963 resultados para Disorders of intestinal rotation


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Seloste artikkelista: Research method and improvement of log rotation in sawmills / Tomi Tulokas & Jawdat Tannous. - Julkaisussa: Silva Fennica 44 (2010) : 1, s. 141-154.


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Laparoscopic techniques have provided a new dimension to correct functional disorders of the esophagus, which has stimulated some investigators to recently report the use of laparoscopic cardiomyotomy in the treatment of esophageal achalasia. Now, a new instrument has been added to the current laparoscopic technique to offer a safer and easier method to proceed complete myotomy. After the dissection of the esophagogastric junction, a special catheter is introduced reaching the stomach. lt has an illuminated 10 cm extremity connected to a light source. lts withdrawal allows to visualize every muscle circular fiber by transillumination withan improved view provide by the laparoscopic optic system lens. This condition modifies the operative surgeon s attitude offering a better controlled situation over the procedure. The use of transillumination o fthe esophagogastric junction provides a good identification of the mucosa e submucosa avoiding the risk of esophageal perforation. It also helps to perform a complete myotomy preventing the ocurrence of persistent disphagia in the postoperative period. Cardiomyotomy with parcial fundoplication is possible by videolaparoscopic approach, now made easier with transillumination. This technique is safe and the functional results are similar to those observed in the literature for conventional open procedures, with the obvious advantages of the minimally invasive approach.


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The authors reports two patients with operated from enteric tuberculosis. Tuberculosis involving the intestinal tract may be due to either Mycobacterium tuberculosis or M. bovis. In the former situation, the disease is primary to the lungs and is carried to the intestinal tract by swallowing sputum. The latter organism produces infection associated with swallowed nonpasteurized milk. This condition is extremely unusual in most western countries, since pasteurization of milk is standardized. The diagnosis was performed through laparotomy because of symptoms suggestive of intestine obstruction. Inflammatory reactions were observed on the small intestine (jejunum-ileum) in both cases. The presence of tuberculosis of the lungs was observed in one patient. The chemotherapic treatment was estabilished after the histopathologic diagnosis. The distinction between tuberculosis and Crohn's disease may not be possible by radiography or endoscopy. Videolaparoscopy has been found to be an useful procedure for the early diagnosis of Enteric Tuberculosis. In spite of the epidemiology knowledge, clinical control and improvement in treatment, extra pulmonary tuberculosis rate from concealed focus has been increased, due to AIDS poverty in certain populational groups and immigration from Asia to wertern countries. Compared with immunocompetent patients, the proportion of extrapulmonary tuberculosis is much higher in patients with AIDS, justfying the increased frequency of reports of intestinal tuberculosis in these patients.


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Reflux esophagitis and Barrett's esophagus after total gastrectomy is related to reconstructive procedure of intestinal continuity. The Roux-en-Y operation with length of limb of 40 cm occasionally is not enough to prevent biliary reflux to distal esophagus. Barrett's esophagus is thought to develop as a consequence of biliary reflux and has a malignant potential. Symptoms of retroesternal burning and dysphagia that does not improve with conservative management has to be treated by an operative procedure. To prevent biliary reflux to distal esophagus after total gastrectomy the lenght of limb of Roux-en-Y should be at lest 60 cm.


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Videolaparoscopic surgery has been used for treatment of almost all surgical abdominal diseases, mainly where there are no large ressections, or operative field is limited. In these situations, laparoscopic surgery has the advantages of less morbidity, quick recovery and good cosmetic results. Bezoars removal, or its mobilization, is probably included in these possible proceedings. Three non-laparotomic procedures were described: 1. endoscopic-laparoscopic; 2. videolaparoscopy and mobilization of intestinal bezoar to the cecum; 3. laparoscopy and gastrotomy for bezoar removal, through suprapubic incision or the umbilical punction. There have been only two publications describing the videolaparoscopic method for bezoar removal, and the methods applied can be complications or morbidity related. We describe one case where the applied technique is simple and easy to perform, time saving and probably less complications-related. This technique, with four trocars, utilized a plastic bag besides the stomach to be opened, followed by gastrotomy, bezoar removal and immediate introduction in the plastic bag, suture of gastrotomy and removal through the left subcostal trocar. This technique was feasible and easy to perform, with short operative time, and there were no intra or post-operative complications; the patient was discharged in the second post-operative day, and is without further problems after one year follow-up. We believe that this could be an adequate technique to perform laparoscopic gastric bezoar removal, and the rigid sequence of operative events allows a quick procedure, with minimal contamination. The videolaparoscopy seems to be an adequate access to surgical treatment of gastro-intestinal bezoars, with or without obstruction, and should be the ellected the procedure of choice to begin the surgical treatment, with convertion to laparotomy in case of any intra-operative adversity.


