919 resultados para Coronal planes
Las últimas Resoluciones del ICAC que regulan los requisitos de los programas de formación teórica exigidos para el acceso al ROAC, han generado incertidumbre entre aquéllos que habiéndolos cursado o habiendo sido dispensados de la primera fase del examen por alguna de las dos convocatorias anteriores, ahora se les exige conocimientos adicionales a cursar y examinar en próximas convocatorias del ROAC. Los escándalos financieros y los fraudes continuos (comenzaron con Enron-2000) no ayudan ni facilitan a la recuperación de la credibilidad y confianza que debe proporcionar la Auditoría de Cuentas. Por ello las Autoridades europeas exigen mayor formación y más controles que salvaguarden la calidad auditora. Asimismo, las Universidades han sufrido grandes reformas en las titulaciones y planes de estudio (adaptarse a los vectores de Bolonia) que han supuesto modificaciones de los programas formativos homologados por el ICAC. En este trabajo pretendemos analizar los requisitos que los futuros auditores deberán cumplir en relación a la formación teórica ante las nuevas exigencias del ICAC.
Máster en Dirección Empresarial desde la Innovación y la internacionalización. Curso 2013/2014
This work is concerned with the derivation of optimal scaling laws, in the sense of matching lower and upper bounds on the energy, for a solid undergoing ductile fracture. The specific problem considered concerns a material sample in the form of an infinite slab of finite thickness subjected to prescribed opening displacements on its two surfaces. The solid is assumed to obey deformation-theory of plasticity and, in order to further simplify the analysis, we assume isotropic rigid-plastic deformations with zero plastic spin. When hardening exponents are given values consistent with observation, the energy is found to exhibit sublinear growth. We regularize the energy through the addition of nonlocal energy terms of the strain-gradient plasticity type. This nonlocal regularization has the effect of introducing an intrinsic length scale into the energy. We also put forth a physical argument that identifies the intrinsic length and suggests a linear growth of the nonlocal energy. Under these assumptions, ductile fracture emerges as the net result of two competing effects: whereas the sublinear growth of the local energy promotes localization of deformation to failure planes, the nonlocal regularization stabilizes this process, thus resulting in an orderly progression towards failure and a well-defined specific fracture energy. The optimal scaling laws derived here show that ductile fracture results from localization of deformations to void sheets, and that it requires a well-defined energy per unit fracture area. In particular, fractal modes of fracture are ruled out under the assumptions of the analysis. The optimal scaling laws additionally show that ductile fracture is cohesive in nature, i.e., it obeys a well-defined relation between tractions and opening displacements. Finally, the scaling laws supply a link between micromechanical properties and macroscopic fracture properties. In particular, they reveal the relative roles that surface energy and microplasticity play as contributors to the specific fracture energy of the material. Next, we present an experimental assessment of the optimal scaling laws. We show that when the specific fracture energy is renormalized in a manner suggested by the optimal scaling laws, the data falls within the bounds predicted by the analysis and, moreover, they ostensibly collapse---with allowances made for experimental scatter---on a master curve dependent on the hardening exponent, but otherwise material independent.
RESUMEN: Este trabajo muestra qué es el conflicto, las estrategias más utilizadas en educación para gestionarlo y en concreto la de la mediación. Además, contiene un análisis cualitativo para conocer la necesidad e importancia de tener un programa de mediación en las escuelas, realizado a través de varias entrevistas en tres centros educativos del País Vasco. El análisis de estas entrevistas lleva a pensar que la mediación es una herramienta adecuada para resolver los conflictos que se crean en las escuelas, pero que no debe ser la única, sino una más dentro de los programas y planes de un centro.
