979 resultados para Cutting temperature modeling


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Empirical modeling of exposure levels has been popular for identifying exposure determinants in occupational hygiene. Traditional data-driven methods used to choose a model on which to base inferences have typically not accounted for the uncertainty linked to the process of selecting the final model. Several new approaches propose making statistical inferences from a set of plausible models rather than from a single model regarded as 'best'. This paper introduces the multimodel averaging approach described in the monograph by Burnham and Anderson. In their approach, a set of plausible models are defined a priori by taking into account the sample size and previous knowledge of variables influent on exposure levels. The Akaike information criterion is then calculated to evaluate the relative support of the data for each model, expressed as Akaike weight, to be interpreted as the probability of the model being the best approximating model given the model set. The model weights can then be used to rank models, quantify the evidence favoring one over another, perform multimodel prediction, estimate the relative influence of the potential predictors and estimate multimodel-averaged effects of determinants. The whole approach is illustrated with the analysis of a data set of 1500 volatile organic compound exposure levels collected by the Institute for work and health (Lausanne, Switzerland) over 20 years, each concentration having been divided by the relevant Swiss occupational exposure limit and log-transformed before analysis. Multimodel inference represents a promising procedure for modeling exposure levels that incorporates the notion that several models can be supported by the data and permits to evaluate to a certain extent model selection uncertainty, which is seldom mentioned in current practice.


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We study the properties of the well known Replicator Dynamics when applied to a finitely repeated version of the Prisoners' Dilemma game. We characterize the behavior of such dynamics under strongly simplifying assumptions (i.e. only 3 strategies are available) and show that the basin of attraction of defection shrinks as the number of repetitions increases. After discussing the difficulties involved in trying to relax the 'strongly simplifying assumptions' above, we approach the same model by means of simulations based on genetic algorithms. The resulting simulations describe a behavior of the system very close to the one predicted by the replicator dynamics without imposing any of the assumptions of the mathematical model. Our main conclusion is that mathematical and computational models are good complements for research in social sciences. Indeed, while computational models are extremely useful to extend the scope of the analysis to complex scenarios hard to analyze mathematically, formal models can be useful to verify and to explain the outcomes of computational models.


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There has been a long debate since the introduction of blood analysis prior to major sports events, to find out whether blood samples should be analysed right away on the site of competition or whether they should be transported and analysed in an anti-doping laboratory. Therefore, it was necessary to measure blood samples and compare the results obtained right after the blood withdrawal with those obtained after a few hours delay. Furthermore, it was interesting to determine the effect of temperature on the possible deterioration of red blood cell analytes used for testing recombinant erythropoietin abuse. Healthy volunteers were asked to give two blood samples and one of these was kept at room temperature whereas the second one was put into a refrigerator. On a regular basis, the samples were rolled for homogenisation and temperature stabilisation and were analysed with the same haematological apparatus. The results confirmed that blood controls prior to competition should be performed as soon as possible with standardised pre-analytical conditions to avoid too many variations notably on the haematocrit and the reticulocyte count. These recommendations should ideally also be applied to the all the blood controls compulsory for the medical follow up, otherwise unexplainable values could be misinterpreted and could for instance lead to a period of incapacity.


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A mathematical model is proposed to analyze the effects of acquired immunity on the transmission of schistosomiasis in the human host. From this model the prevalence curve dependent on four parameters can be obtained. These parameters were estimated fitting the data by the maximum likelihood method. The model showed a good retrieving capacity of real data from two endemic areas of schistosomiasis: Touros, Brazil (Schistosoma mansoni) and Misungwi, Tanzania (S. haematobium). Also, the average worm burden per person and the dispersion of parasite per person in the community can be obtained from the model. In this paper, the stabilizing effects of the acquired immunity assumption in the model are assessed in terms of the epidemiological variables as follows. Regarded to the prevalence curve, we calculate the confidence interval, and related to the average worm burden and the worm dispersion in the community, the sensitivity analysis (the range of the variation) of both variables with respect to their parameters is performed.


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Development of Rhodnius prolixus after eclosion until the adult stage was studied at constant temperatures (T), 15, 20, 25, 28, 35°C, and relative humidities (RH), 75, 86 and 97%, and fluctuating (16/8 hr) temperatures, T I/II, 15/28°C, 20/25°C, 25/28°C and 25/35°C, and relative humidities, RH I/II, 86/75% and 97/75%. Eclosion or molting were not observed at 15°C and 86 or 97% RH, respectively. At 35°C and 75% RH only few insects molted. By alternating T I/II, 15/28°C and 25/35°C, insects developed at high frequency. Cumulating the average lengths of the interphases within independent groups for each instar, R. prolixus reached the adult stage most rapidly (86.7 days) and at highest frequency per instar (mean: 91.8%) at 28°C and 75% RH. Under fluctuating T I/II, development was completed within 100 days or less at 25/28°C and 25/35°C with high rates of hatch and molting. Development was slowest at fluctuating TI/II, 15/28°C and 20/25°C (>185 days), and at constant 20°C (>300 days). Mortality was higher at constant 97% RH or fluctuating RH I, 97%, than at constant or fluctuating 86% RH. Refeeding was minimal at optimal conditions of T and RH for development. The most refeeding was observed at a constant 35°C.


