962 resultados para Domain Protein


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TIGRFAMs is a collection of protein families featuring curated multiple sequence alignments, hidden Markov models and associated information designed to support the automated functional identification of proteins by sequence homology. We introduce the term ‘equivalog’ to describe members of a set of homologous proteins that are conserved with respect to function since their last common ancestor. Related proteins are grouped into equivalog families where possible, and otherwise into protein families with other hierarchically defined homology types. TIGRFAMs currently contains over 800 protein families, available for searching or downloading at www.tigr.org/TIGRFAMs. Classification by equivalog family, where achievable, complements classification by orthology, superfamily, domain or motif. It provides the information best suited for automatic assignment of specific functions to proteins from large-scale genome sequencing projects.


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A human cDNA encoding an 841-aa guanine nucleotide-exchange protein (GEP) for ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs), named ARF-GEP100, which contains a Sec7 domain, a pleckstrin homology (PH)-like domain, and an incomplete IQ-motif, was identified. On Northern blot analysis of human tissues, a ≈8-kb mRNA that hybridized with an ARF-GEP100 cDNA was abundant in peripheral blood leukocytes, brain, and spleen. ARF-GEP100 accelerated [35S]GTPγS binding to ARF1 (class I) and ARF5 (class II) 2- to 3-fold, and to ARF6 (class III) ca. 12-fold. The ARF-GEP100 Sec7 domain contains Asp543 and Met555, corresponding to residues associated with sensitivity to the inhibitory effect of the fungal metabolite brefeldin A (BFA) in yeast Sec7, but also Phe535 and Ala536, associated with BFA-insensitivity. The PH-like domain differs greatly from those of other ARF GEPs in regions involved in phospholipid binding. Consistent with its structure, ARF-GEP100 activity was not affected by BFA or phospholipids. After subcellular fractionation of cultured T98G human glioblastoma cells, ARF6 was almost entirely in the crude membrane fraction, whereas ARF-GEP100, a 100-kDa protein detected with antipeptide antibodies, was cytosolic. On immunofluorescence microscopy, both proteins had a punctate pattern of distribution throughout the cells, with apparent colocalization only in peripheral areas. The coarse punctate distribution of EEA-1 in regions nearer the nucleus appeared to coincide with that of ARF-GEP100 in those areas. No similar coincidence of ARF-GEP100 with AP-1, AP-2, catenin, LAMP-1, or 58K was observed. The new human BFA-insensitive GEP may function with ARF6 in specific endocytic processes.


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The K homology (KH) module is a widespread RNA-binding motif that has been detected by sequence similarity searches in such proteins as heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP K) and ribosomal protein S3. Analysis of spatial structures of KH domains in hnRNP K and S3 reveals that they are topologically dissimilar and thus belong to different protein folds. Thus KH motif proteins provide a rare example of protein domains that share significant sequence similarity in the motif regions but possess globally distinct structures. The two distinct topologies might have arisen from an ancestral KH motif protein by N- and C-terminal extensions, or one of the existing topologies may have evolved from the other by extension, displacement and deletion. C-terminal extension (deletion) requires β-sheet rearrangement through the insertion (removal) of a β-strand in a manner similar to that observed in serine protease inhibitors serpins. Current analysis offers a new look on how proteins can change fold in the course of evolution.


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p300 and CBP participate as transcriptional coregulators in the execution of a wide spectrum of cellular gene expression programs controlling cell differentiation, growth and homeostasis. Both proteins act together with sequence-specific transcription factors to modify chromatin structure of target genes via their intrinsic acetyltransferase activity directed towards core histones and some transcription factors. So far, p300-related proteins have been described in animals ranging from Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans to humans. In this report, we describe p300/CBP-like polypeptides in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Interestingly, homology between animal and plant p300/CBP is largely restricted to a C-terminal segment, about 600 amino acids in length, which encompasses acetyltransferase and E1A-binding domains. We have examined whether this conservation in sequence is paralleled by a conservation in function. The same amino acid residues critical for acetyltransferase activity in human p300 are also critical for the function of one of the plant orthologs. Remarkably, plant proteins bind to the adenovirus E1A protein in a manner recapitulating the binding specificity of mammalian p300/CBP. The striking conservation of an extended segment of p300/CBP suggests that it may constitute a functional entity fulfilling functions that may be essential for all metazoan organisms.