En la última década, la diversidad social se ha visto reflejada en nuestras escuelas, y ha llevado a nuestro sistema educativo a desarrollar políticas y planes de actuación que favorezcan el desarrollo de una escuela de calidad para todos. En el presente trabajo planteamos analizar las prácticas educativas que llevan a cabo en el centro Hijas de la Caridad de Nuestra Señora de Begoña, y realizar propuestas de mejora que puedan contribuir al progreso hacia un centro más inclusivo. Para el desarrollo del trabajo hemos utilizado la técnica de grupos focales contando con la participación de miembros activos de la comunidad educativa. (Español)
Under coronal conditions, the steady state rate-equations are used to calculate the inter-stage line ratios between Li-like Is(2)2p(P-2(3/2))-> 1s(2)2s -> ((2) S-1/2) and He-like 1s2p (P-1(1))-> 1s(2) (S-1(0)) transitions for Ti in the electronic temperature ranges from 0.1 keV to 20 keV. The results show that the. temperature sensitivities are higher at the electronic temperature less than 5000 eV and the temperature sensitivities will decrease with the increase of electronic temperature.
We simulate incompressible, MHD turbulence using a pseudo-spectral code. Our major conclusions are as follows.
1) MHD turbulence is most conveniently described in terms of counter propagating shear Alfvén and slow waves. Shear Alfvén waves control the cascade dynamics. Slow waves play a passive role and adopt the spectrum set by the shear Alfvén waves. Cascades composed entirely of shear Alfvén waves do not generate a significant measure of slow waves.
2) MHD turbulence is anisotropic with energy cascading more rapidly along k⊥ than along k∥, where k⊥ and k∥ refer to wavevector components perpendicular and parallel to the local magnetic field. Anisotropy increases with increasing k⊥ such that excited modes are confined inside a cone bounded by k∥ ∝ kγ⊥ where γ less than 1. The opening angle of the cone, θ(k⊥) ∝ k-(1-γ)⊥, defines the scale dependent anisotropy.
3) MHD turbulence is generically strong in the sense that the waves which comprise it suffer order unity distortions on timescales comparable to their periods. Nevertheless, turbulent fluctuations are small deep inside the inertial range. Their energy density is less than that of the background field by a factor θ2 (k⊥)≪1.
4) MHD cascades are best understood geometrically. Wave packets suffer distortions as they move along magnetic field lines perturbed by counter propagating waves. Field lines perturbed by unidirectional waves map planes perpendicular to the local field into each other. Shear Alfvén waves are responsible for the mapping's shear and slow waves for its dilatation. The amplitude of the former exceeds that of the latter by 1/θ(k⊥) which accounts for dominance of the shear Alfvén waves in controlling the cascade dynamics.
5) Passive scalars mixed by MHD turbulence adopt the same power spectrum as the velocity and magnetic field perturbations.
6) Decaying MHD turbulence is unstable to an increase of the imbalance between the flux of waves propagating in opposite directions along the magnetic field. Forced MHD turbulence displays order unity fluctuations with respect to the balanced state if excited at low k by δ(t) correlated forcing. It appears to be statistically stable to the unlimited growth of imbalance.
7) Gradients of the dynamic variables are focused into sheets aligned with the magnetic field whose thickness is comparable to the dissipation scale. Sheets formed by oppositely directed waves are uncorrelated. We suspect that these are vortex sheets which the mean magnetic field prevents from rolling up.
8) Items (1)-(5) lend support to the model of strong MHD turbulence put forth by Goldreich and Sridhar (1995, 1997). Results from our simulations are also consistent with the GS prediction γ = 2/3. The sole not able discrepancy is that the 1D power law spectra, E(k⊥) ∝ k-∝⊥, determined from our simulations exhibit ∝ ≈ 3/2, whereas the GS model predicts ∝ = 5/3.