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Mitochondria are present in all eukaryotic cells. They enable these cells utilize oxygen in the production of adenosine triphosphate in the oxidative phosphorylation system, the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The concept ‘mitochondrial disease’ conventionally refers to disorders of the respiratory chain that lead to oxidative phosphorylation defect. Mitochondrial disease in humans can present at any age, and practically in any organ system. Mitochondrial disease can be inherited in maternal, autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-chromosomal fashion. One of the most common molecular etiologies of mitochondrial disease in population is the m.3243A>G mutation in the MT-TL1 gene, encoding mitochondrial tRNALeu(UUR). Clinical evaluation of patients with m.3243A>G has revealed various typical clinical features, such as stroke-like episodes, diabetes mellitus and sensorineural hearing loss. The prevalence and clinical characteristics of mitochondrial disease in population are not well known. This thesis consists of a series of studies, in which the prevalence and characteristics of mitochondrial disease in the adult population of Southwestern Finland were assessed. Mitochondrial haplogroup Uk was associated with increased risk of occipital ischemic stroke among young women. Large-scale mitochondrial DNA deletions and mutations of the POLG1 gene were the most common molecular etiologies of progressive external ophthalmoplegia. Around 1% of diabetes mellitus emerging between the ages 18 – 45 years was associated with the m.3243A>G mutation. Moreover, among these young diabetic patients, mitochondrial haplogroup U was associated with maternal family history of diabetes. These studies demonstrate the usefulness of carefully planned molecular epidemiological investigations in the study of mitochondrial disorders.


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Damage control surgery is one of the major advances in surgical practice in the last 20 years. The indications for damage control surgery are: the need to terminate a laparotomy rapidly in an exsanguinating, hypothermic patient who had developed a coagulopathy and who is about to die on the operating table; inability to control bleeding by direct hemostasis; and inability to close the abdomen without tension because of massive visceral edema and a tense abdominal wall. Damage control surgery has three phases: 1) laparotomy to control hemorrhage by packing, shunting, or balloon tamponade, or both; control of intestinal spillage by resection or ligation of damaged bowel, or both; 2) physiological resuscitation to correct hypothermia, metabolic acidosis, and coagulopathy. 3) planned reoperation for definitive repair. Damage control surgery is appropriate in a small number of critically ill patients who are likely to require substantial hospital resources. However, there are many questions that need to be answered. Who is the patient elected for this surgery? When is the ideal time to make the decision? Which are the parameters that indicate to the surgeons the moment to re-operate the patient? How to treat the long-term complications? In the present review we described some historical aspects, indications, technical aspects, advantages and disadvantages of this procedure, as well as its physiological consequences and morbidity and mortality rates of damage control surgery. Damage control surgery offers a simple effective alternative to the traditional surgical management of complex or multiple injuries in critically injured patients.


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The term "complicated" diverticulitis is reserved for inflamed diverticular disease complicated by bleeding, abscess, peritonitis, fistula or bowel obstruction. Hemorrhage is best treated by angioembolization (interventional radiology). Treatment of infected diverticulitis has evolved enormously thanks to: 1) laparoscopic colonic resection followed or not (Hartmann's procedure) by restoration of intestinal continuity, 2) simple laparoscopic lavage (for peritonitis +/- resection). Diverticulitis (inflammation) may be treated with antibiotics alone, anti-inflammatory drugs, combined with bed rest and hygienic measures. Diverticular abscesses (Hinchey Grades I, II) may be initially treated by antibiotics alone and/or percutaneous drainage, depending on the size of the abscess. Generalized purulent peritonitis (Hinchey III) may be treated by the classic Hartmann procedure, or exteriorization of the perforation as a stoma, primary resection with or without anastomosis, with or without diversion, and last, simple laparoscopic lavage, usually even without drainage. Feculent peritonitis (Hinchey IV), a traditional indication for Hartmann's procedure, may also benefit from primary resection followed by anastomosis, with or without diversion, and even laparoscopic lavage. Acute obstruction (nearby inflammation, or adhesions, pseudotumoral formation, chronic strictures) and fistula are most often treated by resection, ideally laparoscopic. Minimal invasive therapeutic algorithms that, combined with less strict indications for radical surgery before a definite recurrence pattern is established, has definitely lead to fewer resections and/or stomas, reducing their attendant morbidity and mortality, improved post-interventional quality of life, and less costly therapeutic policies.