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Ribosomal protein S7 from Escherichia coli binds to the lower half of the 3′ major domain of 16S rRNA and initiates its folding. It also binds to its own mRNA, the str mRNA, and represses its translation. Using filter binding assays, we show in this study that the same mutations that interfere with S7 binding to 16S rRNA also weaken its affinity for its mRNA. This suggests that the same protein regions are responsible for mRNA and rRNA binding affinities, and that S7 recognizes identical sequence elements within the two RNA targets, although they have dissimilar secondary structures. Overexpression of S7 is known to inhibit bacterial growth. This phenotypic growth defect was relieved in cells overexpressing S7 mutants that bind poorly the str mRNA, confirming that growth impairment is controlled by the binding of S7 to its mRNA. Interestingly, a mutant with a short deletion at the C-terminus of S7 was more detrimental to cell growth than wild-type S7. This suggests that the C-terminal portion of S7 plays an important role in ribosome function, which is perturbed by the deletion.


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Phototropin, a major blue-light receptor for phototropism in seed plants, exhibits blue-light-dependent autophosphorylation and contains two light, oxygen, or voltage (LOV) domains and a serine/threonine kinase domain. The LOV domains share homology with the PER-ARNT-SIM (PAS) superfamily, a diverse group of sensor proteins. Each LOV domain noncovalently binds a single FMN molecule and exhibits reversible photochemistry in vitro when expressed separately or in tandem. We have determined the crystal structure of the LOV2 domain from the phototropin segment of the chimeric fern photoreceptor phy3 to 2.7-Å resolution. The structure constitutes an FMN-binding fold that reveals how the flavin cofactor is embedded in the protein. The single LOV2 cysteine residue is located 4.2 Å from flavin atom C(4a), consistent with a model in which absorption of blue light induces formation of a covalent cysteinyl-C(4a) adduct. Residues that interact with FMN in the phototropin segment of the chimeric fern photoreceptor (phy3) LOV2 are conserved in LOV domains from phototropin of other plant species and from three proteins involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms in Arabidopsis and Neurospora. This conservation suggests that these domains exhibit the same overall fold and share a common mechanism for flavin binding and light-induced signaling.


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The x-ray structure of a C-terminal fragment of the RAP74 subunit of human transcription factor (TF) IIF has been determined at 1.02-Å resolution. The α/β structure is strikingly similar to the globular domain of linker histone H5 and the DNA-binding domain of hepatocyte nuclear factor 3γ (HNF-3γ), making it a winged-helix protein. The surface electrostatic properties of this compact domain differ significantly from those of bona fide winged-helix transcription factors (HNF-3γ and RFX1) and from the winged-helix domains found within the RAP30 subunit of TFIIF and the β subunit of TFIIE. RAP74 has been shown to interact with the TFIIF-associated C-terminal domain phosphatase FCP1, and a putative phosphatase binding site has been identified within the RAP74 winged-helix domain.


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Differential compartmentalization of signaling molecules in cells and tissues is being recognized as an important mechanism for regulating the specificity of signal transduction pathways. A kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) direct the subcellular localization of protein kinase A (PKA) by binding to its regulatory (R) subunits. Dual specific AKAPs (D-AKAPs) interact with both RI and RII. A 372-residue fragment of mouse D-AKAP2 with a 40-residue C-terminal PKA binding region and a putative regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) domain was previously identified by means of a yeast two-hybrid screen. Here, we report the cloning of full-length human D-AKAP2 (662 residues) with an additional putative RGS domain, and the corresponding mouse protein less the first two exons (617 residues). Expression of D-AKAP2 was characterized by using mouse tissue extracts. Full-length D-AKAP2 from various tissues shows different molecular weights, possibly because of alternative splicing or posttranslational modifications. The cloned human gene product has a molecular weight similar to one of the prominent mouse proteins. In vivo association of D-AKAP2 with PKA in mouse brain was demonstrated by using cAMP agarose pull-down assay. Subcellular localization for endogenous mouse, rat, and human D-AKAP2 was determined by immunocytochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and tissue fractionation. D-AKAP2 from all three species is highly enriched in mitochondria. The mitochondrial localization and the presence of RGS domains in D-AKAP2 may have important implications for its function in PKA and G protein signal transduction.


