999 resultados para Ecologia de peixos
Leaf litter inputs and retention play an important role in ecosystem functioning in forested streams. We examined colonization of leaves by microbes (bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and fauna in Fuirosos, an intermittent forested Mediterranean stream. Black poplar (Populus nigra) and plane (Platanus acerifolia) leaf packs were placed in the stream for 4 mo. We measured the biomasses and calculated the densities of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, meiofauna, and macroinvertebrates to determine their dynamics and potential interactions throughout the colonization process. Colonization was strongly correlated with hydrological variability (defined mainly by water temperature and discharge). The 1st week of colonization was characterized by hydrological stability and warm water temperatures, and allocation of C from microbial to invertebrate compartments on the leaf packs was rapid. Clumps of fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) were retained by the leaf packs, and enhanced rapid colonization by microfauna and meiofaunal collector-gatherers (ostracods and copepods). After 2 wk, an autumnal flood caused a 20-fold increase in water flow. Higher discharge and lower water temperature caused FPOM-related fauna to drift away from the packs and modified the subsequent colonization sequence. Fungi showed the highest biomass, with similar values to those recorded at the beginning of the experiment. After 70 d of postflood colonization, fungi decreased to nearly 40% of the total C in the leaf packs, whereas invertebrates became more abundant and accounted for 60% of the C. Natural flood occurrence in Mediterranean streams could be a key factor in the colonization and processing of organic matter.
Desde 1979 se ha estudiado la flora de diatomeas bentónicas de 60 ecosistemas acuáticos del litoral mediterráneo español. En este trabajo se resumen las observaciones realizadas sobre las especies del género Mastogloia Thwaites presentes en estos puntos. Se han identificado 18 especies y 4 variedades; 15 de las cuales se citan por primera vez de nuestras aguas epicontinentales. Los datos sobre la distribución de las frecuencias relativas (%) de cada uno de los táxones del género Mastogloia han permitido la tipificación de las localidades estudiadas. Esta clasificación está de acuerdo con la obtenida a partir de los datos sobre la mineralización de las aguas (LOPEZ, 1981b).
Els aiguamolls de Ca l'Estany de Tordera (Maresme, Catalunya) són sistemes força fluctuants, lligats al règim del riu La Tordera. Han estat determinades un total de 71 espècies i varietats en el fìtoplàncton, de les que són descrites les seves variacions estacional i de comunitat segons les localitats.
We examined the effects of riparian vegetation removal on algal dynamics and stream nutrient retention efficiency by comparing NH4-N and PO4-P uptake lengths from a logged and an unlogged reach in Riera Major, a forested Mediterranean stream in northeastern Spain. From June to September 1995, we executed 6 short-term additions of N (as NH4Cl) and P (as Na2HPO4) in a 200-m section to measure nutrient uptake lengths. The study site included 2 clearly differentiated reaches in terms of canopy cover by riparian trees: the first 100 m were completely logged (i.e., the logged reach) and the remaining 100 m were left intact (i.e., the shaded reach). Trees were removed from the banks of the logged reach in the winter previous to our sampling. In the shaded reach, riparian vegetation was dominated by alders (Alnus glutinosa). The study was conducted during summer and fall months when differences in light availability between the 2 reaches were greatest because of forest canopy conditions. Algal biomass and % of stream surface covered by algae were higher in the logged than in the shaded reach, indicating that logging had a stimulatory effect on algae in the stream. Overall, nutrient retention efficiency was higher (i.e., shorter uptake lengths) in the logged than in the shaded reach, especially for PO4-P. Despite a greater increase in PO4-P retention efficiency relative to that of NH4-N following logging, retention efficiency for NH4-N was higher than for PO4-P in both study reaches. The PO4-P mass-transfer coefficient was correlated with primary production in both study reaches, indicating that algal activity plays an important role in controlling PO4-P dynamics in this stream. In contrast, the NH4-N mass-transfer coefficient showed a positive relation-ship only with % of algal coverage in the logged reach, and was not correlated with any algal-related parameter in the shaded reach. The lack of correlation with algal production suggests that mechanisms other than algal activity (i.e., microbial heterotrophic processes or abiotic mechanisms) may also influence NH4-N retention in this stream. Overall, this study shows that logging disturbances in small shaded streams may alter in-stream ecological features that lead to changes in stream nutrient retention efficiency. Moreover, it emphasizes that alteration of the tight linkage between the stream channel and the adjacent riparian zone may directly and indirectly impact biogeochemical processes with implications for stream ecosystem functioning.
