987 resultados para Dangeau, Philippe de Courcillon, marquis de, 1638-1720.


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The internalization process of the Portuguese possession in Northern Captaincies - after the Dutch eviction and the development of activities related to livestock in the backlands (Sertão) – expanded the Portuguese territory in America. This process resulted in the advancement of Portuguese conquest over the region and conflicts involving agents of colonization and indigenous groups who inhabited that space, as well as conflicts of interest of captaincy’s major social groups and the defense policies of the Portuguese territory possession. Among the rivers which run through Rio Grande captaincy’s territory, the Açu was the one that aroused conquerors and colonizers of the back lands interest, making that spatiality an area where interest and power exercises converged and generated discord. This research aims to analyze the territorial process of Assu backlands, from the pioneers, conquerors and colonizers action over the space studied, during the event known as the War of the Barbarians in Assu, conflict that ensured the integration of the area the territory and the wishes of the Portuguese crown. Thus, it will be taken as objects of study social phenomena that characterized Assu’s riverside - at the turn of the 17th to the 18th century, in a cutout that extends from 1680 to 1720 - as an area of conflicts of interest, noticeable for analysis from period documents such as records of land grants concessions, correspondence between colonial and kingdom authorities, documents from the exercise of administration of Portuguese America and legislation.


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The internalization process of the Portuguese possession in Northern Captaincies - after the Dutch eviction and the development of activities related to livestock in the backlands (Sertão) – expanded the Portuguese territory in America. This process resulted in the advancement of Portuguese conquest over the region and conflicts involving agents of colonization and indigenous groups who inhabited that space, as well as conflicts of interest of captaincy’s major social groups and the defense policies of the Portuguese territory possession. Among the rivers which run through Rio Grande captaincy’s territory, the Açu was the one that aroused conquerors and colonizers of the back lands interest, making that spatiality an area where interest and power exercises converged and generated discord. This research aims to analyze the territorial process of Assu backlands, from the pioneers, conquerors and colonizers action over the space studied, during the event known as the War of the Barbarians in Assu, conflict that ensured the integration of the area the territory and the wishes of the Portuguese crown. Thus, it will be taken as objects of study social phenomena that characterized Assu’s riverside - at the turn of the 17th to the 18th century, in a cutout that extends from 1680 to 1720 - as an area of conflicts of interest, noticeable for analysis from period documents such as records of land grants concessions, correspondence between colonial and kingdom authorities, documents from the exercise of administration of Portuguese America and legislation.


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de Lully.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Tabla de contenidos: Instantánea de una pausa Estudiando a los agentes que producen fronteras en el largo siglo XVIII rioplatense / Darío G. Barriera. La justicia rural en tensión. Alcaldes provinciales, cabildos y autoridades centrales en el proceso de territorialización / Carlos M. Birocco. Espacios en tensión, territorios en construcción. Santa Fe y Buenos Aires durante la primera etapa borbónica [1700-1745] / Griselda Tarragó. Con los curas a otra parte. Curatos rurales y doctrinas en la frontera sur santafesina [1700-1740] / Miriam Moriconi. El gobierno de los campos entre el reformismo borbónico y la política de los vecinos : Partidos, distritos y jueces delegados [Santa Fe, 1789-1808] / Darío G. Barriera. Jueces santafesinos en la otra banda del Paraná. El problema de la proximidad en el proceso de reordenamiento territorial de la campaña. Pago de Bajada, último cuarto del siglo XVIII / Paula Polimene. Soldados de Pinazo. El poder miliciano en el norte de la frontera de Buenos Aires [1766-1779] / María Eugenia Alemano. Fuerzas militares y milicianas y configuración de un espacio fronterizo [1760-1820] / Raúl Osvaldo Fradkin. Repensando los malones del siglo XVIII en la frontera de Buenos Aires / Florencia Carlón. El norte también existe? Diplomacia y relaciones interétnicas en la frontera bonaerense / Silvia Ratto. Autoridades locales y elecciones en la frontera norte bonaerense [1815-1828] / Vicente Agustín Galimberti.


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John Milton’s sojourns in Rome (1638-9) are attested by his comments in Defensio Secunda, by the minutes of the English College, by Latin encomia which he received from Roman academicians, and, not least, by his Latin letter to Lucas Holstenius (19/29 March 1639), and several Latin poems which he composed in the course of his residency in the capital city: Ad Salsillum, and three Latin epigrams extolling the praises of the virtuosa soprano, Leonora Baroni. Read together, these texts serve to reveal much about Milton’s participation in, and reaction to, the ‘Puissant City’, (History of Britain, Bk 2).

The present monograph presents fresh evidence of Milton's integration into the academic and cultural life of seventeenth-century Rome. It argues that his links with two Roman academies: the Accademia dei Fantastici and Accademia degli Umoristi constitute a sustained participation in an academic community paralleling that of his independently attested performance in Florentine academies (on which I have published extensively). It also investigates his links with Alessandro Cherubini, David Codner, Giovanni Batista Doni, and the Baroni circle hymned in three published anthologies.

Chapter 1: Milton and the Accademia dei Fantastici investigates the cultural climate surrounding Milton's Ad Salsillum by examining two of that academy's publications: the Poesie dei Signori Accademici Fantastici di Roma (Rome, 1637) and the Academia Tenuta da Fantastici a. 12 di Maggio 1655 (Rome, 1655), the latter celebrating the creation of Fabio Chigi as Pope Alexander VII on 5 April 1655. Read in a new light, Milton’s self-fashioning, it is argued, takes its place not only alongside Salzilli’s encomium in Milton's honour, and his Italian sonnets in the 1637 Poesie, but also in relation to other poems in that collection, and the academy's essentially Catholic eulogistic trend. The chapter also provides fresh evidence of Salzilli’s survival of the illness described in Milton’s poem by his epistolary correspondence with Tomaso Stigliani.

