981 resultados para Dangerous consumptions


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Globalization as progress of economic development has increased population socioeconomical vulnerability when unequal wealth distribution within economic development process constitutes the main rule, with widening the gap between rich and poors by environmental pricing. Econological vulnerability is therefore increasing too, as dangerous substance and techniques should produce polluted effluents and industrial or climatic risk increasing (Woloszyn, Quenault, Faburel, 2012). To illustrate and model this process, we propose to introduce an analogical induction-model to describe both vulnerability situations and associated resilience procedures. At this aim, we first develop a well-known late 80?s model of socio-economic crack-up, known as 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars', which presents economics as a social extension of natural energy systems. This last, also named 'E-model', is constituted by three passive components, potential energy, kinetic energy, and energy dissipation, thus allowing economical data to be treated as a thermodynamical system. To extend this model to social and ecological sustainability pillars, we propose to built an extended E(Economic)-S(Social)-O(Organic) model, based on the three previous components, as an open model considering feedbacks as evolution sources. An applicative illustration of this model will then be described, through this summer's american severe drought event analysis


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The increase in global mean temperatures resulting from climate change has wide reaching consequences for the earth's ecosystems and other natural systems. Many studies have been devoted to evaluating the distribution and effects of these changes. We go a step further and evaluate global changes to the heat index, a measure of temperature as perceived by humans. Heat index, which is computed from temperature and relative humidity, is more important than temperature for the health of humans and other animals. Even in cases where the heat index does not reach dangerous levels from a health perspective, it has been shown to be an important factor in worker productivity and thus in economic productivity. We compute heat index from dewpoint temperature and absolute temperature 2 m above ground from the ERA-Interim reanalysis dataset for the years 1979-2013. The data is provided aggregated to daily minima, means and maxima. Furthermore, the data is temporally aggregated to monthly and yearly values and spatially aggregated to the level of countries after being weighted by population density in order to demonstrate its usefulness for the analysis of its impact on human health and productivity. The resulting data deliver insights into the spatiotemporal development of near-ground heat index during the course of the past 3 decades. It is shown that the impact of changing heat index is unevenly distributed through space and time, affecting some areas differently than others. The likelihood of dangerous heat index events has increased globally. Also, heat index climate groups that would formerly be expected closer to the tropics have spread latitudinally to include areas closer to the poles. The data can serve in future studies as a basis for evaluating and understanding the evolution of heat index in the course of climate change, as well as its impact on human health and productivity.


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The Middle America active continental margin is the best-sampled active plate margin to date, having been drilled during Legs 84, 67, and 66. With nine sites drilled on the continental slope of Guatemala and an additional site drilled on the Costa Rican slope, a summary of slope sediments and sedimentary processes can be made. Sediments are easily subdivided into a thick apron of Neogene and Quaternary volcanically derived hemipelagic and turbidite mud and mudstone and a thinner, more varied assemblage of mostly Paleogene mudstone, radiolarian mudstone, and limestone. This latter assemblage may contain hiatuses or be completely lacking between slope deposits and basement. Cores from the foot of the continental slope (Core 567A-19) consist of Campanian micrite. The pre-Neogene section is much thicker and of more terrigenous provenance beneath the forearc basin landward of the forearc structural high than on the continental slope. Sedimentary processes of the Neogene and Quaternary slope sediments include reworking of hemipelagic and turbidite deposits. Redeposition by slumping, plastic flow, and turbidity current-documentable through benthic foraminiferal analysis-occurs in intracanyon and canyon settings. Erosion by slumping and by turbidity current and deposition of mud or sand in canyons and in local depressions on the continental slope and different rates of sediment accumulation result in dramatic thickness variations of lithologic units over small distances in localized pockets of sand in small filled canyons on the slope or in sediment ponds, and in high-relief basement topography. The age of sediment overlying igneous basement ranges from Cretaceous to Quaternary. Gas hydrate was visible or inferred present at every site drilled during Leg 84. Nevertheless, except for a small amount in the last core, it was not recovered in sufficient quantities to be visible at Site 568, a site specifically chosen for the study of hydrate and located near Site 496, which was abandoned during Leg 67 because of the dangerous abundance of hydrates. The association of hydrate with porous, coarser sediment results in a distribution as localized and unpredictable as the slope sands off Guatemala, which do not occur in beds coherent enough to produce acoustic reflection. Although the normal lithologic section at Sites 567 and 496 limits the volume of sediment that could be part of an accretionary prism offshore Guatemala and the volume of sediment in the Trench axis is not sufficient to argue for significant accumulation of Cocos Plate sediments, the varied lithology and attenuated thickness of pre-Neogene sediment seaward of the forearc structural high do not exclude earlier accretion from the history of the Guatemalan continental margin.


