985 resultados para DNA, Viral


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The viral phenomenon has garnered a great deal of attention in the recent years. Although evidence of viral success exists the underlying factors leading to the phenomenon and its measurement still remains a grey area which needs to be explored. The viral phenomenon for a product or information and its distinction based on growth curve trajectory has not been rigorously explored in the previous works. This paper aims to understand the viral phenomenon that makes products or information go viral. The viral phenomenon trajectories that distinguish the viral from a non-viral phenomenon are demonstrated. The curve fitting methodology for viral phenomenon is adopted which has not been looked into in the previous works. TED talks are analyzed to understand the diffusion pattern, essentially one or more spike, within a time period. Insights drawn indicate the characteristic viral growth trajectories and its implication on innovation.


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Phase variation (random ON/OFF switching) of gene expression is a common feature of host-adapted pathogenic bacteria. Phase variably expressed N-6-adenine DNA methyltransferases (Mod) alter global methylation patterns resulting in changes in gene expression. These systems constitute phase variable regulons called phasevarions. Neisseria meningitidis phasevarions regulate genes including virulence factors and vaccine candidates, and alter phenotypes including antibiotic resistance. The target site recognized by these Type III N-6-adenine DNA methyltransferases is not known. Single molecule, real-time (SMRT) methylome analysis was used to identify the recognition site for three key N. meningitidis methyltransferases: ModA11 (exemplified by M.NmeMC58I) (5'-CGY(m6)AG-3'), ModA12 (exemplified by M.Nme77I, M.Nme18I and M.Nme579II) (5'-AC(m6)ACC-3') and ModD1 (exemplified by M.Nme579I) (5'-CC(m6)AGC-3'). Restriction inhibition assays and mutagenesis confirmed the SMRT methylome analysis. The ModA11 site is complex and atypical and is dependent on the type of pyrimidine at the central position, in combination with the bases flanking the core recognition sequence 5'-CGY(m6)AG-3'. The observed efficiency of methylation in the modA11 strain (MC58) genome ranged from 4.6% at 5'-GCGC(m6)AGG-3' sites, to 100% at 5'-ACGT(m6)AGG-3' sites. Analysis of the distribution of modified sites in the respective genomes shows many cases of association with intergenic regions of genes with altered expression due to phasevarion switching.


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The steady-state negative supercoiling of eubacterial genomes is maintained by the action of DNA topoisomerases. Topoisomerase distribution varies in different species of mycobacteria. While Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) contains a single type I (Topol) and a single type II (Gyrase) enzyme, Mycobacterium smegmatis (Msm) and other members harbour additional relaxases. Topol is essential for Mtb survival. However, the necessity of Topol or other relaxases in Msm has not been investigated. To recognize the importance of Topol for growth, physiology and gene expression of Msm, we have developed a conditional knock-down strain of Topol in Msm. The Topol-depleted strain exhibited extremely slow growth and drastic changes in phenotypic characteristics. The cessation of growth indicates the essential requirement of the enzyme for the organism in spite of having additional DNA relaxation enzymes in the cell. Notably, the imbalance in Topol level led to the altered expression of topology modulatory proteins, resulting in a diffused nucleoid architecture. Proteomic and transcript analysis of the mutant indicated reduced expression of the genes involved in central metabolic pathways and core DNA transaction processes. RNA polymerase (RNAP) distribution on the transcription units was affected in the Topol-depleted cells, suggesting global alteration in transcription. The study thus highlights the essential requirement of Topol in the maintenance of cellular phenotype, growth characteristics and gene expression in mycobacteria. A decrease in Topol level led to altered RNAP occupancy and impaired transcription elongation, causing severe downstream effects.


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For more than 30 years X-ray crystallography has been by far the most powerful approach for determining the structures of viruses and viral proteins at atomic resolution. The information provided by these structures, which covers many important aspects of the viral life cycle such as cell-receptor recognition, viral entry, nucleic acid transfer and genome replication, has extensively enriched our vision of the virus world. Many of the structures available correspond to potential targets for antiviral drugs against important human pathogens. This article provides an overview of the current knowledge of different structural aspects of the above-mentioned processes.


