895 resultados para EARTHS


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Corrosion inhibitors are an important method for minimizing corrosion; however traditional inhibitors such as chromates pose environmental problems. Rare earth metals provide an important, environmentally-friendly alternative. This book provides a comprehensive review of current research and examines how rare earth metals can be used to prevent corrosion and applied to protect metals in such industries as aerospace and construction. Chapter 1 begins by examining the important need to replace chromate, and then goes on to discuss the chemistry of the rare earth metals and their related compounds. Chapter 2 considers the techniques that can be used to identify corrosion inhibition mechanisms and to test the levels of protection offered to different metals by rare earth compounds. Subsequent chapters consider in more detail how rare earth elements can be used as corrosion inhibitors in different forms and for different metals. This includes discussion on the potential of rare earth elements for self-healing, tunable and multifunctional coatings. Finally, chapter 10 considers the cost and availability of the rare earths and the potential health and environmental risks associated with extracting them. Provides a review of current research and examines how rare earth metals can be used to prevent corrosion and applied to protect metals in such industries as aerospace and construction. Includes discussion on the potential of rare earth elements for self-healing, tunable and multifunctional coatings. Considers the cost and availability of the rare earths and the potential health and environmental risks associated with extracting them.


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When underground mines close they often fill with water from ground and surface sources; each mine can contain millions to billions of gallons of water. This water, heated by the Earth’s geothermal energy, reaches temperatures ideal for heat pumps. The sheer scale of these flooded underground mines presents a unique opportunity for large scale geothermal heat pump setups which would not be as economically, socially, and environmentally feasible anywhere else. A literature search revealed approximately 30 instances of flooded underground mines being used to heat and cool buildings worldwide. With thousands of closed/abandoned underground mines in the U.S. and a million estimated globally, why hasn’t this opportunity been more widely adopted? This project has found perception and lack of knowledge about the feasibility to be key barriers. To address these issues, this project drafted a guidebook for former mining communities titled A Community Guide to Mine Water Geothermal Heating and Cooling.


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An Ab Initio/RRKM study of the reaction mechanism and product branching ratios of neutral-radical ethynyl (C2H) and cyano (CN) radical species with unsaturated hydrocarbons is performed. The reactions studied apply to cold conditions such as planetary atmospheres including Titan, the Interstellar Medium (ISM), icy bodies and molecular clouds. The reactions of C2H and CN additions to gaseous unsaturated hydrocarbons are an active area of study. NASA’s Cassini/Huygens mission found a high concentration of C2H and CN from photolysis of ethyne (C2H2) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN), respectively, in the organic haze layers of the atmosphere of Titan. The reactions involved in the atmospheric chemistry of Titan lead to a vast array of larger, more complex intermediates and products and may also serve as a chemical model of Earth’s primordial atmospheric conditions. The C2H and CN additions are rapid and exothermic, and often occur barrierlessly to various carbon sites of unsaturated hydrocarbons. The reaction mechanism is proposed on the basis of the resulting potential energy surface (PES) that includes all the possible intermediates and transition states that can occur, and all the products that lie on the surface. The B3LYP/6-311g(d,p) level of theory is employed to determine optimized electronic structures, moments of inertia, vibrational frequencies, and zero-point energy. They are followed by single point higher-level CCSD(T)/cc-vtz calculations, including extrapolations to complete basis sets (CBS) of the reactants and products. A microcanonical RRKM study predicts single-collision (zero-pressure limit) rate constants of all reaction paths on the potential energy surface, which is then used to compute the branching ratios of the products that result. These theoretical calculations are conducted either jointly or in parallel to experimental work to elucidate the chemical composition of Titan’s atmosphere, the ISM, and cold celestial bodies.


