965 resultados para Crossing experiments, Baculoviridae, Yeast Two-Hybrid System, Resistance management, sex-linkage


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Foram estudados, com o auxílio de fotografias aéreas, aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos do relevo e da rede de drenagem de solos de uma área de Santa Bárbara D'Oeste, SP. Esta região compreende 14.625 ha, onde foram selecionadas bacias hidrográficas de 3ª ordem de ramificação e amostras circulares de 5km². As unidades de mapeamento simples ou associações de solos são: Latossolo Vermelho Escuro, Podzólico, Litossolo + Podzólico, Terra Roxa Estruturada + Latossolo Roxo distrófico. Após a caracterização das feições fisiográficas, da área de ocorrência desses solos, foram realizados dois mapas morfopedológicos. No primeiro utilizou-se fotografias aéreas verticais pancromáticas na escala 1: 35.000 (data de 25/6/78) e no segundo imagens orbitais do sensor Thematic Mapper do LANDSAT-5, nas bandas 3, 4 e 5 e composição colorida 3/4/5 na escala 1: 100.000 (data de 12/9/91). As análises qualitativas e quantitativas do relevo (índice de declividade média) e rede de drenagem (densidade de drenagem, freqüência de rios, razão de textura) mostraram-se eficientes na diferenciação das unidades de solo estudadas, tanto em bacias hidrográficas como em amostras circulares. A utilização de fotografias aéreas, permitiu maior riqueza de detalhes na precisão dos limites das unidades de mapeamento e no maior número de unidades de mapeamento discriminadas em relação as imagens orbitais. A composição colorida 3/4/5 permitiu diferenciar os Latossolos argilosos dos Latossolos de textura média, assim como o Latossolo Húmico.


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Background: Laboratory studies of host-seeking olfactory behaviour in sandflies have largely been restricted to the American visceral leishmaniasis vector Lutzomyia longipalpis. In comparison, almost nothing is known about the chemical ecology of related species, which transmit American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL), due in part to difficulties in raising these insects in the laboratory. Understanding how ACL vectors locate their hosts will be essential to developing new vector control strategies to combat this debilitating disease.Methods: This study examined host-odour seeking behaviour of the ACL vector Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto) (=Lutzomyia neivai) using a wind tunnel olfactometer. The primary aim was to determine whether field-collected female N. neivai would respond to host odours in the laboratory, thereby eliminating the need to maintain colonies of these insects for behavioural experiments. Responses to two key host odour components, 1-octen-3-ol and lactic acid, and a commercially-available mosquito lure (BG-Lure (TM)) were assessed and compared relative to an air control. We also tested whether trials could be conducted outside of the normal evening activity period of N. neivai without impacting on fly behaviour, and whether the same flies could be used to assess baseline responses to air without affecting responses to octenol, thereby reducing the number of flies required for experiments.Results: Octenol was found to both activate host-seeking behaviour and attract female N. neivai in the wind tunnel, while lactic acid elicited weaker responses of activation and attractiveness under identical conditions. The BG-Lure did not activate or attract N. neivai under test conditions. Further experiments showed that sandfly behaviour in the wind tunnel was not affected by time of day, such that experiments need not be restricted to nocturnal hours. Moreover, using the same flies to measure both baseline responses to air and attraction to test compounds did not affect odour-seeking behaviour.Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrate that N. neivai taken from the field are suitable for use in laboratory olfactometer experiments. It is hoped this work will facilitate further research into chemical ecology of this species, and other ACL vectors.


