971 resultados para EQ-5D


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The diagnosis of head and neck infections constitutes relevant step in their treatment. However, in spite of the fact that most of diseases in head and neck region are infectious in nature, several reasons collaborated for dentists do not ask laboratory tests in order to help clinical diagnosis. By mean of this review literature, based on research articles about the newest and most reliable methods of diagnosis for clinical laboratories, the authors discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each selected method and the relevant aspects in transportation of the specimens to the laboratory. Saliva, biofilm, pus, and blood are the most frequent specimens for microbial diagnosis, being that the most used methods are culture and those based on detection of deoxyribonucleic acid by polymerase chain reaction method. Whereas, the culture depends on cellular viability, and has reduced sensitivity, as well as needs favorable conditions in the sample collection and transportation, PCR shows high sensitivity and specificity, but it does not allow the determination of antibiogram, what reduces its usefulness. In addition, few laboratories possess conditions to perform cultivation of obligate anaerobes or have experience in the molecular detection of these microorganisms.


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Lyme disease (LD) is a systemic inflammatory changes resulting from the direct action of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi on the host or indirect damage produced by immune response to this microorganism. This pathogen is transmitted by inoculation in the bloodstream by the tick genus Ixodes and is most commonly found in North America, Europe and Asia. In these regions, the dental community is aware about its commonest clinical symptoms, collaborating with the establishment of a diagnosis. However, in Brazil, the frequent facial or peripheral neurological manifestations, among them the Bell's palsy, ocular disorders, disorders in the temporomandibular joint, as well as paresthesia of upper and lower alveolar nerves are observed. In our country, the diagnosis of Lyme disease is primarily based on clinical symptomatology, but most of cases remain without diagnosis and treatment. Then, the detection of the early manifestations of Lyme disease by health professionals is essential for the proper antibiotic treatment, preventing the progression of the disease, and allowing the establishment of favorable prognostic.


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In general the human breath doesn't have smell or it is so only lightly perceptible to the surrounding ones, varying of pleasant the unpleasant, being taken in consideration the sensibility of the person. Halitosis or bad breath doesn't truly represent a disease, being present in a considerable portion of the population. Ethiologically exist several involved factors, could make an appointment breathing, gastric intestinal, organic and psychic disturbances and mainly oral factors, being the microbial colonization of the tongue the most common, beside the pathological situations involving periodontitis, as necrotizing ulcerative gengivitis. For representing a true obstacle biopsicossocial, the halitosis it influences directally in the family life, work, the patients' atmosphere social, being its diagnosis specific, demanding in certain occasions treatment multidisciplinar. In that sense, the present study if report to a literary revision of the theme, approaching the main aspects of the development of the halitosis, as well as its biological origin and its clinical implications.


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In general the human breath doesn't have smell or it is so only lightly perceptible to the surrounding ones, varying of pleasant the unpleasant, being taken in consideration the sensibility of the person. Halitosis or bad breath doesn't truly represent a disease, being present in a considerable portion of the population. Ethiologically exist several involved factors, could make an appointment breathing, gastric intestinal, organic and psychic disturbances and mainly oral factors, being the microbial colonization of the tongue the most common, beside the pathological situations involving periodontitis, as necrotizing ulcerative gengivitis. For representing a true obstacle biopsicossocial, the halitosis it influences directally in the family life, work, the patients' atmosphere social, being its diagnosis specific, demanding in certain occasions treatment multidisciplinar. In that sense, the present study if report to a literary revision of the theme, approaching the main aspects of the development of the halitosis, as well as its biological origin and its clinical implications.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Leukogram and neutrophil oxidative metabolism from dogs with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) were compared before and after treatment with meglumine antimoniate (AM) and with an association of meglumine antimoniate and allopurinol (AMA). The results obtained demonstrated that neutrophils of dogs with VL do not lose their capacity of reducing NBT and that oxidative metabolism has been more active in the majority of the cases. After treatment with AM and AMA, dogs with VL presented a redution of neutrophils oxidative metabolism, suggesting that this decrease was related with the decrease in the number of parasites and a probable inhibitor effect of these drugs on neutrophils oxidative metabolism.


