983 resultados para Criação verbal
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
In this action research study of my classroom of 10th grade Algebra II students, I investigated three related areas. First, I looked at how heterogeneous cooperative groups, where students in the group are responsible to present material, increase the number of students on task and the time on task when compared to individual practice. I noticed that their time on task might have been about the same, but they were communicating with each other mathematically. The second area I examined was the effect heterogeneous cooperative groups had on the teacher’s and the students’ verbal and nonverbal problem solving skills and understanding when compared to individual practice. At the end of the action research, students were questioning each other, and the instructor was answering questions only when the entire group had a question. The third area of data collection focused on what effect heterogeneous cooperative groups had on students’ listening skills when compared to individual practice. In the research I implemented individual quizzes and individual presentations. Both of these had a positive effect on listing in the groups. As a result of this research, I plan to continue implementing the round robin style of in- class practice with heterogeneous grouping and randomly selected individual presentations. For individual accountability I will continue the practice of individual quizzes one to two times a week.
In this action research study of my classroom of 10th grade Algebra II students, I investigated three related areas. First, I looked at how heterogeneous cooperative groups, where students in the group are responsible to present material, increase the number of students on task and the time on task when compared to individual practice. I noticed that their time on task might have been about the same, but they were communicating with each other mathematically. The second area I examined was the effect heterogeneous cooperative groups had on the teacher’s and the students’ verbal and nonverbal problem solving skills and understanding when compared to individual practice. At the end of the action research, students were questioning each other, and the instructor was answering questions only when the entire group had a question. The third area of data collection focused on what effect heterogeneous cooperative groups had on students’ listening skills when compared to individual practice. In the research I implemented individual quizzes and individual presentations. Both of these had a positive effect on listing in the groups. As a result of this research, I plan to continue implementing the round robin style of in- class practice with heterogeneous grouping and randomly selected individual presentations. For individual accountability I will continue the practice of individual quizzes one to two times a week.
Young children have the strong desire to use all of the communicative tools their cultures and families offer them. They want to be able to do all of the things that the powerful people they admire can do, including talking, writing, drawing, using the computer, and otherwise creating and sharing ideas, memories, solutions, even jokes and feelings. Today, we live in a time when the communicative tools are changing rapidly, practically exploding before our eyes in terms of the formats and media available to us in complex combinations not seen before. What do these technological changes mean for how we can support children's development toward literacy? An integrated arts curriculum has long been favored by many educators, but today there are more reasons than ever to implement such a philosophy. From communications theory comes a new understanding of how modern technologies demand that children learn to "read" and "write" messages involving complex combinations and integrations of visual and verbal formats. From psychology come insights about intelligence being multiple not unitary, as well as ecological perception theory offering a well-accepted framework for analyzing the affordances and expressive possibilities of different media. From education come fresh approaches to integrated curriculum, including a philosophy and pedagogy from Reggio Emilia, Italy, that combines well with current thinking by North Americans. Altogether, we have many rationales and exciting strategies at hand for launching young children toward an integrated visual and verbal literacy that involves substance, challenge, and discipline, as well as innovation, creativity, and freedom.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
The purposes of this study were to investigate a) the effect of redundant and non-redundant instruction on external focus of attention adoption, b) the effect of adopting an external focus of attention on performance in a front crawl swimming task, and c) the effect of redundancy in the wording of a verbal instruction on the above variables. 43 college students (m/f) aged 17 to 46 swam 25 m crawl at maximum speed, once under each of three conditions: without focus instruction (SF), following a focus instruction (CF) and a redundant focus instruction (CFR), in counterbalanced order. For focus adoption control, after completing the task participants were asked about what they had focused on while swimming. As a measure of performance, time and number of strokes were taken and the stroke index was calculated. The results showed that under redundant focus instruction (CFR) condition, 42 % failed to adopt the attentional focus as asked, and following focus (CF) instruction, 23 %. Under CF condition, the frequency of participants that adopted the focus was higher than of those who did not. Performance did not differ significantly among the three conditions (p>0,05). These findings stress the need of manipulation checks in attentional focus research, regarding both performance and motor learning efficiency, as well as the need for further investigation into the relation between instruction extension and performance.
O compartilhamento de custos e de conhecimento, traduzidos neste trabalho por troca e criação de valor, foi objeto de estudo em duas redes empresariais do varejo alimentício, localizadas na região central do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo foi investigar se essas possibilidades competitivas, advindas da estratégia de rede, estão sendo exploradas pelos gestores das empresas associadas. A pesquisa foi conduzida pelo método de estudo de caso, cuja coleta de dados processou-se por meio de visitas in loco acompanhadas de entrevistas com os principais executivos das redes e de questionários para os gestores das empresas associadas. Como resultado, pôde-se perceber que ambas exploram com maior ênfase as possibilidades de troca de valor, principalmente nas relações conjuntas de aquisição e relacionamento com clientes, em detrimento dos outros componentes da cadeia de valor. Por outro lado, em termos de criação de valor, verificou-se que existe um ambiente de intensa aprendizagem em ambas as redes, mas evidenciaram-se dificulda- des de efetivar a criação de valor com ações conscientes.
O objetivo do trabalho foi o de estudar o processo estratégico, testar algumas hipóteses acerca desse processo e propor modelos explicativos para a criação de estratégia em pequenas empresas de base tecnológica. A estratégia empresarial é uma área de significativa importância para os estudos administrativos, tendo em vista o impacto das decisões e ações estratégicas para o sucesso das empresas. Além disso, a teoria sobre estratégia está fortemente fundamentada em estudos realizados em empresas de grande porte, maduras, podendo, portanto, apresentar viés quando considerada a sua aplicação em empresas de pequeno porte e empresas em fase de desenvolvimento. Este estudo analisou os processos de criação de estratégias e propôs um conjunto de modelos representativos desses processos para pequenas empresas de base tecnológica criadas sem a formalização de planos de negócios, o que foi muito comum no início dos polos tecnológicos brasileiros na década de 80. Foi realizado um trabalho de campo cuja natureza foi a de pesquisa aplicada. O procedimento técnico utilizado foi o estudo multicasos, sendo investigadas cinco empresas de pequeno e uma de médio porte, conforme classificação pelo número de empregados, todas de base tecnológica e localizadas no Polo Tecnológico de São Carlos, em São Carlos, SP. O resultado da pesquisa evidenciou que as estratégias são criadas por etapas distintas, o que permitiu a construção de um conjunto de modelos representativos do processo de criação de estratégias, além de confirmar algumas hipóteses formuladas, podendo destacar que a ausência de formalização de planos de negócios não impediu o sucesso das empresas estudadas.
O confinamento de matrizes suínas foi criado com o intuito de maximizar a produtividade; entretanto, existem problemas relacionados ao bem-estar animal. Objetivou-se avaliar a criação de matrizes suínas gestantes no sistema de confinamento e ao ar livre, com relação ao ambiente térmico e às respostas fisiológicas. O experimento foi realizado em Monte Mor/SP. A avaliação fisiológica foi realizada por meio do registro das variáveis: frequência respiratória e temperatura de pele. Foram registradas as variáveis meteorológicas: temperatura de bulbo seco, temperatura de bulbo úmido e temperatura de globo negro, caracterizando o ambiente por meio da entalpia e índice de temperatura de globo e umidade. Foram utilizados seis animais por tratamento. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em parcelas subdivididas, e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. As variáveis fisiológicas e meteorológicas apresentaram valores superiores no confinamento. O sistema de criação ao ar livre potencializou as trocas térmicas entre os animais e o ambiente, o que refletiu em menor estresse por calor observado nos animais.