911 resultados para Early Middle Ages


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This synthesis dataset contains records of freshwater peat and lake sediments from continental shelves and coastal areas. Information included is site location (when available), thickness and description of terrestrial sediments as well as underlying and overlying sediments, dates (when available), and references.


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Environmental changes in the surface and bottom water layers of the Ingøydjupet Basin and history of Atlantic water inflow to the southwestern Barents Sea during the last 16 ka are reconstructed on the base of planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. A multiproxy study of sediment cores PSh-5159R and PSh-5159N, including AMS 14C dating, provides time resolution of about 200 years for the deglaciation period, 100 years for Holocene, and 25-50 years for the last 400 years. Stable polar conditions with sea ice on the surface were typical for the early deglaciation period. Unstable bottom settings and onset of ice rafting marked Oldest Dryas. Cold Atlantic water inflow increased notably during the Boiling-Allerod interstadial nearby the site location and then decreased during the Younger Dryas. Early Holocene was characterized by abrupt warming in the bottom and surface water layers, especially ~9.7-7.6 ka BP. Stable conditions prevailed during Middle Holocene. Remarkable changes in the sea-surface temperature and bottom environments occurred during last 2.5 cal. ka BP.


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Deciphering the driving mechanisms of Earth system processes, including the climate dynamics expressed as paleoceanographic events, requires a complete, continuous, and high-resolution stratigraphy that is very accurately dated. In this study, we construct a robust astronomically calibrated age model for the middle Eocene to early Oligocene interval (31-43 Ma) in order to permit more detailed study of the exceptional climatic events that occurred during this time, including the Middle Eocene Climate Optimum and the Eocene/Oligocene transition. A goal of this effort is to accurately date the middle Eocene to early Oligocene composite section cored during the Pacific Equatorial Age Transect (PEAT, IODP Exp. 320/321). The stratigraphic framework for the new time scale is based on the identification of the stable long eccentricity cycle in published and new high-resolution records encompassing bulk and benthic stable isotope, calibrated XRF core scanning, and magnetostratigraphic data from ODP Sites 171B-1052, 189-1172, 199-1218, and 207-1260 as well as IODP Sites 320-U1333, and -U1334 spanning magnetic polarity Chrons C12n to C20n. Subsequently we applied orbital tuning of the records to the La2011 orbital solution. The resulting new time scale revises and refines the existing orbitally tuned age model and the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale from 31 to 43 Ma. Our newly defined absolute age for the Eocene/Oligocene boundary validates the astronomical tuned age of 33.89 Ma identified at the Massignano (Italy) global stratotype section and point. Our compilation of geochemical records of climate-controlled variability in sedimentation through the middle-to-late Eocene and early Oligocene demonstrates strong power in the eccentricity band that is readily tuned to the latest astronomical solution. Obliquity driven cyclicity is only apparent during very long eccentricity cycle minima around 35.5 Ma, 38.3 Ma and 40.1 Ma.


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 180, 11 sites were drilled in the vicinity of the Moresby Seamount to study processes associated with the transition from continental rifting to seafloor spreading in the Woodlark Basin. This paper presents thermochronologic (40Ar/39Ar, 238U/206Pb, and fission track) results from igneous rocks recovered during ODP Leg 180 that help constrain the latest Cretaceous to present-day tectonic development of the Woodlark Basin. Igneous rocks recovered (primarily from Sites 1109, 1114, 1117, and 1118) consist of predominantly diabase and metadiabase, with minor basalt and gabbro. Zircon ion microprobe analyses gave a 238U/206Pb age of 66.4 ± 1.5 Ma, interpreted to date crystallization of the diabase. 40Ar/39Ar plagioclase apparent ages vary considerably according to the degree to which the diabase was altered subsequent to crystallization. The least altered sample (from Site 1109) yielded a plagioclase isochron age of 58.9 ± 5.8 Ma, interpreted to represent cooling following intrusion. The most altered sample (from Site 1117) yielded an isochron age of 31.0 ± 0.9 Ma, interpreted to represent a maximum age for the timing of subsequent hydrothermal alteration. The diabase has not been thermally affected by Miocene-Pliocene rift-related events, supporting our inference that these rocks have remained at shallow and cool levels in the crust (i.e., upper plate) since they were partially reset as a result of middle Oligocene hydrothermal alteration. These results suggest that crustal extension in the vicinity of the Moresby Seamount, immediately west of the active seafloor spreading tip, is being accommodated by normal faulting within latest Cretaceous to early Paleocene oceanic crust. Felsic clasts provide additional evidence for middle Miocene and Pliocene magmatic events in the region. Two rhyolitic clasts (from Sites 1110 and 1111) gave zircon 238U/206Pb ages of 15.7 ± 0.4 Ma and provide evidence for Miocene volcanism in the region. 40Ar/39Ar total fusion ages on single grains of K-feldspar from these clasts yielded younger apparent ages of 12.5 ± 0.2 and 14.4 ± 0.6 Ma due to variable sericitization of K-feldspar phenocrysts. 238U/206Pb zircon, 40Ar/39Ar K-feldspar and biotite total fusion, and apatite fission track analysis of a microgranite clast (from Site 1108) provide evidence for the existence of a rapidly cooled 3.0 to 1.8 Ma granitic protolith. The clast may have been transported longitudinally from the west (e.g., from the D'Entrecasteaux Islands). Alternatively, it may have been derived from a more proximal, but presently unknown, source in the vicinity of the Moresby Seamount.