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EChO (Exoplanet atmospheres Characterization Observatory), a proposal for exoplanets exploration space mission, is considered the next step for planetary atmospheres characterization. It would be a dedicated observatory to uncover a large selected sample of planets spanning a wide range of masses (from gas giants to super-Earths) and orbital temperatures (from hot to habitable). All targets move around stars of spectral types F, G, K, and M. EChO would provide an unprecedented view of the atmospheres of planets in the solar neighbourhood. The consortium formed by various institutions of different countries proposed as ESA M3 an integrated spectrometer payload for EChO covering the wavelength interval 0.4 to 16 µm. This instrument is subdivided into 4 channels: a visible channel, which includes a fine guidance system (FGS) and a VIS spectrometer, a near infrared channel (SWiR), a middle infrared channel (MWiR), and a long wave infrared module (LWiR). In addition, it contains a common set of optics spectrally dividing the wavelength coverage and injecting the combined light of parent stars and their exoplanets into the different channels. The proposed payload meets all of the key performance requirements detailed in the ESA call for proposals as well as all scientific goals. EChO payload is based on different spectrometers covering the spectral range mentioned above. Among them, SWiR spectrometer would work from 2.45 microns to 5.45 microns. In this paper, the optical and mechanical designs of the SWiR channel instrument are reported on.


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L'industrie du ciment est l'une des principales sources d'émission de dioxyde de carbone. L'industrie mondiale du ciment contribue à environ 7% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans l'atmosphère. Afin d'aborder les effets environnementaux associés à la fabrication de ciment exploitant en permanence les ressources naturelles, il est nécessaire de développer des liants alternatifs pour fabriquer du béton durable. Ainsi, de nombreux sous-produits industriels ont été utilisés pour remplacer partiellement le ciment dans le béton afin de générer plus d'économie et de durabilité. La performance d'un additif de ciment est dans la cinétique d'hydratation et de la synergie entre les additions et de ciment Portland. Dans ce projet, deux sous-produits industriels sont étudiés comme des matériaux cimentaires alternatifs: le résidu de silice amorphe (RSA) et les cendres des boues de désencrage. Le RSA est un sous-produit de la production de magnésium provenant de l'Alliance Magnésium des villes d'Asbestos et Thedford Mines, et les cendres des boues de désencrage est un sous-produit de la combustion des boues de désencrage, l'écorce et les résidus de bois dans le système à lit fluidisé de l'usine de Brompton située près de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. Récemment, les cendres des boues de désencrage ont été utilisées comme des matériaux cimentaires alternatifs. L'utilisation de ces cendres comme matériau cimentaire dans la fabrication du béton conduit à réduire la qualité des bétons. Ces problèmes sont causés par des produits d'hydratation perturbateurs des cendres volantes de la biomasse quand ces cendres sont partiellement mélangées avec du ciment dans la fabrication du béton. Le processus de pré-mouillage de la cendre de boue de désencrage avant la fabrication du béton réduit les produits d'hydratation perturbateurs et par conséquent les propriétés mécaniques du béton sont améliorées. Les approches pour étudier la cendre de boue de désencrage dans ce projet sont : 1) caractérisation de cette cendre volante régulière et pré-humidifiée, 2) l'étude de la performance du mortier et du béton incorporant cette cendre volante régulière et pré-humidifiée. Le RSA est un nouveau sous-produit industriel. La haute teneur en silice amorphe en RSA est un excellent potentiel en tant que matériau cimentaire dans le béton. Dans ce projet, l'évaluation des RSA comme matériaux cimentaires alternatifs compose trois étapes. Tout d'abord, la caractérisation par la détermination des propriétés minéralogiques, physiques et chimiques des RSA, ensuite, l'optimisation du taux de remplacement du ciment par le RSA dans le mortier, et enfin l'évaluation du RSA en remplacement partiel du ciment dans différents types de béton dans le système binaire et ternaire. Cette étude a révélé que le béton de haute performance (BHP) incorporant le RSA a montré des propriétés mécaniques et la durabilité, similaire du contrôle. Le RSA a amélioré les propriétés des mécaniques et la durabilité du béton ordinaire (BO). Le béton autoplaçant (BAP) incorporant le RSA est stable, homogène et a montré de bonnes propriétés mécaniques et la durabilité. Le RSA avait une bonne synergie en combinaison de liant ternaire avec d'autres matériaux cimentaires supplémentaires. Cette étude a montré que le RSA peut être utilisé comme nouveaux matériaux cimentaires dans le béton.


