1000 resultados para Convexidade generalizada
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
A definição do termo espécie é uma das problemáticas de maior conturbação nas ciências biológicas, em especial nos estudos de ecologia e evolução, repercutindo até mesmo nas ciências humanas. Esse problema teve seu início desde a época de Aristóteles, na era Clássica da filosofia grega, tendo seu grande auge na era da ciência moderna, resultando no que hoje se conhece por a questão das espécies. Sua grande dificuldade atual não está mais em apenas conseguir definir conceito único e universal para se delimitar uma espécie, mas na grande quantidade de conceitos de espécie que existem atualmente, cada um levando a um aumento ou diminuição de um número total de espécies, dependendo de qual foi escolhido por um dado pesquisador, levando a uma inflação taxonômica. Esse efeito ocorre também na paleoantropologia, que pelo estudo de fósseis tenta delimitar a genealogia evolutiva da espécie humana. Há uma grande discussão sobre o possível pertencimento da espécie Homo neanderthalensis como subespécie de Homo sapiens, em especial devido ao grande aparecimento de evidências científicas que surgem seguidamente ano após ano nos estudos paleoantropológicos sobre Neandertais. Devido a isso, quatro conceitos de espécie foram escolhidos através de suas relevâncias e resurgências em artigos científicos, e descritos em suas raízes conceituais: Conceito Biológico de Espécie, Conceito Evolutivo de Espécie, Conceito Ecológico de Espécie e Conceito de Espécie por Reconhecimento. Juntamente com a descrição generalizada de ambas as espécies citadas, uma análise comparativa foi então realizada, aplicando cada conceito para ambas espécies e verificando como ambas se encaixavam. Desse modo, para o Conceito Biológico de Espécie e Conceito Evolutivo de Espécie, ambas cabem como espécies aparte. Para o Conceito Ecológico de Espécie, os Neandertais podem ser considerados uma subespécie de H. sapiens...
The Lavra Velha gold prospect is located in Ibitiara city, in the Espinhaço Setentrional physiographic domain, on the west edge of Chapada Diamantina – central part of Bahia. It is inserting on Gavião Block, a compartment of São Francisco Cráton (Almeida, 1977). The Lavra Velha gold dump is formed by an association of hydrothermal breccia lodged in acid and intermediate rocks, classifying in tonalite, granodiorite and diorite, with high alteration, cut off by a vein and venules system constituted by hydrothermal association composed by hematite, tourmaline, quarz and sericite, located in the north limit of Ibitiara granite. In the regional geological context the area is represented by Archaean rocks (Paramirim Complex) and Paleoproterozoic rocks (Ibitiara granitoid and Matinos Granite) constituted the basement, following by paleo to mesozoic pluton-vulcanic-sedimentary association of Rio dos Remédios Group, intruded by mafic rocks. It was used geochemistry and petrographic analysis compiling to field works data to characterize the rocks where the gold mineralization is inserting. Previously these rocks were classifying in volcanic rocks of Novo Horizonte Formation. Developing this monograph’s work the petrogenetic characteristics suggesting that these rocks called volcanic actually belong to Ibitiara granitoid as a portion more metamorphosed. The green schist is the predominant metamorphism in the area with low deformation, associated to high concentration of fluid circulating. The hydrothermal alteration is the process responsible for rocks modifications and strong sericitization generalize
Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a complication of human pregnancy characterized by hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation. Its incidence varies from 5% to 7% of pregnancies and is a major cause of morbidity and maternal and fetal mortality. This is a multisystemic disease, with focus on vascular dysfunction and is closely related to the exacerbated activation of the immune system. In addition to increased activation of monocytes and granulocytes, there is an elevated production of proinflammatory cytokines in pregnant women with PE. The nuclear transcription factor-kB (NF-kB) is present in the cells of the immune system and is responsible for transcription of genes related to inflammation. Whereas the PE is associated with intense inflammatory response, the use of substances modulating the activity of NF-kB factor could be useful in alleviating the inflammation present in these patients. Silibinin is the main component of silymarin, a polyphenolic extract obtained from fruits and seeds of Sylibum marianum with potent hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic activities. The silibinin mechanism of action includes the ability to inhibit NF-kB activation and, consequently, its migration to the nucleus. The objective of this study was to assess whether silibinin modulates the activity of NF-kB and the production of inflammatory cytokines in mononuclear cells of patients with PE. We evaluated 34 pregnant women with PE, 20 normotensive pregnant women (GN) and 15 non-pregnant women (NG). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were obtained from those groups of women and cultured in the presence or absence of silibinin (5 uM or 50 uM) and stimulated or not with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 18 h to obtain supernatant for determination of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-1 (IL-1β) by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). The cells were...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
In this work, studies aimed at evaluating the unification of concepts and theorems of vector analysis that contributed to the understanding of physical problems in a more comprehensive and more concise than using vector calculus. We study the electrodinamics with differential forms. Were also presented Maxwell's relations with formalism of differential forms in addition allowing formulation one more geometric and generalized. Another feature observed during the study of formalism presented was the possibility of it serving as a substitute to the tensor formalism
The Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis is a chronic disease of endemic character, caused by Leishmania Chagasi in Americas. The inoculation of the promastigote form in the individual triggers a local and widespread immune reaction with formation of inflammatory infiltrates and deposition of immune complexes in tissues. Initial clinical symptoms of the disease are: weight reduction, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and, according to the disease chronicity, signs such as alopecia, erythema, onychogryphosis, arthropathies, renal diseases, pyoderma, seborrheic dermatitis, muscle atrophy and Ocular diseases. Ocular diseases are often reported and are result of the direct parasitism or immune-mediated mechanisms caused by the disease. The Leishmania spp have greater affinity for the anterior segment, so that anterior uveitis is one of the most frequently diagnosed injuries. Blepharitis diffuse and Keratoconjunctivitis also appear as important ocular changes. In histological section, inflammatory infiltrates and macrophages with amastigote form are observed in all ocular tissues, with the exception of the retina and optical nerve. In the clinical analysis and disease diagnosis, should be considered the differential diagnosis, such as Ehrlichiosis and systemic hypertension, because these may cause some ocular manifestations similar to those observed in leishmaniasis
A doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma doença neurodegenerativa que afeta principalmente o controle motor com reflexos negativos no desempenho funcional de seus pacientes. Alterações no equilíbrio podem levar à diminuição da independência e funcionalidade. Alguns estudos evidenciam os benefícios do exercício físico, como alternativa nãofarmacológica para esses pacientes. Objetivo: O presente trabalho analisou e comparou os efeitos de dois programas de atividade física sobre o risco de quedas e o equilíbrio funcional em pacientes com doença de Parkinson. O presente estudo também teve como objetivo verificar a associação entre as variáveis clínicas e comportamentais. Método: Participaram do estudo 30 pacientes com DP idiopática entre os estágios I a III na escala de estagiamento clínico de Hoehn & Yahr, sendo distribuídos em três grupos: grupo de treinamento com pesos (GTP), atividade física generalizada (GAFG) e o grupo controle (GC). O período de intervenção para o GTP e o GAFG foi de quatro meses. As avaliações foram realizadas com os participantes na fase “on” da medicação. Para avaliar o equilíbrio dinâmico juntamente com o risco de quedas foi utilizado o teste Timed Up and Go (TUG) e, para analisar o risco de quedas foi utilizada a Escala de Equilíbrio Funcional de Berg (EEFB). As avaliações clínicas foram realizadas por meio da Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (sub-escalas funcional e motora), escala de nível de gravidade da doença de Hohen & Yahr e Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). O teste U de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para comparação das variáveis analisadas entre os três grupos separadamente por momento do treinamento. Resultados: Apenas em relação à EEFB foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos, com pior desempenho para o grupo controle (GC). Conclusão: Foi possível observar que: os pacientes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This work aims to study several diffusive regimes, especially Brownian motion. We deal with problems involving anomalous diffusion using the method of fractional derivatives and fractional integrals. We introduce concepts of fractional calculus and apply it to the generalized Langevin equation. Through the fractional Laplace transform we calculate the values of diffusion coefficients for two super diffusive cases, verifying the validity of the method
Pemphigus complex in animals is considered rare, but not so when compared with the occurrence of other autoimmune diseases. Pemphigus Foliaceus in dogs is the most common varieties of pemphigus and is characterized clinically by intraepidermal pustules, starting on the face and ears, pads, groin, and may become multifocal or generalized in six months. As the pustules are very fragile, the lesions usually found are secondary, which may range from dry to collarettes epidermal crusting, and nasal depigmentation. The diagnosis is difficult because presents sintomatology similar to other diseases and laboratory diagnosis more precise through the histopathological examination of pustules integrate (biopsy), which are rarely found. The treatment, although of the individual treatment regimen, is based on treating opportunistic diseases and immunosuppressing the animal in order to decrease the production of autoantibodies. The drugs of choice depend on the clinical presentation, however is usually oral prednisone and azathioprine in the dog and combined immunosuppressive therapy. Should make use daily until the disease is inactive and gradually decrease the dose until have the minimum effective dose, preferably on alternate days for the remission of the disease. Prognosis of pemphigus varies according to disease stage and treatment established. Pemphigus foliaceus is less serious nonetheless might be fatal without treatment
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
This article deals with a vector optimization problem with cone constraints in a Banach space setting. By making use of a real-valued Lagrangian and the concept of generalized subconvex-like functions, weakly efficient solutions are characterized through saddle point type conditions. The results, jointly with the notion of generalized Hessian (introduced in [Cominetti, R., Correa, R.: A generalized second-order derivative in nonsmooth optimization. SIAM J. Control Optim. 28, 789–809 (1990)]), are applied to achieve second order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions (without requiring twice differentiability for the objective and constraining functions) for the particular case when the functionals involved are defined on a general Banach space into finite dimensional ones.