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The discussion about some features of the general framework which allows the use of Oral History in Mathematics Education is the main theme of this paper. Also the conception about what Oral History is, its theoretical baskgrounds, some of its purposes and the range of its results to Math Education research community are considered, as well the link between such method and the narratives, focusing what narratives are and how narratives can be analysed. A brief description of specific themes and researches developed in such approach, in Brazil, ends this article.


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This article makes a connection between Benjamin and Carpeaux in order to identify points of contact between the two authors. In this methodological operation assumes the crucial role collating Wege nach Rom with Benjamin's, Passages, which leads us to speak of a Carpeaux reader of Benjamin.


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The main intention of this paper is to present how a Research Group in Mathematics Education – known as GHOEM, “Oral History and Math Education” Research Group – is taking Oral History into account in Mathematics Education researches, sometimes challenging and expanding this specific methodological approach in order to better answer questions in Math Education field. The composition of such group, as frequently occurs in a research community, is dynamic. So, the works taken into consideration in this paper were those written by researchers which were GHOEM members at the time they published their results.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study is to provide parameters from theoretical and exploratory research in the creation and institutionalization of information science to establish a link with Information Literacy. Approaches are presented in which contributions allow us to understand the relationships and kinds of science in general and their applicability to the population studied, since these theories have a big relationship with the deepening of the area and their social, cultural and economic relationships. We hope to contribute with selective reference to assist the understanding of the issues arising from information science and the knowledge generated by its researchers. This requires developing new skills of access and use of information, providing an interaction between information literacy and knowledge building in Information Science.


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This study examined the newly graduated in pedagogy teachers' perceptions of current school administration concepts and practices. It is an exploratory research study with questionnaire using Likert scale closed-ended questions. The results indicate an emphasis on the official view of the school administration and the sharing of responsibilities as a democratic basis. It is concluded that the respondents have basic perceptions, little criticism on the school administration, reproducing, often a government and media discourse on the subject.


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The aim of this paper is to present a historical review of the implementation process of the political pedagogical project (PPP) of Londrina (PR). The study used interviews with some agents who participated in the construction of the PPP (teachers, school, supervisors and employees of the Regional Education Center) and investigated the absorption of proposals from the base (school) for the offices of political power. The results showed that although the democratic discourse has always been present in official documents the construction of the PPP had discrete popular participation and projects, as a rule, incorporated the bureaucratic forms issued by official powers.


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The study investigates the constitution of the informational message in production processes in interactive media and television, from situations in which contents are conveyed performed by the audience. The work shows that the declared strategies employed by listeners and viewers actualize itself in a series of controls and discursive constraints resulting from the dynamics in the means of production and the relationship established between broadcaster/program and its audience. Moreover, it is clear that, despite attempts to produce an effect independent of viewer and listener regarding your participation and opinion, there is a direction and a restriction on the possibilities of expression rather than technical, operational, are of discursive order.


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Operational Research (OR) is an eminent science to business competitiveness and the capacity of algorithms and spreadsheets that exist today allows people to apply them for a lower cost and with less complexity. However, spreadsheets linked to OR techniques, when directed to real problems, are still little explored in their full potential. In order to use them better, this article utilizes the Microsoft Office Excel to solve an optimization practical problem and decision-making of machining subcontracting. In general, although considered a frequent problem, is not of easy solution, optimize the mix of production versus outsourcing, because of the restrictions and resources available, it requests investments in specific software. In this way, this research aims to develop software to be called SOSU (Optimization Software for Machining Subcontracting). SOSU should introduce the best mix of internal and subcontracted machining for n types of parts that, over a certain period of time t, maximize capacity and meet all the demand at the lowest cost possible. The methodology adopted follows the bibliographic reference and it is assumed that the necessary data to prove from mathematical modeling of production areas and from a system of costs already structured. The nature of the problem justifies the application of Linear Programming (LP), Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is used for computational implementation and interface with the user and the supplement Solver to find the solution. The analysis of the experiments show that the SOSU optimizes resources and improves the decision-making process, besides an easy operation, it can be implemented or quickly adapted and without the need of large investments.