Las posibilidades de explotación de cualquier ecosistema no sólo dependen de su producción primaria o básica (a nivel de los vegetales), sino también de cómo los valores de dicha producción en las distintas temporadas se distribuyen alrededor de la media general. Si su dispersión es muy grande, es decir, cuando ciertos años son enormemente productivos y otros muy poco, las condiciones de explotación son distintas de otra situación en la que, año tras año, se repiten aproximadamente las mismas cifras de producción.
Algunas comunidades de la costa catalana están dominadas por especies nitrófilas del orden Ulvales. El estudio de su composición específica, su producción y su estructura espacial (en base a la diversidad y a coeficientes de similaridad) muestra que se trata de comunidades con áreas mínimas pequeñas, dominadas por especies oportunistas y con un elevado cociente producción/biomasa (P/B). Consecuentemente, el flujo energético a través de estas comunidades es elevado, con una producción que alcanza los 2g/m2.dia, durante la época de máximo crecimiento.
Mientras que muchos paleontologos reconocen o aceptan direcciones preferentes en los procesos de sucesión y de evolución, los biólogos y ecólogos que estudian organismos actuales, al enfrentarse con un gran número de posibilidades de cambio, suelen ser mhs escépticos. En mi opinion, la diferente actitud tiene que ver conla escala de los fenómenos, pero también con la asimetria de los cambios naturales. Una disponibilidad de energia alta e imprevisible determina discontinuidades y permite a los organismos hacer historia; un régimen de energia previsiblemente degradada a través de una organización, permite a la vida escribir historia La dinámica de las poblaciones planctónicas es un ejemplo ideal de la operación alternada de los regimenes energéticos. La productividad y las formas biológicas dependen de cómo la energiadisponible realiza trabajo en la matriz fisica del ecosistema. La sucesión solo se puede reconocer en régimen de degradación de energia; pero ello es solamente la mitad de la historia. Las secuencias o ciclos sedimentarios se pueden comparar con este modelo de plancton También aqui aparecen discontinuidades que empiezan con la deposición de materiales gniesos en un ambiente de alta energia y pasan gradualmente a materiales más finos, cada vez con mayor influencia de la vida en su composicion y segregación. La evolucion tiene un componente que procede de su adherencia necesaria a la sucesión. Las especies evolucionan colonizando distintos ambientes, uno tras otro, pero en todos y cada uno de ellos, están sometidos a presiones paralelas, dependientes de la sucesióii. Otras poblaciones de caracteristicas más oportunistas y generales saltan continuamente entre ambientes de gran energia, donde su evolución puede ser rápida, pero deja naturalmente pocos indicios. El registro fósil solo nos cuenta la mitad de la historia y la evolución nos parece tener direccion, simplemente como consecuencia de la asimetria fundamental en los cambios de los ecosistemas.
Abstract. Drought leads to a loss of longitudinal and lateral hydrologic connectivity, which causes direct or indirect changes in stream ecosystem properties. Changes in macrohabitat availability from a rifflepool sequence to isolated pools are among the most conspicuous consequences of connectivity loss. Macroinvertebrate assemblages were compared among 3 distinct stream macrohabitats (riffles [R], pools connected to riffles [Pc], disconnected pools [Pd]) of 19 Mediterranean-climate sites in northern California to examine the influence of loss of habitat resulting from drought disturbance. At the time of sampling, 10 sites were perennial and included R and Pc macrohabitats, whereas 9 sites were intermittent and included only Pd macrohabitats. Taxa richness was more variable in Pd, and taxa richness was significantly lower in Pd than in Pc but not R. These results suggested a decline in richness between Pc and Pd that might be associated with loss of connectivity. Lower Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) richness relative to Odonata, Coleoptera, and Heteroptera (OCH) richness was observed for Pd than R and Pc macrohabitats. Family composition was more similar between R and Pc than between R or Pc and Pd macrohabitats. This similarity may be associated with greater connectivity between R and Pc macrohabitats. Correspondence analysis indicated that macroinvertebrate composition changed along a gradient from R to Pc and Pd that was related to a perennialintermittent gradient across sites. High variability among macroinvertebrate assemblages in Pd could have been related to variability in the duration of intermittency. In cluster analysis, macroinvertebrate assemblages were grouped by macrohabitat first and then by site, suggesting that the macrohabitat filter had a greater influence on macroinvertebrate assemblages than did local site characteristics. Few taxa were found exclusively in Pc, and this macrohabitat shared numerous taxa with R and Pd, indicating that Pc may act as a bridge between R and Pd during drought. Drought is regarded as a ramp disturbance, but our results suggest that the response of macroinvertebrate assemblages to the loss of hydrological connectivity among macrohabitats is gradual, at least in Mediterranean-climate streams where drying is gradual. However, the changes may be more dramatic in arid and semiarid streams or in Mediterranean-climate streams if drying is rapid.