[ES]El sistema PAMELA III, con sus correspondientes phased arrays, se diseñó para la detección de daños en aeronaves mediante la tecnología SHM (structural health monitoring). Sin embargo, según los estudios del profesor Tadeusz Stepinski, la distribución de los piezoélectricos utilizada en estos phase arrays producen interferencias. Por ello, este proyecto se basa en el diseño de cuatro phased arrays diferentes, utilizando una de las distribuciones de piezoélectricos estudiada por el profesor Tadeusz. La distribución utilizada es la de cross-shaped (en forma de cruz), con lo que se consigue disminuir las interferencias producidas en los antiguos phased arrays. Además, se ha producido un diseño que es compatible tanto con PAMELA III, como con una futura actualización a PAMELA IV. Con lo que se ha conseguido que se pueda aumentar el tamaño de almacenamiento de la memoria utilizada cambiando la tecnología 1-wire por la de I2C, que sería utilizada solo en el sistema PAMELA IV. Aparte del diseño de los PCBs, también se han diseñado unas piezas de plástico que aportan rigidez a los phased arrays y además, hace que la parte inferior de la tarjeta quede toda a la misma altura y no sobresalgan los piezoélectricos, con lo que aumentará la facilidad de instalación.
The Low Energy Telescopes on the Voyager spacecraft are used to measure the elemental composition (2 ≤ Z ≤ 28) and energy spectra (5 to 15 MeV /nucleon) of solar energetic particles (SEPs) in seven large flare events. Four flare events are selected which have SEP abundance ratios approximately independent of energy/nucleon. The abundances for these events are compared from flare to flare and are compared to solar abundances from other sources: spectroscopy of the photosphere and corona, and solar wind measurements.
The selected SEP composition results may be described by an average composition plus a systematic flare-to-flare deviation about the average. For each of the four events, the ratios of the SEP abundances to the four-flare average SEP abundances are approximately monotonic functions of nuclear charge Z in the range 6 ≤ Z ≤ 28. An exception to this Z-dependent trend occurs for He, whose abundance relative to Si is nearly the same in all four events.
The four-flare average SEP composition is significantly different from the solar composition determined by photospheric spectroscopy: The elements C, N and O are depleted in SEPs by a factor of about five relative to the elements Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Cr, Fe and Ni. For some elemental abundance ratios (e.g. Mg/O), the difference between SEP and photospheric results is persistent from flare to flare and is apparently not due to a systematic difference in SEP energy/nucleon spectra between the elements, nor to propagation effects which would result in a time-dependent abundance ratio in individual flare events.
The four-flare average SEP composition is in agreement with solar wind abundance results and with a number of recent coronal abundance measurements. The evidence for a common depletion of oxygen in SEPs, the corona and the solar wind relative to the photosphere suggests that the SEPs originate in the corona and that both the SEPs and solar wind sample a coronal composition which is significantly and persistently different from that of the photosphere.
We propose a surface planar ion chip which forms a linear radio frequency Paul ion trap. The electrodes reside in the two planes of a chip, and the trap axis is located above the chip surface. Its electric field and potential distribution are similar to the standard linear radio frequency Paul ion trap. This ion trap geometry may be greatly meaningful for quantum information processing.