1000 resultados para Diabetis -- Tractament
There are conflicting data on the prevalence of coronary events and the quality of the management of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) inHIV-infected patients. Methods.We performed a retrospective descriptive study to determine the prevalence of coronary events and to evaluate the management of CVRF in a Mediterranean cohort of 3760 HIV-1-infected patients from April 1983 through June 2011. Results.We identified 81 patients with a history of a coronary event (prevalence 2.15%); 83% of them suffered an acute myocardial infarction. At the time of the coronary event, CVRF were highly prevalent (60.5% hypertension, 48% dyslipidemia, and 16% diabetes mellitus).OtherCVRF, such as smoking, hypertension, lack of exercise, and body mass index, were not routinely assessed. After the coronary event, a significant decrease in total cholesterol ( � = 0.025) and LDLcholesterol ( � = 0.004) was observed. However, the percentage of patients whomaintained LDL-cholesterol > 100mg/dL remained stable (from 46% to 41%, � = 0.103). Patients using protease inhibitors associated with a favorable lipid profile increased over time ( � = 0.028). Conclusions.The prevalence of coronary events in our cohort is low. CVRF prevalence is high and theirmanagement is far from optimal. More aggressive interventions should be implemented to diminish cardiovascular risk in HIV-infected patients.
In this paper, a new algorithm for blind inversion of Wiener systems is presented. The algorithm is based on minimization of mutual information of the output samples. This minimization is done through a Minimization-Projection (MP) approach, using a nonparametric “gradient” of mutual information.
A Wiener system is a linear time-invariant filter, followed by an invertible nonlinear distortion. Assuming that the input signal is an independent and identically distributed (iid) sequence, we propose an algorithm for estimating the input signal only by observing the output of the Wiener system. The algorithm is based on minimizing the mutual information of the output samples, by means of a steepest descent gradient approach.
This paper proposes a very simple method for increasing the algorithm speed for separating sources from PNL mixtures or invertingWiener systems. The method is based on a pertinent initialization of the inverse system, whose computational cost is very low. The nonlinear part is roughly approximated by pushing the observations to be Gaussian; this method provides a surprisingly good approximation even when the basic assumption is not fully satisfied. The linear part is initialized so that outputs are decorrelated. Experiments shows the impressive speed improvement.
Electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings are, most of the times, corrupted by spurious artifacts, which should be rejected or cleaned by the practitioner. As human scalp EEG screening is error-prone, automatic artifact detection is an issue of capital importance, to ensure objective and reliable results. In this paper we propose a new approach for discrimination of muscular activity in the human scalp quantitative EEG (QEEG), based on the time-frequency shape analysis. The impact of the muscular activity on the EEG can be evaluated from this methodology. We present an application of this scoring as a preprocessing step for EEG signal analysis, in order to evaluate the amount of muscular activity for two set of EEG recordings for dementia patients with early stage of Alzheimer’s disease and control age-matched subjects.
In this paper we propose the use of the independent component analysis (ICA) [1] technique for improving the classification rate of decision trees and multilayer perceptrons [2], [3]. The use of an ICA for the preprocessing stage, makes the structure of both classifiers simpler, and therefore improves the generalization properties. The hypothesis behind the proposed preprocessing is that an ICA analysis will transform the feature space into a space where the components are independent, and aligned to the axes and therefore will be more adapted to the way that a decision tree is constructed. Also the inference of the weights of a multilayer perceptron will be much easier because the gradient search in the weight space will follow independent trajectories. The result is that classifiers are less complex and on some databases the error rate is lower. This idea is also applicable to regression
In this paper we show how a nonlinear preprocessing of speech signal -with high noise- based on morphological filters improves the performance of robust algorithms for pitch tracking (RAPT). This result happens for a very simple morphological filter. More sophisticated ones could even improve such results. Mathematical morphology is widely used in image processing and has a great amount of applications. Almost all its formulations derived in the two-dimensional framework are easily reformulated to be adapted to one-dimensional context
La memòria del projecte que us presentem, tracta el procés de realització del Treball Final de Grau, M.A.T.. Aquest és un projecte audiovisual i multimèdia creat per set alumnes de Comunicació Audiovisual de la Universitat de Vic. El grup encarregat de la part audiovisual, format per la Dámaris Alonso, en Guillem Bover, en Raúl Caso i la Irina Mora, ha creat un curtmetratge lineal. M.A.T. és un projecte que sorgeix per impulsar el gènere del thriller dins de les produccions catalanes. A més a més, la nostra idea ha consistit en generar un producte que es pogués distribuir a través de plataformes interactives. Per aquest motiu, el projecte es divideix en un curtmetratge audiovisual i un joc interactiu inclòs a la pàgina oficial. Els integrants del grup ens vam encarregar de desenvolupar la peça audiovisual, la qual narra una història de venjança i traïció en un entorn de la màfia actual del nostre país. Una de les principals característiques d’aquest projecte és el tractament del temps i del ritme de la narració. És a dir, hem creat una trama audiovisual que s’estén durant quinze anys i hem generat el suspens que s’escau segons els paràmetres del gènere cinematogràfic de la peça. Un factor clau d’aquest projecte és una partida d’escacs, la qual juga un paper molt important, no tan sols en la història del curtmetratge, sinó perquè és la forma d’interacció que fa servir l’usuari a la pàgina web.
Des de l'Educació Ambiental es pot treballar de moltes maneres. En cadascuna d'elles hi ha una determinada interpretació del medi, de la seva definició i caracterització, de com cal abordar-ne l'estudi i el tractament, de l'abast de les accions educatives que s'hi refereixen, etc.
Este artículo presenta el material didáctico elaborado para facilitar la tarea educativa en las mujeres diagnosticadas de diabetes gestacional.
Este artículo presenta el material didáctico elaborado para facilitar la tarea educativa en las mujeres diagnosticadas de diabetes gestacional.
Del fill de mare diabètica (FMD) s´ha dit que es tracta d'un autèntic 'experiment de la natura' per tractar-se d'un ésser que al llarg dels seus creixement i desenvolupament intrauterins es relaciona amb un medi ambient diferent al d'una gestació normal. Enfront d'aquesta anomalia, l'embrió primer i el fetus més tard no resten passius, sinó que generen una resposta adaptativa al medi estrany arribant a un altre nivell d'homeostasi però definitivament compensadora de la nova situació. Ara bé, en néixer i 'normalitzar-se' l'ambient, es fa palesa la malaltia...
In this paper we present ClInt (Clinical Interview), a bilingual Spanish-Catalan spoken corpus that contains 15 hours of clinical interviews. It consists of audio files aligned with multiple-level transcriptions comprising orthographic, phonetic and morphological information, as well as linguistic and extralinguistic encoding. This is a previously non-existent resource for these languages and it offers a wide-ranging exploitation potential in a broad variety of disciplines such as Linguistics, Natural Language Processing and related fields.
CoCo is a collaborative web interface for the compilation of linguistic resources. In this demo we are presenting one of its possible applications: paraphrase acquisition.