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The cytological architecture of the synaptonemal complex (SC), a meiosis-specific proteinaceous structure, is evolutionarily conserved among eukaryotes. However, little is known about the biochemical properties of SC components or the mechanisms underlying their roles in meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination. Functional analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hop1, a key structural component of SC, has begun to reveal important insights into its function in interhomolog recombination. Previously, we showed that Hop1 is a structure-specific DNA-binding protein, exhibits higher binding affinity for the Holliday junction, and induces structural distortion at the core of the junction. Furthermore, Hop1 promotes DNA condensation and intra- and intermolecular synapsis between duplex DNA molecules. Here, we show that Hop1 possesses a modular domain organization, consisting of an intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain and a protease-resistant C-terminal domain (Hop1CTD). Furthermore, we found that Hop1CTD exhibits strong homotypic as well as heterotypic protein protein interactions, and its biochemical activities were similar to those of the full-length Hop1 protein. However, Hop1CTD failed to complement the meiotic recombination defects of the Delta hop1 strain, indicating that both N- and C-terminal domains of Hop1 are essential for meiosis and spore formation. Altogether, our findings reveal novel insights into the structure-function relationships of Hop1 and help to further our understanding of its role in meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination.


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Polycyclic aromatic molecules such as ellipticine intercalate into double-stranded DNA and interfere with physiological functions. In the present study, we evaluate the chemotherapeutic potential of MPTQ on animal models and its mode of action. In order to test the antitumor activity, monohydrochloride of MPTQ was orally administered in mice bearing tumor. Results showed a significant inhibition of tumor growth compared to that of untreated controls. More importantly, mean lifespan of tumor bearing animals treated with MPTQ was significantly higher as compared to that of untreated tumor bearing mice suggesting that the treatment affected viability of cancerous cells, but not of normal cells. Consistent with this, we find that administration of MPTQ to normal mice did not cause any major side effects as observed upon hematological and serum profiling. We also found that MPTQ induces cytotoxicity in cancer cell lines, by activating apoptosis both by intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. Thus, MPTQ could be used as a potential cancer therapeutic agent. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The annotated whole-genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis indicated that Rv1388 (Mtihf) likely encodes a putative 20 kDa integration host factor (mIHF). However, very little is known about the functional properties of mIHF or organization of mycobacterial nucleoid. Molecular modeling of the mIHF three-dimensional structure, based on the cocrystal structure of Streptomyces coelicolor IHF-duplex DNA, a bona fide relative of mIHF, revealed the presence of Arg170, Arg171, and Arg173, which might be involved in DNA binding, and a conserved proline (P150) in the tight turn. The phenotypic sensitivity of Escherichia coli Delta ihfA and Delta ihfB strains to UV and methylmethanesulfonate could be complemented with the wild-type Mtihf, but not its alleles bearing mutations in the DNA-binding residues. Protein DNA interaction assays revealed that wild-type mIHF, but not its DNA-binding variants, bind with high affinity to fragments containing attB and attP sites and curved DNA. Strikingly, the functionally important amino acid residues of mIHF and the mechanism(s) underlying its binding to DNA, DNA bending, and site-specific recombination are fundamentally different from that of E. coli IHF alpha beta. Furthermore, we reveal novel insights into IHF-mediated DNA compaction depending on the placement of its preferred binding sites; mIHF promotes compaction of DNA into nucleoid-like or higher-order filamentous structures. We hence propose that mIHF is a distinct member of a subfamily of proteins that serve as essential cofactors in site-specific recombination and nucleoid organization and that these findings represent a significant advance in our understanding of the role(s) of nucleoid-associated proteins.


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17 independent crystal structures of family I uracil-DNA glycosylase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtUng) and its complexes with uracil and its derivatives, distributed among five distinct crystal forms, have been determined. Thermodynamic parameters of binding in the complexes have been measured using isothermal titration calorimetry. The two-domain protein exhibits open and closed conformations, suggesting that the closure of the domain on DNA binding involves conformational selection. Segmental mobility in the enzyme molecule is confined to a 32-residue stretch which plays a major role in DNA binding. Uracil and its derivatives can bind to the protein in two possible orientations. Only one of them is possible when there is a bulky substituent at the 50 position. The crystal structures of the complexes provide a reasonable rationale for the observed thermodynamic parameters. In addition to providing fresh insights into the structure, plasticity and interactions of the protein molecule, the results of the present investigation provide a platform for structure-based inhibitor design.


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for selectively targeting cancer cells. Herein, we report the design and evolution of a new kind of carbazole-based benzimidazole dimers for their efficient telomerase inhibition activity. Spectroscopic titrations reveal the ligands high affinity toward the G4 DNA with significantly higher selectivity over duplex-DNA. The electrophoretic mobility shift assay shows that the ligands efficiently promote the formation of 04 DNA even at a lower concentration of the stabilizing K+ ions. The TRAP-LIG assay demonstrates the ligand's potential telomerase inhibition activity and also establishes that the activity proceeds via G4 DNA stabilization. An efficient nuclear internalization of the ligands in several common cancer cells (HeLa, HT1080, and A549) also enabled differentiation between normal HFF cells in co-cultures of cancer and normal ones. The ligands induce significant apoptotic response and antiproliferative activity toward cancer cells selectively when compared to the normal cells.


