913 resultados para Deterministic Expander
O crescente aumento da demanda de energia elétrica tem forçado o avanço tecnológico dos equipamentos responsáveis pelo transporte desta energia fazendo com que estes trabalhem sob tensões cada vez maiores, principalmente por razões econômicas. Mas este fato implica diretamente no incremento do diâmetro do condutor, o que acarreta elevação de seus custos, bem como das estruturas que devem suportá-lo. Para atender a esta necessidade sem aumentar o custo de projeto da linha de transmissão, surgiu a idéia de utilizar mais de um condutor por fase, montados paralelamente entre si a pequenas distâncias, o que é conseguido através da inserção de espaçadores montados a intervalos regulares ao longo dos vãos das linhas. Por outro lado, problemas mecânicos de ordem operacional das linhas podem ocorrer, como, por exemplo, a ruptura total ou parcial dos cabos e/ou espaçadores, proveniente de excitações dinâmicas devidas ao vento. Assim, este trabalho consiste no estudo do comportamento dinâmico de feixe de cabos de linhas aéreas de transmissão, através de um modelo de elementos finitos. O modelo reproduz o acoplamento dos cabos aos espaçadoresamortecedores da linha de transmissão e às estruturas de ancoragem, considerando o efeito de não-linearidade geométrica, decorrente dos grandes deslocamentos dos cabos, bem como a continuidade da linha, ou seja, os vãos adjacentes, que são representados por rigidez equivalente no modelo. O carregamento de vento é modelado através de um processo não deterministico a partir de suas propriedades estatísticas, tal que fica subdividido em duas partes: uma parte média, analisada de forma estática; e uma parte variável, analisada de forma dinâmica. Os resultados obtidos ao longo desse estudo mostram que a parcela variável do carregamento leva a uma resposta dinâmica do modelo que pode ser determinante no seu comportamento. Assim, o procedimento tradicional de assumir o carregamento do vento como uma excitação estática pode levar, em alguns casos a conseqüências desastrosas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This article proposes a deterministic radio propagation model using dyadic Green's function to predict the value of the electric field. Dyadic is offered as an efficient mathematical tool which has symbolic simplicity and robustness, as well as taking account of the anisotropy of the medium. The proposed model is an important contribution for the UHF band because it considers climatic conditions by changing the constants of the medium. Most models and recommendations that include an approach for climatic conditions, are designed for satellite links, mainly Ku and Ka bands. The results obtained by simulation are compared and validated with data from a Digital Television Station measurement campaigns conducted in the Belém city in Amazon region during two seasons. The proposed model was able to provide satisfactory results by differentiating between the curves for dry and wet soil and these corroborate the measured data, (the RMS errors are between 2-5 dB in the case under study).
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Biometria - IBB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Adjusting autoregressive and mixed models to growth data fits discontinuous functions, which makes it difficult to determine critical points. In this study we propose a new approach to determine the critical stability point of cattle growth using a first-order autoregressive model and a mixed model with random asymptote, using the deterministic portion of the models. Three functions were compared: logistic, Gompertz, and Richards. The Richards autoregressive model yielded the best fit, but the critical growth values were adjusted very early, and for this purpose the Gompertz model was more appropriate.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In uncertainly economic scenarios, an economic feasibility analysis must be done to accept a project based on investment criteria, such as NPV and IRR, mainly because the shareholders tend to invest their budget in a project if it has a great chance to return their investments. The studied company outsources all of its foundry services, what makes it very dependent of its suppliers, because the products have a lower quality level, long delivery periods and high prices. Therefore, this work will analyze the project of building an iron-casting foundry to decrease the dependence of its suppliers. In order to develop this research, all needed data related to the construction of the foundry and sales were collected to create deterministic and probabilistic (Monte Carlo Simulation) cash flows using MsExcel® and Oracle's Crystal Ball® software. As a result, the project was found to be risky by the NPV and IRR in the case of this new production line supplying only the internal needs. However, when the company offers its services to the foundry market, the project turns to be feasible
In this study we analyzed the influence of demographic parameters on the population dynamics of Tribolium castaneum, combining empiricism and population theory to analyze the different effects of environmental heterogeneity, by employing Ricker models, designed to study a two-patch system taking into account deterministic and stochastic analysis. Results were expressed by bifurcation diagrams and stochastic simulations. Dynamic equilibrium was widely investigated with results suggesting specific parametric spaces in response to environmental heterogeneity and migration. Population equilibrium patterns, synchrony and persistence in T. castaneum were discussed
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper some aspects on chaotic behavior and minimality in planar piecewise smooth vector fields theory are treated. The occurrence of non-deterministic chaos is observed and the concept of orientable minimality is introduced. Some relations between minimality and orientable minimality are also investigated and the existence of new kinds of non-trivial minimal sets in chaotic systems is observed. The approach is geometrical and involves the ordinary techniques of non-smooth systems.
Immediate reutilization of the expanding action in a case of rapid maxillary expansion surgically assisted. The orthopedic rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and rapid maxillary expansion surgically assisted (RMESA) are conducted with the aim of giving an appropriate jaw, capable of providing a normal occlusion. In extreme cases, where there is a severe atresia, it is necessary to perform an expansion beyond that allowed by the expander, followed by another conventional device or a butterfly expander, when the atresia is in the anterior maxillary region. In this situation, there are two options: wait about 90 days to allow intermaxillary suture restructuring and perform a new RME / RMESA or proceed immediately to the expansion process. Considering the biological cost, financial and clinical time, the procedure of reusing the immediate expander action becomes the technique of choice in these cases, been the operational procedure performed simplified and in just four steps. This work will show a case report where, after accomplishing the RMESA was observed that even after changing the shape of the maxillary arch, the severity of atresia could not be corrected, especially in the anterior region, and more expansion was needed. Aiming to correct the atresia in the anterior maxilla, the technique used was to reuse the immediate expander action through the change of an intraoral screw expander for a conventional butterfly type screw expander.