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This paper examines whether the IMF high interest rate policy was suitable for crisis-ridden East Asian economies. Using an "overshoot" model similar to that of Dornbusch's (1976), it shows that this sort of policy might cause an unnecessary deflationary adjusting process and have no effect on containing the real depreciation of exchange rates in the long run. The study also demonstrates that Thai economic data coincides quite well with the model presented here. Finally, it points out that the high interest policy itself might provoke high risk-premium, the existence of which, in turn, justifies the policy. This means that the policy has a self-fulfilling property. In conclusion, a "one-size-fits-all" adaptation of high interest rate policy in a currency crisis is very dangerous in general, and was inappropriate for East Asia. The desirable policy would have been to let currencies depreciate and keep interest rates stable.


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Despite continuous efforts to improve the coverage, the access to electricity remains insufficient in many developing countries, particularly in geographically challenged locations, due mostly to the high cost of grid extension. To rigorously investigate the effectiveness of solar products as an alternative in remote areas, we conducted a randomized controlled trial in river islands of northern Bangladesh where no grid-based electricity is available. We found that solar lanterns significantly increased home study hours among schooled children, especially in the night and before exams. School attendance rate also initially increases due to the provision of solar lamps, although such effects fade away over time. The increased study time and initial school attendance rate, however, did not improve children's exam results. We also found marginal improvements on health-related indicators, such as eye redness and irritation, but negligible impacts on respiratory indicators. Households that received solar lanterns substituted the traditional lighting sources with modern technology, leading to a significant decrease in annual biomass fuel consumptions, particularly kerosene. Finally, treated households showed a greater self-reported willingness to purchase solar products compared with the control group.


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The intense activity in the construction sector during the last decade has generated huge volumes of construction and demolition (C&D) waste. In average, Europe has generated around 890 million tonnes of construction and demolition waste per year. Although now the activity has entered in a phase of decline, due to the change of the economic cycle, we don’t have to forget all the problems caused by such waste, or rather, by their management which is still far from achieving the overall target of 70% for C&D waste --excludes soil and stones not containing dangerous substances-- should be recycled in the EU Countries by 2020 (Waste Framework Directive). But in fact, the reality is that only 50% of the C&D waste generated in EU is recycled and 40% of it corresponds to the recycling of soil and stones not containing dangerous substances. Aware of this situation, the European Countries are implementing national policies as well as different measures to prevent the waste that can be avoidable and to promote measures to increase recycling and recovering. In this aspect, this article gives an overview of the amount of C&D waste generated in European countries, as well as the amount of this waste that is being recycled and the different measures that European countries have applied to solve this situation.


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La finalidad de este proyecto consiste en realizar un estudio de la gestión del agua del complejo minero de carbón que SAMCA tiene en Ariño, así como recoger distintas iniciativas de mejora para su optimización en la actualidad. Por otro lado, también se pretende analizar la problemática de la posible clausura de la mina de interior “Sierra de Arcos”, una de las principales aportadoras de agua al sistema, y se presentan las posibles opciones para el aprovechamiento óptimo de las aguas superficiales y subterráneas de cara al futuro de la explotación para garantizar un balance hídrico en el que los aportes y los consumos de agua estén equilibrados. Después de este exhaustivo análisis, se deciden cuáles son las mejores opciones desde un punto de vista tanto técnico como económico. ABSTRACT The purpose of this Project is to carry out a study about the management of SAMCA´s coalmine complex in Ariño, as well as gathering a range of initiatives to help optimizing the present system. Additionally, the study sets out to analyze the possible problems arising from the closing of “Sierra de Arcos” underground mine, contributor of one of the main sources of water into the system. Based on the analysis, a series of possible options are presented to reach the ideal utilization of the superficial and underground water. These proposals aim to ensure an optimal water balance sheet between the water contributions and the water consumptions. The results obtained from this exhaustive analysis are used to reach a conclusion for the project by presenting what are considered the best options from both, a technical and an economic point of view.