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Changes in life tables of Rhodnius neivai due to variations of environmental temperature were studied, based on nine cohorts. Three cohorts were kept at 22°C, three at 27°C and three at 32°C. Cohorts were censused daily during nymphal instars and weekly in adults. Nine complete horizontal life tables were built. A high negative correlation between temperature and age at first laying was registered (r=-0,84). Age at maximum reproduction was significantly lower at 32°C. Average number of eggs/female/week and total eggs/female on its life time were significantly lower at 22°C. Total number of egg by cohort and total number of reproductive weeks were significantly higher at 27°C. At 32°C, generational time was significantly lower. At 27°C net reproductive rate and total reproductive value were significantly higher. At 22°C, intrinsic growth, finite growth and finite birth rates were significantly lower. At 22°C, death instantaneous rate was significantly higher.


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MOTIVATION: In silico modeling of gene regulatory networks has gained some momentum recently due to increased interest in analyzing the dynamics of biological systems. This has been further facilitated by the increasing availability of experimental data on gene-gene, protein-protein and gene-protein interactions. The two dynamical properties that are often experimentally testable are perturbations and stable steady states. Although a lot of work has been done on the identification of steady states, not much work has been reported on in silico modeling of cellular differentiation processes. RESULTS: In this manuscript, we provide algorithms based on reduced ordered binary decision diagrams (ROBDDs) for Boolean modeling of gene regulatory networks. Algorithms for synchronous and asynchronous transition models have been proposed and their corresponding computational properties have been analyzed. These algorithms allow users to compute cyclic attractors of large networks that are currently not feasible using existing software. Hereby we provide a framework to analyze the effect of multiple gene perturbation protocols, and their effect on cell differentiation processes. These algorithms were validated on the T-helper model showing the correct steady state identification and Th1-Th2 cellular differentiation process. AVAILABILITY: The software binaries for Windows and Linux platforms can be downloaded from http://si2.epfl.ch/~garg/genysis.html.


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El canvi climàtic del segle XXI és una realitat, hi ha moltes evidències científiques que indiquen que l’escalfament del sistema climàtic és inequívoc. Malgrat això, també hi ha moltes incerteses respecte els impactes que pot comportar aquest canvi climàtic global. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és estudiar la possible evolució futura de tres variables climàtiques, que són el rang de la temperatura diürna a prop de la superfície (DTR), la temperatura mitjana a prop de la superfície (MT) i la precipitació mensual (PL_mes) i valorar l’exposició que poden experimentar diferents cobertes del sòl i diferents regions biogeogràfiques del continent europeu davant d’aquests possibles patrons de canvi. Per això s’han utilitzat Models Climàtics Globals que fan projeccions de variables climàtiques que permeten preveure el possible clima futur. Mitjançant l’aplicatiu informàtic Tetyn s’han extret els paràmetres climàtics dels conjunts de dades del Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, del futur (TYN SC) i del passat (CRU TS). Les variables obtingudes s’han processat amb eines de sistemes d’informació geogràfica (SIG) per obtenir els patrons de canvi de les variables a cada coberta del sòl. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que hi ha una gran variabilitat, que augmenta amb el temps, entre els diferents models climàtics i escenaris considerats, que posa de manifest la incertesa associada a la modelització climàtica, a la generació d’escenaris d’emissions i a la naturalesa dinàmica i no determinista del sistema climàtic. Però en general, mostren que les glaceres seran una de les cobertes més exposades al canvi climàtic, i la mediterrània, una de les regions més vulnerables


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A factor limiting preliminary rockfall hazard mapping at regional scale is often the lack of knowledge of potential source areas. Nowadays, high resolution topographic data (LiDAR) can account for realistic landscape details even at large scale. With such fine-scale morphological variability, quantitative geomorphometric analyses become a relevant approach for delineating potential rockfall instabilities. Using digital elevation model (DEM)-based ?slope families? concept over areas of similar lithology and cliffs and screes zones available from the 1:25,000 topographic map, a susceptibility rockfall hazard map was drawn up in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland, in order to provide a relevant hazard overview. Slope surfaces over morphometrically-defined thresholds angles were considered as rockfall source zones. 3D modelling (CONEFALL) was then applied on each of the estimated source zones in order to assess the maximum runout length. Comparison with known events and other rockfall hazard assessments are in good agreement, showing that it is possible to assess rockfall activities over large areas from DEM-based parameters and topographical elements.