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This work presents an approach for geometric solution of an optimal power flow (OPF) problem for a two bus system (a slack and a PV busses). Additionally, the geometric relationship between the losses minimization and the increase of the reactive margin and, therefore, the maximum loading point, is shown. The algebraic equations for the calculation of the Lagrange multipliers and for the minimum losses value are obtained. These equations are used to validate the results obtained using an OPF program. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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With the increase of processing ability, storage and several kinds of communication existing such as Bluetooth, infrared, wireless networks, etc.., mobile devices are no longer only devices with specific function and have become tools with various functionalities. In the business field, the benefits that these kinds of devices can offer are considerable, because the portability allows tasks that previously could only be performed within the work environment, can be performed anywhere. In the context of oil exploration companies, mobile applications allow quick actions could be taken by petroleum engineers and technicians, using their mobile devices to avoid potential catastrophes like an unexpected stop or break of important equipment. In general, the configuration of equipment for oil extraction is performed on the work environment using computer systems in desktop platforms. After the obtained configuration, an employee goes to equipment to be configured and perform the modifications obtained on the use desktop system. This management process equipment for oil extraction takes long time and does not guarantee the maintenance in time to avoid problems. With the use of mobile devices, management and maintenance of equipment for oil extraction can be performed in a more agile time once it enables the engineer or technician oil can perform this configuration at the time and place where the request comes for example, near in the oil well where the equipment is located. The wide variety of mobile devices creates a big difficulty in developing mobile applications, since for one application can function in several types of devices, the application must be changed for each specific type of device, which makes the development quite costly. This paper defines and implements a software product line for designing sucker-rod pumping systems on mobile devices. This product line of software, called BMMobile, aims to produce products that are capable of performing calculations to determine the possible configurations for the equipment in the design suckerrod pumping, and managing the variabilities of the various products that can be generated. Besides, this work performs two evaluations. The first evaluation will verify the consistency of the products produced by the software product line. The second evaluation will verify the reuse of some products generated by SPL developed


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Coastal and marine protected areas are created to protect habitat, avoid biodiversity loss, and to help maintain viable fisheries. However, most of these areas in tropical countries occurs in impoverished regions and directly affect the livelihood and survival of coastal communities which directly depend on fisheries and shellfisheries. Therefore, socioeconomic and conservation goals overlap. In this context, fishers should have a central place in resource management. They are critical resource users and their behavior directly affects the system. Shellfish resources are important sources of food, employment and income to fishing communities in Latin America. But despite its widespread use for food and income, there is an urgent need of more research on shellfish management. This research discusses the artisanal fisheries of Venus clam (Anomalocardia brasiliana) (Gmelin, 1791) (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in Brazil, and points out strategies to improve the system. Venus clam is a small and commonly exploited species for food and income on the Brazilian coast. This research was carried out at Ponta do Tubarão Sustainable Development Reserve (Brazilian Northeast coast), where there was no information available about who harvest, where or how much Venus clam has been harvested, despite this resource being exploited for generations. Clam fishery follows the pattern of socio-economic invisibility that general clam exploitation has in Brazil. Methods used were interviews, participatory monitoring and focal follow observation from January 2010 to May 2011. Results include: (a) the identification of shell fishers, (b) how harvest and meat processing are performed (mollusk beds, time spent, gross and net production), (c) the analisis of shell fisher income and their economic sustentability, and (d) the involvement of shell fisher families in data gathering and analyses for the first time. Based on the acquired knowledge, we propose a new institutional arrangement for clam fishery including co-management, fisheries agreement, compensatory arrangements and improvements for the Venus clam value chain such as the establishment of a minimum price for clam meat. This research also includes two other results: a general description for Venus clam harvesting in the Brazilian Northeast coast and a specific discussion about co-management of Venus clam in Brazil. The first one was possible through the meeting of several shell fisherwomen from other states during activities promoted by People of the Tides (PoT) project. PoT was an international initiative aiming to develop coastal communities that depend on mollusk for their livelihood. The second one is a comparison between PoT and Venus clam management at Pirajubaé Marine Extractive Reserve (Santa Catarina). It evaluates the success and failures of these only two initiatives involving co-management of A. brasiliana in Brazil


