996 resultados para Continuous-culture


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Bridge deck deterioration due to corrosive effect of deicers on reinforcing steel is a major problem facing many agencies. Cathodic protection is one method used to prevent reinforcing steel corrosion. The application of a direct current to the embedded reinforcing steel and a sacrificial anode protects the steel from corrosion. This 1992 project involved placing an Elgard Titanium Anode Mesh Cathodic Protection System on a bridge deck. The anode was fastened to the deck after the Class A repair-work and the overlay was placed using the Iowa Low Slump Dense Concrete System. The system was set up initially at 1 mA/sq ft.


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Vehicle crashes rank among the leading causes of death in the United States. In 2006, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety “made a long- term commitment to address the safety culture of the United States, as it relates to traffic safety, by launching a sustained research and educational outreach initiative.” An initiative to produce a culture of safety in Iowa includes the Iowa Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan (CHSP). The Iowa CHSP “engages diverse safety stakeholders and charts the course for the state, bringing to bear sound science and the power of shared community values to change the culture and achieve a standard of safer travel for our citizens.” Despite the state’s ongoing efforts toward highway safety, an average of 445 deaths and thousands of injuries occur on Iowa’s public roads each year. As such, a need exists to revisit the concept of safety culture from a diverse, multi-disciplinary perspective in an effort to improve traffic safety. This study summarizes the best practices and effective laws in improving safety culture in the United States and abroad. Additionally, this study solicited the opinions of experts in public health, education, law enforcement, public policy, social psychology, safety advocacy, and traffic safety engineering in a bid to assess the traffic safety culture initiatives in Iowa. Recommendations for improving traffic safety culture are offered in line with the top five Iowa CHSP safety policy strategies, which are young drivers, occupant protection, motorcycle safety, traffic safety enforcement and traffic safety improvement program, as well as the eight safety program strategies outlined in the CHSP. As a result of this study, eleven high-level goals were developed, each with specific actions to support its success. The goals are: improve emergency medical services response, toughen law enforcement and prosecution, increase safety belt use, reduce speeding-related crashes, reduce alcohol-related crashes, improve commercial vehicle safety, improve motorcycle safety, improve young driver education, improve older driver safety, strengthen teenage licensing process, and reduce distracted driving.


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Amb aquest projecte es pretén documentar tres dècades d'influència jamaicana en la cultura britànica, a partir de l’arribada del vaixell Empire Windrush al 1948, de la independència de Jamaica al 1962 i fins a finals dels anys setanta, coincidint amb l’arribada del rastafarisme. Es tracta de posar de manifest la contribució cultural i social dels jamaicans que, en gran part, ha ajudat al desenvolupament del Regne Unit.Els sound systems, els segells discogràfics i les seves subsidiàries, les gires i concerts d’artistes jamaicans... són una clara mostra de les aportacions de la comunitat jamaicana al país i que molts cops es posen de manifest amb celebracions tan populars com el famós Carnaval de Notting Hill. I és que la música i la cultura jamaicana és quelcom més del que molts es pensen, no només és Bob Marley i el consum de marihuana.


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Identify processes to modify in order to reduce snow plow accidents. Reviewed all [Iowa] D.O.T. snow plow accidents that occurred in calendar years 1992 and 1993.


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The goal of this work was to move structural health monitoring (SHM) one step closer to being ready for mainstream use by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of Bridges and Structures. To meet this goal, the objective of this project was to implement a pilot multi-sensor continuous monitoring system on the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge such that autonomous data analysis, storage, and retrieval can be demonstrated. The challenge with this work was to develop the open channels for communication, coordination, and cooperation of various Iowa DOT offices that could make use of the data. In a way, the end product was to be something akin to a control system that would allow for real-time evaluation of the operational condition of a monitored bridge. Development and finalization of general hardware and software components for a bridge SHM system were investigated and completed. This development and finalization was framed around the demonstration installation on the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge. The hardware system focused on using off-the-shelf sensors that could be read in either “fast” or “slow” modes depending on the desired monitoring metric. As hoped, the installed system operated with very few problems. In terms of communications—in part due to the anticipated installation on the I-74 bridge over the Mississippi River—a hardline digital subscriber line (DSL) internet connection and grid power were used. During operation, this system would transmit data to a central server location where the data would be processed and then archived for future retrieval and use. The pilot monitoring system was developed for general performance evaluation purposes (construction, structural, environmental, etc.) such that it could be easily adapted to the Iowa DOT’s bridges and other monitoring needs. The system was developed allowing easy access to near real-time data in a format usable to Iowa DOT engineers.


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The co-cultivation of fungi has recently been described as a promising strategy to induce the production of novel metabolites through possible gene activation. A large screening of fungal co-cultures in solid media has identified an unusual long-distance growth inhibition between Trichophyton rubrum and Bionectria ochroleuca. To study metabolite induction in this particular fungal interaction, differential LC-MS-based metabolomics was performed on pure strain cultures and on their co-cultures. The comparison of the resulting fingerprints highlighted five de novo induced compounds, which were purified using software-oriented semipreparative HPLC-MS. One metabolite was successfully identified as 4″-hydroxysulfoxy-2,2″-dimethylthielavin P (a substituted trimer of 3,5-dimethylorsellinic acid). The nonsulfated form, as well as three other related compounds, were found in the pure strain culture of B. ochroleuca.