As a result of the GUADALMED project, undertaken in Iberian Mediterranean basins, to which were added samples taken by the junior author in the area, we collected numerous caddisfly larvae, pupae and adults. Some larvae were also reared in the lab to obtain adults and allow proper identification. A total of 90 species were identified, which accounts for more than a fourth of the species known in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. Here we confirm the presence of doubtful species in the Iberian Peninsula (Glyphotaelius pellucidus) and we expand the distribution range of others (Lype reducta, Micrasema minimum, Limnephilus guadarramicus, Sericostoma pyrenaicum). Moreover, because of the unconformity of morphological larval characteristics with present taxonomical keys (Mesophylax aspersus) or lack of larvae descriptions (Allogamus mortoni, Stenophylax espanioli), here we include some relevant taxonomical aspects that are useful to identify larvae. A brief description of the larva of a possible new species of Hydropsyche (from now on H. gr. instabilis) is also given. Los tricópteros (Insecta) recolectados en las cuencas mediterráneas de la Península Ibérica: notas taxonómicas y requerimientos ecológicos Como resultado de los estudios realizados en el proyecto GUADALMED en las cuencas de los ríos mediterráneos peninsulares y otros muestreos realizados por la primera autora del trabajo se han recolectado numerosas larvas, pupas y adultos de tricópteros. Algunas larvas fueron criadas en el laboratorio para la obtención de adultos y con ello asegurar su identificación. Se han identificado un total de 90 especies que suponen más de una cuarta parte de las especies actualmente conocidas en la Península Ibérica y Baleares. En este trabajo se confirma la presencia, hasta ahora dudosa en la Península Ibérica, de algunas especies (Glyphotaelius pellucidus) y se amplia el área de distribución de otras (Lype reducta, Micrasema minimum, Limnephilus guadarramicus, Sericostoma pyrenaicum). Además, se incluyen algunos aspectos taxonómicos relevantes para la identificación de algunas larvas en futuros estudios, debido a que las claves ya existentes no describen correctamente la larva (Mesophylax aspersus) o porque se trata de larvas sin describir (Allogamus mortoni, Stenophylax espanioli). Se añade también una somera descripción de la larva de una posible nueva especie de Hydropsyche (citada aquí como H. gr. instabilis) y que requiere un estudio más detallado.
Evergreen Nothofagus betuloides and decidoues N. pumilo form the main forest types in Tierra del Fuego. These forest were sampled along two altitudinal gradients to study their structure and dynamics and assess the causes of their distribution.
Se ha realizado un estudio de la comunidad de Cystoseira mediterránea a partir de ocho muestras recolectadas estacionalmente en dos localidades de la península del cabo de Creus (nordeste de España). Los resultados obtenidos se comentan en relación con las condiciones ambientales y se comparan con los obtenidos por otros autores.
Descripció de l¿estructura, la composició florística i l'ecologia dels boscs mesòfils de les Muntanyes Catalanidiques septentrionals. És analitzada la Variabilitat d'aquest bosc a les diverses parts de la serralada. Són estudiats els sintàxons Doronico-Fraxinetum, representat per les subassociacions doronicetosum, melampyretosum, vincetosum, festucetosum, luzuletosum i aretosum.
Evergreen Nothofagus betuloides and decidoues N. pumilo form the main forest types in Tierra del Fuego. These forest were sampled along two altitudinal gradients to study their structure and dynamics and assess the causes of their distribution.
nd items. Once maps are drawn up they are digitized and put into a GIS and finally subjected to quality control. Table 4 shows the most important habitats (according to polygon number and area covered) and the least represented habitats in the sheets drawn so far. Sheets can be obtained through internet (www.gencat.net/mediamb/pn.htm).