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Control of chaotic vibrations in a dual-spin spacecraft with an axial nutational damper is achieved using two techniques. The control methods are implemented on two realistic spacecraft parameter configurations that have been found to exhibit chaotic instability when a sinusoidally varying torque is applied to the spacecraft for a range of forcing amplitudes and frequencies. Such a torque, in practice, may arise under malfunction of the control system or from an unbalanced rotor. Chaotic instabilities arising from these torques could introduce uncertainties and irregularities into a spacecraft's attitude motion and, consequently, could have disastrous effects on its operation. The two control methods, recursive proportional feedback and continuous delayed feedback, are recently developed techniques for control of chaotic motion in dynamic systems. Each technique is outlined and the effectiveness on this model compared and contrasted. Numerical simulations are performed, and the results are studied by means of time history, phase space, Poincare map, Lyapunov characteristic exponents, and bifurcation diagrams.
Control of chaotic instability in a rotating multibody system in the form of a dual-spin spacecraft with an axial nutational damper is achieved using an algorithm derived using energy methods. The control method is implemented on two realistic spacecraft parameter configurations which have been found to exhibit chaotic instability when a sinusoidally varying torque is applied to the spacecraft for a range of forcing amplitudes and frequencies. Such a torque, in practice, may arise under malfunction of the control system or from an unbalanced rotor. Chaotic instabilities arising from these torques could introduce uncertainties and irregularities into a spacecraft's attitude and consequently impair pointing accuracy. The control method is formulated from nutational stability results derived using an energy sink approximation for a dual-spin spacecraft with an asymmetric platform and axisymmetric rotor. The effectiveness of the control method is shown numerically and the results are studied by means of time history, phase space, Poincare map, Lyapunov characteristic exponents and Bifurcation diagrams.
Models for the occurrence of the vibrational instability during rolling known as third octave chatter are presented and discussed. An analysis of rolling mill chatter was performed for the purpose of identifying characteristics of the vibrations and to determine any dependency on the rolling schedule. In particular, a stability criterion for the critical rolling speed is used to predict the maximum rolling speed without chatter instability on schedules from a 5 stand tandem mill rolling thin steel product. The results correlate well with measurements of critical speed occurring on the mill using a vibration monitor: This research provides significant insights into the chatter phenomena and has been used to investigate control methods for suppression of the instability.
Control of chaotic instability in a simplified model of a spinning spacecraft with dissipation is achieved using an algorithm derived using Lyapunov's second method. The control method is implemented on a realistic spacecraft parameter configuration which has been found to exhibit chaotic instability for a range of forcing amplitudes and frequencies when a sinusoidally varying torque is applied to the spacecraft. Such a torque, may arise in practice from an unbalanced rotor or from vibrations in appendages. Numerical simulations are performed and the results are studied by means of time history, phase space, Poincare map, Lyapunov characteristic exponents and bifurcation diagrams. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
No previous studies regarding either structured, strictly controlled pet visitation programmes in paediatric hospital wards or hospital staff attitudes towards them have been conducted in Australia. Information regarding these is essential in order to minimize problems during implementation of such programmes. The aim of the study was to analyse hospital staff perceptions regarding the introduction of a pet visitation programme in an acute paediatric medical ward prior to and following implementation of the programme and to compare attitudes between the various professional groups. The study consisted of two cross-sectional surveys. A total of 224 anonymous questionnaires were distributed to administrators, doctors, nursing staff and therapists 6 weeks before and 195 were distributed 12 weeks after the introduction of a pet visitation programme. Responses were received from 115 respondents (before the programme introduction) and 45 respondents (after the programme introduction). Prior to the introduction of the dog visitation programme, there were high staff expectations that the programme would distract children from their illness, relax children and that it was a worthwhile project for the hospital to undertake. Following implementation of the programme these expectations were strongly endorsed, in addition to the perception that the ward was a happier place, the work environment was more interesting and that nurses accepted the dogs. After implementation staff were less concerned about the possibility of dog bites and dogs doing damage to equipment. Allied health staff and non-clinical staff were more positive about the programme with respect to ward climate and acceptance than were doctors and nurses. We conclude that well-planned dog visitation programmes result in positive anticipation among staff and high levels of satisfaction following programme impact.
This paper presents a new theory of hypersonic blunt-nose shock standoff, based on a compressibility coordinate transformation for inviscid flow. It embraces a wide range of nonequilibrium shock-layer chemistry and gas mixtures including ionization and freestream dissociation. An extended binary scaling property of the analysis is also demonstrated. Specific application is made here to the family of arbitrarily diluted dissociating diatomic gases, with parametric study results presented for the scaled shock standoff distance as a function of an appropriate blunt-nose region Damkohler number. Comparisons with other theories and data in the case of nitrogen are also given and discussed.