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An outbreak of Lawsonia intracellularis infection in rabbits, which occurred in 1988 in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, is reported. The disease had an acute course (24-48 hours) with clinical signs characterized by brownish or green diarrhea and dehydration. Occasionally, the animals died one day after the onset of diarrhea, without showing any other clinical signs. At necropsy, the ileum was prominent, firm and had a thickened wall; it was dilated in the caudal direction and had a somewhat reticulated appearance, perceptible through the serosa. The thickened mucous membrane had finely corrugated aspect and a shiny surface. The ileocecal valve and surrounding areas were slightly edematous and irregular. The Peyer's patches were sometimes more evident. There was moderate enlargement of the mesenteric lymph nodes. The histological examination revealed different degrees of hyperplasia of the epithelial cells of intestinal crypts consisting of poorly differentiated, hyperchromatic cells with high mitotic index, arranged in a pseudostratified layer which, in some cases, reached the apical portions of the villi. The inflammatory infiltrate between the hyperplastic epithelial cells was composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, some eosinophils and globular leukocytes. Silver impregnation revealed large numbers of bacteria with morphology of the genus Lawsonia in the apical pole of cryptal enterocytes. These bacteria reacted positively to a Lawsonia intracellularis polyclonal antibody by the avidin-biotin immunohistochemistry method.


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Intestinal devitalization in cases of small colon obstruction may be difficult to detect based only in clinical signs. The purpose was to serially evaluate blood and peritoneal fluid of horses subjected to small colon distension. Seventeen adult horses were allotted in three groups. In the small colon-distended group (DG, n=7) a surgically-implanted latex balloon was inflated to promote intraluminal small colon distension. In the shamoperated group (SG, n=5), the balloon was implanted but not inflated, and no surgery was done in the control group (CG, n=5). Blood and peritoneal fluid were sampled before and after (6 samples with a 30-minute interval) intestinal obstruction for cytological and biochemical analyses. No significant changes in clinical signs occurred within groups or across time during the experimental period. There were no statistical differences among SG and SG groups in hematologic and blood chemistry variables. Although total protein concentration and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in peritoneal fluid remained most of the time within reference values during the experimental period in all groups, increases from baseline values were detected in SG and DG groups. Such increases occurred earlier, progressively and with greater magnitude in the DG when compared with the SG (P<0.05). Increases from baselines values were also observed in total nucleated cells and neutrophils counts in the DG (P<0.05). In conclusion, distension of the equine small colon induced progressive subtle increases in total protein and LDH concentrations in the peritoneal fluid during the first hours. Serial evaluation of these variables in peritoneal fluid may be useful for early detection of intestinal devitalization in clinical cases of equine small colon obstruction.


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The paper addresses the epidemiologic data of the death of pigs during the period of 2002 to 2009 following the ingestion of botulinum neurotoxin type C. This neurotoxin was present in food residues originating from restaurant and hotel kitchens, stored in barrels without shelter from the sun and administered in a collective trough without prior thermal treatment. Animals which died at different ages showed clinical signs of botulism characterized by flaccid paralysis, weight loss, anorexia, weakness, lack of coordination, locomotion difficulties with the evolution of lateral recumbency with involuntary urination and defecation. No alterations were observed at postmortem and histological examination. The bioassay with serum neutralization in mice was carried out on samples of intestinal contents from pigs affected and revealed the presence of large quantities of botulinum toxin type C.


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Abstract:Lawsonia intracellularis infection on a horse farm in the Midwest region of Brazil is described. Thirty-nine foals a few days to months old from a herd with 300 horses, experienced diarrhea with variable characteristics and intensities, weight loss, hyperemic mucous membranes and dehydration. In foals 3 to 6 months of age, hypoproteinemia associated with submandibular edema were also common. Intestinal fragments of a 7-month-old foal were sent to an animal disease laboratory for diagnosis. The observed macroscopic lesions were hyperemic serosa, thickening of the intestinal wall with a corrugation, thickening of the mucosa folds and reduction of intestinal lumen. Histological analysis of the small and large intestine revealed enterocyte hyperplasia of the crypts associated with diffuse marked decrease in the number of goblet cells and positive L. intracellularis antigen labeling by immunohistochemistry. Three out of 11 animals of the same property were seropositive for L. intracellularis, demonstrating the circulation of the agent throughout the farm, but none were PCR positive in fecal samples. Based on clinical signs and pathological findings, the diagnosis of equine proliferative enteropathy was confirmed.


