956 resultados para Corante de vidro
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
In search for better competitiveness, the automotive industry has discussed and applied several concepts related to people and processes. However, in many organizations, the adopted concepts are implemented and kept unarticulated. In this context, authors recognize the role of the knowledge as competitive advantage, but it is still dealt in an implicit way with the traditional models of Production Management. Exploring opportunities in this scenario, this Thesis aims to analyse worker knowledge sharing using factors of Knowledge Management, Work Organization and Production Organization. For the realization of the present Thesis, the scope of the research was restricted to be the labour environment of the glass plants shop floor. The choice of the glass sector is justified due to high dependency on the tacit knowledge of blue-collars. The research uses a qualitative-quantitative approach and employs interviews with workers and managers to identify factors. To assess the importance of these factors in the management judgments, is employed the technique Incomplete Pairwise Comparisons based on Analytic Hierarchy Process Saaty (2001). The result indicates integration among factors and highlights the importance of systematic and technical conversation among operators to share better your knowledge. Also, worker knowledge sharing is improved using communication, training and work instruction. This research extends the conceptual frameworks encountered in literature from the factors integration of Knowledge Management with the Organization of Work and the Production and makes explicit use of the theme of knowledge. This contributes to promote of a favourable context for the creation and sharing of knowledge, among the people in the labour environment, and to support incremental innovation
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A grande diversidade das atividades industriais ocasiona durante o processo produtivo a geração de resíduos sólidos, líquidos e gasosos, que podem poluir e/ou contaminar o solo, a água e o ar. Embora existam regulamentos para o descarte desses resíduos, a inobservância às regras, a ineficiência dos tratamentos despoluentes e a inoperância de órgãos fiscalizadores permitem que, ainda hoje, sejam lançados ao ambiente grandes cargas de poluentes. Isso se aplica às indústrias de alimentos de origem animal. Felizmente, a visão dos empresários do setor vem mudando, na medida em que a imagem de uma empresa que conta com produtos e processos ambientalmente responsáveis representa parte das estratégias competitivas atuais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar como um efluente industrial pode ser transformado em matéria prima para a obtenção de um produto com valor comercial, utilizando tecnologias reconhecidas pela indústria e a atividade microbiana. O efluente foi obtido em indústria de abate e processamento de tilápias, apresentado (valores médios) pH = 9,4, DQO = 1.127 mg/L, óleos e graxas = 1.166 mg/L, nitrogênio total = 813 mg/L, coliformes a 30–35o C = 1,0x105 NMP/mL, coliformes a 45o C = 0,41 NMP/mL, bolores e leveduras = 4,6x103 UFC/mL e, ocasionalmente, contendo Salmonella sp e Aeromonas sp. Os tratamentos físicos aplicados ao efluente incluíram gradeamento, filtração (50µm) e pasteurização (65o C/30 min). O cultivo de Rubrivivax gelatinosus foi realizado sob anaerobiose em reatores de vidro durante 7 dias, em temperatura ambiente (30±5o C) e 2.000±500 lux. A recuperação da biomassa foi feita por filtração tangencial (0,2 µm; 1,5 bar), centrifugação (3.400 g/30 min; 5o C) e liofilização (-40o C) e a pulverização foi realizada manualmente. A produção de massa celular atingiu 0,18 g/L, com produtividade de 0,0634 g/L.dia. O processo promoveu redução de 52% na DQO, 48% em óleos e graxas e 22% no nitrogênio total, gerando um resíduo com pH 7,9, livre de bactérias patogênicas e, portanto, apto ao descarte. O produto obtido apresentou cor vermelho escuro (L = 22,42; C = 14,22; h = 25,48), 4,55% de umidade, 57,39% de proteína, 11,08% de extrato etéreo, 4,05% de matéria mineral, 3,03 mg/g de oxicarotenóides, 20,27 NMP/g de coliformes a 30–35o C, <1,0 NMP/g de coliformes a 45o C, 1,2x103 UFC/g de bolores e leveduras e ausência de microrganismos patogênicos. Essas características apontam para um potencial pigmentante e nutricional positivo no produto, que pode encontrar aplicação na produção animal, com segurança microbiológica. Dessa forma, fecha-se um ciclo autosustentável que pode ser adotado na própria fonte geradora do resíduo industrial, permitindo a reversão de gastos com tratamento despoluente em receitas advindas da comercialização de um novo produto.
