967 resultados para Eastern Illinois University.
The eastern-most of two similar buildings built in 1891 on Catherine St. The western housed the Homeopathic Hospital from 1891-1900. This building housed the Allopathic Hospital (called Uiversity Hospital) from 1891-1900. (The Homeopathic Hospital had a straight north facade; this building a rounded north facade). From 1900-1925 it housed the Surgical Ward; 1925-1944 the East Convalescent Ward; 1944-1950, the Rapid Treatment Center; 1950-1965, the Institute for Social Research. It was removed in 1965.
Colored pencil on tracing paper. Buildings, gardens, pools. Signed. 135 cm. x 65 cm. Scale: 1"=100' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
[Photo identified in 1925 Michigan Alumnus article
(from picture in 1926 Michiganensian, p. 185)
[ on verso "Steger Crashes Through Illinois Line" Steger's efforts in the loss to Illinois and Red Grange led coaches to urge later players to "Run Like Steger".
{Ross (left) and Ross Hume (right]
[49 yard interception return by Cochran]