1000 resultados para ECONOMIA DE LA EMPRESA


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El present document dóna resposta a una proposta de l'empresa NewBourg Consultors SL per determinar la capacitat del mòdul de producció del programari lliure OpenBravo o d'un altre programari lliure per donar resposta a les necessitats de planificació, seguiment i control de la producció d'una empresa tèxtil pilot, industrial o manufacturera, de menys de 50 treballadors. Els principals objectius d'aquest treball són: analitzar el programari ERP lliure disponible actualment al mercat, valorar i seleccionar un o dos programaris adients per una empresa de fabricació, realitzar un estudi de viabilitat i anàlisi del sistema, i comprovar amb dades fictícies si el programa s'ajusta als requeriments de planificació i producció presentant un informe final.


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La localitat de Cumbe és una comunitat tradicional que es troba al tram baix del riu Jaguaribe situat a l’estat de Ceará (Brasil) i que ha viscut centenars d’anys a partir de les pràctiques extractives que es porten a terme a l’ecosistema del manglar. Fa 20 anys va aparèixer a la regió una nova economia basada en l’explotació intensiva. L’aqüicultura destinada a la cria de gamba està causant danys severs a l’ecosistema del manglar i perjudicant greument la font d’ingressos de moltes famílies, amenaçant la continuïtat de l’economia local i deteriorant la qualitat de vida de les persones que s’hi dediquen. A partir de l’observació personal i la immersió en aquesta societat s’ha detectat que l’economia tradicional està infravalorada pel govern i per les persones que donen suport a l’aqüicultura. Per aquest motiu s’han creat una sèrie d’indicadors, a partir de les activitats extractives del cranc, que posin en valor aquesta economia tradicional envers la nova economia emergent.


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It is generally accepted that financial markets are efficient in the long run a lthough there may be some deviations in the short run. It is also accepted that a good portfolio manager is the one who beats the market persistently along time, this type of manager could not exist if markets were perfectly efficient According to this in a pure efficient market we should find that managers know that they can not beat the market so they would undertake only pure passive management strategies. Assuming a certain degree of inefficiency in the short run, a market may show some managers who tr y to beat the market by undertaking active strategies. From Fama’s efficient markets theory we can state that these active managers may beat the market occasionally although they will not be able to enhance significantly their performance in the long run. On the other hand, in an inefficient market it would be expected to find a higher level of activity related with the higher probability of beating the market. In this paper we follow two objectives: first, we set a basis to analyse the level of efficiency in an asset invest- ment funds market by measuring performance, strategies activity and it’s persistence for a certain group of funds during the period of study. Second, we analyse individual performance persistence in order to determine the existence of skilled managers. The CAPM model is taken as theoretical background and the use of the Sharpe’s ratio as a suitable performance measure in a limited information environment leads to a group performance measurement proposal. The empiri- cal study takes quarterly data from 1999-2007 period, for the whole population of the Spanish asset investment funds market, provided by the CNMV (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores). This period of study has been chosen to ensure a wide enough range of efficient market observation so it would allow us to set a proper basis to compare with the following period. As a result we develop a model that allows us to measure efficiency in a given asset mutual funds market, based on the level of strategy’s activity undertaken by managers. We also observe persistence in individual performance for a certain group of funds


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The aim of this study is to develop a model measuring the performance of cities' marketing efforts. The model and the benchmarking methodology presented can be used by local authorities to position their marketing efforts and achievements against other (competing) cities and to identify best practices that can assist place marketers in learning how to be more efficient obtaining desired place marketing results, e.g., improved city brand image, with the available resources/budgets. The major implication for practitioners is that place marketing should be managed as a process, taking into account both the resource flows and the outputs, as well as the efficiency of this process.


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This contribution compares existing and newly developed techniques for geometrically representing mean-variances-kewness portfolio frontiers based on the rather widely adapted methodology of polynomial goal programming (PGP) on the one hand and the more recent approach based on the shortage function on the other hand. Moreover, we explain the working of these different methodologies in detail and provide graphical illustrations. Inspired by these illustrations, we prove a generalization of the well-known two fund separation theorem from traditionalmean-variance portfolio theory.


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In a context in which organizations can no longer promise life-time employment and individuals increasingly experience inter-organizational mobility, this study tackles the question of whether organizational commitment is no longer related to new career orientations. To this end, it analyzes the relation between the underlying dimensions of protean (self direction and values driven) and boundaryless (boundaryless mindset and organizational mobility preference) career attitudes (Briscoe et al., 2006) and organizational commitment, within today's unstable and uncertain business scenario. Research results suggest that protean career attitudes contribute significantly to individuals emotional attachment to their employing organization. Furthermore, organizational mobility preference was found to be significant in predicting both affective and continuance commitment. Finally, future research suggestions and practical implications associated with the current study are provided.