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar in vivo a detecção de cárie através do exame visual ICDAS, transiluminação por fibra ótica combinado ao ICDAS e exame radiográfico. Um total de 2.279 superfícies proximais e cicatrículas e fissuras em incisivos superiores, pré-molares e molares permanentes e 272 superfícies em molares decíduos em72 escolares (8 a 18 anos) foram avaliadas por um examinador treinado. Os sete escores para detecção de cárie primária do sistema visual ICDAS foram aplicados. Dois equipamentos de transiluminação por fibra ótica foram avaliados: FOTI Schott (SCH), com ponta de fibra ótica com 0,5mm de diâmetro, e FOTI Microlux (MIC), com diâmetro da ponta 3 mm. Durante o exame combinado FOTI/ICDAS, a fibra ótica era utilizada tanto para iluminar quanto para transiluminar a superfície sob avaliação. O exame radiográfico (RX) consistiu de radiografias interproximais posteriores e periapicais anteriores. Os exames foram realizados em consultório odontológico após escovação supervisionada. No primeiro dia de exame, o exame visual utilizando o ICDAS era realizado e em seguida, o exame combinado ao MIC ou SCH. Logo após era realizado o exame radiográfico. Após uma semana, novamente o ICDAS era realizado, e em seguida o exame combinado com o equipamento de FOTI não utilizado na semana anterior. Os exames foram repetidos em 10 pacientes após intervalo mínimo de uma semana para avaliação da reprodutibilidade intra-examinador, a qual apresentou valores de 0,95 (ICDAS), 0,94 (MIC), 0,95 (SCH) e 0,99 (RX) pelo kappa ponderado. Em cicatrículas e fissuras de permanentes, o RX julgou que um número maior de superfícies apresentava lesão em dentina (53) do que os outros métodos (34 a 36); porém não detectou nenhuma lesão em esmalte, as quais foram identificadas pelo ICDAS (94), SCH (107) e MIC (91). Em proximais permanentes, a transiluminação por fibra ótica identificou maior número de proximais como lesão em esmalte - 150 (SCH) e 139 (MIC) - do que o exame visual (106), enquanto o RX identificou somente 43. Em oclusais de decíduos, os quatro métodos julgaram um número aproximadamente similar de superfícies sem lesão (52 a 59) ou com lesão em dentina (21 a 26), assim como para lesões proximais em dentina (31 a 36). Entretanto um número reduzido de lesões proximais decíduas em esmalte foi julgado pelo exame radiográfico (3) em comparação com os outros métodos (15 a 16). Em decíduos, o ICDAS e o FOTI combinado ao exame visual julgaram maior número de lesões proximais em esmalte que o exame radiográfico, sendo que número similar de lesões em dentina foram classificadas pelos quatro métodos em oclusais e proximais de molares decíduos. Em cicatrículas e fissuras de permanentes, tanto o exame visual ICDAS quanto sua combinação aos dois equipamentos de transiluminação apresentaram maior similaridade de superfícies julgadas como lesão em esmalte ou como lesão em dentina, enquanto o exame radiográfico classificou mais superfícies como lesão em dentina e nenhuma como lesão em esmalte. A adição da transiluminação por fibra ótica ao exame visual aumentou em um terço a detecção das lesões cariosas proximais julgadas em dentina pelo ICDAS isoladamente e aproximadamente quadruplicou o número daquelas assim classificadas pela avaliação radiográfica em permanentes.
En el presente trabajo se estudia la evolución del gasto público en la política de vivienda en España. La política de vivienda constituye una parte más de la Economía del Bienestar, aunque no ha recibido la misma atención que otros de sus componentes, como la salud, la educación o las pensiones. Comenzaremos situando a España en el contexto europeo y observaremos como los efectos de la crisis internacional han afectado de manera significativa a las partidas de gasto de este bien. Conoceremos cuáles son los principales objetivos e instrumentos de la política de vivienda en España y analizaremos la evolución de la misma. De este modo, se detallarán los Planes de Vivienda que se han ido elaborando desde comienzos del siglo XX hasta nuestros días. A continuación, evaluaremos la situación en la que nos encontramos en base a algunas características del mercado de vivienda. Para finalizar, se cierra el trabajo estableciendo una serie de conclusiones breves y unas posibles propuestas de mejora o posibles caminos a seguir.
