate some similar issues when compared to Brazilian courses, thus producing a research useful for comparison and deepening of teacher’s training. The method was based on quali-quantitative nature (WOODS, 1996; BESSON, 1995): participant observation (EZPELETA; ROCKWELL, 1986; KETELE; ROEGIERS, 1993) and a questionnaire application (HEGENBERG, 1976; BOOTH; COLOMB; WILLIAMS, 1995) to the first and third classes in 2010, which resulted in a total of 99 students: 17 male and 82 female. This comparative information evinces the feminisation in that course, establishing direct relationship with Brazilian research. Another data, which has not yet been duly checked in Brazil, concerns the intellectual/social role of women in the classroom. Although this data is especific from that school environment, it is an important key-point for teachers’ training and teaching. The potentiality of this reflexition is exactly on this point.


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Many educators have a history of sexual education characterized by sexual repression. Considering that the way people deal with their own sexuality may be related to the way they will approach the theme in the classroom, it is necessary to work with their sexual reeducation. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate educators´s memory about childhood and adolescence sex education. For this purpose, eight educators wrote a redaction about his memories of family and school sex education. As a result, it could be seen that most of the participants described that their sexual education by family have been omissive and understanding the school was the place where they learned about the topic in biology classes and in informal conversations.


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O Projeto ´Grupo de Discussões sobre Sexualidade, Gênero e Mídia´ foi baseado na importância de dialogar sobre como os temas Sexualidade e gênero são representados nos meios de comunicação. Os participantes foram dez estudantes universitários dos cursos de Psicologia e Comunicação (Jornalismo, Rádio e Televisão, Relações Públicas e Design). O objetivo foi propiciar um espaço de diálogo entre as áreas de Psicologia e Comunicação, com discussões sobre pesquisas acadêmicas e materiais midiáticos, com discussões e reflexões que contribuíssem para a formação dos estudantes destas áreas. Foram 17 encontros semanais, com a duração de uma hora e meia, realizados em uma sala de uma Clínica de Psicologia universitária. As principais discussões versaram sobre como a mídia produz e reproduz padrões normativos, estereótipos, preconceitos e uma compreensão repressiva da sexualidade e do gênero, pensando juntos sobre formas possíveis de abordar o tema considerando a pluralidade, a diversidade e a multiplicidade da sexualidade humana. Buscou-se também refletir sobre o processo de construção dos produtos midiáticos e a importância dos profissionais que trabalham com o tema refletirem a respeito da própria história de educação sexual, a trajetória pessoal e profissional e o quanto as próprias experiências, concepções, valores e também preconce


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE