992 resultados para Digital CRM platform
The Valanginian is marked by a major platform demise inducing a hiatus in the northern Tethyan neritic carbonate record from the top of the lower Valanginian to the lower Hauterivian. New biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic data from the Ollioules section (Provence Platform, southern France) are presented here, demonstrating that a large part of the upper Valanginian is preserved in an inner platform environment. The thick, upper Valanginian, aggrading carbonate succession is observed in an aborted rift domain, implying relatively low subsidence. In this context, a relatively long-term sea-level rise was required to sustain a keep-up style of carbonate production. Like the Apulian Platform, the remarkable preservation of the Provence Platform may have been favored by its remoteness from terrigenous source areas, as suggested by the low clastic inputs and low P-accumulation rates. Two main biotic community replacements are observed in Ollioules. The first saw the development of abundant microbialites and algae at the onset of the late Valanginian. A Tubiphytes concentration occurred during the coolest climatic conditions and the transition towards arid conditions, whereas the subsequent Lithocodium-Bacinella and orbitolinids assemblages developed under low nutrient conditions during a warmer interval. Both assemblages may have been triggered by increased alkalinity. The second community replacement saw the installation of coral- and rudist-dominated communities during the latest Valanginian to early Hauterivian. They indicate a change to oligotrophic, open marine conditions. Six medium-scale sequences have been defined in Ollioules, indicating short-term transgressive-regressive trends superimposed on a long-term transgression. Low nutrient inputs and relatively low subsidence in an aggradational context may explain the survival of the isolated Provence Carbonate Platform during a time of widespread drowning episodes and platform demise in the northern Tethyan domain. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Palvelukehitystoiminta sitoo huomattavan määrän resursseja ja on pitkäkestoista toimintaa. Innovatiivisuuteen tähtäämällä ja systemaattisella tuotekehitystyöllä yritys parantaa jatkuvuutta omassa liiketoiminnassaan. Alusta-ajattelu tuo uuden ulottuvuuden tuotteiden ja palveluiden kehitykseen. Alustan kehittäminen tukemaan tuote- ja palvelukehitystoimintaa ja yksinkertaistamaan tuote/palvelurakenteita antaa yrityksissä lisäpotentiaalia esimerkiksi lyhentyneiden kehitysaikojen, paremman kompleksisuuden hallinnan ja kustannustehokkuuden nousun myötä. Toimintojen tehostuminen yritystasolla saa aikaan mahdollisuuksien lisääntymisen nykyisillä liiketoimintasektoreilla. Palvelualustan kehityksellä päästään palvelurakenteen mallintamisen kautta parempaan liiketoiminnan hallitsemiseen ja systemaattisempaan tuotekehityksen läpivientiin. Palvelualustan yhtenä tärkeimpänä hyötynä on, että palvelun rakenteellisuus saadaan kuvattua alustaan. Lisäksi on tärkeää määritellä vastuutukset alustan kehityksessä, sekä pystyä mallintamaan informaation kulku (rajapinnat) prosesseissa.
A partir d"una anàlisi de la bibliografia especialitzada, es presenten els aspectes institucionals, econòmics i tècnics que cal tenir en compte per assegurar la sostenibilitat dels repositoris de preservació digital. En els aspectes institucionals s"assenyala la importància de la cooperació entre institucions. En l"apartat tècnic, l"anàlisi dels costos mostra que les despeses d"emmagatzematge tenen menys pes que no pas es pensa i també es destaca la interrelació entre les dificultats de finançament i les decisions tècniques que afecten el disseny dels repositoris. Finalment s"explica la utilitat de l"aplicació dels sistemes d"auditoria (ISO 27000, Esquema Nacional de Seguretat, DRAMBORA, TRAC) per comprovar la fiabilitat dels sistemes de preservació.
El concepte d'alfabetització digital ha evolucionat per diverses vies al llarg del temps pel que fa a l'enfocament teòric emprat per a investigar les seves implicacions en l'estudi de la divisió digital de gènere en diversos contextos de la vida real. L'objectiu principal d'aquest document consisteix a fer servir un enfocament interdisciplinari per a analitzar algunes de les llacunes teòriques i empíriques presents en l'estudi de la divisió digital de gènere. S'analitzen alguns dels estudis empírics existents sobre aquesta qüestió i es proposen futures línies de recerca, amb l'objectiu de cobrir algunes de les llacunes en la recerca relacionada amb les implicacions de l'alfabetització digital en l'anàlisi de la divisió digital de gènere.
Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia tärkeimpiä palveluyrityksen toimittajasuhteisiin ja toimitusketjun tehokkuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Case-yrityksenä tutkimuksessa oli monikielisen viestinnän palveluita tarjoava AAC Global Oy. Tutkimuksessa käsiteltiin toimittajasuhteita ja muitatärkeimpiä toimitusketjun tehokkuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä - aikaa, laatua, kustannuksia, tekniikkaa ja toimitusten jatkuvuutta - sekä eräitä erityisesti case-yrityksen kannalta tärkeitä seikkoja. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös AAC:n palvelunparantamiseksi kehittämää AMP-toimintamallia, sekä sitä, kuinka malli omalta osaltaan auttaa edistämään ketjun toimivuutta. Tutkimus jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Teoriaosuudessa luotua viitekehystä hyödynnettiin empiriaosankysely-, ja haastattelututkimusten pohjana. Tutkimus vahvistaa käsitystä siitä,että toimittajasuhteilla on palveluyrityksessä suuri vaikutus yrityksen suoritukseen ja koko toimitusketjuun.
Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten tietojohtamisen konseptia voidaansoveltaa asiakassuhteiden hallinnassa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä olen käyttänyt kirjallisuustutkimusta, jota on täydennetty yhdellä tapaustutkimuksella. Tietojohtaminen voidaan jakaa kahteen osakokonaisuuteen: tietämyksen hallintaan ja tietohallintoon. Tietämyksen hallinta käsittää ihmiset ja organisaation, kun taas tietohallinto käsittää tietojärjestelmät ja sovellukset. Tätä jaottelua voidaan soveltaa myös asiakassuhteiden (asiakkuuksien) hallintaan. Asiakkuuden hallinta voidaansamaan tapaan jakaa asiakastietämyksen hallintaan ja sitä tukevaan tietohallintoon. Näin ollen tietojohtamisen kehittämiseen rakennetut mallit ja menetelmät ovat sovellettavissa myös asiakkuuden hallinnan kehittämiseen. Tietojohtamisen konseptin ja tapaustutkimuksen pohjalta johtamani asiakkuuden hallinnan konsepti poikkeaa jonkin verran yleisesti käytetyistä asiakkuuden hallinnan teoreettisista malleista. Konseptini arkkitehtuuri perustuu visioon, muutosta kuvaaviin strategioihin sekä yhteisesti sovittuihin mittareihin, joilla asiakkuuden hallinnan eriosa-alueiden tarkoituksenmukaisuutta ja tehokkuutta arvioidaan. Keskeisenä tavoitteena on varmistaa asiakastietämyksen kartuttaminen ja tehokas hyödyntäminen kaikissa asiakasrajapinnoissa. Tähän päästään yhdistämällä asiakasprosessit ja organisaation omat toimintaprosessit mahdollisimman saumattomaksi kokonaisuudeksi mm. tietohallinnon palveluja ja monikanavaisuuden ideaa hyödyntämällä. Asiakkuuden hallinnan kehittämisen kannalta on tärkeää ymmärtää, millaisia mahdollisuuksia tietojohtamisen eri mallit ja yleisemmin koko tietoyhteiskuntakehitys antavat organisaatioiden kilpailukyvyn tehostamiseen. Keskeistä on luoda edellytykset tiedon vapaalle virralle, verkostoitumiselle ja innovaatioille unohtamatta kuitenkaan analyysin ja systemaattisten toimintatapojen merkitystä yrityksen toiminnan kokonaisuudessa
BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of malignant hematologic diseases has become increasingly complex during the last decade. It is based on the interpretation of results from different laboratory analyses, which range from microscopy to gene expression profiling. Recently, a method for the analysis of RNA phenotypes has been developed, the nCounter technology (Nanostring® Technologies), which allows for simultaneous quantification of hundreds of RNA molecules in biological samples. We evaluated this technique in a Swiss multi-center study on eighty-six samples from acute leukemia patients. METHODS: mRNA and protein profiles were established for normal peripheral blood and bone marrow samples. Signal intensities of the various tested antigens with surface expression were similar to those found in previously performed Affymetrix microarray analyses. Acute leukemia samples were analyzed for a set of twenty-two validated antigens and the Pearson Correlation Coefficient for nCounter and flow cytometry results was calculated. RESULTS: Highly significant values between 0.40 and 0.97 were found for the twenty-two antigens tested. A second correlation analysis performed on a per sample basis resulted in concordant results between flow cytometry and nCounter in 44-100% of the antigens tested (mean = 76%), depending on the number of blasts present in a sample, the homogeneity of the blast population, and the type of leukemia (AML or ALL). CONCLUSIONS: The nCounter technology allows for fast and easy depiction of a mRNA profile from hematologic samples. This technology has the potential to become a valuable tool for the diagnosis of acute leukemias, in addition to multi-color flow cytometry.