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The paper describes the main features of a technical Recommendation first draft on Seismic Actions on Bridges, promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works (MOPT). Although much more research is needed to clarify the seismic behaviour of the vast class of problems present in port structures the current state of the art allows at least a classificaton of subjects and the establishment of minimum requirements to guide the design. Also the use of more refined methods for specially dangerous situations needs some general guidelines that contribute to mantein the design under reasonable safety margins. The Recommendations of the Spanish MOPT are a first try in those directions.


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The paper describes the main features of a Technical Recommendation first draft on Seismic Action on port structures promoted recently by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works (MOPT). Although much more research is needed to clarify the seismic behaviour of the vast class of problems present in port structures the current state of the art allows at least a classification of subjects and the establishment of minimum requirements to guide the design. Also the use of more refined methods for specially dangerous situations needs some general guidelines that contribute to mantein the design under reasonable safety margins. The Recommendations of the Spanish MOPT are a first try in those directions.


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The response of high-speed bridges at resonance, particularly under flexural vibrations, constitutes a subject of research for many scientists and engineers at the moment. The topic is of great interest because, as a matter of fact, such kind of behaviour is not unlikely to happen due to the elevated operating speeds of modern rains, which in many cases are equal to or even exceed 300 km/h ( [1,2]). The present paper addresses the subject of the evolution of the wheel-rail contact forces during resonance situations in simply supported bridges. Based on a dimensionless formulation of the equations of motion presented in [4], very similar to the one introduced by Klasztorny and Langer in [3], a parametric study is conducted and the contact forces in realistic situations analysed in detail. The effects of rail and wheel irregularities are not included in the model. The bridge is idealised as an Euler-Bernoulli beam, while the train is simulated by a system consisting of rigid bodies, springs and dampers. The situations such that a severe reduction of the contact force could take place are identified and compared with typical situations in actual bridges. To this end, the simply supported bridge is excited at resonace by means of a theoretical train consisting of 15 equidistant axles. The mechanical characteristics of all axles (unsprung mass, semi-sprung mass, and primary suspension system) are identical. This theoretical train permits the identification of the key parameters having an influence on the wheel-rail contact forces. In addition, a real case of a 17.5 m bridges traversed by the Eurostar train is analysed and checked against the theoretical results. The influence of three fundamental parameters is investigated in great detail: a) the ratio of the fundamental frequency of the bridge and natural frequency of the primary suspension of the vehicle; b) the ratio of the total mass of the bridge and the semi-sprung mass of the vehicle and c) the ratio between the length of the bridge and the characteristic distance between consecutive axles. The main conclusions derived from the investigation are: The wheel-rail contact forces undergo oscillations during the passage of the axles over the bridge. During resonance, these oscillations are more severe for the rear wheels than for the front ones. If denotes the span of a simply supported bridge, and the characteristic distance between consecutive groups of loads, the lower the value of , the greater the oscillations of the contact forces at resonance. For or greater, no likelihood of loss of wheel-rail contact has been detected. The ratio between the frequency of the primary suspension of the vehicle and the fundamental frequency of the bridge is denoted by (frequency ratio), and the ratio of the semi-sprung mass of the vehicle (mass of the bogie) and the total mass of the bridge is denoted by (mass ratio). For any given frequency ratio, the greater the mass ratio, the greater the oscillations of the contact forces at resonance. The oscillations of the contact forces at resonance, and therefore the likelihood of loss of wheel-rail contact, present a minimum for approximately between 0.5 and 1. For lower or higher values of the frequency ratio the oscillations of the contact forces increase. Neglecting the possible effects of torsional vibrations, the metal or composite bridges with a low linear mass have been found to be the ones where the contact forces may suffer the most severe oscillations. If single-track, simply supported, composite or metal bridges were used in high-speed lines, and damping ratios below 1% were expected, the minimum contact forces at resonance could drop to dangerous values. Nevertheless, this kind of structures is very unusual in modern high-speed railway lines.