Cervical auscultation is in the process of gaining clinical credibility. In order for it to be accepted by the clinical community, the procedure and equipment used must first be standardized. Takahashi et al. [Dysphagia 9:54-62, 1994] attempted to provide benchmark methodology for administering cervical auscultation. They provided information about the acoustic detector unit best suited to picking up swallowing sounds and the best cervical site to place it. The current investigation provides contrasting results to Takahashi et al. with respect to the best type of acoustic detector unit to use for detecting swallowing sounds. Our study advocates an electret microphone as opposed to an accelerometer for recording swallowing sounds. However, we agree on the optimal placement site. We conclude that cervical auscultation is within reach of the average dysphagia clinic.
There is considerable anecdotal evidence from industry that poor wetting and liquid distribution can lead to broad granule size distributions in mixer granulators. Current scale-up scenarios lead to poor liquid distribution and a wider product size distribution. There are two issues to consider when scaling up: the size and nature of the spray zone and the powder flow patterns as a function of granulator scale. Short, nucleation-only experiments in a 25L PMA Fielder mixer using lactose powder with water and HPC solutions demonstrated the existence of different nucleation regimes depending on the spray flux Psi(a)-from drop-controlled nucleation to caking. In the drop-controlled regime at low Psi(a) values. each drop forms a single nucleus and the nuclei distribution is controlled by the spray droplet size distribution. As Psi(a) increases, the distribution broadens rapidly as the droplets overlap and coalesce in the spray zone. The results are in excellent agreement with previous experiments and confirm that for drop-controlled nucleation. Psi(a) should be less than 0.1. Granulator flow studies showed that there are two powder flow regimes-bumping and roping. The powder flow goes through a transition from bumping to roping as impeller speed is increased. The roping regime gives good bed turn over and stable flow patterns. This regime is recommended for good liquid distribution and nucleation. Powder surface velocities as a function of impeller speed were measured using high-speed video equipment and MetaMorph image analysis software, Powder surface velocities were 0.2 to 1 ms(-1)-an order of magnitude lower than the impeller tip speed. Assuming geometrically similar granulators, impeller speed should be set to maintain constant Froude number during scale-up rather than constant tip speed to ensure operation in the roping regime. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
This study examined the relationship of race and rural/urban setting to physical, behavioral, psychosocial, and environmental factors associated with physical activity. Subjects included 1,668 eighth-grade girls from 31 middle schools: 933 from urban settings, and 735 from rural settings. Forty-six percent of urban girls and 59% of rural girls were Black. One-way and two-way ANOVAs with school as a covariate were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that most differences were associated with race rather than setting. Black girls were less active than White girls, reporting significantly fewer 30-minute blocks of both vigorous and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Black girls also spent more time watching television, and had higher BMIs and greater prevalence of overweight than White girls. However, enjoyment of physical education and family involvement in physical activity were greater among Black girls titan White girls. Rural White girls and urban Black girls had more favorable attitudes toward physical activity. Access to sports equipment, perceived safety of neighborhood, and physical activity self-efficacy were higher in White girls than Black girls.
The effects of convective and absolute instabilities on the formation of drops formed from cylindrical liquid jets of glycerol/water issuing into still air were investigated. Medium-duration reduced gravity tests were conducted aboard NASA's KC-135 and compared to similar tests performed under normal gravity conditions to aid in understanding the drop formation process. In reduced gravity, the Rayleigh-Chandrasekhar Equation was found to accurately predict the transition between a region of absolute and convective instability as defined by a critical Weber number. Observations of the physics of the jet, its breakup, and subsequent drop dynamics under both gravity conditions and the effects of the two instabilities on these processes are presented. All the normal gravity liquid jets investigated, in regions of convective or absolute instability, were subject to significant stretching effects, which affected the subsequent drop and associated geometry and dynamics. These effects were not displayed in reduced gravity and, therefore, the liquid jets would form drops which took longer to form (reduction in drop frequency), larger in size, and more spherical (surface tension effects). Most observed changes, in regions of either absolute or convective instabilities, were due to a reduction in the buoyancy force and an increased importance of the surface tension force acting on the liquid contained in the jet or formed drop. Reduced gravity environments allow better investigations to be performed into the physics of liquid jets, subsequently formed drops, and the effects of instabilities on these systems. In reduced gravity, drops form up to three times more slowly and as a consequence are up to three times larger in volume in the theoretical absolute instability region than in the theoretical convective instability region. This difference was not seen in the corresponding normal gravity tests due to the masking effects of gravity. A drop is shown to be able to form and detach in a region of absolute instability, and spanning the critical Weber number (from a region of convective to absolute instability) resulted in a marked change in dynamics and geometry of the liquid jet and detaching drops. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
Organic microcavity light-emitting diodes typically exhibit a blueshift of the emitting wavelength with increasing viewing angle. We have modeled the shift of the resonance wavelength for several metal mirrors. Eight metals (Al, Ag, Cr, Ti, Au, Ni, Pt, and Cu) have been considered as top or bottom mirrors, depending on their work functions. The model fully takes into account the dependence of the phase change that occurs on reflection on angle and wavelength for both s and p polarization, as well as on dispersion in the organic layers. Different contributions to the emission wavelength shift are discussed. The influence of the thickness of the bottom mirror and of the choice and thickness of the organic materials inside the cavity has been investigated. Based on the results obtained, guidelines for a choice of materials to reduce blueshift; are given. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.