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Retroelements are important evolutionary forces but can be deleterious if left uncontrolled. Members of the human APOBEC3 family of cytidine deaminases can inhibit a wide range of endogenous, as well as exogenous, retroelements. These enzymes are structurally organized in one or two domains comprising a zinc-coordinating motif. APOBEC3G contains two such domains, only the C terminal of which is endowed with editing activity, while its N-terminal counterpart binds RNA, promotes homo-oligomerization, and is necessary for packaging into human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) virions. Here, we performed a large-scale mutagenesis-based analysis of the APOBEC3G N terminus, testing mutants for (i) inhibition of vif-defective HIV-1 infection and Alu retrotransposition, (ii) RNA binding, and (iii) oligomerization. Furthermore, in the absence of structural information on this domain, we used homology modeling to examine the positions of functionally important residues and of residues found to be under positive selection by phylogenetic analyses of primate APOBEC3G genes. Our results reveal the importance of a predicted RNA binding dimerization interface both for packaging into HIV-1 virions and inhibition of both HIV-1 infection and Alu transposition. We further found that the HIV-1-blocking activity of APOBEC3G N-terminal mutants defective for packaging can be almost entirely rescued if their virion incorporation is forced by fusion with Vpr, indicating that the corresponding region of APOBEC3G plays little role in other aspects of its action against this pathogen. Interestingly, residues forming the APOBEC3G dimer interface are highly conserved, contrasting with the rapid evolution of two neighboring surface-exposed amino acid patches, one targeted by the Vif protein of primate lentiviruses and the other of yet-undefined function.


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Aedes albifasciatus is a floodwater mosquito that breeds in temporary waters. This semi-domestic species, widely distributed in Argentina, is a competent vector of the western equine encephalitis. The present study was carried out in two rain pools of the city of Buenos Aires, from April 1998 through March 1999. Samples were taken twice a week during the cold season and daily during the warmer months, starting from October. Immature mosquitoes were collected with a dipper, being the number of dippers proportional to the flooded area. The estimated rainfall thresholds to initiate cohorts of Ae. albifasciatus were: 16-17 mm in the fall-winter period, 25 mm in the spring, and 30 mm in the summer. The development time of the different cohorts and the mean air temperature of their respective periods were estimated in all seasons, ranging from six days (at 24ºC) to 32 days (at 13ºC). The equation that best expresses the relationship between development time and mean air temperature is dt =166,27.e-0,1435.T (R²=0,92). Significantly shorter development times were recorded for larvae of the first three stages as compared to the fourth larval stage and pupae.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of California a Irvine, EEUU, entre juliol del 2007 i gener del 2008. Els termoparells són actualment els sensors de temperatura més populars i més utilitzats per a un ampli rang d’aplicacions: industrials, domèstiques, etc. Aconseguir miniaturar els dispositius fins a dimensions extremadament petites obra un ampli rang de noves aplicacions per aquests dispositius, per exemple, en el camp de la tecnologia lab-on-a-chip. En aquesta investigació, el concepte de termoparell, és a dir, dos cables de diferent metall connectats per un extrem s’ha extrapolat a l’escala nanomètrica, utilitzant nanowires com a element de construcció. Aquests nanowires s’han sintetitzat a través d’un nou procediment desenvolupat en el grup d’investigació de la Universitat de California, Irvine, que ha permès treballar amb nanowires de diferents dimensions (control independent de l’alçada i amplada) i un major grau d’èxit en la fabricació d’aquests termometres. El mètode també permet dipositar aquestes nanoestructures sobre substractes no conductors de manera controlable, simplificant notablement tot el procés de fabricació. L’obtenció d’aquests dispositius ha permès demostrar que, a part de ser bons sensors de temperatura a nivell macroscòpic (fonts de calor ambientals), també permet la determinació de temperatura a nivell microscòpic (fonts de calor focalitzada, com és el cas de feixos làser). Per a la seva caracterització ha estat necessari l’ús de tecnologia puntera (làsers, amplificadors, microscopis de forces atòmiques) i inclòs el disseny de nous dispositius. Aquests nanotermoparells presenten propietats extraordinàries, com una gran sensitivitat, gran velocitat de resposta a estímuls tèrmics, i un comportament estable vers l’ús i el temps.


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Recent progress in the experimental determination of protein structures allow to understand, at a very detailed level, the molecular recognition mechanisms that are at the basis of the living matter. This level of understanding makes it possible to design rational therapeutic approaches, in which effectors molecules are adapted or created de novo to perform a given function. An example of such an approach is drug design, were small inhibitory molecules are designed using in silico simulations and tested in vitro. In this article, we present a similar approach to rationally optimize the sequence of killer T lymphocytes receptors to make them more efficient against melanoma cells. The architecture of this translational research project is presented together with its implications both at the level of basic research as well as in the clinics.