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La situación actual del mercado energético en España y el imparable aumento de las tasas por parte de las eléctricas, está fomentando la búsqueda de fuentes de energía alternativas que permitan a la población poder abastecerse de electricidad, sin tener que pagar unos costes tan elevados. Para cubrir esta necesidad, la energía fotovoltaica y sobretodo el autoconsumo con inyección a red o balance neto, está adquiriendo cada vez más importancia dentro del mundo energético. Pero la penetración de esta tecnología en la Red Eléctrica Española tiene un freno, la desconfianza por parte del operador de la red, ya que la fotovoltaica es una fuente de energía intermitente, que puede introducir inestabilidades en el sistema en caso de alta penetración. Por ello se necesita ganar la confianza de las eléctricas, haciendo que sea una energía predecible, que aporte potencia a la red eléctrica cuando se le pida y que opere participando en la regulación de la frecuencia del sistema eléctrico. Para tal fin, el grupo de investigación de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos, perteneciente al IES de la UPM, está llevando a cabo un proyecto de investigación denominado PV CROPS, financiado por la Comisión Europea, y que tiene por objetivo desarrollar estas estrategias de gestión. En este contexto, el objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera consiste en implementar un Banco de Ensayos con Integración de Baterías en Sistemas FV Conectados a Red, que permita desarrollar, ensayar y validar estas estrategias. Aprovechando la disponibilidad para usar el Hogar Digital, instalado en la EUITT de la UPM, hemos montado el banco de ensayos en un laboratorio contiguo, y así, poder utilizar este Hogar como un caso real de consumos energéticos de una vivienda. Este banco de ensayos permitirá obtener información de la energía generada por la instalación fotovoltaica y del consumo real de la "casa" anexa, para desarrollar posteriormente estrategias de gestión de la electricidad. El Banco de Ensayos está compuesto por tres bloques principales, interconectados entre sí:  Subsistema de Captación de Datos y Comunicación. Encargado de monitorizar los elementos energéticos y de enviar la información recopilada al Subsistema de Control. Formado por analizadores de red eléctrica, monofásicos y de continua, y una pasarela orientada a la conversión del medio físico Ethernet a RS485.  Subsistema de Control. Punto de observación y recopilación de toda la información que proviene de los elementos energéticos. Es el subsistema donde se crearán y se implementarán estrategias de control energético. Compuesto por un equipo Pxie, controlador empotrado en un chasis de gama industrial, y un equipo PC Host, compuesto por una workstation y tres monitores.  Subsistema de Energía. Formado por los elementos que generan, controlan o consumen energía eléctrica, en el Banco de Ensayos. Constituido por una pérgola FV, un inversor, un inversor bidireccional y un bloque de baterías. El último paso ha sido llevar a cabo un Ejemplo de Aplicación Práctica, con el que hemos probado que el Banco de Ensayos está listo para usarse, es operativo y completamente funcional en operaciones de monitorización de generación energética fotovoltaica y consumo energético. ABSTRACT. The current situation of the energetic market in Spain and the unstoppable increase of the tax on the part of the electrical companies, is promoting the search of alternative sources of energy that allow to the population being able to be supplied of electricity, without having to pay so high costs. To meet this need, the photovoltaic power and above all the self-consumption with injection to network, it is increasingly important inside the energetic world. It allows to the individual not only to pay less for the electricity, in addition it allows to obtain benefits for the energy generated in his own home. But the penetration of this technology in the Electrical Spanish Network has an obstacle, the distrust on the part of the operator of the electrical network, due to the photovoltaic is an intermittent source of energy, which can introduce instabilities in the system in case of high penetration. Therefore it´s necessary to reach the confidence of the electricity companies, making it a predictable energy, which provides with power to the electrical network whenever necessary and that operates taking part in the regulation of the frequency of the electric system. For such an end, the group of system investigation Photovoltaic, belonging to the IES of the UPM, there is carrying out a project of investigation named PV CROPS, financed by the European Commission, and that has for aim to develop these strategies of management. In this context, the objective of this Senior Thesis consists in implementing a Bank of Tests with Integration of Batteries in Photovoltaic Systems Connected to Network, which allows developing, testing and validating these strategies. Taking advantage of the availability to use the Digital Home installed in the EUITT of the UPM, we have mounted the bank of tests in a contiguous laboratory to use this Home as a real case of energetic consumptions of a house. This bank of tests will allow obtaining information of the energy generated by the photovoltaic installation and information of the royal consumption of the attached "house", to develop later strategies of management of the electricity. The Bank of Tests is composed by three principal blocks, interconnected each other:  Subsystem of Gathering of data and Communication. In charge of monitoring the energetic elements and sending the information compiled to the Subsystem of Control. Formed by power analyzers, AC and DC, and a gateway for the conversion of the Ethernet physical medium to RS485.  Subsystem of Control. Point of observation and compilation of all the information that comes from the energetic elements. It is the subsystem where there will be created and there will be implemented strategies of energetic control. Composed of a Pxie, controller fixed in an industrial range chassis, and a PC Host, formed by a workstation and three monitors.  Subsystem of Energy. Formed by the elements of generating, controlling or consuming electric power, in the Bank of Tests. Made of photovoltaic modules, an inverter, a twoway inverter and a batteries block. The last step has been performing an Example of Practical Application we have proved that the Bank of Tests is ready to be used, it´s operative and fully functional in monitoring operations of energetic photovoltaic generation and energetic consumption.