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The ability to measure tiny variations in the local gravitational acceleration allows – amongst other applications – the detection of hidden hydrocarbon reserves, magma build-up before volcanic eruptions, and subterranean tunnels. Several technologies are available that achieve the sensitivities required (tens of μGal/√Hz), and stabilities required (periods of days to weeks) for such applications: free-fall gravimeters, spring-based gravimeters, superconducting gravimeters, and atom interferometers. All of these devices can observe the Earth tides; the elastic deformation of the Earth’s crust as a result of tidal forces. This is a universally predictable gravitational signal that requires both high sensitivity and high stability over timescales of several days to measure. All present gravimeters, however, have limitations of excessive cost (£70 k) and high mass (<8 kg). In this thesis, the building of a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) gravimeter with a sensitivity of 40 μGal/√Hz in a package size of only a few cubic centimetres is discussed. MEMS accelerometers – found in most smart phones – can be mass-produced remarkably cheaply, but most are not sensitive enough, and none have been stable enough to be called a ‘gravimeter’. The remarkable stability and sensitivity of the device is demonstrated with a measurement of the Earth tides. Such a measurement has never been undertaken with a MEMS device, and proves the long term stability of the instrument compared to any other MEMS device, making it the first MEMS accelerometer that can be classed as a gravimeter. This heralds a transformative step in MEMS accelerometer technology. Due to their small size and low cost, MEMS gravimeters could create a new paradigm in gravity mapping: exploration surveys could be carried out with drones instead of low-flying aircraft; they could be used for distributed land surveys in exploration settings, for the monitoring of volcanoes; or built into multi-pixel density contrast imaging arrays.


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La región de África Austral emerge como un nuevo escenario geopolítico complejo, en el que la lucha por la adquisición de los derechos de exploración, extracción y distribución de minerales estratégicos ha intensificado la presencia del número de actores estratégicos en esta zona. En este sentido, es interesante analizar el juego de poder que se desarrolla entre Estados Unidos y China con el fin de neutralizar la debilidad estratégica que representa la carencia de estos recursos naturales, esenciales para el desarrollo de sus industrias, así como también la oportunidad que representan como mecanismo para ampliar las esferas de influencia extra continental. Así pues, la presente investigación analiza a partir de la explotación de los minerales como recursos estratégicos, los efectos de la geoestrategia reciente de estos dos jugadores activos del sistema internacional contemporáneo en la relación con los Estados que conforman la región meridional del continente africano, durante el periodo 2000-2010.


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Os espectrómetros instalados a bordo de satélites e à superfície da Terra têm desempenhado um papel fundamental na compreensão da química e dinâmica da atmosfera e na monitorização da poluição ambiental. O SPATRAM (SPectrometer for Atmosferic TRAcers Measurements) é um espectrómetro ultravioleta – Visível que compreende a região espectral entre 250-950nm e se encontra instalado no Instituto de Ciências da Terra (ICT) desde Abril de 2004. Enquanto isso, em 2012, um novo modelo do instrumento SPATRAM foi desenvolvido no ICT e foi chamado SPATRAM2. O objectivo do trabalho proposto é a calibração radiométrica do espectrómetro SPATRAM2, utilizando uma lâmpada de halogéneo e uma esfera de integração. A calibração radiométrica do sistema SPATRAM2 permitirá obter a radiação solar directa, com alta resolução espectral, o que actualmente não se encontra disponível. Este tipo de medição poderá ter um papel importante na investigação e desenvolvimento na área da energia solar e aplicações; Radiometric Calibration of Spectrophotometric Optical Instrumentation Abstract: Spectrometers installed aboard satellites and located on Earth’s surface have played a fundamental role to understand atmosphere’s chemistry and dynamic and to monitor environmental pollution. The SPATRAM (SPectrometer for Atmosferic TRAcers Measurements) instrument is an ultraviolet spectrometer – visible that covers spectral region between 250-950nm and it is installed in Instituto de Ciências da Terra (Institute of Earth Sciencies), ICT, since April 2004. Meanwhile, in 2012, a new model of SPATRAM instrument was developed in ICT and was called SPATRAM2. The goal of this project is the radiometric calibration of the SPATRAM2 spectrometer using a halogen lamp and an integrating sphere. Radiometric calibration of SPATRAM2 system will provide direct solar radiation, with high spectral resolution, that is not available nowadays. This type of measurement may play an important role in solar energy’s progress and investigation.