We investigate the design of free-space optical interconnects (FSOIs) based on arrays of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), microlenses, and photodetectors. We explain the effect of the modal structure of a multimodeVCSEL beam on the performance of a FSOI with microchannel architecture. A Gaussian-beam diffraction model is used in combination with the experimentally obtained spectrally resolved VCSEL beam profiles to determine the optical channel crosstalk and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the system. The dependence of the SNR on the feature parameters of a FSOI is investigated. We found that the presence of higher-order modes reduces the SNR and the maximum feasible interconnect distance. We also found that the positioning of a VCSEL array relative to the transmitter microlens has a significant impact on the SNR and the maximum feasible interconnect distance. Our analysis shows that the departure from the traditional confocal system yields several advantages including the extended interconnect distance and/or improved SNR. The results show that FSOIs based on multimode VCSELs can be efficiently utilized in both chip-level and board-level interconnects. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.
Poultry can be managed under different feeding systems, depending on the husbandry skills and the feed available. These systems include the following: (1) a complete dry feed offered as a mash ad libitum; (2) the same feed offered as pellets or crumbles ad libitum; (3) a complete feed with added whole grain; (4) a complete wet feed given once or twice a day; (5) a complete feed offered on a restricted basis; (6) choice feeding. Of all these, an interesting alternative to offering complete diets is choice feeding which can be applied on both a small or large commercial scale. Under choice feeding or free-choice feeding birds are usually offered a choice between three types of feedstuffs: (a) an energy source (e.g. maize, rice bran, sorghum or wheat); (b) a protein source (e.g. soyabean meal, meat meal, fish meal or coconut meal) plus vitamins and minerals and (c), in the case of laying hens, calcium in granular form (i.e. oyster-shell grit). This system differs from the modern commercial practice of offering a complete diet comprising energy and protein sources, ground and mixed together. Under the complete diet system, birds are mainly only able to exercise their appetite for energy. When the environmental temperature varies, the birds either over- or under-consume protein and calcium. The basic principle behind practising choice feeding with laying hens is that individual hens are able to select from the various feed ingredients on offer and compose their own diet, according to their actual needs and production capacity. A choice-feeding system is of particular importance to small poultry producers in developing countries, such as Indonesia, because it can substantially reduce the cost of feed. The system is flexible and can be constructed in such a way that the various needs of a flock of different breeds, including village chickens, under different climates can be met. The system also offers a more effective way to use home-produced grain, such as maize, and by-products, such as rice bran, in developing countries. Because oyster-shell grit is readily available in developing countries at lower cost than limestone, the use of cheaper oyster-shell grit can further benefit small-holders in these countries. These benefits apart, simpler equipment suffices when designing and building a feed mixer on the farm, and transport costs are lower. If whole (unground) grain is used, the intake of which is accompanied by increased efficiency of feed utilisation, the costs of grinding, mixing and many of the handling procedures associated with mash and pellet preparation are eliminated. The choice feedstuffs can all be offered in the current feed distribution systems, either by mixing the ingredients first or by using a bulk bin divided into three compartments.
Detection of a circumferential crack in a hollow section beam is investigated using coupled response measurements. The crack section is represented by a local flexibility matrix connecting two undamaged beam segments. This matrix defines the relationship between the displacements and forces across the crack section and is derived by applying fundamental fracture mechanics theory. The suitability of the mode coupling methodology is first demonstrated analytically. Laboratory test results are then presented for circular hollow section beams with artificially generated cracks of varying severity. It is shown that this method has the potential as a damage detection tool for mechanical structures. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.