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Halogenated nucleosides can be incorporated into the newly synthesized DNA of replicating cells and therefore are commonly used in the detection of proliferating cells in living tissues. Dehalogenation of these modified nucleosides is one of the key pathways involved in DNA repair mediated by the uracil-DNA glycosylase. Herein, we report the first example of a selenium-mediated dehalogenation of halogenated nucleosides. We also show that the mechanism for the debromination is remarkably different from that of deiodination and that the presence of a ribose or deoxyribose moiety in the nucleosides facilitates the deiodination. The results described herein should help in understanding the metabolism of halogenated nucleosides in DNA and RNA.


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Integrity in entirety is the preferred state of any organism. The temporal and spatial integrity of the genome ensures continued survival of a cell. DNA breakage is the first step towards creation of chromosomal translocations. In this review, we highlight the factors contributing towards the breakage of chromosomal DNA. It has been well-established that the structure and sequence of DNA play a critical role in selective fragility of the genome. Several non-B-DNA structures such as Z-DNA, cruciform DNA, G-quadruplexes, R loops and triplexes have been implicated in generation of genomic fragility leading to translocations. Similarly, specific sequences targeted by proteins such as Recombination Activating Genes and Activation Induced Cytidine Deaminase are involved in translocations. Processes that ensure the integrity of the genome through repair may lead to persistence of breakage and eventually translocations if their actions are anomalous. An insufficient supply of nucleotides and chromatin architecture may also play a critical role. This review focuses on a range of events with the potential to threaten the genomic integrity of a cell, leading to cancer.


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The large protein L of negative-sense RNA viruses is a multifunctional protein involved in transcription and replication of genomic RNA. It also possesses enzymatic activities involved in capping and methylation of viral mRNAs. The pathway for mRNA capping followed by the L protein of the viruses in the Morbillivirus genus has not been established, although it has been speculated that these viruses may follow the unconventional capping pathway as has been shown for some viruses of Rhabdoviridae family. We had earlier shown that the large protein L of Rinderpest virus expressed as recombinant L-P complex in insect cells as well as the ribonucleoprotein complex from purified virus possesses RNA triphosphatase (RTPase) and guanylyltransferase activities, in addition to RNA dependent RNA polymerase activity. In the present work, we demonstrate that RTPase as well as nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) activities are exhibited by a subdomain of the L protein in the C terminal region (a.a. 1640 1840). The RTPase activity depends absolutely on a divalent cation, either magnesium or manganese. Both the RTPase and NTPase activities of the protein show dual metal specificity. Two mutant proteins having alanine mutations in the glutamic acid residues in motif-A of the RTPase domain did not show RTPase activity, while exhibiting reduced NTPase activity suggesting overlapping active sites for the two enzymatic functions. The RTPase and NTPase activities of the L subdomain resemble those of the Vaccinia capping enzyme D1 and the baculovirus LEF4 proteins. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Active biological processes like transcription, replication, recombination, DNA repair, and DNA packaging encounter bent DNA. Machineries associated with these processes interact with the DNA at short length (<100 base pair) scale. Thus, the study of elasticity of DNA at such length scale is very important. We use fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations along with various theoretical methods to determine elastic properties of dsDNA of different lengths and base sequences. We also study DNA elasticity in nucleosome core particle (NCP) both in the presence and the absence of salt. We determine stretch modulus and persistence length of short dsDNA and nucleosomal DNA from contour length distribution and bend angle distribution, respectively. For short dsDNA, we find that stretch modulus increases with ionic strength while persistence length decreases. Calculated values of stretch modulus and persistence length for DNA are in quantitative agreement with available experimental data. The trend is opposite for NCP DNA. We find that the presence of histone core makes the DNA stiffer and thus making the persistence length 3-4 times higher than the bare DNA. Similarly, we also find an increase in the stretch modulus for the NCP DNA. Our study for the first time reports the elastic properties of DNA when it is wrapped around the histone core in NCP. We further show that the WLC model is inadequate to describe DNA elasticity at short length scale. Our results provide a deeper understanding of DNA mechanics and the methods are applicable to most protein-DNA complexes.