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[EN] Two new 40Ar/39Ar ages (*) and previously published K/Ar ages of basaltic pillow lava flows are coeval with closely-related fossiliferous marine layers, allowing us to establish the beginning (5.8; 5.0; 4.8Ma at Ajuí, Fuerteventura Island and 4.8±0.03Ma (2?)* at Tamaraceite) and a middle stage (4.20±0.18Ma (2?)* at La Esfinge in Gran Canaria Island) of Early Pliocene marine deposits in the Canary Islands. Here the presence of tropicopolitan fossils (Megaselachus megalodon, Janthina typica) suggests the influence of a possible Central American Circumtropical Current during the Pliocene and in the North Atlantic basin.


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The paper discusses the 2010-2015 studies of the radiocarbon chronology of Podolia ‘barrow cultures’ on the left bank of the middle dniester . The studies have relied on series of 14 C dates for the Klembivka 1, Pidlisivka 1, Porohy 3a and Prydnistryanske 1 sites determined in Kyiv and Poznań laboratories . They are the first attempt to construct a regional (‘Yampil’) radiocarbon scale for ‘Early Bronze’ funerary rites (4th/3rd-2nd millennium BC) as practised by barrow builders – the communities of the Tripolye and Yamnaya cultures – and the secondary barrow users – the designers of necropolises located on barrows – belonging to the Catacomb, Babyno and Noua cultures.


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The paper discusses the taxonomy and autogenesis of the cycle of early ‘barrow cultures’ developed by the local communities of the middle Dniester Area or, in a broader comparative context, the north-western Black Sea Coast, in the 4th/3rd-2nd millennium BC . The purpose of the study is to conduct an analytical and conceptual entry point to the research questions of the dniester Contact area, specifically the contacts between autochthonous ‘late Eneolithic’ communities (Yamnaya, Catacomb and Babyno cultures) and incoming communities from the Baltic basin . The discussion of these cultures continues in other papers presented in this volume of Baltic-Pontic Studies.


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Flat-lying Early and Middle Ordovician limestones exposed on the North margin of Estonia provide key insights into the early Paleozoic biosphere and climatic history of the Baltic Platform, and potentially offer a site for calibrating the duration of the proposed Moyero River Reversed Superchron. Past paleomagnetic analyses on these rocks have been focused primarily on determining paleomagnetic pole positions and have been hampered by relatively weak remanent magnetizations. We therefore applied techniques of the Rock and Paleomagnetic Instrument Development (RAPID) consortium using thin-walled, low-noise quartz glass sample holders on an automatic system to enhance magnetostratigraphic resolution. Our results, based on over 300 oriented core samples spanning the stratigraphic interval from the Volkhov stage, up through the Lasnamägi stage, confirm previous work isolating a stable characteristic magnetization of reversed polarity, and furthermore confirm the presence of an interval of magnetically Reversed polarity spanning an interval of at least 15 million year duration. In addition, we recognize a magnetic overprint of presumed Normal polarity held in antiferromagnetic phases, of presumed Permian age, based on the apparent polar wander path given by (Plado et al., 2010).


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Adolescent depressed mood is related to the development of subsequent mental health problems, and family problems have been linked to adolescent depression. Longitudinal research on adolescent depressed mood is needed to establish the unique impact of family problems independent of other potential drivers. This study tested the extent to which family conflict exacerbates depressed mood during adolescence, independent of changes in depressed mood over time, academic performance, bullying victimization, negative cognitive style, and gender. Students (13 years old) participated in a three-wave bi-national study (n = 961 from the State of Washington, United States, n = 981 from Victoria, Australia; 98 % retention, 51 % female in each sample). The model was cross-lagged and controlled for the autocorrelation of depressed mood, negative cognitive style, academic failure, and bullying victimization. Family conflict partially predicted changes in depressed mood independent of changes in depressed mood over time and the other controls. There was also evidence that family conflict and adolescent depressed mood are reciprocally related over time. The findings were closely replicated across the two samples. The study identifies potential points of intervention to interrupt the progression of depressed mood in early to middle adolescence.


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This guide offers a systematic overview of the philosophy, principles, and issues in middle schooling, including contributions from academics and school-based practitioners on intellectual and emotional development in early adolescence, pedagogy, curricula, and the assessment of middle years students.