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Multiple motor function and strength assessment tools exist for the evaluation of neuromuscular diseases, but most do not directly assess functional ability in the patients' daily physical activity in their home environment. In this study our aim was to assess: 1) the feasibility and accuracy of physical activity monitoring during two days in a home environment of five DMD patients using a non-commercialized monitor containing a 3D accelerometer and a gyroscope, 2) if a difference in the physical activity parameters could be measured before and one month after starting prednisolone. We reliably quantified the time spend sitting, standing, lying, walking, the number of steps taken, the cadence, the number of walking episodes and their duration as well as how these were distributed over the day. Parameters possibly reflecting endurance, such as the duration of the walking episodes or the succession of two or three walking episodes lasting more than 30 s were the most improved after prednisolone treatment. This degree of detailed determination of physical activity in a home environment has not been previously reported in neuromuscular disorders to our knowledge and some of the reported parameters are potential new outcome measures in clinical trials.


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The objective of this work was to establish tissue culture parameters for gene transfer in sweet orange cultivars. Epicotyl explants with different ages were cultured with 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), kanamycin and hygromycin. Shoots were cultured with alpha-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) alone or in combination with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). The requirement of BAP for shoot development was genotype-specific. Epicotyl explants from 35-day-old seedlings produced significantly more shoots per explant in 'Pêra'. Kanamycin inhibited shoot regeneration for the most cultivars. The percentage of shoots that produced roots in 'Pêra' was significantly higher in medium with NAA and IBA than with NAA alone.


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The objective of this study was to establish cell suspension culture and plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis of a Brazilian plantain, cultivar Terra Maranhão, AAB. Immature male flowers were used as explant source for generating highly embryogenic cultures 45 days after inoculation, which were used for establishment of cell suspension culture and multiplication of secondary somatic embryos. Five semisolid culture media were tested for differentiation, maturation, somatic embryos germination and for plant regeneration. An average of 558 plants per one milliliter of 5% SCV (settled cell volume) were regenerated in the MS medium, with 11.4 µM indolacetic acid and 2.2 µM 6-benzylaminopurine. Regenerated plants showed a normal development, and no visible somaclonal variation was observed in vitro. It is possible to regenerate plants from cell suspensions of plantain banana cultivar Terra using MS medium supplemented with 11.4 µM of IAA and 2.2 µM of BAP.


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Rapport de synthèse : Hypoglycémies nocturnes chez les patients diabétiques de type 1 : que pouvons-nous apprendre de la mesure de la glycémie en continu ? But : les hypoglycémies nocturnes sont une complication majeure du traitement des patients diabétiques de type 1; des autocontrôles de la glycémie capillaire sont donc recommandés pour les détecter. Cependant, la majorité des hypoglycémies nocturnes ne sont pas décelées par un autocontrôle glycémique durant la nuit. La mesure de la glycémie en continu (CGMS) est une alternative intéressante. Les buts de cette étude rétrospective étaient d'évaluer la véritable incidence des hypoglycémies nocturnes chez des patients diabétiques de type 1, la meilleure période pour effectuer un autocontrôle permettant de prédire une hypoglycémie nocturne, la relation entre les hyperglycémies matinales et les hypoglycémies nocturnes (phénomène de Somogyi) ainsi que l'utilité du CGMS pour réduire les hypoglycémies nocturnes. Méthode : quatre-vingt-huit patients diabétiques de type 1 qui avaient bénéficié d'un CGMS ont été inclus. Les indications au CGMS, les hypoglycémies nocturnes et diurnes ainsi que la corrélation entre les hypoglycémies nocturnes et les hyperglycémies matinales durant le CGMS ont été enregistrées. L'efficacité du CGMS pour réduire les hypoglycémies nocturnes a été évaluée six à neuf mois après. Résultats : la prévalence des hypoglycémies nocturnes était de 67% (32% non suspectées). La sensibilité d'une hypoglycémie à prédire une hypoglycémie nocturne était de 37% (OR = 2,37, P = 0,001) lorsqu'elle survient au coucher (22-24 h) et de 43% lorsqu'elle survient à 3 h (OR = 4,60, P < 0,001). Les hypoglycémies nocturnes n'étaient pas associées à des hyperglycémies matinales, mais à des hypoglycémies matinales (OR = 3.95, P < 0.001). Six à neuf mois après le CGMS, les suspicions cliniques d'hypoglycémies nocturnes ont diminué de 60% à 14% (P < 0.001). Abstract : Aim. - In type 1 diabetic patients (TIDM), nocturnal hypoglycaemias (Nlï) are a serious complication of T1DM treatment; self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is recommended to detect them. However, the majority of NH remains undetected on an occasional SMBG done during the night. An alternative strategy is the Continuous glucose monitoring (CGMS), which retrospectively shows the glycaemic profile. The aims of this retrospective study were to evaluate the true incidence of NH in TiDM, the bèst SMBG time to predict NH, the relationship between morning hyperglycaemia and N$ (Somogyi phenomenon) and the utility of CGMS to reduce NH. Methods. -Eighty-eight T1DM who underwent a CGMS exam were included. Indications for CGMS evaluarion, hypoglycaemias and correlation with morning hyperglycaemias were recorded. The efficiency of CGMS to reduce the suspected NH was evaluated after 6-9 months. Results. -The prevalence of NH was 67% (32% of them unsuspected). A measured hypoglycaemia at bedtime (22-24 h) had a sensitivity of 37% to detect NH (OR = 2.37, P = 0.001), while a single measure <_ 4 mmol/l at 3-hour had a sensitivity of 43% (OR = 4.60, P < 0.001). NH were not associated with morning hyperglycaemias but with morning hypoglycaemias (OR = 3.95, P < 0.001). After 6-9 months, suspicions of NH decreased from 60 to 14% (P < 0.001). Conclusion. - NH were highly prevalent and often undetected. SMBG at bedtime, which detected hypoglycaemia had sensitivity almost equal to that of 3-hour and should be preferred because it is easier to perform. Somogyi phenomenon was not observed. CGMS is useful to reduce the risk of NH in 75% of patients.