采用一种特殊的二次光栅用于激光波前测量, 它对非零级衍射光束具有不同的聚焦效应, 其光栅线为圆弧型而非直线。导出了在会聚光束情况下的两平面成像在单一像平面上的距离关系, 实验上实现了二次光栅用于会聚光束的波前测量, 测量得到会聚光束具有较大的散焦(-2.93λ)和球差(1.34λ), 与该透镜引起波前的离焦像差理论理想值(-2.695λ)基本符合。该技术可以实现波前的高空间分辨力和高精度实时测量, 大大减少光学元件数量, 降低装置成本。由于大功率激光束的不稳定性, 其波前变化非常快, 所以该方法的实时性非
Fast radio bursts (FRBs), a novel type of radio pulse, whose physics is not yet understood at all. Only a handful of FRBs had been detected when we started this project. Taking account of the scant observations, we put physical constraints on FRBs. We excluded proposals of a galactic origin for their extraordinarily high dispersion measures (DM), in particular stellar coronas and HII regions. Therefore our work supports an extragalactic origin for FRBs. We show that the resolved scattering tail of FRB 110220 is unlikely to be due to propagation through the intergalactic plasma. Instead the scattering is probably caused by the interstellar medium in the FRB's host galaxy, and indicates that this burst sits in the central region of that galaxy. Pulse durations of order $\ms$ constrain source sizes of FRBs implying enormous brightness temperatures and thus coherent emission. Electric fields near FRBs at cosmological distances would be so strong that they could accelerate free electrons from rest to relativistic energies in a single wave period. When we worked on FRBs, it was unclear whether they were genuine astronomical signals as distinct from `perytons', clearly terrestrial radio bursts, sharing some common properties with FRBs. Recently, in April 2015, astronomers discovered that perytons were emitted by microwave ovens. Radio chirps similar to FRBs were emitted when their doors opened while they were still heating. Evidence for the astronomical nature of FRBs has strengthened since our paper was published. Some bursts have been found to show linear and circular polarizations and Faraday rotation of the linear polarization has also been detected. I hope to resume working on FRBs in the near future. But after we completed our FRB paper, I decided to pause this project because of the lack of observational constraints.
The pulsar triple system, J0733+1715, has its orbital parameters fitted to high accuracy owing to the precise timing of the central $\ms$ pulsar. The two orbits are highly hierarchical, namely $P_{\mathrm{orb,1}}\ll P_{\mathrm{orb,2}}$, where 1 and 2 label the inner and outer white dwarf (WD) companions respectively. Moreover, their orbital planes almost coincide, providing a unique opportunity to study secular interaction associated purely with eccentricity beyond the solar system. Secular interaction only involves effect averaged over many orbits. Thus each companion can be represented by an elliptical wire with its mass distributed inversely proportional to its local orbital speed. Generally there exists a mutual torque, which vanishes only when their apsidal lines are parallel or anti-parallel. To maintain either mode, the eccentricity ratio, $e_1/e_2$, must be of the proper value, so that both apsidal lines precess together. For J0733+1715, $e_1\ll e_2$ for the parallel mode, while $e_1\gg e_2$ for the anti-parallel one. We show that the former precesses $\sim 10$ times slower than the latter. Currently the system is dominated by the parallel mode. Although only a little anti-parallel mode survives, both eccentricities especially $e_1$ oscillate on $\sim 10^3\yr$ timescale. Detectable changes would occur within $\sim 1\yr$. We demonstrate that the anti-parallel mode gets damped $\sim 10^4$ times faster than its parallel brother by any dissipative process diminishing $e_1$. If it is the tidal damping in the inner WD, we proceed to estimate its tidal quantity parameter ($Q$) to be $\sim 10^6$, which was poorly constrained by observations. However, tidal damping may also happen during the preceding low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) phase or hydrogen thermal nuclear flashes. But, in both cases, the inner companion fills its Roche lobe and probably suffers mass/angular momentum loss, which might cause $e_1$ to grow rather than decay.
Several pairs of solar system satellites occupy mean motion resonances (MMRs). We divide these into two groups according to their proximity to exact resonance. Proximity is measured by the existence of a separatrix in phase space. MMRs between Io-Europa, Europa-Ganymede and Enceladus-Dione are too distant from exact resonance for a separatrix to appear. A separatrix is present only in the phase spaces of the Mimas-Tethys and Titan-Hyperion MMRs and their resonant arguments are the only ones to exhibit substantial librations. When a separatrix is present, tidal damping of eccentricity or inclination excites overstable librations that can lead to passage through resonance on the damping timescale. However, after investigation, we conclude that the librations in the Mimas-Tethys and Titan-Hyperion MMRs are fossils and do not result from overstability.