Testbeds are a stage between the simulation and the production stages. To this end they must be as close as possible to production environments (i.e. real hardware, on the field deployments) while also keeping the traits of experimentation facilities (i.e. fault tolerance, ease of deployment, testing and data collection). This paper presents WiBed, a FOSS platform for WiFi testbeds based on OpenWRT Linux made to run oncommodity IEEE802.11 WiFi routers part of the Community-lab.net project, a global testbed for Community networks. WiBedhas been designed to support realistic low layer network exper-iments (according to the OSI model). This work recolects thedetails of the architecture, design and implementation of WiBed consolidated during its operation as a testbed. In addition to a set of routing experimentation results obtained during the Wireless Battlemesh v7 where WiBed was used as testbed platform.
Este proyecto consiste en diseñar el algoritmo de control de un autogiro no tripulado. Su aplicación principal es llevar a cabo tareas rutinarias o peligrosas para el piloto como, por ejemplo, extinción de incendios, evaluación de riesgo químico o vigilancia de lugares de acceso restringido. Se realiza un estudio del movimiento del vehículo para obtener su modelo dinámico. A partir de las ecuaciones que describen su movimiento, se realiza una simulación numérica del vehículo. Se incorpora el controlador diseñado y se evalúa su funcionamiento. Finalmente, se implementa el sistema en un microcontrolador.
Sähköinen liiketoiminta tuo monia mahdollisuuksia, mutta myös rajoitteita yrityksen liiketoimintaan. Se avaa monia mahdollisuuksia esimerkiksi e-kaupan ja e-hankintojen muodossa. Verkkokauppapaikkoja käytetään eniten tiedon etsimiseen, joten kattavat verkkosivut on ehdoton edellytys yrityksille. Savonlinnan Oopperajuhlien toimeksiantona tutkittiin verkkoliiketoiminnan kehittämistä osana Oopperajuhlien kokonaisuutta.
In the era of fast product development and customized product requirements, the concept of product platform has proven its power in practice. The product platform approach has enabledcompanies to increase the speed of product introductions while simultaneously benefit from efficiency and effectiveness in the development and production activities. The product platforms are technological bases, which can be used to develop several derivative products, and hence, the differentiation can be pushed closer to the product introduction. The product platform development has some specific features, which differ somewhat from the product development of single products. The time horizon is longer, since the product platform¿slife cycle is longer than individual product's. The long time-horizon also proposes higher market risks and the use of new technologies increases the technological risks involved. The end-customer interface might be far away, but there is not a lack of needs aimed at the product platforms ¿ in fact, the product platform development is very much balancing between the varying needs set to it by thederivative products. This dissertation concentrated on product platform development from the internal product lines' perspective of a singlecase. Altogether six product platform development factors were identified: 'Strategic and business fit of product platform', 'Project communication and deliverables', 'Cooperation with product platform development', 'Innovativeness of product platform architecture and features', 'Reliability and quality of product platform', and 'Promised schedules and final product platform meeting the needs'. From the six factors, three were found to influence quite strongly the overall satisfaction, namely 'Strategic and business fit of product platform', 'Reliability and quality of product platform', and 'Promised schedules and final product platform meeting the needs'. Hence, these three factors might be the ones a new product platform development unit should concentrate first in order to satisfy their closest customers, the product lines. The 'Project communication and deliverables' and 'Innovativeness of product platform architecture and features' were weaker contributors to the overall satisfaction. Overall, the factors explained quite well the satisfaction of the product lines with product platform development. Along the research, several interesting aspects about the very basic nature of the product platform development were found. The long time horizon of the product platform development caused challenges in the area of strategic fIT - a conflict between the short-term requirements and long term needs. The fact that a product platform was used as basis of several derivative products resulted into varying needs, and hence the match with the needs and the strategies. The opinions, that the releases of the larger product lines were given higher priorities, give an interesting contribution to the strategy theory of powerand politics. The varying needs of the product lines, the strengths of them as well as large number of concurrent releases set requirements to prioritization. Hence, the research showed the complicated nature of the product platform development in the case unIT - the very basic nature of the product platform development might be its strength (gaining efficiency and effectiveness in product development and product launches) but also the biggest challenge (developing products to meet several needs). As a single case study, the results of this research are not directly generalizable to all the product platform development activities. Instead, the research serves best as a starting point for additional research as well as gives some insights about the factors and challengesof one product development unit.