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We describe the construction of a soluble protein carrying the N-terminal extracellular domain (ECD) of the α7 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. The approach was to fuse the α7 ECD at the C and N termini of several monomeric and pentameric soluble carrier proteins and to investigate the soluble expression of the product in Escherichia coli. An initial screening of six carrier proteins resulted in the selection of a fusion protein comprising, from the N to the C terminus, the maltose binding protein, a 17-aa linker containing an enterokinase binding site, and the α7 ECD. This protein is soluble upon expression in bacteria and is purified by affinity chromatography. It binds the competitive nicotinic antagonist α-bungarotoxin with 2.5 μM affinity and displays a CD spectrum corresponding to a folded protein. The method might be suitable to produce large quantities of protein for crystallization and immunochemical experiments.


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Syntenin is a PDZ protein that binds the cytoplasmic C-terminal FYA motif of the syndecans. Syntenin is widely expressed. In cell fractionation experiments, syntenin partitions between the cytosol and microsomes. Immunofluorescence microscopy localizes endogenous and epitope-tagged syntenin to cell adhesion sites, microfilaments, and the nucleus. Syntenin is composed of at least three domains. Both PDZ domains of syntenin are necessary to target reporter tags to the plasma membrane. The addition of a segment of 10 amino acids from the N-terminal domain of syntenin to these PDZ domains increases the localization of the tags to stress fibers and induces the formation of long, branching plasma membrane extensions. The addition of the complete N-terminal region, in contrast, reduces the localization of the tags to plasma membrane/adhesion sites and stress fibers, and reduces the morphotypical effects. Recombinant domains of syntenin with the highest plasma membrane localization display the lowest nuclear localization. Syndecan-1, E-cadherin, β-catenin, and α-catenin colocalize with syntenin at cell-cell contacts in epithelial cells, and coimmunoprecipitate with syntenin from extracts of these cells. These results suggest a role for syntenin in the composition of adherens junctions and the regulation of plasma membrane dynamics, and imply a potential role for syntenin in nuclear processes.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe stress-activated Sty1p/Spc1p mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase regulates gene expression through the Atf1p and Pap1p transcription factors, homologs of human ATF2 and c-Jun, respectively. Mcs4p, a response regulator protein, acts upstream of Sty1p by binding the Wak1p/Wis4p MAP kinase kinase kinase. We show that phosphorylation of Mcs4p on a conserved aspartic acid residue is required for activation of Sty1p only in response to peroxide stress. Mcs4p acts in a conserved phospho-relay system initiated by two PAS/PAC domain-containing histidine kinases, Mak2p and Mak3p. In the absence of Mak2p or Mak3p, Sty1p fails to phosphorylate the Atf1p transcription factor or induce Atf1p-dependent gene expression. As a consequence, cells lacking Mak2p and Mak3p are sensitive to peroxide attack in the absence of Prr1p, a distinct response regulator protein that functions in association with Pap1p. The Mak1p histidine kinase, which also contains PAS/PAC repeats, does not regulate Sty1p or Atf1p but is partially required for Pap1p- and Prr1p-dependent transcription. We conclude that the transcriptional response to free radical attack is initiated by at least two distinct phospho-relay pathways in fission yeast.


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Yeast Rsp5p and its mammalian homologue, Nedd4, are hect domain ubiquitin-protein ligases (E3s) required for the ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis of plasma membrane proteins. Because ubiquitination is sufficient to induce internalization, E3-mediated ubiquitination is a key regulatory event in plasma membrane protein endocytosis. Rsp5p is an essential, multidomain protein containing an amino-terminal C2 domain, three WW protein-protein interaction domains, and a carboxy-terminal hect domain that carries E3 activity. In this study, we demonstrate that Rsp5p is peripherally associated with membranes and provide evidence that Rsp5p functions as part of a multimeric protein complex. We define the function of Rsp5p and its domains in the ubiquitin-dependent internalization of the yeast α-factor receptor, Ste2p. Temperature-sensitive rsp5 mutants were unable to ubiquitinate or to internalize Ste2p at the nonpermissive temperature. Deletion of the entire C2 domain had no effect on α-factor internalization; however, point mutations in any of the three WW domains impaired both receptor ubiquitination and internalization. These observations indicate that the WW domains play a role in the important regulatory event of selecting phosphorylated proteins as endocytic cargo. In addition, mutations in the C2 and WW1 domains had more severe defects on transport of fluid-phase markers to the vacuole than on receptor internalization, suggesting that Rsp5p functions at multiple steps in the endocytic pathway.