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A cartografia temática surge como um aliado indispensável ao estudo e conhecimento do estado da paisagem e dos ecossistemas terrestres. Angola é um país com uma enorme lacuna em termos de informação cartográfica para suporte a diversas actividades desenvolvidas em várias áreas. É por isso necessária informação sobre a superfície terrestre que registe as alterações temporais ocorridas nos ecossistemas e identifique os factores que estão na sua origem de forma a implementar medidas que permitam uma gestão mais sustentável do seu enorme território. O presente estudo foi realizado no sector Sudoeste de Angola, abrangendo os municípios do Lubango, Humpata e Chibia, com uma área aproximada de 9600 km2. Os objectivos foram: a) cartografar o coberto do solo e monitorizar as alterações ocorridas na área de estudo no período 1990-2010, b) analisar e interpretar as alterações da estrutura da paisagem nos últimos 20 anos usando cartografia de ocupação do solo, produzida recorrendo a imagens de satélite, e métricas da paisagem, e c) quantificar e examinar a relação entre a fragmentação da paisagem e os factores geradores. A metodologia utilizada no estudo é composta por duas partes, sendo a primeira dedicada às operações de processamento e interpretação de imagens de satélite Landsat e, a segunda dedicada à produção de novas métricas de fragmentação da paisagem com recurso à ferramenta SIG utilizando operações de álgebra de mapas. O comportamento da fragmentação é analisado, à luz do efeito dos fatores ambientais e socioeconómicas ao nível da região. Os resultados obtidos, através da aplicação de técnicas de deteção remota e usando imagens Landsat TM e ETM+, permitiram a elaboração de mapas de coberto do solo, onde se distinguiram 8 classes temáticas e espectralmente diferentes. Verificou-se em termos globais que aproximadamente 38% da área sofreu algum tipo de alteração no período estudado, sendo as classes de miombo e áreas cultivadas as que mais alterações sofreram. A fragmentação da paisagem foi avaliada através da implementação de novas métricas, mostrando os resultados, que no período 1990-2000, a fragmentação foi superior à que se verificou entre 2000-2010. A nível espacial, a dinâmica de fragmentação foi mais acentuada, entre 1990-2000, na Humpata e, entre 2000-2010, no Lubango; ANALYSIS OF LANDSCAPE AND LAND USE LAND COVER CHANGE IN LUBANGO AND SURROUNDINGS ABSTRACT: Thematic cartography shows up as an essential ally in the study and knowledge of the state of landscapes and terrestrial ecosystems. Angola is a country with an enormous lack of cartographic information to support the several activities carried out in a variety of areas. This is the reason information on the earth’s surface is necessary, registering alterations which occur over time in ecosystems and identifying the associated factors in its origin, so as to implement metrics that allow a more sustainable management of its enormous territory. This study was carried out in the Southeast of Angola in the Lubango, Humpata and Chibia Municipalities, with an area of approximately 9600 km2. Our objectives were the following: a) land cover mapping and land cover changes monitoring over the period 1990 to 2010 using Landsat images, b) to analyze and interpret landscape structures changes using land cover maps, and landscapes metrics, and c) to quantify and to examine the relationship between landscape fragmentation and its drivers. The methodology developed in the study has two parts, the first includes Landsat satellite images processing and interpretation and, the second the production of new landscape fragmentation metrics with support to a GIS tool and algebraic mapping operations. The fragmentation behavior is analyzed, taking into account the effect of environmental and socioeconomic factors at a regional level. The results allowed obtaining land cover maps, in which 8 spectrally different thematic classes were distinguished. It was observed that 38% of the area suffered some type of alteration in the studied period, with higher changes observed in the classes of miombo and agriculture. Landscapes fragmentation results, evaluated through the implementation of new metrics, show that, values are greater in the period 1990-2000 than in 2000-2010. At municipality level, fragmentation dynamics were more accentuated in Humpata between 1990 -2000 and in Lubango between 2000 -2010.


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Esta nota corresponde al BULLETIN VULCANOLOGIQUE de Journal of the International Association Of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earths Interior, of the International Union of Geolosy and Geoghysicas. Editor: Dr. Esu Cugusi, Centro di Studio per la geologia técnica, CNR Instituto di Geologia Applicata, Via Budossiana, 18-00184 Roma, Italia.