Chapter 2: Milton and the Vatican argues for links between Milton’s Latin letter to Holstenius and a range of Holstenius’ published works: his edition of the axioms of the later Pythagoreans gifted by him to Milton, and his published neo-Platonic works. This is achieved by mutual appropriation of Similitudes in a series of Miltonic similes, the anabasis/katabasis motifs in a reworking of the Platonic theory of the transmigration of souls, and allusion to etymological details highlighted in Holstenius’ published editions. The chapter also reveals Milton’s alertness to typographical procedures and, by association, to Holstenius’ recent role (1638) as Director of the press of the Biblioteca Vaticana.

Chapter 3: Milton and the Accademia degli Umoristi argues for Milton’s likely participation in this Roman academy, as suggested by his links with its members. His three Latin epigrams in praise of Leonora Baroni, the only female member of the Umoristi, have hitherto been studied in relation to the 1639 Applausi in her honour. In a new reading, Milton, it is suggested, invokes and interrogates Catholic doctrine before a Catholic audience only to view the whole through the lens of a neo-Platonic Hermeticism (by echoing the phraseology of the sixteenth-century Franciscan Hannibal Rosselli) that refreshingly transcends religious difference. Crucially, the hitherto neglected L’Idea della Veglia (Rome, 1640) includes further encomiastic verse, sonnets to, and by Leonora, and details of the conversazioni hosted by her family at the precise time of Milton’s Roman sojourns. Milton may well have been a participant. The chapter concludes in an assessment of his links with the youthful prodigy Alessandro Cherubini, and of his audience with Francesco Barberini.

Chapter 4: Milton at a Roman Opera analyses the potential impact of ‘Chi Soffre, Speri’, which he attended on 18/28 February 1639, mounted by Francesco Barberini to inaugurate the recently completed theatre of the Palazzo Barberini. A detailed analysis of the opera's libretto, music, and theatricality casts a backward glance to Milton's Comus, and a forward glance to Paradise Lost. It also assesses Milton’s musical interests at this time, as attested by his links with Doni, and his purchase of works by Monteverdi and others.

Chapter 5: Milton’s English Connections in Rome develops the work of Miller and Chaney by investigating Milton’s co-diners at the English College in Rome on 30 October 1638, and by analysing his links between David Codner (alias Matteo Selvaggio), and the family of Jane Savage, Marchioness of Winchester, lamented by Milton in 1631. It also assesses his potential relations with the Englishman Thomas Gawen, who ‘accidentally sometimes fell into the company of John Milton’ (Antony Wood).


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This article considers the animating role that objects play in the theatre of Philippe Quesne and Vivarium Studio (France). The conventional role of object animation is often characterised by the performer manipulating objects and scenic material on the stage, asserting a control over the environment they are implicated in. In Quesne's theatre, this relationship is democratised. The theatrical apparatus, both materially and conceptually, is set up to enable the flow of animation to be interchangeable, affording an equal agency to the objects being used much as that of the performers. This theatre of animation is drawn through the framing concepts of displacement and humility. Displacement is considered as a compositional strategy that makes us aware of the volume of the stage space beyond the proscenium frame as a plane of composition. The introduction of large inflatable objects, real cars or large roles of fake snow foreground the objects material presence allows Quesne to play with moments of equilibrium, tipping, excess and absence. Humility is traced as a philosophy of objects that transcends the choice, handling and use of material items in Quesne's work. Simple objects take on a specific vibrancy because of how they give shape to the human participants on stage, animating moments of recognition that allows the human figure, its ethics, emotions and humour, to appear.


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En el presente trabajo se da a conocer a Miguel Calderón de la Barca, figura de relieve por su carrera jurídica, pero sobre todo por las donaciones y legado artístico que enriquecieron el patrimonio cultural de la villa de Conil de la Frontera y el tesoro de la Iglesia Catedral de Cádiz. Los estudios que se habían efectuado hasta el momento eran parciales e incompletos, algo que se ha pretendido subsanar con la aportación de datos inéditos mediante los que recomponer la biografía del personaje, al tiempo que se ha procurado la comprensión y análisis profundo del momento histórico y manifestaciones artísticas ligadas a Calderón. Ha sido preciso recurrir a fuentes de diversa índole para poder cumplir estos objetivos. En la fase heurística de la investigación, realizamos la consulta y recopilación de la documentación manuscrita que se halla dispersa en archivos andaluces y madrileños. En concreto, el Archivo General de Indias es el principal repositorio para lo tocante al nombramiento de Calderón como oidor de la Real Audiencia de Nueva España en 1689 y el desempeño de sus funciones como ministro; el Archivo Histórico Nacional lo es, a su vez, para complementar la información tocante a la provisión de la plaza de toga en el Real y Supremo Consejo de las Indias en 1707. Por último, los archivos históricos de protocolos de Madrid, Cádiz y Conil, y los eclesiásticos –parroquiales, diocesano y catedralicio– de la capital y localidad de la expresada provincia gaditana, han suministrado las noticias útiles de la historia personal y familiar de don Miguel: bautismo, matrimonios, poderes para testar y testamento. No sólo eso. En su acervo hemos descubierto algo más: inventarios de bienes dotales y de la testamentaría –estos con la consiguiente tasación y almoneda–, escrituras de fundación de capellanías y donación de piezas de plata y pintura de señalada importancia a las fábricas de los templos de Conil y de la catedral de Cádiz...