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Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of phytogenic additives and glutamine plus glutamic acid, associated or not, on histomorphometry of bursa of Fabricius and small intestine, oocyst count and lesion scores, and carbon turnover of duodenal mucosa of broiler chickens infected with Eimeria acervulina. A total of 450 male broiler chickens was distributed into a completely randomized design with six treatments and three replications. Treatments consisted of control diet (CD); CD + coccidiosis vaccine; CD + antibiotic performance enhancers and anticoccidial (APE/AC); CD + glutamine and glutamic acid (Gln/Glu); CD + phytogenic additives (PA); CD + Gln/Glu + PA. Birds on treatment CD + vaccine were vaccinated via drinking water at three days of age against coccidiosis. At 16 days of age all birds of all treatments were inoculated orally and individually with 500,000 oocysts of Eimeria acervulina. There was no treatment effect on lesion score in the intestinal epithelium of birds. The smaller number of excreted oocysts was observed in groups of birds fed diets containing APE/AC and PA. Were observed better results of villus height and crypt depth for duodenum and ileum of birds of treatments containing Gln/Glu at 7 days of age, and Gln/Glu and PA at 21 days of age. Higher percentage of cortical area from bursa follicles was observed in birds fed diets supplemented with Gln/Glu and PA at 7, 14 and 21 days of age. Increased turnover of intestinal mucosa was observed in treatments containing Gln/Glu, indicating acceleration in development and regeneration of damaged tissue. Glutamine plus glutamic acid and phytogenic additives can provide improvements to structure, and thus to intestinal function, as well as to better immune response against the infectious challenges. Phytogenic additives can be used for coccidiosis control of broiler chickens where the use of antibiotic performance enhancers and anticoccidials is prohibited.


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In agricultural production systems where the glyphosate-resistant soybean crop (Glycine max) is grown and the practice of crop rotation with alternative herbicides is not adopted, the exclusive and continuous use of glyphosate has led to the occurrence of resistant weed populations that may limit or compromise the benefits of this technology. Thus, the efficacy of weed management programs, including the use of residual herbicides (sulfentrazone, flumioxazin, imazethapyr, diclosulan, chlorimuron and s-metolachlor) applied in preemergence and followed by in-crop postemergence applications of glyphosate (PRE-POST) were compared to glyphosate postemergence only programs - POST. The study was conducted across nine locations during the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 growing seasons. PRE-POST programs were efficient in the control of Amaranthus viridis, Brachiaria plantaginea, Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis, Eleusine indica, Euphorbia heterophylla and Raphanus raphanistrum, with the level of control being similar when comparing the program with two applications of glyphosate POST. Some PRE-POST programs were not efficient in controlling Cenchrus echinatus, Ipomoea hederifolia and Ipomoea triloba. Sulfentrazone and diclosulam PRE-POST programs improved the control of Ipomoea triloba compared to sequential applications of glyphosate alone. No significant differences in soybean yield were observed between any of the herbicide treatments or study locations. The use of residual herbicides in preemergence followed by glyphosate in-crop postemergence provides consistent weed control and reducing early season weed competition. Furthermore, these programs utilize at least two herbicide modes of action for herbicide use diversity, which will be needed to stay ahead of resistance build-up, regardless of when weeds may appear.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the weed community in a raw sugarcane renovation area with three soil managements and peanut sowing in succession. The experiment was conducted during the 2007/08 season on a raw sugarcane area harvested without prior burning in the last five cuts. A randomized block design with treatments arranged in a split plot and arranged in four replications was used. The main treatments consisted of three cropping systems: conventional tillage, minimum tillage and direct planting, and subplots consisted in the absence (resting) or presence of crop rotation with peanuts. After 135 days from planting peanuts and 180 days of sugarcane harvest, the number of weeds m-2 was counted and the shoot dry biomass of the weeds collected was determined. The data were interpreted by analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey's test at 5% probability so that phytosociological indices a, b, c e d were calculated. The use of soil conservation tillage and peanut in rotation with sugarcane in the renovation areas is effective in controlling weeds and suppression of weed species difficult to control like Cyperus rotundus, Commelina bengalensis, Urochloa plantaginea, and Digitaria nuda.