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This paper explains a procedure for the choice of ballast modules used for the design of direct continuous foundation in karst terrain. The presence of dangerous cavities is introduced in this procedure thereby evaluating risk failure. It also provides pertinent guidelines to direct the geotechnical survey of the terrain.


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This paper explains a procedure for the choice of ballast modules used for the design of direct continuous foundation in karst terrain. The presence of dangerous cavities is introduced in this procedure thereby evaluating risk failure. It also provides pertinent guidelines to direct the geotechnical survey of the terrain.


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Simulation of satellite subsystems behaviour is extramely important in the design at early stages. The subsystems are normally simulated in the both ways : isolated and as part of more complex simulation that takes into account imputs from other subsystems (concurrent design). In the present work, a simple concurrent simulation of the power subsystem of a microsatellite, UPMSat-2, is described. The aim of the work is to obtain the performance profile of the system (battery charging level, power consumption by the payloads, power supply from solar panels....). Different situations such as battery critical low or high level, effects of high current charging due to the low temperature of solar panels after eclipse,DoD margins..., were analysed, and different safety strategies studied using the developed tool (simulator) to fulfil the mission requirements. Also, failure cases were analysed in order to study the robustness of the system. The mentioned simulator has been programed taking into account the power consumption performances (average and maximum consumptions per orbit/day) of small part of the subsystem (SELEX GALILEO SPVS modular generators built with Azur Space solar cells, SAFT VES16 6P4S Li-ion battery, SSBV magnetometers, TECNOBIT and DATSI/UPM On Board Data Handling -OBDH-...). The developed tool is then intended to be a modular simulator, with the chance of use any other components implementing some standard data.


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El objeto principal del proyecto es describir las instalaciones de la planta de licuefacción de Melkoya (Noruega) y simular con el programa Aspen Plus el tren de licuefacción, que aplica una nueva licencia altamente eficiente para este tipo de plantas. En esta simulación, a partir de la información bibliográfica disponible, se ha realizado un análisis preliminar para determinar el diagrama de flujo y las características esenciales del proceso, incluyendo una estimación de la cantidad y composición del refrigerante necesario en cada etapa, información altamente confidencial por parte de los licenciantes de estas tecnologías. La finalidad del proceso y de la simulación es que el gas natural que entra gaseoso a 10 ºC, salga líquido a – 163 ºC para entrar en los tanques de almacenamiento de la instalación a la espera de ser transportado por buques metaneros. Tras una correcta simulación se realiza un estudio sobre los caudales, temperaturas de los intercambiadores de calor, autoconsumo de los compresores y la curva de enfriamiento del tren de licuefacción. La última parte del proyecto incluye un estudio económico, el cual incluye un análisis de sensibilidad. ABSTRACT The main object of the project is to describe the facilities of the plant of Melkoya's liquefaction (Norway) and to simulate the train of liquefaction with the program Aspen Plus, with the bibliographical available information. This program applies a new highly efficient license for this type of plants. A preliminary analysis has been realized to determine the flow diagram and the essential characteristics of the process. The simulation includes an estimation of the quantity and composition of the cooling needed in every stage. This information is highly confidential on the license of these technologies. In the simulation, the natural gas enters into the cycle as a gas at 10 ºC. Inside it, this gas condenses as a liquid at -163 ºC. After that, it enters into the storage’s tanks waiting its maritime transportation by LNG carriers. Later it realized a study about the correct operations conditions, like flows, temperatures of the heat interchangers, self-consumptions of the compressors and the cooling curve of the liquefaction train. The last part of the project is an economic study which includes a sensitivity analysis.