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The luminal domains of membrane peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) are essential for peptide α-amidation, and the cytosolic domain (CD) is essential for trafficking. Overexpression of membrane PAM in corticotrope tumor cells reorganizes the actin cytoskeleton, shifts endogenous adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from mature granules localized at the tips of processes to the TGN region, and blocks regulated secretion. PAM-CD interactor proteins include a protein kinase that phosphorylates PAM (P-CIP2) and Kalirin, a Rho family GDP/GTP exchange factor. We engineered a PAM protein unable to interact with either P-CIP2 or Kalirin (PAM-1/K919R), along with PAM proteins able to interact with Kalirin but not with P-CIP2. AtT-20 cells expressing PAM-1/K919R produce fully active membrane enzyme but still exhibit regulated secretion, with ACTH-containing granules localized to process tips. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrates accumulation of PAM and ACTH in tubular structures at the trans side of the Golgi in AtT-20 cells expressing PAM-1 but not in AtT-20 cells expressing PAM-1/K919R. The ability of PAM to interact with P-CIP2 is critical to its ability to block exit from the Golgi and affect regulated secretion. Consistent with this, mutation of its P-CIP2 phosphorylation site alters the ability of PAM to affect regulated secretion.


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Phocein is a widely expressed, highly conserved intracellular protein of 225 amino acids, the sequence of which has limited homology to the ς subunits from clathrin adaptor complexes and contains an additional stretch bearing a putative SH3-binding domain. This sequence is evolutionarily very conserved (80% identity between Drosophila melanogaster and human). Phocein was discovered by a yeast two-hybrid screen using striatin as a bait. Striatin, SG2NA, and zinedin, the three mammalian members of the striatin family, are multimodular, WD-repeat, and calmodulin-binding proteins. The interaction of phocein with striatin, SG2NA, and zinedin was validated in vitro by coimmunoprecipitation and pull-down experiments. Fractionation of brain and HeLa cells showed that phocein is associated with membranes, as well as present in the cytosol where it behaves as a protein complex. The molecular interaction between SG2NA and phocein was confirmed by their in vivo colocalization, as observed in HeLa cells where antibodies directed against either phocein or SG2NA immunostained the Golgi complex. A 2-min brefeldin A treatment of HeLa cells induced the redistribution of both proteins. Immunocytochemical studies of adult rat brain sections showed that phocein reactivity, present in many types of neurons, is strictly somato-dendritic and extends down to spines, just as do striatin and SG2NA.


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Sm and Sm-like proteins are members of a family of small proteins that is widespread throughout eukaryotic kingdoms. These proteins form heteromers with one another and bind, as heteromeric complexes, to various RNAs, recognizing primarily short U-rich stretches. Interestingly, completion of several genome projects revealed that archaea also contain genes that may encode Sm-like proteins. Herein, we studied the properties of one Sm-like protein derived from the archaebacterium Archaeoglobus fulgidus and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. This single small protein closely reflects the properties of an Sm or Sm-like protein heteromer. It binds to RNA with a high specificity for oligo(U), and assembles onto the RNA to form a complex that exhibits, as judged by electron microscopy, a ring-like structure similar to the ones observed with the Sm core ribonucleoprotein and the like Sm (LSm) protein heteromer. Importantly, multivariate statistical analysis of negative-stain electron-microscopic images revealed a sevenfold symmetry for the observed ring structure, indicating that the proteins form a homoheptamer. These results support the structural model of the Sm proteins derived from crystallographic studies on Sm heterodimers and demonstrate that the Sm protein family evolved from a single ancestor that was present before the eukaryotic and archaeal kingdoms separated.