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This report presents the use of a dental implant with an anti-rotational attachment for the retention of a thumb prosthesis. A retention system was manufactured with an attachment (UCLA) screwed into the implant with a two-bar system that was cast in metallic silver palladium. A substructure made from heat-cured acrylic resin was joined to the retention system by clips to join the thumb to the finger (bar clip) in the cast with implant rejoinder. The silicone material, Silastic-MDX 44210, was used to achieve function and aesthetics. Following osseointegration, no skin problems were observed. Whilst the implant-retained digital prosthesis presented some motor limitations, it allowed the patient to return to entertainment and achieve social conviviality.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Cattleya genus has a great importance in the flower agro-business market. Fusarium wilts, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cattleyae, is considered one of the main factors of decline and death of plants of this genus. Using seven hybrids (intra and intergenerics) of Cattleya, tests of resistance and susceptibility to F. oxysporum were performed in conditions of greenhouse for 12 months, using, as evaluation criterion, a scale of the disease severity ranging from one (resistant) to eight (highly susceptible). High susceptibility to the fungus by Cattleya Nobile's Wax Toy, Cattleya Orquidacea's Mister Fast intrageneric hybrids and Potinara Orquidacea's Havana Brown intergeneric hybrid, related to Brassocattleya Orquidacea's Melody intergeneric hybrid, high resistance to the pathogens was observed.


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Dois métodos de manejo de irrigação, por tensiometria e pelo balanço hídrico climatológico simplificado baseado no tanque Classe A, foram aplicados e avaliados os resultados no balanço de água no solo, na evapotranspiração e na produtividade de grãos da cultura do feijoeiro, cultivar IAC-Carioca, conduzida na estação seca com irrigação por pivô central, após uma cultura de milho (estação úmida), no primeiro ano de cultivo, nos sistemas de plantio direto e convencional em uma área de Latossolo Vermelho. Concluiu-se que ambos os métodos são possíveis de serem adotados por irrigantes ou técnicos com níveis médios de tecnologia e conhecimento, embora com a tensiometria seja possível um melhor entendimento das reais condições hídricas do solo na região do sistema radicular da cultura. Não foram verificadas diferenças importantes de armazenamento de água no solo e de produtividade de grãos entre os sistemas de plantio nesse primeiro ano; o manejo por tensiometria resultou em maiores variações na água disponível consumida do que o do balanço hídrico climatológico simplificado e resultou, em relação a esse, economia de 15% na água de irrigação aplicada, sem afetar a produtividade de grãos.


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The result of few-particle ground-state calculation employing a two-particle nonlocal potential supporting a continuum bound state in addition to a negative-energy bound state has occasionally revealed unusually strong attraction in producing a very strongly bound ground state. In the presence of the continuum bound state the difference of phase shift between zero and infinite energies has an extra jump of pi as in the presence of an additional bound state. The wave function of the continuum bound state is identical with that of a strongly bound negative-energy state, which leads us to postulate a pseudo bound state in the two-particle system in order to explain the unexpected attraction. The role of the Pauli forbidden states is expected to be similar to these pseudo states.


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Organic-inorganic hybrids were prepared using ureapropyltriethoxysilane, methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane and acrylic acid modified zirconium(IV) n-propoxide precursors and were characterized by small angle X-ray scattering, X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The results indicate an effective interaction between the zirconium-based nanoparticles and the siliceous nanodomains that induces changes in the hybrids' emission features. Planar waveguides were obtained by spin-coating of the prepared sols on sodalime and silica substrates. Refractive index, thickness, number of propagating modes, and attenuation coefficient were measured at 543.5, 632.8 and 1550 nm by the prism coupling technique. The synergism between the two hybrid precursors resulted in monomode planar waveguides with low losses in the infrared ( from 0.6-1.1 dB cm(-1)) which also support a number of propagating modes in the visible ( losses from 0.4-1.5 dB cm(-1)). Channel waveguides were also obtained by UV photopatterning using amplitude or phase masks and propagating modes were observed at 1550 nm.


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A class of shape-invariant bound-state problems which represent transitions in a two-level system introduced earlier are generalized to include arbitrary energy splittings between the two levels as well as intensity-dependent interactions. We show that the coupled-channel Hamiltonians obtained correspond to the generalizations of the nonresonant and intensity-dependent Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonians, widely used in quantized theories of lasers. In this general context, we determine the eigenstates, eigenvalues, the time evolution matrix and the population inversion matrix factor.