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Social capital is viewed either as a proprietary asset that serves private interests, including those of entrepreneurs, or as a collective asset that supports trust-based transactions saving on transaction costs both in markets and within the boundaries of firms, and benefiting society as a whole. This paper explains the relative specialization between entrepreneurs and market-governed exchanges as a result of the interaction between social capital that lowers transaction costs, and the scale economies of ability in managerial jobs (Lucas 1978). The main hypothesis formulated in the paper is that higher social capital will benefit the hierarchy relatively more than the market as a governance mechanism, and therefore in economies with higher social capital, the equilibrium number of entrepreneurs will be lower and their average span of control larger than in economies with lower social capital. The empirical evidence, with data from the Spanish Autonomous Communities, is consistent with this prediction.


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The strategic literature on relatedness in the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is extensive, yet we know little about whether or how relatedness has an influence on the announcement to completion stage of the M&A process. Drawing on research on intra-industry competition and relational capabilities, we seek to shed light on the relatedness debate by examining the strategic forces that affect the completion of an announced related M&A, accounting for financial and organizational factors. We also explore additional strategic forces that might amplify or attenuate the negative effect of relatedness on deal completion. We test and find support for our hypotheses using longitudinal data from a sample of the largest M&A announcements in the world from 1991 to 2001.


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We examine how third-party debt enforcement affects the emergence and performance ofrelational contracts in credit markets. We implement an experiment with finitely repeatedcredit relationships in which borrowers can default. In the weak enforcement treatmentdefaulting borrowers can keep their funds invested. In the strong enforcement treatmentdefaulting borrowers have to liquidate their investment. Under weak enforcement fewerrelationships emerge in which loans are extended and repaid. When such relationships doemerge they exhibit a lower credit volume than under strong enforcement. These findingssuggest that relational contracting in credit markets requires a minimum standard of thirdpartydebt enforcement.


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La empresa que se tiene que informatizar, está en funcionamiento desde hace algunos años y debido a su expansión, requiere un sistema informático para gestionar su actividad empresarial. Las funcionalidades que tiene que realizar son las siguientes: gestión del catálogo de libros, gestión de las tiendas, control de los movimientos de libros y facturar las ventas de libros.


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El projecte consisteix en realitzar una Web per la empresa constructora C.Kasa S.L., es tracta d'una empresa relativament jove, es va crear la'ny 2005 i l'objectiu es poder aconseguir que la gent conegui més aquesta empresa mitjançant una web apostant per les noves tecnologies com a mitjà de publicitat.


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Conflicts of interest between majority and minority stockholders affect a large proportion of firms in any economy, but has received little attention in the empirical literature. We examine the link between the potential for such conflicts and the firm's payout policy on a large sample of Norwegian private firms with controlling stockholders and detailed ownership data. Our evidence shows that the stronger the potential conflict between the stockholders, the higher the proportion of earnings paid out as dividends. This tendency to reduce stockholder conflicts by dividend payout is more pronounced when the minority is diffuse and when a family's majority block is held by a single family member. We also find evidence that a minority-friendly payout policy is associated with higher future minority investment in the firm. These results are consistent with the notion that potential agency costs of ownership are mitigated by dividend policy when the majority stockholder benefits from not exploiting the minority.


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L'objectiu d'aquest TFC és la realització d'un estudi del projecte sobre la implantació d'un sistema de gestió integrat ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) a una empresa fictícia del sector cerveser CePe (Cerveses Penedès) d'acord amb els objectius estratègics de l'empresa.


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En aquest projecte es realitza l'estudi previ de la implantació d'un Planificador de Recursos Empresarials (ERP) en una oficina de farmàcia. Es pretenen analitzar els diferents punts a tenir en compte, tant de l'empresa com del ERP, a l'hora d'escollir el millor sistema per implantar a la farmàcia. Primerament hi ha una part teòrica on es defineix el concepte de ERP, donant una visió del mercat actual i del què suposa implantar un ERP en una empresa. El segon pas és el més rellevant, es tracta de l'anàlisi dels requeriments funcionals i tècnics de la farmàcia. Finalment, es proposen els 3 sistemes més ben col·locats per a una possible implantació i s'escull el que millor s'adapta a les necessitats especificades.


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Aquest projecte tracta de la millora de l’actual sistema d’importació que disposa Magento. Actualment per importar els productes a una botiga Magento es necessita treballar amb un fitxer csv on s’introdueix una gran quantitat de dades i requereix una gran quantitat de temps i esforç per part de l’empresa. Per millorar l’actual sistema, es proposa crear una integració entre Magento i Google Docs, fent que tots els productes que es vulguin importar s’introdueixin en un full de càlcul Google Docs i s’importin a la botiga Magento.