Teeth that have lost much of their coronal tooth structure need intraradical devices to achieve a desired retention of the restorative material, restoring aesthetics and function to the patient. For this purpose, various types of intracanal posts have been studied, of wich the fiber posts have been highlighted with its increasing use in the dental market. The purpose of this study was to present a clinical case of using fiberglass post. As well as critically analyze the published works and points of controversy described by different authors related to factors such as different protocols cementation, surface treatments pins, fracture toughness and compression, the possibility of microleakage, diameter and length of the pin, and the various materials used in conjunction with the intracanal retainers. Thus, we concluded that fiber posts showed as an excellent alternative for anterior teeth, since have least 2 mm of tooth remaining.
Several alloys have been used for prosthodontics restorations in the last years. These alloys have a number of metals that include gold, palladium, silver, nickel, cobalt, chromium and titanium and they are used in oral cavity undergo several corrosion. Corrosion can lead to poor esthetics, compromise of physical properties, or increased biological irritation. The objective of this study was evaluated corrosion resistance of two alloys Ni-Cr and Ni-Cr-Ti in three types of mouthwashes with different active ingredients: 0.5g/l cetylpyridinium chloride + 0.05% sodium fluoride, 0.05% sodium fluoride + 0.03% triclosan (with fluor) and 0.12% chlorohexidine digluconate. The potentiodynamic curves were performed by means of an EG&G PAR 283 potentiostat/galvanostat. The counter electrode was a platinum wire and reference electrode was an Ag/AgCl, KCl saturated. Before each experiment, working electrodes were mechanically polished with 600 and 1200 grade papers, rinsed with distilled water and dried in air. All experiments were carried out at 37.0oC in conventional three-compartment double wall glass cell containing mouthwashes. The microstructures of two alloys were observed in optical microscopy. Analysis of curves showed that Ni-Cr alloy was less reactive in the presence of 0.12% chlorohexidine digluconate while Ni-Cr-Ti alloy was more sensitive for others two types of mouthwashes (0.5g/l cetylpyridinium chloride + 0.05% sodium fluoride and 0.05% sodium fluoride + 0.03% triclosan). This occurred probably due presence of titanium in this alloy. Microstructural analysis reveals the presence of dendritic and eutectic microstructures for NiCr and Ni-Cr-Ti, respectively.
Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of 124 non-carious cervical lesion restorations at 12 months. Materials And Methods: Three study groups were formed according to the material and technique used. All teeth received 37% phosphoric acid etching in enamel and dentin. The teeth of Group I received the conventional adhesive system Scotch Bond Multi Purpose, followed by resin composite Filtek Z350; teeth of Group II were restored with resin-modified glass-ionomer cement Fuji II LC; teeth of Group III were restored with the same resin-modified glass-ionomer cement however, before it was inserted, 2 coats of primer of the Scotch Bond Multi Purpose adhesive system were applied to dentinal tissue. The teeth were evaluated by 2 examiners with regard to the factors of retention, marginal adaptation, marginal discoloration, color alteration, presence of marginal caries lesion, anatomic shape, and sensitivity. Results: Application of the Kruskal-Wallis test showed no statistically significant difference for anatomic shape, marginal discoloration, color alteration, caries lesion, marginal adaptation, and sensitivity among the three study groups, but the variable retention presented statistically significant difference at 12 months, with Group III presenting a behavior superior to that of Group II but similar to that of Group I. Conclusion: The analyzed restorations of non-carious cervical lesions presented a good clinical performance at 12 months.
Objetivo: o objetivo desse estudo in vitro foi avaliar a infiltração marginal coronária após o preparo para retentor em dentes obturados com três diferentes cimentos, de acordo com o período entre a obturação do canal radicular e o preparo para retentor. Métodos: Noventa dentes humanos recentemente extraídos foram limpos e instrumentados e, então, obturados com Sealapex, Endométhasone ou TopSeal. Brocas Gates-Glidden foram utilizadas para o preparo imediato de 10 dentes de cada cimento até manter 5mm de obturação remanescente. Sessenta raízes obturadas foram incubadas a 37°C em meio úmido por 30 e 60 dias para serem, depois, preparadas para os retentores como descrito anteriormente. A superfície externa de cada raiz foi coberta com Araldite. Os espécimes foram imersos em corante azul de metileno a 2% sob vácuo por 24h, para então poderem ser analisados. A infiltração foi mensurada pelo software Sigma Scan da parte superior da obturação à porção apical alcançada pelo corante. Resultado: o Sealapex e o TopSeal apresentaram menor infiltração após o preparo para retentor do que o Endométhasone. O preparo imediato para o retentor apresentou menor infiltração do que o preparo para o retentor após 30 e 60 dias da obturação do canal radicular.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)