Rubble piles are common in the solar system. Monolithic elements touch their neighbors in small localized areas. Voids occupy a significant fraction of the volume. In a fluid-free environment, heat cannot conduct through voids; only radiation can transfer energy across them. We model the effective thermal conductivity of a rubble pile and show that it is proportional the square root of the pressure, $P$, for $P\leq \epsy^3\mu$ where $\epsy$ is the material's yield strain and $\mu$ its shear modulus. Our model provides an excellent fit to the depth dependence of the thermal conductivity in the top $140\,\mathrm{cm}$ of the lunar regolith. It also offers an explanation for the low thermal inertias of rocky asteroids and icy satellites. Lastly, we discuss how rubble piles slow down the cooling of small bodies such as asteroids.
Electromagnetic (EM) follow-up observations of gravitational wave (GW) events will help shed light on the nature of the sources, and more can be learned if the EM follow-ups can start as soon as the GW event becomes observable. In this paper, we propose a computationally efficient time-domain algorithm capable of detecting gravitational waves (GWs) from coalescing binaries of compact objects with nearly zero time delay. In case when the signal is strong enough, our algorithm also has the flexibility to trigger EM observation {\it before} the merger. The key to the efficiency of our algorithm arises from the use of chains of so-called Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, which filter time-series data recursively. Computational cost is further reduced by a template interpolation technique that requires filtering to be done only for a much coarser template bank than otherwise required to sufficiently recover optimal signal-to-noise ratio. Towards future detectors with sensitivity extending to lower frequencies, our algorithm's computational cost is shown to increase rather insignificantly compared to the conventional time-domain correlation method. Moreover, at latencies of less than hundreds to thousands of seconds, this method is expected to be computationally more efficient than the straightforward frequency-domain method.
Ante el reciente aumento del dinamismo y la globalización en los mercados, los análisis, estrategias y planes de acción están adquiriendo una mayor importancia para todas las empresas. En una economía cambiante, anticiparse a los cambios y estar preparados para nuevas realidades es un objetivo prioritario de las empresas. El plan de marketing es un medio más para conseguir anticiparse a las nuevas características de los mercados. Cada empresa tiene características diferentes, por lo que es necesario que el plan se adapte a la organización y no al revés. Por ejemplo, en las grandes empresas se ha mostrado como un arma comercial determinante, pero en las PYMES puede convertirse incluso en un sustitutivo de la planificación estratégica. En éste trabajo se realizará un plan de marketing en la práctica para “Abereen Klinikak”, una PYME del sector veterinario, aplicando el método analítico sintético. Se realizará un análisis previo del mercado y un diagnóstico de la situación de la empresa, se marcarán los objetivos, estrategias y acciones a seguir, y se implantará un plan de control y seguimiento de ellos. Todo ello desde una forma estructurada y sistematizada, con el fin de seguir la mejor estrategia comercial posible para la empresa. Abstract Due to the recent increase of dynamism and market globalization, analyzes, strategies and action plans are becoming increasingly important for all businesses. In a changing economy, to anticipate changes and be prepared for new realities is a priority for companies. The marketing plan is another way of being able to anticipate the new market characteristics. Each company has different characteristics, so it is necessary that the marketing plan suits the organization and not vice versa. For example, in large companies it has been shown as a key commercial weapon, but for SMEs it could even become a substitute for strategic planning. In this project a marketing plan for "Abereen Klinikak", an enterprise which belongs to the SME sector, will be implemented. The marketing plan will be put into practice using the synthetic analytical method. To do so, preliminary market analysis and an assessment of the company’s situation will be done. Furthermore, goals, strategies and action steps will be scored, and a control and monitoring plan will be implemented. The plan will be put into practice in a structured and systematic way, in order to follow the best business strategy for the company.