Actualmente es una realidad la dificultad del cobro por servicios on line. Sobre todo si estos servicios son de carácter generalista y se reproducen en muchos sitios web. Las actuales iniciativas de algunos periódicos para cobrar no tienen todavía el suficiente valor añadido para que los usuarios paguen. Muchas veces el tráfico que pierden, y por lo tanto los ingresos de publicidad on line que dejan de ingresar, representan una mayor cantidad económica que el dinero que les suponen las nuevas suscripciones. En el presente trabajo se pretende estudiar el comportamiento de los lectores de diarios on line, identificando cuales son los principales elementos que este tipo de lectores valoran para posteriormente realizar una buena estrategia de contenidos de pago.
La guia de contingut digital accessible està dissenyada per donar informació pas a pas sobre com estructurar, formatar i escriure un document realitzat amb Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer o Microsoft PowerPoint perquè siguin accessibles. Es descriu com transformar aquests documents a format PDF i mantenir, alhora, les seves propietats d’accessibilitat. També es descriuen aspectes d’accessibilitat que cal tenir en compte a l’hora d’introduir contingut web mitjançant les Sakai i OpenCMS.
Semantic Web applications take off is being slower than expected, at least with respect to “real-world” applications and users. One of the main reasons for this lack of adoption is that most Semantic Web user interfaces are still immature from the usability and accessibility points of view. This is due to the novelty of these technologies, but this also motivates the exploration of alternative interaction paradigms, different from the “traditional” Web or Desktop applications ones. Our proposal is realized in the Rhizomer platform, which explores the possibilities of the object–action interaction paradigm at the Web scale. This paradigm is well suited for heterogeneous resource spaces such as those common in the Semantic Web. Resources, described by metadata, correspond to the objects in the paradigm. Semantic web services, which are dynamically associated to these objects, correspond to the actions. The platform is being put into practice in the context of a research project in order to build an open application for media distribution based on Semantic Web technologies. Moreover, its usability and accessibility have been evaluated in this real setting and compared to similar systems.
In order to improve the management of copyright in the Internet, known as Digital Rights Management, there is the need for a shared language for copyright representation. Current approaches are based on purely syntactic solutions, i.e. a grammar that defines a rights expression language. These languages are difficult to put into practise due to the lack of explicit semantics that facilitate its implementation. Moreover, they are simple from the legal point of view because they are intended just to model the usage licenses granted by content providers to end-users. Thus, they ignore the copyright framework that lies behind and the whole value chain from creators to end-users. Our proposal is to use a semantic approach based on semantic web ontologies. We detail the development of a copyright ontology in order to put this approach into practice. It models the copyright core concepts for creation, rights and the basic kinds of actions that operate on content. Altogether, it allows building a copyright framework for the complete value chain. The set of actions operating on content are our smaller building blocks in order to cope with the complexity of copyright value chains and statements and, at the same time, guarantee a high level of interoperability and evolvability. The resulting copyright modelling framework is flexible and complete enough to model many copyright scenarios, not just those related to the economic exploitation of content. The ontology also includes moral rights, so it is possible to model this kind of situations as it is shown in the included example model for a withdrawal scenario. Finally, the ontology design and the selection of tools result in a straightforward implementation. Description Logic reasoners are used for license checking and retrieval. Rights are modelled as classes of actions, action patterns are modelled also as classes and the same is done for concrete actions. Then, to check if some right or license grants an action is reduced to check for class subsumption, which is a direct functionality of these reasoners.